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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4028746 No.4028746 [Reply] [Original]

if you're happy to underpay people for their old vidya then you're a hypocrite and are no different to ebay scalpers

>> No.4028753
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who says I'm a hypocrite?

>> No.4028820

There's nothing wrong with paying little for a game, the same way there's nothing wrong with charging a lot for one. A free market is a wonderful thing.

>> No.4028824

We're all just trying to get ours, OP.


>> No.4029239

> There's nothing wrong with paying little for a game, the same way there's nothing wrong with charging a lot for one. A free market is a wonderful thing.

Praise you. I agree 100%. People complain about high prices of retro games remind me of noobs i used to kill in the wildy back in 04' Runescape.

>> No.4029241 [DELETED] 

Yea, okay commie.

>> No.4029684

I'm happy to pay the appropriate price for old vidya, that is, very little.

>> No.4029687

Such edge. 2cool4me.

>> No.4029703

If he was a commie he should probably advocate for the abolishment of markets and planned distribution of retro video games though.

>> No.4030695

Not even edge. Just sensible.

>> No.4030710

4chan is becoming so pussified that reality gets called edgy now.

Think arcade games shouldn't be credit fed and console games shouldn't be savescummed?

Play your retro games using original hardware and a quality CRT?

Buy up retro PC games before all PC games go digital distribution and the bubble hits them?

and this on a board that's dedicated to retro culture it's way worse practically everywhere else. we can still fight it here.

>> No.4030719

>Think arcade games shouldn't be credit fed and console games shouldn't be savescummed?

I don't think that's edgy it's just being pushy about your tastes vs someone else's.

>> No.4030740
File: 13 KB, 652x355, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder of wonders, a tripfag complaining about the fall of 4chan's culture. How's that internet fame treating you on this anonymous message board? Feel like you've successfully imported your Reddit personality over here?

>> No.4030750

>trips are some new 4chan feature

>> No.4030757

Not him but they relatively are.

He knows it's annoying, it's why he does it. Remember every troll needs a good hook. Baby Gramps picks carefully when to namefag and when to anonpost. It's a whole lifestyle.

>> No.4030772

You should have replied in post order so that you could have been paranoid first, then delusional. Trips have been around longer than 4chan and were part of 4chan since the beginning . Everyone who shares even some of my perspectives are not all me secretly posting in disguise. My attitude more or less was the prevailing one on /vr/ for years and every time you accuse Anon, you galvanize it. THAT'S my lifestyle.

>> No.4030779

Trips are reddit incarnate

>> No.4030791

>Everyone who shares even some of my perspectives are not all me secretly posting in disguise.

Of course not, but you yourself have said you pick when to post using your name and change the things you say depending on whether you are or not.

>> No.4030809

Maybe he does that as part of a strategy to make you paranoid

>> No.4030820

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.4030823

If that's his plan it's not working very well. I get a kick out of mocking him when he namefags it up.

>> No.4030827
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>Trips have been around longer than 4chan and were part of 4chan since the beginning

Literally the WE WUZ KANGS of 4chan cancer.

>> No.4030830

this thing you're doing is more sad than anything.

>> No.4030832

You forgot your trip.

>> No.4030838
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Hey guys! What's going on in here?

>> No.4030868

Did I?

Rage against the machine

>> No.4030878
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Dang, /vr/ needs better taste in music


>> No.4030921

kek you're delusional anon.

>> No.4030970


Neither of those are wrong

Paying too much for a game, however, causes everyone else to suffer for your retardation. The market is yoked to it's least competent agents.

>> No.4030980

>Paying too much for a game, however, causes everyone else to suffer

You say that like it's a bad thing. I'm sure if no one bought good single malt scotch the price would drop so anyone could afford as much as they wanted. But why would I want that to happen? It's no skin off my back if some poor kid can't afford every game he wants.

>> No.4030994


Why wouldn't I complain that I have to pay literally 1000% the price that a game was ten years ago, regardless of the cause? That is unquestionably a worse situation for consumers.

Am I only allowed to complain about misfortune brought upon me by nefarious, law-breaking agents, twirling their moustaches after long days if trying beautiful women to train tracks?

If a tree falls on my house, should I not complain because it was happenstance? This idea that we shouldn't complain about our blatantly poor circumstance because it's result was brought about bt a free market--regardless of who holds it now--could only be originated in the mind of someone who stood to lose from those complaints. No one else would be idiotic enough to think that a man has no right to lament his poor position when he had no hand in bringing it about.

If the price of gas increases 1000% im the next ten years, I fucking garuntee you you'll hear a tidal wave of bitching from a wide variety of people who believe wholly in the free market.

>> No.4031000


Holy shit, you didn't need to tell us Babs, we already knew.

>> No.4031005


Why would you want the price of things you want to obtain to skyrocket?

>> No.4031019

Because even at their OMG SO HIGH costs they're still relatively pretty cheap. And I'm buying a collector's item, if it's worth enough to me that I want to buy it obviously it's worth something to others as well.

Bear in mind the incredibly low prices these things used to go for is because the people selling them rarely really knew what they were worth. Getting games that retailed for $50-$100 a handful of years later for $5-$10 was an anomaly. It was nice, but expecting it to be like that forever is idiotic.

>> No.4031037


That's inconsistent, unless you don't hold the standard views that someone in your position usually does. The free market determines the price if it's high, but if it's too low it's not what it's worth? If I'm putting words in your mouth, I apologize, but that seems to be the usual argument.

None the less, that's not true; this is how our society values old media. The very same year MGSIV came out, I bought a used loose copy of it for $5. DVDs and BluRays fall to a fraction of their initial costs on the secondhand market in a very short time. Books, too, except for those that have particularly collectible value. Comics are the only mass media I can think of that tend to maintain a semblence of their original price after release.

And even if I am mistaken, and the low prices were some kind of anomaly, why should I not be allowed to lament the loss of my good fortune?

>> No.4031049

>The very same year MGSIV came out, I bought a used loose copy of it for $5.

Right, but try buying a loose copy of it in 20 years. I guarantee it won't be $5.

>why should I not be allowed to lament the loss of my good fortune?

You should be and are allowed to. But I'm also allowed to make fun of you for it.

>> No.4031083

As if any disc games are actually going to be playable in 20 years

>> No.4031095
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I played a more than 20 year old disk this weekend with no problems.

>> No.4031101

Why woildnt they be

>> No.4031102

>damage control
Tripfags are cancer, but you did just out yourself as a newfag.

>> No.4031107

I'm happy to pirate the fuck out of it and blast some cracktro music.

>> No.4031115


Maybe not, but I purchase media from the 90s all the time for pennies on the dollar. VHS tapes for $0.25, DVDs for a few bucks, books for maybe a few dollars more.

Certainly you're allowed to mock anyone and everyone you can; this is 4chan after all, and where would we be without the constant yelling of "u a fag?" But if you imply that this particular tantrum is misplaced, you're mistaken.

>> No.4031152
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Dude wut? 1997 was 20 years ago.

>> No.4031169

>poster count doesn't raise
Tripfags agreeing with themselves are the height of pathetic.

>> No.4031179

Gee, maybe he'd already posted earlier in the thread huh?

>> No.4031210

Coming to /vr/ for the sole purpose of posting about other posters is the height of pathetic.

>> No.4031221
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It's probably even worse to post about e-celebrities. At least I actually react.

>> No.4031243

All this tripfag samefagging is exactly why you all are called cancer.

>> No.4031247


Holy fuck, leave it

This is exactly why people hate tripfags. If someone decides to start a fucking duel with you, and if you absolutely MUST for whatever fucking reason wear a trip, just fucking leave it, don't shit up the thread to defend your fucking ego--which you wouldn't even have to do if you didn't brand all your fucking posts with it. Sure, they're fags too, but you're no better for that.

>> No.4031261

this is a bastardized interpreration of an already archaic and arbitrary economic analysis by the famous retard Adam Smith

>> No.4031262

Thread was done after the second post, Anon. There are just as many people here who collected before the bubble as there are from after and there used to be more. Crying about market forces isn't what we do here but I'll try to remember to sage these type of threads when I reply to shitposts in them.

>> No.4031279

$100000+ Les Paul guitars have been found at yard sales for 20 bucks. Copies of the fucking constitution worth millions have been found behind old pictures. Guess what? Nobody gives a fuck about having fortune smile like that.

A hunk of plastic worth a few hundred bucks is nothing in that game.

>> No.4031283


The fact that it's a shit thread is the only reason I'm even bothering to shit it up to tell you this because I don't think you fucking understand

It takes two to have a shitposting war, if you absolutely have to invite them with your peacock bullshit--which I'd really rather you fucking didn't--don't fucking engage.

>> No.4031286

It's still true though.

>> No.4031289

And you bet your ass, if I'm at the garage sale where Granny has that $100k Les Paul for $25, I'm buying that fucker without thinking twice. If someone doesn't do their homework on the value of something, it's their fucking fault if they give it away.

>> No.4031329

If I made $100k off someone's ignorance I'd anonymously do something nice for them with 1 or 2 points. A stack of $100 bills in the mail brightens an old lady's day and she need never know why.

The peacocking is 100% natural and I can't help it, I was doing it before I tripped up too it's just become associated with me now I guess. As for the engaging, if the thread is decent I have decent posts to respond to right along with engaging the shitposters. I can't just let them go unredressed - unless their argument is clearly empty. I mean then I'd never be able to stop.

>> No.4031335


Every post you make reacting to a shitposter encourages the shitposter to respond to you. It shits up threads, and t what benefit? You defend your pride?

>> No.4031348

Boosts the board's post count, pisses off idiots, clarifies my philosophy and generally livens things up. I wouldn't do it in a thread approaching its bump limit or anything.

>> No.4031363

You say that like the fun of the process isn't reward in it's own right.

>> No.4031374


It shits everything up. Even if your posts are all shining gifts from heaven, when you get into a bitchfit the unworthy troglodyte you're surely soundly defeating with your superior intellect is taking huge steaming dumps on the board in reponse to every post you make. Such a thing could be avoided through your inaction, or by you not painted a retard target on your head in the first place.

>> No.4031379

You really do come to the worst possible website for someone with your attitude. This isn't a /v/ vs /vr/ thing, it's a 4chan thing. If you want a tightly moderated, serious forum there are plenty to choose from.

>> No.4031384

Has there ever been a trip that wasn't an insufferable piece of shit? I swear, you can set your watch to the unwarranted air of scumbag egotistical entitlement in every trip's post.
>I guess this is just what I'm internet-famous for, teehee
What went wrong that someone would actually write retarded cancer like this?

>> No.4031393

Ohh come now, we're not all that bad! You sound triggered you poor thing.

>> No.4031397

Oh, fuck off babbage. Are you really sitting there trying to tell people to fuck off to a website like Reddit if they want an anonymous posting website?

Seriously, while you're not the worst tripfag on 4chan you are exactly the worst kind of personification of them. Self-important attention seeker who clearly samefags yourself in every thread. Just because /vr/ is a lot more mellow and less likely to get exasperated with your sparkly princess snowflake bullshit doesn't mean we're blind to it or even accept it.

When someone calls you out for the attention whoring tripfaggot that you are, just move on. Don't try and turn the argument into some repurposed history of 4chan that has always welcomed trips. They've been persona non-grata here since damn near the first day and you fucking know it. Because let's be honest. If everyone used a trip, you'd be the one snowflake insisting on being anonymous.

>> No.4031402

>Calling me Baby Gramps

No I never tell people to go to Ribbit. You crybabies are part of my entertainment.

>> No.4031498

LOL swing and a miss

>> No.4031503

IP's the same.

>> No.4031509

based mods

>> No.4031530

See how I'm not engaging people who are clearly completely retarded?

>> No.4031592
File: 190 KB, 300x400, in to the trash it goes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice kiddo.

>> No.4033903

read steve keen