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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Castlevania .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4017782 No.4017782 [Reply] [Original]


Not a spin off or new series, but an adaption of the storyline of Castlevania III. So this is entirely /vr/. We will get to see Trevor Belmont, Alucard, Grant Danasty and Sypha Belnades.

>> No.4017783
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, Sypha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4017787
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>> No.4017791
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>> No.4017796

I really hope this is good.

>> No.4017803
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Appears to be Alucard.

>> No.4017805
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Seems to use his Symphony design, since that's by far his most popular appearance. He has Blond hair instead of white though.

>> No.4017814
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Grant maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could be Trevor or could be Grant. Not sure. He threw knives.

I couldn't see anyone in the trailer who looked obviously like Grant.

>> No.4017815
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Trevor with bloody man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4017831


This is the sort of thing we should be getting. Adaptions of old games that had simple graphics. What's the point of adapting a cinematic game with detailed graphics?

If this is successful, I'd love to see them tackle other projects. The early FF games would work great. FF6 especially.

>> No.4017849

way back in 07 when the first version of this was a thing, ennis didn't want to use grant because he thought it was too far inland for a pirate to be running around.

>> No.4017853

no wait, looking closer, that's just trevor without the cape.
hopes dashed

>> No.4017854

>ennis didn't want to use grant because he thought it was too far inland for a pirate to be running around.

That's dumb and kinda fan-ficy. Just say he's a former pirate turned brigand.

I hope we get to see Grant.

>> No.4017906

I was cautiously optimistic about this and now that I'm seeing it I'm throwing caution to the wind

Fucking HYPE

>> No.4017926


yeah it looks fine. Art style is nice, colors are nice, everything seems what we'd expect.

>> No.4017942

They've said that it'll star a new, original Belmont instead of an existing one though. Or then they change that?

>> No.4017943

found it.
here's what he says.

Sypha Belnades is in the film.

Grant DaNasty is not.

So… am I going to get lynched?

Explanations forthcoming.

What use is a pirate in a landlocked country anyway?

(Wallachia was cut off from the Black Sea by the Ottoman Empire by 1420 or thereabouts)

Yes. I cut Grant DaNasty out of the film. The reasons were:

* Grant DaNasty is a stupid name that I cannot take seriously. (When he does turn up, I’ll probably use the alternate spelling of Grant DiNesti.)

* I only have 80 minutes. And in that 80 minutes I need to set up the backdrop, the history, the themes and five major characters to tell the story I want to tell. Because this isn’t going to be the usual kind of videogame adaptation, the kind that just transposes the least challenging parts of gameplay to the screen. This is going to be an actual goddamn film with an actual goddamn story. But I only have 80 minutes. To try and shoehorn Grant in there, when I’m already trying to create the space for Trevor, Sypha and Alucard to breathe and fill the screen (not even mentioning Dracula, Lisa or the Bishop for the moment)…no. I’d end up doing a bad job on all of them, and giving up whole chunks of the plot. At which point you might as well just call Uwe Boll, you know?

* Seriously, what use is a pirate on dry land? “Avast, ye swabs, and push me fecking cart! Arrr!” No. Just no.

* Did you see that thing I did in the first reason there?

he also says he wants

>> No.4017946

this was back when these were supposed to just be one film, so maybe he found a place for him now.

>> No.4017958

Films are too risky. TV and Streaming is so much safer. Netflix is turning out to be a great place to do smaller more experimental or risky projects.

Imagine if this ever went to the box office. It'd fail and we'd never see anything like this again.

>> No.4017973


It stars Trevor, blatantly
What are you on about? I never heard such a thing.





>> No.4017976
File: 55 KB, 542x522, 156345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4017979


That's the idiot author showing they know nothing. Shankar's description fits Trevor perfectly. The Belmonts were considered spooky/weird and had to separate from the rest of society.

>> No.4017980


Apparently IGA back then wouldn't let them fuck shit up and was a bit of an asshole about it (in a good way)

I credit the survival of this show being recognizably Castlevania to IGA, even though I'm sure he's no longer involved in the project.

>> No.4017985
File: 204 KB, 1168x505, iga and julius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Iga is weird. He wouldn't allow Julius Belmont (who coincidentally looks just like him) in the Lord of Shadow games.

>> No.4017995

Its going to be shit regardless.

All netflix original series that aren't comedies are incredibly rife with garbage pacing and missing the point.

>> No.4018001


That's bullshit reasoning; Netflix isn't the creative team

>> No.4018019

If only that Sega Cinematic Universe thingie is animated like this. I think they already confirmed it will be live-action, right?

>> No.4018024


I completely forgot about that

If it's bad it'll be hilarious

If it's good I get Streets of Rage and Shinobi movies. I can't possibly lose.

>> No.4018032
File: 142 KB, 826x963, VBelmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering how they killed off victor, he made the right decision

>> No.4018040


Isn't this being written by Warren Ellis?

>> No.4018048

yeah i boned up because i was remembering off the top of my head and they are similar.

>> No.4018061
File: 6 KB, 172x172, Chara_masked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinobi movies

Beat Takeshi better be the leader of Neo Zeed.

>> No.4018108

>It's going to be good guys! It's not going to be like every other video game adaptation and terrible

My reasoning is perfectly sound.

>> No.4018110

I don't know how it would work but I want something Outrun.

>> No.4018114
File: 7 KB, 192x185, canyoufrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt realize it was cartoon until now (i dont watch trailers and try to avoid spoilers).


>> No.4018127


No, your CONCLUSION is perfectly sound. Don't be retarded.

>> No.4018129

>Posting a frog on a Scandinavian electronic toy forum
>Too mature to watch a cartoon

>> No.4018153 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 800x1638, 887f745e484f1406ada865c57b952bd8a3baf8c883bb02c590bb9a6dca8c1f22_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you watch cartoons when you should be preparing for the inevitable?

>> No.4018196

Look good but I find the lack of classic castlevania music disturbing

>> No.4018201

So what is it about a TV series being a series of moving drawings instead of live action that makes it not worth watching?

>> No.4018206

>We will never have a playable Victor
Fuck you Konami

>> No.4018209


>Dracula has a more sympathetic backstory
>Alucard is a hybrid of Edward Cullen and the Phantom of the Opera, a woobie sex god who refuses to fall in love because he's half vampire
>Sypha is simultaneously the team mom and the biggest badass who the guys underestimate
>Grant is the lowlife comic relief with a Cockney accent

>> No.4018212 [DELETED] 


Shit, didn't read >>4017943

>> No.4018215

>who refuses to fall in love because he's half vampire
Is that exactly what he did before banging Maria beyond infinity. Can't recall how things worked with Sonya.

>> No.4018217

>Can't recall how things worked with Sonya.
That was retconned right?

>> No.4018224

Yeah, also that.

>> No.4018253

>Dracula has a more sympathetic backstory
To quote the producer, "after a decade of propaganda it will flip the vampire sub-genre on its head.”.

Overstating producer-speak aside, I doubt we're going to get a particularly sympathetic Drac given who's writing.

>> No.4018265

>Dracula has a more sympathetic backstory
A really unpopular opinion but I liked Lords of Shadow take on this. The gave him a sympathetic backstory that made him really likeable as a human and then showed him as Dracula mocking and killing massive amounts people out of pure bitterness. You care about him because you know he isn't really a bad guy, but at the same time you know he is willing to fuck everyone with no remorse if that's the way he can get whatever he wants.

>> No.4018274

>The gave him a sympathetic backstory that made him really likeable as a human

As Gabriel? Nigga all they did was knock off god of war. And Dante's Inferno. And Silent Hill 2. And every tragic greek romance in existence.

fuck off he's likable as a human.

>> No.4018309

Everything is a knock off of something at this point. Don't think too hard about it, just enjoy it. To me he is equally likeable as Dante and any greek romance hero you mention. I find him more likeable than Kratos though.

>> No.4018314

I'm glad they picked the best game to base a series off.

>> No.4018329

Except it's not based on Rondo of Blood though.

>> No.4018332

That's the second best. Third is Bloodlines.

>> No.4018816

the first two already apply in the games

>> No.4019374

Even Super Castlevania Bros. is better than that trash.

>> No.4019387

>ninten children hating on based Segavania

>> No.4019392

>console warriors and meme kids shitting up a Castlevania thread

Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.4019403

Even if Bloodlines were on a Nintendo platform, it would still be a poor game.

>> No.4019440

I was also hoping for live action but I'm willing to give it a shot.

>> No.4019497


Bloodlines is fucking great, what are you on about?

>> No.4019515

Shitty, easy boss designs.
Extremely shit level design.
Under-utilised gimmicks like the whip grapple, which IV did better.
Overpowered gear like the blue orb and flame whip.
Music, while composed good, sounds like garbage on the Mega Drive sound chip.
Lots of glitches and random inexplicable slowdowns.

Let's face it, BL is the weakest 16-bit 'vania.

>> No.4019569

Fucking weebo anime shit, expect 20 minutes of Trevor standing in one spot, shit talking and "charging" his special attack only to miss.

>> No.4019574

Want to know how I can tell you didn't watch the trailer and/or never played Classicvania?

>> No.4019613

>Shitty, easy boss designs.
But that was Castlevania IV
>Extremely shit level design.
But that was Castlevania IV
>Overpowered gear
Castlevania IV's whip was so broken that you don't even need anything else
>Music, while composed good, sounds like garbage on the Mega Drive sound chip.
Garbage is an overstatement, it still sounds pretty good by Mega Drive standards.
>Lots of glitches
Personally, I didn't experienced any glitch.
>Let's face it, BL is the weakest 16-bit 'vania.
But that was Castlevania IV

>> No.4019620

Anime is not like that nowadays, at least the good ones.

>> No.4019630

>but castlevania IV

Can't you come up with actual counter-argument instead of just following the console war kiddy shit?
The guy you replied to is an idiot, and so are you.

>> No.4019636

Except it's animated by an American studio, fucking retard.

>> No.4019656

>But that was Castlevania IV
Yeah, but honestly, every Castlevania game has lame bosses, except for RoB.

>But that was Castlevania IV
Nah, IV has some of the best levels in the series, up there with the original.

>Castlevania IV's whip was so broken that you don't even need anything else
Fair enough, but it was also fun as hell what with the degree of freedom and mobility that Simon had.

>Personally, I didn't experienced any glitch.
There's a softlock on stage 5 against a midboss that is really easy to trigger.

>> No.4019660
File: 31 KB, 695x363, nobully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a bully.

>> No.4019814


>Shitty level design


>Atlantis, Leaning tower

>Using John

>> No.4019825

I know exactly how it would work. No plot barely any dialogue. And just bueatifully animated hand drawn driving sequences with perfectly crafted score. It would only be a short. Maybe 30 minutes at most.

>> No.4019967

Were you listing the worst levels in the game?

Anyway, the only one I really liked was Germany. The rest ranged from subpar (1, 5) to shit (2, 3, 6).

>> No.4020065


>Stage 2

You and I disagree on some kind of irreconcilable fundamental level.

I feel that, at the end of time, when all matter has ceased moving and entropy overtakes the universe, you and I will emerge from the ether to continue our immortal battle unimpeded, and there we will stay until God choses to start anew.

>> No.4020109

>wanting a live action Castlevania

Someone, somewhere, apparently, asked for a 3d Castlevania with realistic graphics and we got lord of shadow. A live action Castlevania would be fucking stupid.

>> No.4020115

Do modern day animated adaptations count as /vr/? Shouldn't this be in /vg/ or /co/? Mods?

>> No.4020131

Modern-day adaptations of retro games are allowed.

>> No.4020147


It's an adaptation of a game from 1989

If they go far enough in the series to do like Circle of the Moon, then you can cry about it.

>> No.4020178

>castlemania animu (?)
but why, only weenies who play the metroid knockoffs actually care about the story

>> No.4020192


Not animu


>> No.4020293

Heh. Well, I just can't understand why your favorites are Greece and Italy. If they didn't have those dull autoscroller parts where you go up and down as the water rises and falls, or the parts where you have to go up the tower and then platform around outside it, they might be more tolerable. They just really drag down the first half of the game, though.

>> No.4020298

>Don't think too hard about it, just enjoy it

Is never the argument you people think it is.

>I find him more likeable than Kratos though.

A rabid pit-bull is more likable than Kratos

>> No.4020313

There is a /tv/ thread on /vr/ why?

>> No.4020319 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1534x2100, 1495778611113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4020321

Paging Princess Sevenleaf.

>> No.4020325

>>Alucard is a hybrid of Edward Cullen and the Phantom of the Opera
Sounds good, what's the catch?

>> No.4020326
File: 247 KB, 500x380, usagi hearts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust? I remember watching that with my then-girlfriend in high school, and it's pretty much what I would have imagined a Castlevania anime to be like. But now we get a real one! With BASED SYPHA in it!

>> No.4020354
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, 814131019172_anime-vampire-hunter-d-ova-blu-ray-altE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the first one, too.

>> No.4020357
File: 35 KB, 700x300, best-and-worst-castlevania-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have as good of taste in Castlevania as me

>> No.4020362

I'm talking about the games that would make the best adaptations, you fucking retard.

>> No.4020375

>1, 3, 4 are bad
>the arcade game, the msx game, and the sharp game are good
what the fuck am i reading

>> No.4020390


>> No.4020391

Absolute shit taste. KYS!!

>> No.4020392

You can't tell me you people are actually trusting Hollywood or whoever the hell is making this to not fuck it up. They ALWAYS fuck up video game adaptations.

>> No.4020874


Well it's not Hollywood so they can't fuck it up

>> No.4021071

You know Alucard was inspired by Vampire Hunter D ever since Castlevania 3 and it shows in SOTN redesign

He's even a Dhampir

>> No.4021085


You guys need to play Vampire Hunter D on PS1. Very underrated game. Just make sure to turn off the auto lock system, it does anything but help.
Once you get the hang of the gameplay it's tons of fun, and it has amazing atmosphere, VA and anime cutscenes.


>> No.4021102

Unified Pictures are making a Vampire Hunter D cartoon adaptation too


>> No.4021213

He always had blonde hair if looked at close enough.

>> No.4021224


>> No.4021243

What about the first one? Go watch it!

>> No.4021317

>Anyone ever watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust?

What website do you think you're on?

Good taste though