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4028672 No.4028672 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: International Videogame Con Men and their victims.

>> No.4028780
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>> No.4028784

Was AES Last Resort always that expensive?

>> No.4028809

it was 40 - 80 euros and widely available because no one wanted it. I blame the unwashed "hidden gem" retards on youtube.

>> No.4028825
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>> No.4030943
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I really don't even understand collection even bothering collecting for NeoGeo at this point, especially AES, which has always been retarded expensive and has only gotten worse in this regard. Not to mention stories of people taking once cheap AES games and converting them from existing MVS versions but selling them at the value of their AES equivalents.

>> No.4031276

I really dont understand this guy. Why does he even have a channel? Does he even like videogames? It's like doesn't even want to talk about them so he has John come in and talk about "hidden" gems.

Like the dreamcast hdden gems one, the description says "John Hancock brings some of his favorite games that very few collectors know about." but then his gems are very known games like demolition racer, mars matrix, armada, cannon spike, tech romancer, skies of arcadia, sword of the berserk, giga wing 2 and then half life which was never officially released and propeller arena.

In what world are these hidden gems? Skies of arcadia is a hidden gem, like no ones heard of it? nevermind the fact that the dreamcast US library is only like 250+ titles. There is nothing hidden anymore.

Faggots like this are the reason assholes try to get $190 plus on games like Cannon Spike and Project Justice

>> No.4031290
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Are people still collecting Neo Geo in 2017?
Wii has a lot of good Neo Geo ports (virtual console or physical) and it displays at 240p.

>> No.4031334

>In what world are these hidden gems?
In normie world where only Dreamcast games released ever are Sonic Adventure and Shenmue.

>> No.4031341

Are those fakes or something? I'd mark it up 175-200% if I were selling a set too.

>> No.4031354

They're like guitar hero controllers. Dirt cheap and everywhere but ebay resellers want money for them thanks to price setting.
>There is nothing hidden anymore.
Real hidden gems do very much exist. Especially if you expand hidden gem to games that are just forgotten and never talked about.
>watching youtubers
>calling people normie
The irony.

>> No.4031417


I don't watch or follow his channel. I've just seen that one video. I will apologize for not being clear though. I meant there is nothing really hidden anymore on the Dreamcast since the US library is so small. Only around 250. There are some lesser known titles in other territories that could be considered hidden but who doesnt know about Skies of Arcadia?

There are legit hidden gems on other consoles too but my point stands. He seems like a phony, doesnt look like he enjoys or knows what hes talking about, his "hidden" gems are games most people know about and these e-celebs jack the prices up by saying, "wow look at this super rare game, every fan of this console needs one"

Although were Neogeo games jacked up by e-celebs? I know the were expensive at retail but has it just been a steady climb over the years to obscene prices or did some eceleb jack up the price in recent history and its gotten worse

>> No.4031426

>I meant there is nothing really hidden anymore on the Dreamcast since the US library
True but you got to get that click bait tittle.

He's your typical hipster trash. See the guy with the Wii collection he had on. That video is pathetic. These people collect just to collect. They can't give reviews because they either lack the mental capacity or just simply don't care.

Really the only exception among the large youtubers I've seen are the AVGN guys. Not saying I like AVGN but at least they are capable of playing a game till the end and giving a review.

>> No.4031453

>They're like guitar hero controllers. Dirt cheap and everywhere but ebay resellers want money for them thanks to price setting.
Dirt cheap any everywhere where? They were $80 USD when they came out. You wont find them cheaper than this in box. The guys trying to sell them for $350 are high, but $140 isn't terrible.

>> No.4031457

Guitar hero controllers weren't cheaper either.
One of DC's most popular games.

>> No.4031469

>Guitar hero controllers weren't cheaper either.
155 million people owned a PS2
>One of DC's most popular games.
It was popular at parties because most people didn't want to invest over $100 USD for one game. Don't confuse this with highest selling.

>> No.4031479

Kid, you need to stop. That game isn't a rare gem. Like wow is that some millennial revisionist history shit you're trying to pull right now.

You consider anything that isn't the PS2 as poor selling. Why are you even here?

>> No.4031494

I never said it was a rare gem, but there are fewer Samba De Amigo controllers out there then PS2 Guitar Hero controllers. If it makes you upset that you must spend $60 more than the original price, perhaps you should have been born before 2000. You'r not fooling anyone.

>> No.4031502

>compares success to a PS2
>is now defensive about his age
Underage confirmed.

>> No.4031538

You need to understand something. When e-celebs and your average fag say "hidden gem", what they really mean is "Good game that isn't on the top 10 most popular list". Because the majority of these people only play a few games on retro consoles, like Super Mario World, or Pokemon Red/Blue, or Zelda OoT. That's all they know. So the e-celeb comes along and says "Hey, here's a hidden gem you'll love!", and they scratch themselves and say "Oh wow, this guy with the screechy voice sure does know alot about old games!", run out to ebay or gamestop to buy a copy so they can show all their lameass friends "Hey, check out this cool old game no one knows about!", since their friends don't know shit about videogames either.

There haven't been any real hidden gems for consoles since complete romsets for consoles started becoming a thing in the late 90's. Now old DOS games, I'm sure there's tons of virtually unknown shareware out there that has yet to be rediscovered.

>> No.4031616

vol 2 never ever

>> No.4031650

I found the sales figures. Assuming all of these people bought guitars and maracas to go with their games, that's 102 times as many guitars floating around out there than maracas. Just as memory served, Samba de Amigo wasn't even the 50th best selling game on the Dreamcast.
Dreamcast Samba de Amigo 23,225
PS2 Guitar Hero 2,380,000

>> No.4031663

You're still comparing it to the PS2's success. Dumb kid.

>> No.4031671
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Craigslist scams thread?

>> No.4031675

>Why does he even have a channel?
Easy money. Shit out a ten minute video about "hidden gems" where you essentially just regurgitate the back of the box and then watch the viewcount rise. What I wanna know is who the fuck watches his videos? Anyone who is interested in retro games already know of those games like you said and it's not like he ever brings anything new or hell even an interesting viewpoint to the table it's literally just a worse version of a racketboy article in video format.

>> No.4031682

Kids watch his videos, judging from the comments. Probably fags that inherit X console from older relatives and then search "best X games" on YouTube.

>> No.4031690

How in the fuck is that a scam?
>item that sold for nearly $3k is now $175
Let me guess, you think it's worth less than that because you're unable to afford one at that price?

>> No.4031720

My whore neighbour tried to to sell a widescreen CRT for original price ~4000 USD ... to a rag and bone man. He told her to fuck off.

>> No.4031750

He a joke of a gamer who rides on the fact he used to "work" for sierra. He even said doesn't care much for console gaming just buys them cause it's cool. Guy couldn't even tell apart fake game carts in plain sight.

>> No.4031762
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>> No.4031778

I don't get it. You're trying to con us into believing those aren't what the games are selling for?

>> No.4031780

Well, people tend to get spoiled by the fact that CRTs are considered garbage by the average burger in an era of flat panels, so they are often free to cheap. Ebay hype from game collectors now means that is not as often the case.

>> No.4031797

These are not even conversions anymore either. They are making these carts totally from scratch now-shell, PCB, etc-and they are truly bootlegs. At least good conversions had SNK PCBs and original ROMs, but this is the shadiest shit yet.

Collecting AES is a fools game at this point.

>> No.4031842

Offer $85 and tell them cash is really tight. Let them know you are ready to do this. Check back in two days, apologizing for the delay, and tell them you got $115. After a week has gone by, they'll be ready to deal.

>> No.4033116

Nobody has to do research anymore they just watch hidden gems compilations and impulse buy to spike prices. Most people never gave a shit about these games until retro games became trendy.

>> No.4033732
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>almost 30 dollars for shipping