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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4030961 No.4030961 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst Nintendo developed game?

>> No.4030968

Doubutsu monogatari 64
Hey you Pikachu

>> No.4030974

Retro only? That makes it tougher. Maybe Mario 2, which was actually a reskin of a Japanese-only game called Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.4030976


>> No.4030985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4030995
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Fuck you.

>> No.4031024

Balloon Fight

>> No.4031057
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>> No.4031059

Zelda 2 probably. And you know it.

>> No.4031060

Ice Climbers is garbage

>> No.4031063

I think we can all agree on this.

>> No.4031067

>animal crossing 64

how? it's the same as the good one

>> No.4031070

name ten things objectively wrong with Zelda 2

>> No.4031090

Ignore that guy. He's an idiot. Zelda 2 is a goddamn masterpiece compared to Ice Climbers. He's just a newfag who didn't know anything outside of Mario/Zelda/Metroid existed

>> No.4031091

Definitely this.
Just a boring tug-of-war game where you bash buttons over and over.

>> No.4031098

Joy Mech Fight was absolutely the fucking worst
next to this would be Mario Pinball Land but that's not retro

>> No.4031105

>He's just a newfag who didn't know anything outside of Mario/Zelda/Metroid existed
That's 99% of /vr/ nowadays

>> No.4031165

This, why does everyone like this shitty game? It's a kiddified ripoff of Joust

>> No.4031271

Because it's fun.

>> No.4031392
File: 327 KB, 950x1300, joy mech fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Joy Mech Fight is legit.

>> No.4031430

Radar Scope. Urban Champion is also a contender.

>> No.4031435

100% in agreement

>> No.4031451

Come on man, if you're going to post a Zelda at least post the actual worst one, Skyward Sword.

>> No.4031467

gyromite, in my opinion. not the game itself, but ROB was slower than my grandma's internet

>> No.4031489


>> No.4031518

The soundtrack redeems it.

Easily in the top three Zelda soundtracks.

>> No.4031615

Joust was a good game.
Balloon Fight was a well done ripoff of Joust.
Therefore, Balloon Fight was a good game.

>> No.4031632

Modern: Wii Music

Retro: Urban Champion

>> No.4031634


Hey,it's good strong dungeons and a great item system, and the swordfighting is okay. Also how all the surface areas are kind of like dungeons in themselves. It's not as shallow as Twilight and Wind Waker, and I like those games. Too bad about the disaster that is the sky and those horrendous FORCED tutorials, but I'd play it over any 3D Zelda that came after Majora.

But as far as modern Zelda goes, ALBW blows it out of the water easily.

>> No.4031642

Any of the black box sports games.

>> No.4031643

Okay, so what? The CD-I zeldas have pretty great music too, but music is only one small slice of the pie.

>> No.4031648


Skyward Sword fucking sucks dude.

>> No.4031649

Quit being a fatass and be satisfied with your slice of the pie.

>> No.4031658

Urban Champion is great for parties.

>> No.4031659

No. The pie is filled with busywork and shoddy world-building which contradicts itself.

>> No.4031684

Yet people love beat 'em ups like Final Fight.

>> No.4031704

This. Only mainline console Zelda I have yet to complete, because it is just so god awful I always stop playing around 3 or 4 hours in. If I could use a normal controller I would probably finish it

>> No.4031916

pro wrestling is the best wrestling game on the NES. plays like a proto-fire pro. highly recommend.

>> No.4031939
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The SNES sequel is fantastic though

>> No.4032053

Wrecking Crew was fucking great.

>> No.4032157

>What is the worst Nintendo developed game?
>majority of this shit isn't retro
unless it's /vr/ using mental gymnastics to defend shit like Metroid 2 or Urban Crap-Peeing, i freaking swear this board is losing its way

>> No.4032184

Has it ever gotten a proper translation?

>> No.4032256

Metroid Other M

But since this is /vr/, Guess, I'll go with Metroid 2.

>> No.4032268

Ice Climber because of the fucked up jump physics and the fact that you just pass through some platforms you clearly should have landed on or that fucking condor won't register that you touched it's foot.

And there exists a Wario Ware mini game that gives you a taste of what could have been had the game not been made by a chimp.

>> No.4032274

Here's a list.


>> No.4032371

Somehow, I forgot Donkey Kong Jr. Math existed. That's a good contender.

>> No.4032801

>urban crap-peeing
Are you having a stroke

>> No.4032826

Yoshi's Story probably isn't the worst, but to go from Yoshi's Island to that PoS means it deserves a special mention.

>> No.4032890

Yoshi's New Island is worse than Story, m8.

>> No.4032891

I'll never know what they were thinking there. Honestly no idea.

>> No.4032970

dungeons in skyward sword are baby-mode. Cant really expect Link's Awakening or Twilight Princess puzzle dungeons anymore though i guess.

>> No.4033925

Their karma for shitting on Argonaut and not letting Croc be a Yoshi game.

>> No.4033951

I personally don't see any difference in quality between Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story. I think they're both terrible.

>> No.4033956

You're thinking of Dobutsu no Mori.

>> No.4033970

When is Nintendo gonna bring back this IP? They could try to join the modern 1v1 fighting game scene and all.

>> No.4033973

Agreed, >>4031098 is a tool.

>> No.4033975

plebian radar overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4033985
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>No Sukapon in Smash

>> No.4034005
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>> No.4034013

No, the DS games are terrible

>> No.4034124
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>> No.4034142

>doesn't know the difference between developing, publishing, and, in this case, licensing.

>> No.4034285

While I agree Phantom Hourglass is pretty lackluster, Spirit Tracks is great and I suspect you haven't actually played it.

>> No.4035070

everybody knows it was called dicky dicky picnic

>> No.4035086
File: 7 KB, 256x240, Legend of Zelda, The (U).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, fuck this game and its bush-burning, wall-bombing ass
I like how the angry nintendo turd will shit on simon's quest for its flaws yet give this piece of shit a pass

>> No.4035089

Curious why you guys think this sucks.

>> No.4035228

Im playing this for the first time without any guides and i figured out the wallbombing by myself but the bush burning really activated my almonds because i tried to use the blue candle to burn some suspicious bushes but never worked so i figured you couldnt do it

>> No.4035273


>Legend Of Zelda
>top down 8-bit open world exploration
>no previous versions to compare to
>praised for ground breaking gameplay concept


>Castlevania 2
>8-bit linear world grindfest walkathon
>compared to arcade style 'walk right, kill baddies' gameplay from previous game
>panned critically by many for gameplay shift

Comparing Zelda 1 to Castlevania 2 is a completely unfair assesment. Had you compared Zelda 2 with Castlevania 2, you would have a more realistic argument to make.

On that note:
>Zelda 2
>shifts gameplay direction from 'top down 8bit open world exploration' to '8-bit linear world grindfest walkathon'
>panned my many for shift in gameplay

That's the reverse argument of Castlevania here, you see. But both times, the shift is what got panned, not the game 'of it's own individualistic design'.

>> No.4035278

NES Golf is my waifu

>> No.4035280
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Tennis is a classic.
Baseball is boring, but maybe because I don't like/understand it.

>> No.4035309

oh it's a completely fair comparison because both are shit games that rely on cryptic bullshit to make you buy a guide/call a helpline, and both are filled with unhelpful NPCs
Castlevania 2 can be blamed for not learning anything from LoZ's mistakes though, they should've known better

>> No.4035356

it's called ARMS nowadays

>> No.4035425

I feel like every thread criticizing a game will inevitably have somebody come in and at "the soundtrack bashes it good."

I don't care how good the music is, if the gameplay sucks then so does the game. If you really like the music then just pirate the fucking soundtrack.

>> No.4035446
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I just leave this here.

None of them are terrible but there are some stinkers in Nintendo's roster of devs (namely Ambrella who is the worst).

>> No.4035546

Many LJN games

>> No.4035552

Wow, I can't believe I hadn't made that connection.

And here everyone is saying Little Mac should be the ARMS cameo, give us Sukapon instead

>> No.4036169


>> No.4036670


I just want to say I'm one of the apparently few that wholeheartedly agrees with you. I don't get the Skyward Sword hate. It has its faults to be sure but I think it's an excellent game, and even though it held the player's hand too much the actual gameplay was complex and engaging. It reversed a trend of simplification of the dungeons and puzzles that had begun since Wind Waker.

>> No.4036939

ice climber. fuck that shit.

>> No.4037020

Spirit Tracks is only marginally better than Phantom Hourglass and it does have its own issues, namely the shitty train and flute parts.

>> No.4037093
File: 528 KB, 854x649, Botwsai the Gameslayer jabs Skyward Sword in the throat with its own sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyward Sword is the worst Nintendo game I ever played. It's so bad I can still taste it in my mouth playing BotW sometimes. It has no redeeming qualities other than the story which you can watch on Youtube. There are like 12 enemies in the whole game. It's linear. The controls are worse than even Twilight Princess Wii. Speaking of, it was a step down from that game in every regard including sword controls, graphics, and any aesthetic and technical feature you can think of. Is it any surprise we never saw any beta footage for the game? The game was unfinished. Doesn't even have anything to kill time like Rollgoal or fishing in TP. That's how cheapass it was. No wonder Miyamoto said "THIS IS ALL YOU'VE DONE?" when he saw it. Hot damn, it's in the running for worst game I've ever played period. The only people who like it can't accept they paid $70 ($80 w/ tax) on the Collector's Edition like I was fooled into, because Nintendo conned us into paying for a broken right-handed TP at the beginning of the generation too. It's a bitter pill to swallow that your favorite company scammed you twice in one gen over your favorite series.

>> No.4037352


Look, I fucking hate Skyward Sword, it's a blight on the series, the revisionist bullshit made to canon dripped into BOTW, it's fans are literally the worst kind of snob. The only Zelda games worse than it are the DS titles.

But come on. It's far from the worst Nintendo game.

I think even if you don't look at all the shitty black box retro games, you still have shit like Star Fox Zero, Star Fox Command, Metroid Federation Force, all that casual Wii garbage that...

nah, fuck it. Skyward Sword is the worst.

>> No.4038494

>No Gyromite or Stack-Up

>> No.4038506


Dude Spirit Tracks fucking sucked.

>> No.4038549

I also vote for Urban Champions.

>> No.4038593

>Final Fight

The only beat em ups I've played all the way through without losing steam were Streets of Rage 1&2.

Final Fight was a piece of pandering shovelware. Arcadefags who only ever played like 3 beat em ups at max enjoyed that shit.

>> No.4038676

Zelda OOT

>> No.4038692

Metroid 2 is better than the original

>> No.4038706

> not co-oping the shit out of TMNT, Simpsons and X-Men

Yeah, the gameplay ain't exactly deep but seeing the new bosses and levels is always fun if you're a fan of the franchises. And playing with your friends is great.

> never played Dungeons & Dragons or AVP

Those are actually deep for a beat em up. D&D has multiple paths, spells and other shit while AVP has SF style combos and specials

>> No.4039202

Which Super Mario Bros. 2?

>> No.4041045

Metroid 1 has better and less clunky physics at least.

>> No.4041052

not retro

>> No.4041063

more like no job

Sakurai couldn't get the rights to Sukapon because it gone lost. also, he was planned to be a vehicular item in Super Smash Bros. 2/Melee


Sakurai: “Sukapon’s omission is purely a matter of financial and legal issues…For this game, we were planning to let characters get on Sukapon and ride around causing havoc, but it was cut.”

>> No.4041072

if Sakurai couldn't obtain the right to use Sukapon in Smash Bros, then it's likely Nintendo will never bring back Joy Mech Fight since they lost the right for the game series.

piss off to >>>/v/

>> No.4041136

aLttP is garbo

>> No.4041525


I may not know what it's like playing with ROB, but I got the romhack that lets you control the pistons and I think it's legit fun.

>> No.4041543

His point still stands.

>> No.4041646

and still not retro

>> No.4041761

Takeshi's challenge

>> No.4041795

Chill dude
It's /vr/ but no need to have autistic rage over 'not retro'

>> No.4041806

It's 4chan. Autsitic rage is something you're never going to be without.

>> No.4041824

wow, two single words is an autistic fit?

feels like i'm on /co/mblr

>> No.4041835

where did yoshi touch u mate

>> No.4043098


It's not that bad. The jumping is awkward but otherwise it's a decent enough game.