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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4034825 No.4034825 [Reply] [Original]

What is the comfiest retro game? Why don't modern games feel as comfy?

>> No.4034996 [DELETED] 

Report in if you want to straight up kill OP for using "comfy" unironically.

>> No.4035003

I can't see Narshe as a comfy place
> Being held captive
> Raped repeatedly
> Have no free wild.

FF V felt more comfy. Even 1

>> No.4035013

Narshe is meant to be the contrary of "comfy".

>> No.4035073

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

>> No.4035101 [DELETED] 

second this report and move on.

>> No.4035139

>Why don't modern games feel as comfy?
Because you have no nostalgia for them.

>> No.4035145

If you ask me Elder Scrolls IV has a very comfy town and wilderness atmosphere. Can't think of many other examples

>> No.4035164

>Why don't modern games feel as comfy?
GTA and Call of Duty killed the "comfy" market.

I didn't had nostalgia for Final Fantasy 9 when I first played it and felt comfy.

>> No.4035178

as long as I've know this board it has been only been mildly hostile, when did /vr/ become ultra gay, is it summer in the states already?

>> No.4035184

Summer starts around the end of the month for most states, this normal shittiness

>> No.4035279

Kakarikoo Village in OoT
I used to roam there all the time during morning, noon and night, imagining dialogues and activities. I barely knew english at the time so I had no idea what they were saying

>> No.4035282

I unironically use "comfy" all the time to describe things. Stay mad though.

>> No.4035283
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>> No.4035289
File: 999 KB, 500x280, monwXD1r0sqjpo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some hella comfy modern games.

Comfiest retro game is SaGa Frontier 2


>> No.4035374

It's sort of cozy if you forget about the context, which I think is easy because it doesn't always impart that "oppressed" feeling it seeks. It's kind of sleepy, and looks like it might be pretty warm as opposed to the surrounding region.

>> No.4035443


Narshe is more cozy than comfy. It's all the snow and steamy warm interiors.

>> No.4035767
File: 15 KB, 175x231, 1405717734704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's comforting to know that even though /vr/ has turned to shit, there's still this one retard raging about the use of 'comfy'. keep on keeping on, anon.

>> No.4035769

Everything social turns to shit with time, at least /vr/ is still better than /v/ and most other video game discussion boards on the internet.

>> No.4035985
File: 287 KB, 500x611, dragon quest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQIII SNES remake is extra cozy, not just for the similar tilesets.

>> No.4035996

Damn that looks beautiful.

>> No.4036110


>> No.4036129

Kakariko is the definition of comfy for me. Good choice.

Also, congrats on learning English. I hear it's really tough for non-native speakers.

>> No.4036134

Goddamn that's pretty.
Everyone suggests the GBC version but I'm leaning towards playing the SNES version now.

>> No.4036142

>Why don't modern games feel as comfy?
Because graphics look closer to real life and real life isn't comfy at all.

>> No.4036164

>Why don't modern games feel as comfy?

Too many of them avoid having light-hearted moments because "mature games for mature people".

>> No.4036194

People saying depressing or dystopian settings can't be comfy do not seem to fully get the intention of the term. To me comfy is a feeling a game gives you. It isn't based on how it would feel to legitimately live in the setting. It's a byproduct of immersion through atmosphere and mechanics. When someone says that a game is comfy what they're really saying is "It feels good to play this game."

In that regard dystopian settings can absolutely be comfy. The straight up comfiest game setting I've ever experienced was STALKER and that's fucking based in a grimdark, essentially hopeless radioactive wasteland.

For retro games I'd say some of my comfiest experiences would be...

Age of Wonders
Super Metroid
Seiken Densetsu 3
Baldur's Gate

>> No.4036196


The River King games. Like Harvest Moon, but more explicitly based off rural Japanese life.

>> No.4036198

On top of my head:

>Super Mario World
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Final Fantasy VII
>Psycho Fox
>Tobal 2

All pretty comfy.

>> No.4036204

Not him, but English is very easy at a basic level, and very hard to master. After 25 years of speaking it, I'm still looking up words in the dictionary every day.

>> No.4036212

I'm a 30 year old native english speaker and I still have to do this fairly regularly.

>> No.4036237

I can't say, as a native speaker, that i have to look up words frequently, but i do still find myself looking up words every couple months.

>> No.4036456

oversatuation of graphics

>> No.4036496

>Baldur's Gate

Dat tavern/inn ambience

>> No.4036573

Trails in the sky is comfy as hell and isn't retro (though it sure feels like a psx era game)

Problem is that a lot of western games focus solely on violence and a lot of Japanese games focus on fan service, neither of which lend themselves to that feeling

>> No.4036574


>> No.4036575

Because 3d and differnt sprites and just how the software and style's have changed with Jrpgs.

That "aesthetic" style Wont happen again just cause. But the fan community's of various Jrpgs have lots of fan hacks, ect.

>> No.4036680

The formative experience for my young imagination, lots of nostalgia

>> No.4036732
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Tiberian Sun is a good example of what you're talking about.

>> No.4036821
File: 407 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mrzuwd4bTN1s5ezvto1_r1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda feel the same way about Koorong in SaGa Frontier. It shouldn't be comfy, but it is to me.

>> No.4037035
File: 28 KB, 322x290, fishing8276-gfs_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

River King is by far the comfiest game there is

>> No.4037119 [DELETED] 

Where is that place? I don't remember it.

>> No.4037134
File: 160 KB, 869x1035, kol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kol village

>> No.4037138

Hotshots golf 2

>> No.4037271

The main street is cozy. The back street is scary though.

>> No.4037279
File: 920 KB, 950x936, 2c1853a91f7dd542efee54f407b2141c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking Zelda, I think Mabe Village is definitely my favorite.
First of all, Marin and Tarin, and how they make you feel at home while being total strangers, love these guys, and Marin is of course a very special character.
Then the layout of the village is pretty good, Iike that there's not a lot of houses crowded together or anything, it's a relaxed little place near the beach, and villagers are all interesting and memorable, Ulrira, the old lady with the chomp chain, the family that for some reason are mice (and later on we find an actual Animal Village), the store owner, and last but not least, the fishing spot.
I could live in Mabe and I'd never want to awake the wind fish, if monsters come I'll just tell the store owner to take care of them.

>> No.4037289

>Why don't modern games feel as comfy?

100% /vr/ circlejerking right there.

BotW is as comfy as it gets, and in a way that even /vr/ can probably appreciate

>> No.4037298

Good fuckin' post, anon. Comfy basically means a setting feels real and immersive and "lived-in," which makes it enjoyable to inhabit. It doesn't necessarily mean it's super nice and cozy, otherwise we'd only see holodecks and mansions in these threads.

>> No.4037303

OP equates comfiness with nostalgia.

>> No.4037319

Oh hell yeah. Comfiest Zelda in ages. Comfiest since Wind Waker. All of them since OoT have had really nice towns with lots of personality, though

>> No.4037326


I don't know, I don't like the solation you feel on Koholint, it seems like only Marin and the children of Mabe village are aware of it.

That being said, I want a go at madam Meow Meow.

>> No.4037337

Its theme is one of the most nostalgic vidya music pieces for me.