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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 512x448, Final_Fantasy_IV_(SNES)_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
404543 No.404543 [Reply] [Original]

Let's write fine haiku
regarding the virtues of
old video games

>> No.404570

Small Brave Blue Rodent
Robots Invade The Forest
You Gotta go Fast

>> No.404562

Oh the faggotry.

>> No.404591

I beat the last boss
But it seems I did not save

>> No.404694

Eight robotic foes
Each with a crippling weakness
You only need P

>> No.404719

Emulate all
So much fun, yet little time.
Graduation Day

>> No.404756

New vidya is shit
Praise ye old retro systems
Still good times ahead

>> No.404758

My lungs are on fire
My head is light, my lips numb
Finally, it works

>> No.404805

It is time to fight
You better be prepared for
Panzer des Drachens

>> No.404838

i wish to play games
as i did as a child once--
but we both have aged.

>> No.404863

shooting, running, dead
again: shooting, running, dead
goddamn shit contra

>> No.404898

Turn it on but wait
Hold and blow, motherfucker
Tonight will be fun.

>> No.404904

Collect many bags
To capture douchy pig lords
Tomba is a bro.

>> No.404910

Going back to past
Play shitty games that suck ass
Angry Gaming Nerd

>> No.404936
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>> No.404946

Back then, no neckbeard
Could enjoy games as they were
Only thing left: death

>> No.404959

Late for my own show
The guitar is in my mind
Leave it to Lammy

>> No.405019

Drunk dad stomps on NES
Swings his arms from side to side
"Do the Mario!"

>> No.405028
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Not bad so far, keep it up!

>> No.405087
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replay Wizardry
the fourth one, a real nightmare
I'm wasting my life

>> No.405097

Fuck, Haiku is retarded.

>> No.405119


you get out of it what you put into it

you uncreative motherfucker

>> No.405142

No, it's really the worst form of poetry. It doesn't rhyme, it doesn't alliterate, it doesn't sound nice, I really hope it's better in Japanese, in English it's really bad.

>> No.405145

The theme for Solstice
It's chops are fucking righteous
Pretty good game too

>> No.405162


The Holy Grail
Called Panzer Dragoon Saga
Not Worth Three-Fifty

>> No.405157
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The years roll on by
I kidnap, you rescue her
my cherished rival

>> No.405196

>it doesn't rhyme
>bad poetry
Hold on, let me get
/lit/ on the phone. They will want
to hear this pleb shit.

>> No.405183

Evil Vortex Queen
Welcome me to the Machine
This is so damn hard

>> No.405186


the problem is you're generalizing every poem

even if my only exposure to poetry was the shit my teenage classmates wrote in High School, I still wouldn't write it all off as shit

>> No.405190

Here's my own poetry I made, it's called Pokudoku. The rules are you have to have the word "shit" in it at least 5 times.

I eat shit, while I shit, when I shit I eat shit, because I like shit.

Really great "poetry" isn't it?
This is how random haiku is, it doesn't actually have a foundation to it.

>> No.405202

I wish to replay
But today I find it dead
The save battery

>> No.405205

To me it's about making the best of the limitations you're given. No less valid than "conventional poetry" and actually requires more thinking than simply googling words that ryhme.

>> No.405209

What is poetry if it doesn't have anything "to" it?

>> No.405224
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I'd think this was an impressive analogy if I were six. Says absolutely nothing about Haiku's themselves and is still a horrendously unfounded generalization

>> No.405225


What're you, a math major? Fuck off, you don't know shit.

>> No.405236

All I see is a weaboo getting mad because I'm right, what's wrong with conventional poetry? At least it makes sense.

>> No.405234

haikus are stupid
they sound fine in japanese
but dumb in english

>> No.405230


This, it's like chiptune music. Even plebs should understand this if they're on /vr/.

>> No.405240

Generalization of what? weaboos?

>> No.405260


>Implying I said there was anything wrong with conventional poetry

>putting words in my mouth so you can keep arguing

You're trolling, aren't you? Keep that shit on /v/.

>> No.405273
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>They attack me because I don't get haiku's
>They must REALLY like haiku's
>And by virtue, they must be weaboos
>Also, they don't like "conventional poetry", which I also do not understand myself

You have to try to be this dumb, ha ha

>> No.405268

Better than Mario
Guh-huh, motherfucking nerds.

>> No.405287
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one
Way to describe FFT
Fucking fuck Wiegraf

>> No.405278

Haikus make more sense in japanese since the language is structured in an entirely different way
The translation to english doesn't work well at all.

>> No.405297

>>405190 rubbed fifty nigger cocks
each one of them was hard like rocks
and when he finally was done
he swallowed a bowl of nigger cum

>> No.405291

That's not what I was implying.

I was saying, why make Haiku when there are so many better forms of poetry? Does it make you feel special? I think Japanese culture should stay Japanese, you just sound like hipsters and the only reason you "like" Haiku is because it makes you feel special, makes you feel Japanese; or somehow because it's Japanese it's good, and anyone who says it's bad just doesn't "get" it because it's foreign.

>> No.405294


The actual words might sound better in Japanese but you can still make some aesthetically pleasing haiku's in English

>> No.405318


You're making more unfounded assumptions and even unironically employing the word "hipster"

We are literally just saying we still find that medium is still pleasing in English. Is that so hard for you to believe? You cannot be so stupid. You should definitely get it by now, with this explanation

>> No.405313

Still sounds better than haikus.

That's the beauty of conventional poetry.

>> No.405327

I wait here for dreams
Across the water, I hear
A soft rustling

>> No.405331


I like it.

>> No.405324


On what basis? What makes it better?

>> No.405337

"Pleasing" in what way? It's got nothing to it, five syllables and 7 then 5 again, that's it? Really great stuff you've got there, totally isn't just because it's Japanese and not completely mainstream yet, nah totally.

>> No.405359

It has something to it maybe?

Haiku doesn't rhyme it doesn't alliterate, it has nothing. Rhyming poetry sounds nice or frightening or how ever you want it to sound, Haikus just sound like broken English.

>> No.405379


I like the haiku's I like because they produce something that sounds interesting/convey an image to me when read. Also, what's with this negative fixation Japan? Neither me or that other guy has even implied that we enjoy the medium simply because it's Japanese; you are ridiculous.

>> No.405381

What's the matter?
Its too deep for you?
Sucks doesn't it.

>> No.405385

A large air bubble
Alas, the music tells me
My time has run out

>> No.405395


Are you implying that you need rhyming or alliteration to make beautiful poetry?

You know that haiku isn't the only form of poetry that doesn't rhyme, right?

>> No.405393

That phrase "too deep for you" it's got hipster all over it.

Because it doesn't make sense otherwise, there is no way someone can like haikus more than conventional poetry.

>> No.405410

>Because it doesn't make sense otherwise, there is no way someone can like haikus more than conventional poetry.

No one has even said we like it more, fuck off with this shit already. Go complain to /lit/.

Also, >>405205

>> No.405413

What other kind is there?

But yeah, be honest with yourself, do you find haiku beautiful? In what way?

>> No.405424

Go read Winnie the Pooh and come back.
a. a. milne awaits

>> No.405430

I don't need to complain to /lit/ there's a thread right here.

>> No.405445
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trolling haiku threads
you bear a familiar stench
fuck off back to /v/

>> No.405446

The ocarina
compels me forward; to peace?
Nay, just nostalgia.


Fingers flow freely
until they contort into
a street-fighter knot.

>> No.405442
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somebody be mad

>> No.405454

>What other kind is there?

Holy shit are you serious

Go learn something high-school level about poetry and then come have this discussion--not before.

>> No.405449

Buy potions and tents
Roam through to vampire lair
Triumph! Teleport.

>> No.405453
File: 288 KB, 813x455, really faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want people worth speaking to to take you seriously, start realizing that "because they're Japanese" is the only reason people like Haiku's.

Some material for reading:


>> No.405459

Not all of those were me, it seems others agree with me.

I'm glad too, because they're so bad you don't even follow the rules. Haikus are supposed to have a hidden "nature" theme too them or some shit like that

>> No.405460

ignore the /v/ troll
he cannot into haiku
his anger runs deep

>> No.405480


One too many in the middle there

>> No.405479


Ice burned by a poet. damn

>> No.405470


A good one

>> No.405475

You can't even tell me, perhaps you should do as mentioned?

>> No.405491

Go take your broken "English"Haikus are meant to be broken Japanese, you're doing it wrong somewhere else.

>> No.405496


But the one you replied to does

As do several others in the thread

I know you're trolling but I keep responding just in case you're really retarded

Which is not a good reason, so I'm stopping now.

>> No.405505

Evening approaches
Play Betrayal at Krondor
Drink coffee. Fuck yeah!

>> No.405504

I meant the entire thread as a whole, and all other weaboos out there.

>> No.405517

My job is stressful
So I write vidya haiku
Instead of working

>> No.405520
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Stop replying to
this unwanted aspie and
Start writing haiku

>> No.405523
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a rancorous soul
pours his rage into the world
a sexless /v/irgin

>> No.405526
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>Haikus are meant to be broken Japanese
>Broken implies some sort of aleatoric effort
>Haiku's are minimal but meticulously designed

This guy is a class S troglodyte. Fixated on weabooism even as myriad explanations are given as to why various people like haikus. Doesn't understand that poetry doesn't have to rhyme and that it's all about portraying the beauty of language.

Just hide him and keep writing haiku

>> No.405528

Whatever, I'm bored of arguing now. Get on with your poems if you must.

>> No.405543

One last thing
>beauty of language
>uses haiku to convey that

Anyway goodbye.

>> No.405534
File: 234 KB, 380x350, hataz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Stop having fun, guys!"
But they would not cease their games,
So he sat and wept.

>> No.405551

Relationships suck
but not my old friends
Zelda and Kirby

>> No.405570
File: 118 KB, 252x325, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Such a complete and perfect defeat; a gloriously concise submission.

I'll finally start hiding you, should you actually continue.

>> No.405584

HoMM 3, Mass Prayer
Crush enemy effortless
next up: Conflux

>> No.405637

Forces now prepared
Miriam will suff- wait what?
Yang - treacherous dog

>> No.405664

Kung Fu for the NES
Simple in it's perfection
But still fucking hard

>> No.405729
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>> No.405732

my dwarven fortress
finally had enough beer
oh god the goblins

>> No.405812
File: 130 KB, 498x700, jewel_master[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prowess of crystals
A sword that smites the dark lord
O, combinations