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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 130 KB, 1440x603, tmp_2089-ossc-final_1-1736383436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4044962 No.4044962 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have an OSSC.

>> No.4044968

Permanently out of stock.
Weird random quirks.
Outputs what is imputed so no arcades or dos with odd refresh rates.

>> No.4044969

Too much lag to bother with

>> No.4044990

Have a VP400 and Framemeister already.

>> No.4045019

I own a PVM, so I don't need a meme solution intended for idiots.

Honestly, anyone who thinks scaling is the issue with HDTVs needs a head examination.

>> No.4045052

Enjoy your 14in. display.

>> No.4045056

>Hey guys, I just spent money on this thing I didn't really need to play SD games on HD displays, please help me feel good about it or else I'll try to convince myself that you're all wrong.

>> No.4045087

There are PVMs and BVMs with at least 21" displays (because I own several)

>> No.4045186
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because I own a BVM 14G5U

>> No.4045195

But I do have one.

How long do I get to explain why I don't use it?

>> No.4045218

I know you're playing me, but I'll bite. Why buy it to not use it?

>> No.4045232

I'm not underage so I play in my old crt from 25 years ago.

>> No.4045242

I have a 21" December 2002 manufactured pvm, and I also have an RGB capture card in an i7 machine that lets me upscale and add scanlines (or any other shader) with no lag.

The capture card AND the PC were less expensive than the OSSC (Epiphan DVI2PCIe and an Dell 9010 SFF pc, $99 and $120 respectively).

The PVM also only cost me $95, shipped to California, from a medical surplus store in Oregon.

>> No.4045260

Genuinely not trolling you.

I bought it on a whim then happened upon a couple of really nice big Trinitrons (PVM-2950QM and 27" Profeel). Also I didn't really see a great improvement in scaling or lag on the display I intended to use it with (Pioneer Kuro PDP-428XD).

>> No.4045274

>Permanently out of stock.


I got the Saturn SD card 4 times now and I've yet to see the OSSC in stock at any time.

>> No.4045280

Hmmm it's line double mode looked fine to me but I got it in x4 right now on my 40" LCD and am super happy with it.

I suggest a simple old school line doubler if you're aiming for 480p

>> No.4045346

What exactly would I use one for?

>> No.4045348

I'm not saying it looks bad, just that plugging the consoles in directly via SCART was honestly just as good with far less hassle.

That said the Kuro excels with SD signals in general so this obviously won't apply to everyone.

>> No.4045369

because it's essentially vaporware

>> No.4045428

How do I have two? One ready and built kit.
You can even build it completely by yourself.

>> No.4045437 [DELETED] 


>> No.4045440

The two I have are 19". Faggot.

>> No.4045452

I play my retro games on a 27" CRT, I don't need some converter.

>> No.4045631

Because I'm not a retard.
I own 85 assorted PVMs and the one I use the most is a June 2004 20L2 with three RGB inputs.

>> No.4045660
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>I'm not a retard
>I own 85 assorted PVMs

>> No.4045682

>not taking every free PVM you can get your hands on
>not building a wall of PVMs around your battlestation

>> No.4045832

can I have one of your 85 pvms? I only have 1.

>> No.4045879

Check the catalog my dude, I'll sell you one .

>> No.4045883

>10 seconds
wait for it
wait for it

>> No.4045921

Best video game related thing I have ever bought. Dumped all my CRTs in the garbage instantly

>> No.4045950


I have a PC with a video card that outputs S-Video.

>> No.4045952

I've got a Framemeister and it just works. No fucking around like with the OSSC.

>> No.4045967

eh i was kinda interested but its an 8 hour drive at least.

>> No.4046037

Got a PVM that was being junked by a warehouse for free

>> No.4046039

I haven't the slightest idea what one is.

>> No.4046197

I have a 20 and a 27" CRT. I also have a 65" plasma and emulators if i want to play on a big screen.
>I own an extremely expensive 4" monitor that requires custom cabling
>I don't need a meme solution intended for idiots.

>> No.4046221


lol, fall for the crt meme and get btfo

>> No.4046329

I only want one for SNES, but I hear that's the one console they have issues with

I've seen concept designs for a 'Wolf Edition' of the OSSC, which has HDMI. That'd be cool

I'm also curious as to whether there will be a 4K framemeister once they discontinue the current one

>> No.4046361

>I own an extremely expensive 4" monitor that requires custom cabling
It's 20", and a SCART to BVM cable is 5 fucking dollars.

It's kind of sad that people are this salty just because they didn't hop on the retro bandwagon in time.

>> No.4046417

>>thing I didn't really need to play SD games on HD displays

im not sure what you mean by this. i have a generic box that converts to hdmi and the picture looks like complete ass and garbage. why not get an ossc so it looks crisp?

>> No.4046520

PVM-2950Q here. ha ha

>> No.4048404
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I have one, but I got it before they created an expansion board for digital audio. Also, since I went JP21 and I cannot afford a JP21 to Euro SCART converter at this time, my OSSC is only for Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2. Plus my capture card does not work with its line 3X, 4X, and 5X modes. I saw a nice 28" Samsung 4k computer monitor today at Costco which I think will work with the OSSC, but it was $300, well outside my pay grade and I still have to use my old CRT monitor.

>> No.4048498

Already have a Framemeister. I was somewhat interested in the OSSC to satisfy my 'tism by getting rid of that extra frame of input lag, but they're never in stock and sound like a pain in the ass to set up. Plus it wouldn't work with my AV Famicom without spending a bunch more money to get it RGB-modded. And then it might not even work with my TV. So eh, I'll wait for the next revision and see if Micomsoft announces an XRGB-4 in the meantime.

>> No.4049104

no scaling-feature

>> No.4049128

I got one for later. Right now I have an old toshiba LCD that works with every old console and some samsungs that don't. It's already damn hard to find good CRTs where I live, TVs don't always come with SCART or VGA, component will disappear in the next 5 years. Eventually there will be no choice but to use scalers. I used it briefly, works well enough.

>> No.4049167

I don't even know what that is

>> No.4049310

What we need is a 4K Framemeister, since 4K is a multiple of 240p, unlike 1080p.

From what I understand, the 'lag' of the current framemeister is like 1 frame, which is less than any emulator, and I don't even notice lag with emulation.

>> No.4049340

Also because only poorfags and kids with limited space don't have 4K.
>I don't even notice lag with emulation

>> No.4049382

>Permanently out of stock.
Open Source Hardware my dude, no fuckin excuse.
What kind of mongoloid can't do some basic SMD soldering?

>> No.4049415

it costs about 5 times more than i paid for my monitor

>> No.4049617
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Its not how the developers intended.

>> No.4049627

>since 4K is a multiple of 240p, unlike 1080p.

Yeah but it isn't a multiple of 525, which is the amount of lines in an NTSC signal. No overscan = shit.

>> No.4049630

because I have a Framemeister and OSSC is vaporware

>> No.4049864

fairly certain there's literally no lag

>> No.4049867

I have a framemeister

>> No.4049924

You don't notice the lag, either. You just don't want to risk looking stupid, get called a "pleb", or be seen as "uncool" by a bunch of reject kiddos on an anonymous imageboard, so you go along with whatever they say.

>> No.4050303

But I do. What I don't do is project and avoid fighting games because I can't git good.

>> No.4050697

Are you guys happy with your Framemeisters? Do you notice input lag?

>> No.4050724

Overall, yeah, I'm quite happy with mine. There are a few things I'd change about it, but for now there's no viable alternative that doesn't involve making compromises in some way.

>Do you notice input lag?
I speedrun a certain popular SNES action game and I can sometimes vaguely tell that there's a small amount of lag, but how much of that is due to the Framemeister and how much is due to my TV, I can't say. For any other game, it's completely unnoticeable to me.

It's worlds better than emulators, in any case. I use them occasionally for testing purposes, but playing on emulator feels like wading through mud compared to a real console through the Framemeister.

>> No.4050730

I don't even know what it is.

>> No.4051019
File: 43 KB, 450x337, 1476299324840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stuff like this that helps me understand why people become packrats and tech hoarders

this shit is really nifty and doesn't really serve any importance but it's so cool to have around. I'm looking through the thread just ogling all the fresh ass tvs and wishing I could adopt everything. But I know not to because I hardly have any time to use any of it.

t. some guy who has 2 tvs and five beige computer cases shoved into his closet

>> No.4051073

American video threads always confuse the shit out of me. RGB is nice, but not THAT nice. If I didn't have easy access to RGB via SCART I'd just deal with composite or emulate. All these weird ass devices make no sense to me and don't seem worth it.a

>> No.4051076

Sounds dangerously close to OSS and I hate CIAniggers

>> No.4051089

Just because you're nearly blind doesn't mean all of us are.

Anyway, the main point of upscalers like these isn't so much for RGB per se, but for displaying 240p properly and with as little lag as possible on an HDTV.

>> No.4051119

If you want low lag and you're playing on a HDTV, your plan is flawed from the start.

>> No.4051130

Not really. There are IPS displays with around half a frame of lag, and the OSSC adds none of its own. That should satisfy pretty much everyone. LCD tech has come a long way in the last 10 years. CRTs aren't really necessary anymore except for nostalgia/collector value.

And even if you're truly autistic and insist on a CRT, the OSSC is still useful because you can use it to play on a CRT PC monitor, which are much cheaper and more readily available than PVMs.

>> No.4051135

>>Not really. There are IPS displays with around half a frame of lag, and the OSSC adds none of its own. That should satisfy pretty much everyone.
Half a frame is a joke. We're still talking about, what, 3 or 4 orders of magnitude more latency than a CRT?

>the OSSC is still useful because you can use it to play on a CRT PC monitor, which are much cheaper and more readily available than PVMs.
Way to completely miss the point of playing on a CRT. Sub-pixel alignment is completely different on a PC monitor, and you lose all of the benefits for 240p content. A PC display performs a little better with 480p, but given that applies to a grand total of ONE console which already has VGA output, it's a pretty big waste of your time.

A consumer CRT TV (ideally trinitron) costs nothing, you don't need a fucking PVM if you were too dumb to buy them when they were 50 bucks shipped to your door for a 20 incher. It'll look a fair bit better than a PC CRT, and a million times better than your upscaled turd on a fancy IPS monitor.

>> No.4051151

>Half a frame is a joke. We're still talking about, what, 3 or 4 orders of magnitude more latency than a CRT?
And yet it's still such an insignificant delay that it doesn't matter, regardless of how much of a god gamer you think you are.

>A PC display performs a little better with 480p
What do you think the OSSC is for, you idiot? You're not dealing with 240p at all, it's now a progressive 480/720/960/1200-line signal, with or without scanlines at your choosing. CRT PC monitors work great at these resolutions. Sub-pixel alignment, fucking please.

So to sum up, yeah, the OSSC is great if you want a nice sharp picture and aren't a retarded autist like this guy.

>> No.4051160
File: 682 KB, 2048x949, rdGqmJJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not dealing with 240p at all, it's now a progressive 480/720/960/1200-line signal, with or without scanlines at your choosing. CRT PC monitors work great at these resolutions. Sub-pixel alignment, fucking please.
You understand literally nothing about display technology or the intended picture of these games, you absolute fucking monkey. Next you're going to tell me about how all SNES games should be played in the 8:7 output resolution despite many of them being designed for the 4:3 stretched consumer resolution.

Just because you don't understand sub-pixel alignment, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Stretching a picture and adding some scanlines produces a completely unintended effect. These games were created with SD CRTs in mind, and spending a few hundred bucks on a scaler means you're fucking retarded or live in a shoebox.

>> No.4051168

Your post is so wrong I don't even know where to start, but it's pretty clear I understand far more about video than you do, at the very least.

But sure, keep playing on blurry consumer CRTs if you want, no one's stopping you.

>> No.4051213


Dont most of the test that check input lag do the top, middle, and bottom of the screen then average them out? That seems really dumb as you can be off a frame top or bottom due to how lcds refresh and your setup.

the thing that sucks about input lag is that it is cumulative. Even controllers can add to it if you build your own arcade stick depending upon board you use.

Its nice to see OSSC doesn't have any lag except like 2 scanlines iirc, but it loses a lot out via compatibility to tvs vs framemeister and not being 1080p (which forces your tv to upscale hence more lag albeit however minor).

Another reason to keep a crt is for 480i games and games that change from 240p to 480i (yay blackouts). You aren't getting good deinterlacing at sub 2 frames/3 unless you turn on that fast deinterlacing that looks horrible.

>> No.4051657
File: 20 KB, 456x456, 1495827820071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you guys are saying that if I was thinking about getting an OSSC that I should just kill myself instead because I'll never be able to play retro games the way they were meant to be played?

>> No.4051662


>> No.4051927

The Framemeister has 1 frame of lag or 0.0166 seconds lag. You'll never notice it, at least from the Framemeister's end. Your TV is most likely to be the real issue when it comes to lag. Make sure you're in game mode at least. I use a Sony W705 model TV which has 0.0135 seconds of lag. All in all that's 0.03 seconds input lag which is fine for everything except games that are absolutely the most ridiculously timing-intense.

So yeah, it's great. I'm absolutely happy with it.

>> No.4052051

I do have an OSSC.

I like old games, but was never nostalgic for CRTs, or BVMs/PVMs/whatever. Too heavy and I never even noticed scan lines when I was younger.

The only issue is light gun games, but I just use an emulator and a PC light gun for those.

>> No.4052054

>I never even noticed scan lines when I was younger.
Because you didn't own a trinitron, dude.

>> No.4052070


Actually I did buy a 27in Sony Trinitron in 1996 for around $500. Square corners and somewhat flat screen. Still have it. The two aperture grill wires bugged me at first.

Still prefer classic gaming on a 65in LCD via an OSSC than going full retro.

>> No.4052345


People often get confused saying 1 frame doesn't make a difference as people don't react that fast but it does depending upon context. It messes with timing of stuff that you have been hard conditioned to do via muscle memory or doing split second reactions. Sometimes you can compensate and "anticipate" but it is still a pain in the ass. things that come to mind are 1 frame links, hit confirms, and perfects in rhythm games. They just feel off with any amount of input lag.

1 frame of lag is like 16.67 ms for 60 fps stuff, XRGB mini adds 18-20MS (I can't find a hard number but usually agreed upon number is within this range). Keep in mind input lag is cumulative so add that to your tv as well and you're probably sitting at 2 frames of lag depending upon what portion of the screen you're on.

Would be cool to see the next xrgb successor reduce the lag down to OSSC levels.

>> No.4052373

The XRGB-3 had a simple line-double mode that adds no lag, but like the OSSC, it had poor compatibility and 480i deinterlacing was as you'd expect. Obviously can't use the fancier features like zooming in that mode, either.

I agree, it would be cool to see that feature make a return in the "XRGB-4" or whatever they call it, but apart from the lack of composite/S-video input, the OSSC already covers that use case pretty much as well as it's going to be covered.

>> No.4052686
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just got this email

>> No.4053006
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Gonna be honest, I have no idea what the fuck a PVM is. I've never heard them mentioned outside of this board. Whats the big deal about computer monitors? What's wrong with just using a regular shitty old CRT with RGB?

Pic related, a "JMB" brand (no I haven't heard of them either) TV.

>> No.4053053
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>> No.4053072

I'm not going to help you validate your purchase.

>> No.4053095

i've been wanting to buy one for over half a year now and it's never fucking available to buy

>> No.4053106

i've been wanting to buy one for over half a year now and it's never fucking available to buy

also >all this retarded wrong information spread in dozens of posts

neo /vr/ is why i dont come around here anymore

>> No.4053128

Are you subscribed to the newsletter?

I acted quick when availability was announced (and had a bit of lucky timing I guess). Two weeks from learning of its existence to having one in my hand.

>> No.4053140

i am and i have never received an email from them about updates or anything can you link me to the correct site?

>> No.4053357


As it says there your email client may be treating them as spam. Whitelist them and/or check your spam folder.

>> No.4053394

I subscribed to that and so far all I got was spam, no announcement.

>> No.4053413

This video explains PVMs quite well: https://youtu.be/RAi8AVj9GV8

>> No.4053687

9010. Nice. I use those at my work

>> No.4053689

This guy

>> No.4054293

pvm is a commercial grade monitor, often without actual 'tv' component, ie its just a monitor. sony marketed their pvm series of trinitrons that were used in the movie and television industries. since the early 2000s many places have been getting rid of their stocks and people have realized how well suited they are for retro games. they are inherently higher quality then consumer sets of the time, with better quality phosphers and higher line counts which makes the games look that much better as opposed to the standard television set you could buy at the time.

computer monitors look crisp as hell for retro gaming however normally you cant hook up retro stuff to a pc crt as most dont support the 15khz that retro consoles output.

>> No.4054296

I have a crt for all the 240p consoles and just use an old line doubler for 480i consoles on the TN. I don't really like the upscaled pixel look so I just haven't got one. Maybe when the CRTs dry up.

>> No.4054314

I have zero knowledge on this, so this is what I could get from this thread:

>emulators are bad
>you need crt to play old games legitimately
>if you dont have crt, use these good-lucking stuff i have no idea of its funcionality

Am I correct on these assumptions?

>> No.4054365

You can play old games however the fuck you want. Don't let the autists tell you otherwise. If you're happy with your current solution, more power to you.

That said, if you're after the best possible setup, you have to do your research and decide what's important to you, as every solution comes with compromises and caveats.

>I want maximum sharpness on my HDTV with minimal fuss and am willing to pay for it
Framemeister with RGB cables.
>I want maximum sharpness on my HDTV, and I don't mind needing to learn and experiment to get things working properly
OSSC with RGB cables.
>I want maximum sharpness on my HDTV, but I'm a cheapass and don't mind a bit of input lag
>I want maximum sharpness on a CRT and am willing to pay for it
PVM/BVM with RGB cables.
>I want decent sharpness on a CRT but PVMs are too expensive
Good consumer set with component inputs and an RGB-to-component converter.
>I want that nostalgic feel on a CRT, just like when I was a kid
Whatever random consumer set you can find with composite cables.

>> No.4055885

Fucking sign up for the newsletter, you retard. Do you and like 5 other people who bitch about it being out of stock read what it says on the website?

>> No.4056403

Scalers are an endless money pit.

>> No.4056831

You can't just say that and not show me a picture of your wall of PVMs