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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.38 MB, 4800x1200, 1414045950914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4015689 No.4015689 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude RGB on a Trinitron PVM is the way the developers intended
>Lol composite is shite and totally not what everyone back then used on their shitty cheap standard CRTs

>> No.4015693

this is why LCDs are better

>> No.4015708

An LCD would look even worse.

>> No.4015716


composite makes it look a little more like a bubble. guess the md composite isn't ALL shite

still won't fuckin use it tho

>> No.4015724

I'm stuck with composite, I would use RGB or SCART if I had a TV that supported it, but it's good to know there's some good attributes to composite even if it's not the technical best.
And yeah, as a kid I played on composite and most other people I knew did. Either composite or RF.

>> No.4015727

I used composite as late as PS2 because seeing every last pixel on the no-anti-aliased PS2 was incredibly ugly. The composite blur acted as a sort of budget anti-aliasing.

>> No.4015737

they must of been able to get around this later on, i used component for ps2, i remember ffxii supporting an optional flicker filter that would blur the graphics in the options.

>> No.4015756

Nobody cares how the developers intended it, as long the picture is fine and you're enjoying yourself.
There's no difference between RGB and composite on a level that "developers intended" anyways, those are not Apple II or CGA games that use composite artifacting, just CRT dithering.

OPs picture is bullshit btw, from a shitposting thread a while back.

>> No.4015760
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>> No.4016080

>uses the same (and only) shitty sanic example

>> No.4016085

Composite looks good on a CRT and fucking abysmal on an LCD.

RGB looks fine on either. I move around a lot and sometimes don't have a CRT available so I have RGB for that.

>> No.4016101

>what is svideo

>> No.4016119

what's the deal with there being an RGB and an RGB Sync? All RGB has sync

>> No.4016142

>(and only)
Just try any random Megadrive game, people use Sonic because it's the most famous.

>> No.4016153

>literaly advertised on a PVM

>> No.4016162

Is the leather gear required to play too?

They probably simply used what they had lying around. Why carry a stupid TV to the studio when you got dozens sitting around in production?

>> No.4016276

But all these consoles were sold with RF adapters, so RF is what was intended. But, really, if the console is capable of outputting RGB, then it was clearly intended to be used.

>> No.4016328

I think it means sync on green vs separated sync.

>> No.4016370

You should consider having your isp prevent you from coming here.

>> No.4016390

Name more than 2 (tuw) games

>> No.4016394

Those all look like shit.


>> No.4016489
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>> No.4016498

>>Lol composite is shite and totally not what everyone back then used on their shitty cheap standard CRTs
Look here underage, everyone used RF until the PSX/N64 era. If you wanna shitpost at least get your facts straight.

>> No.4016507
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>> No.4016516

Real talk, I seriously can't tell which of those is supposed to look bad and which is supposed to look good.

>> No.4016517


>> No.4016520

Sorry, meant to say everyone in the first world. DOH HO HO!

>> No.4016526
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So out of curiosity which one is supposed to look better than the others?

>> No.4016529

America isn't first world.

>> No.4016534


>> No.4016542
File: 44 KB, 550x637, rgb-scart-to-3-rca-ryw-composite-adapter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least PAL regions had easy access to composite.

No preference means no taste.

>> No.4016551

I have a strong preference, it's just not for any of those.

>> No.4016558

t. typical HERE BE DRAGONS murikan

>> No.4016567

>says his first world
>yet uses inferior technology
kinda ironic

>> No.4016569

That's Americans for you. They'll also try and tell you they have a good healthcare system.

>> No.4016594

If SCART and PAL is so superior, then why does every europoor sperg out at the drop of a hat? People only tend to act ultra-defensive when they have nothing worth defending, so I'm forced to wonder.

>> No.4016608
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Said by the guy who has to microwave water.

>> No.4016613

The mere mention of PAL invites a swarm of North Americans clapping in unison like bluebottles round a fresh turd.

Are we not allowed to defend ourselves any more? Actually I already know the US stance on foreign relations so best not to answer that.

>> No.4016616

S-Video > All

>> No.4016620

>Are we not allowed to defend ourselves any more
judging from the muslim problem you guys have, no, you aren't.

>> No.4016630

I'd take immigration in the UK over dealing with the US's fallout from being a former slaving nation. Still butthurt about your statue to bigotry being taken down?

>> No.4016632

That'll be a a fundamentalist problem.

I'll be here laughing when your "preppers" get tired of waiting for Judgement Day and start unleashing their collective arsenals for shits and giggles.

>> No.4016673

You have to realize developers weren't an authority they had their own subjective bias too.

>> No.4016694


That image is jail bars/10

>> No.4016702


We got stuck with shitty standards on this side of the pond like composite for instance. RGB is objectively better. I sincerely wish that rgb was the standard here too or that component became available/standard much earlier

>> No.4016723

More like when something does happen they'll all run out to the nearest patch of grass to compete with every other tard in a 20 mile radius with a bugout bag.

>> No.4016728

>muh niche rgb for my kiddie console
It is standard you fucking dumb kid.

>> No.4016758

>came RGB standard
>millions solds

>> No.4016761

Yes it's niche and it's not standard either fucking idiot.

>> No.4016775

>Some games look better in composite, & some look better in RGB

Woooooooooow, so I have to CHOOSE between one or the other? How will I ever form an opinion now?

>> No.4016778


MK-3085 here >>4016507 was fucking standard. But HERE BE DRAGONS I guess.

>> No.4016781

The top selling console of retro times came with composite, dumbass.

Video game shit is still niche as hell...

>> No.4016782

Really lad? Aladdin, Comix Zone, Vectorman, Mickey Mania, The Lion King, Hard Driving, Earthworm Jim, Rocket Knight Adventures... It's actually harder to name games that DON'T use it, can only think of Flink.

>> No.4016783

I've been in the gamedev business for three years now.
You do the game for the majority.
>The majority had shitty 14" TVs

>> No.4016787

>the top selling console uses composite
>so other consoles can't be considered successful
>they also can't use RGB for some reason
>selling millions is niche

>> No.4016793

Yes that is extremely niche considering the amount of TVs.

>> No.4016795

the only game I would rather play on composite on this list is vectorman.
All others, the clarity and contrast giant vastly outweights blending gains.

>> No.4016796

>SCART was literaly a required standard

>> No.4016798

Do you not know what scart is? It's a pile of shit all in one connector. It's not exclusive to RGB and its use for RGB is extremely niche.

>> No.4016813

SCART has RGB required.
It was used by million of consoles alone, and also millions of pay-TV decoders, satellite decoders and then for DVD players.

Stop pretending things.

>> No.4016817

>moving the goalpost
That's fine because opinions but the point still stands, no other system uses those blending effects so extensively.

>> No.4016819

during my childhood i always used composite over SCART

>> No.4016820
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Look at this dumb kid.

>> No.4016825

>he doesn't know DVD players have option for RGB output over SCART here.

>> No.4016831
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I did know. What I didn't know was that 3rd world shithole Europoors were so poor and so maniacal about defending their beloved scart. They rather use shitty unshielded garabage rgb scart than far superior component.

>> No.4016832

that's what HERE BE DRAGONS murikans believe.

>> No.4016835

Almost all the scart cables are unshielded kiddo. Even the console cables.

>> No.4016840

But at the time (when component actually became usefull, 480p/576p etc.) we added it to anything that could use it, scart IS superior for analog signals.

>> No.4016845
File: 148 KB, 850x850, sample_8de71906d4805a9a15480d2a72d3b9ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superior to component

>> No.4016852

99% male-male scart cables are fully shielded. I can go to a flea market, pick nearly any cable I can find and it'll be shielded ; unshielded cable are extremely easy to spot as the cable diameter is way thinner.

Sega OEM scart cables are properly shielded (except MD2 ones but MD2 as a whole is badly engineered). Nintendo OEM SNES lacks CVBS shielding leading to slight checkerboard, but GC and onward are flawless.

>> No.4016860

good luck getting component out of a stock SMS/MD/SNES/Saturn/PS

>> No.4016864

Ok? Why would I want to?

>> No.4016865

to use your superior component ? (ツ)

>> No.4016868

We were talking about DVDs, kiddo.

>> No.4016872

I'm an oldfag dragon tho

>> No.4016895

I agree, I don't get the RGB guys. Just mod it to output through digital HDMI and plug it into a LED TV.

I really like the old style CRT style through RF/Composite on a common TV.

>> No.4016896
File: 64 KB, 897x231, postadsuk.com-sony-dvp-ns700v-dvd-player-south-yorkshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then, let's talk DVDs Victor Mature.

Pic related is what I use. Notice the Line 1 SCART socket?

>> No.4016901 [DELETED] 

>DVDplayer so old it has no component
>3rd world speak all over it
Europoor the picture.

>> No.4016905

>out of arguments
>throws meme words

>> No.4016913

I was serious. I feel sorry for you if you're that poor that you consider that DVD player good/

>> No.4016920

I was serious. I feel sorry for you if you're that blind that you consider that composite signal good

>> No.4016929

imo high end consumer SD CRTs are the best.

professional RGB monitors make the image and scanlines too sharp. really don't think this was how most games were developed or intended.

also enjoy that 8" screen

professional rgb crts are a bad meme

>> No.4016931
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I didn't say I thought it was good, just that it's what I use (via RGB SCART).

The fact that it IS good, and has SACD playback into the bargain, is neither here nor there in the context of this argument (which you have now well and truly lost).

>> No.4016934

>so poor he's ignorant to the fact that NTSC DVD players have component

>> No.4016941

4:2:2 Component is objectively inferior to 4:4:4 RGB anyhow.

Still, gotta piss with the cock you've got I guess...

>> No.4016956
File: 9 KB, 640x576, Harry_Potter_Philosophers_Stone_(GBC)_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some GBC games use dithering just like console games, but they were never designed for a CRT display.

>> No.4016957

Nah bruv, my stove can boil a liter of water in under 3 minutes.
Induction/gas cooktop.

Stop being poor.

>> No.4016964

Isnt the new trend to use the shittiest TV possible

>> No.4016965

pretty much
and then complain they missed the rgb monitor train

>> No.4016970

>can't get progressive scan

Component > SCART

Bandwidth is king.

>> No.4016980

>progressive scan
>in the land of the telecine

>> No.4016983

Stop being poor.

>> No.4016985

B&W picture in mono to avoid lag.

>> No.4017035
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>Thinking RGB can't handle progressive scan

Jesus the rot really has set in around these parts hasn't it?

>> No.4017036

>Lol composite is shite and totally not what everyone back then used on their shitty cheap standard CRTs

we had s-video in 1989 anon. I did still have cvbs only 13" jvc master command in my room until the mid 90s though.

>> No.4017037

240p is progressive scan, what you mean is 480p/576p

>> No.4017041
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>using optical media as some sort of poor detector


>> No.4017045

RGB SCART can handle 480/576p just fine.

It was simply never really adopted as a standard.

>> No.4017050

I know, it must be really uncommon.

>> No.4017054

Well, yeah.

ED was a flash in the pan here in europe. We just switched straight from interlaced SD to Progressive HD with no real middle ground. Obviously our HD sets were backwards compatible with 480/576p but that whole thing never caught on over here as it offered minimal benefits in return for massive expenditure.

>> No.4017097


>> Not widely available on consumer tvs
>> "Standard"

Wew lad

>> No.4017102

>Wew lad
I know you've probably never seen a VGA port on a monitor kid but it was standard for a long time.

>> No.4017168


>> VGA was not standard on consumer tvs in North America
>> The shape of the port alone would prevent compatibility of vga with retro consoles
>> Vga RGB is ~30 kHz and incompatible with retro consoles that use ~15

Shows what you know kid kiddy kiddo

>> No.4017193

Are you retarded kid? You're talking about modern VGA displays.

>> No.4017236


Face it kiddorino, VGA wasn't a standard on consumer crt TVs in America released before the end of 1999. Most people played their Nintendo's through either RF or composite. Millions of children in America weren't playing sonic on their genesis through RGB in 1991.


>> No.4017330

I'm talking about monitors you underage dipshit.

>> No.4017357

>as it offered minimal benefits in return for massive expenditure.
You know that's a lie, escpecially when every 6th console could only ouput 480i/p P will definitely look better than i, even with RGB

>> No.4017381

S-Video is a good compromise between clarity and blur.

>> No.4017386


I said I wish scart RGB was standard in NTSC land instead of composite. I was obviously talking about TVs. You said it was a standard because it was present on monitors. So yeah, you fucked up, brainlet.

>> No.4017389

Ironically enough, retrofags are the biggest autists when it comes to grafics

>> No.4017468

>I said I wish scart RGB was standard in NTSC land instead of composite
You really don't. Ignore the europoor. The modern scart cables that are just RGB can be fine today. In the 90s and today fully wired scart cables are ass. They carry voltage and aren't hot swapable. Wires are way to thick and stiff to route if you use actual fully shielded ones. Getting sound out of them is annoying to say the least with shit break cables.

JP21 was implemented far better if you want that kind of plug. .

>> No.4017474 [DELETED] 

if it was the 90's would be using free emulation and the best possible video quality

>> No.4017478

if it was the 90's people would be using free emulation and the best possible video quality

>> No.4017482

Remembur da 90s?

>> No.4017547

This. And I still use this hardware now. So comfy

>> No.4017552
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>> No.4017567

The genesis cannot output svideo apparently

>> No.4017775


This drama has gone on for so long that I can't even tell which pic is supposed to be the good one.

>> No.4017779

Pay attention at the tube Sonic's dashing through.

>> No.4017925
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>> No.4017935

Even as a kid I hated that rainbow effect. It looked terrible in motion.

>> No.4017936
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>Tfw I still use composite for all of my retro video games
Works just fine.

>> No.4017937
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>> No.4017940
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>> No.4017950
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>> No.4017970


Can you actually post an example?

I've played most of those games and I can't think of any effect similar to that shield or waterfall.

>> No.4018027
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But he use ''''''Frame Meister!!!''''''

>> No.4018236

Dot crawl alone rules out composite as far as I'm concerned.

It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.4018289

How come? It came with the cable and the console had RGB support, then it's pretty much standard. Is it not standard because you didn't have it?

>> No.4018294

I never owned a TV that didn't accept RGB over SCART, RGB, S-Video, composite, Stereo sound, those all are required for SCART. You can't sell a TV with SCART if they don't support it fully.

Several consoles back in the day came with SCART cables.
Why the fuck are you so butthurt over a good interface?

My SCART cables where always thick as fuck. The connector has an actual metal shield. I don't know what's unshielded for you but SCART is not.

>> No.4018298

SCART RGB is RGB + H Sync + V Sync.
Component is Red+Blue+Sync/Luma.

SCART RGB carries more data on separate wires.

>> No.4018342

>SCART RGB is RGB + H Sync + V Sync.
Nope, that's VGA.

SCART is R+G+B+Sync. Early implementations used raw composite sync (such as on my Sony Profeels) but latterly sync was almost always derived from Composite video.

>> No.4018365
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The tube looks more natural, but small details in the rest of the scene are smeared out. It's a wash in terms of quality, and you can't say whether one or the other was the way it was meant to be played.

Besides, you get even "better" results than composite by blurring the entire screen in postprocessing. Same shit, now without the color banding.

>> No.4018374

I may try defocusing the electron beam and see how things look feeding dithered graphics via RGB.

Shame it can't be done via a menu and involves fiddling around with the flyback.

>> No.4018381
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>> No.4018402

>but latterly sync was almost always derived from Composite video
No, it used S-Videos Luma sync usually, much cleaner.

RGB+Sync is still much cleaner signal than Component.

>> No.4018403

On a proper CRT even RGB will look nice and dithered. Unlike the picture there that clearly shows the tube as lines.

>> No.4018417

Using Luma would be a risky strategy seeing as it was never part of SCART's official specification.

>> No.4018435

Could I pay you to buy SCART cables and send them to me from the flea market?

I'd like to film myself proving you wrong, but we don't have stone age technology here. Also, we have wire strippers in our country, not pointless speculation about "diameter is way thinner." Thin wiring doesn't actually mean there's no shielding, just like fat wires don't mean it is shielded.

If I'm wrong, you get the chagrin of being right and the money I paid you to do a job. If I'm right, you'll just feel bad and still have the money. Deal?

>> No.4018442

Not that guy but I pick up double shielded (outer foil and coax RGB lines) IXOS and Monster SCARTs all the time for pennies.

People just don't want them - or recognise the value - any more.

>> No.4018462

> costs as much as a pvm.
> still has lag.

Well I already knew he was a retard but still.

>> No.4018468

Let me guess..
It's another "americlaps can't accept the simple truth RGB is superior to composite" thread?

>> No.4018475


They even started another virtually identical thread so they can be wrong twice simultaneously :)

>> No.4018507

I don't see it that way, OP's greentext might offend a few people, but I understand it as a way to recognize composite's virtues, even if it's the technical worst (well, worse than RGB or s-videos, there's always RF).
These threads are always autism though, basically "I care about how others play their shit way too damn much". No matter what side you are on.

>> No.4018512

>These threads are always autism though, basically "I care about how others play their shit way too damn much".

Before, it was LCD vs CRT. OK; I can understand that discussion.
But then it turned into nasty nerd credit about who can get the most expensive professional TV channel monitor and cables and probably the most crazy people will tell you that if you're not playing at the exact khz calibration designed for each game you're not playing authentically.
It went a bit overboard. I like CRTs, but when it turns into a e-peen competition it kind of loses its cool factor and becomes a smelly nerd thing.

>> No.4018589

>RGB+Sync is still much cleaner signal than Component.
You 3rd worlders are delusional.

>> No.4018592

No (You) for you

>> No.4018597

No really I'd consider the possibility of getting some help.

>> No.4018601
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>> No.4018607

Considering the fruitcake you guys selected as Commander-in-Chief I'd venture to say you're in no position to lecture on mental wellbeing.

>> No.4018609
File: 51 KB, 480x732, 1485853921142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is your biggest problem EUpoor.

>> No.4018620

How is he OUR problem?

Also, what is that cartoon supposed to imply? It makes very little sense to me.

>> No.4018621

>This unaware

>> No.4018627

Lol, sure it does.

>> No.4018632
File: 79 KB, 720x479, its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unaware of WHAT you evasive cretin?

>> No.4018636

You poor soul

>> No.4018640

Fuck it, we're done.

You can go back to cramming hotpockets and polishing your Desert Eagle now.

>> No.4018643

Not the other guy but you do realise M-M Monster SCART cables are complete garbage, right? They're shielded only in that there's two shields coaxial to one another, but what's inside the outer shield and what's inside the inner makes no sense. IIRC the audio can still interfere with the video, and if I'm wrong there then the video lines still aren't individually shielded and running besides the ground and blanking lines.

Premier cables, the brand with that name, are much better and use individual coax for the video lines. Other brands i haven't cut open.

And *you're* retarded because you think RGBS isn't the best signal available and to be preferred at all times. It's not much better than component, but if you get to pick you'd be stupid not to go RGB. RGB is a pure system designed to do one job. YPbPr is based on a bandwidth modulation shoehorned into B&W broadcast TV. Or rather Y'IQ is, and it's just the same shit under a slightly modified transform.

>> No.4018647
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>> No.4018649
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>> No.4018653


Blending colours and transparencies.

>> No.4018660
File: 210 KB, 960x720, 38143-Comix_Zone_(USA)-1459912876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find a composite/rf picture. With the blur, the red lines look like actual shadows.

And so on. It really is all over the place. You can think the dithering itself is good enough and that's fine but don't pretend only Sonic used those kind of tricks.

>> No.4018663

>red lines
black lines*

>> No.4018667

Do you think it's a good idea to sacrifice sharpness for a few effects? Besides this whole thing seems only to be affecting the Mega Drive

>> No.4018673

Why do compositefags alway post effects that were used in computer and arcade games too as a proof?
Sure you like the way it renders in composite, but they don't magically stop working when displayed in RGB.
All that composite vs RGB shit is pointless.

>> No.4018676

Yes I personally do since I grew up with the system looking like that but I don't give a shit about other people's setup.
>Besides this whole thing seems only to be affecting the Mega Drive
Mostly, yup.

>> No.4018682

We'll miss you guys when you get your new internet after today's announcement. Not really though.

>> No.4018693

>Besides this whole thing seems only to be affecting the Mega Drive
It doesn't even affect the megadrive, all the effects that have been used on this console's games have already been used on older PC-88 games.
Just use the signal you like the most/can use for the moment, as long as it's on a mid-end or better tube, be it shadow mask or apperture gid, then the picture's gonna be good enough. No need to be crying about muh NTSC smudge being the right way to play x or y.

>> No.4018725

The ones I've picked up definitely have RG179-type mini coax for the video lines. Whilst I agree they're WAY overpriced by big box retailers, to call them complete garbage is egregious especially at the sub-raw-materials price I paid.

I've got a few nice QED and Philex ones for under a quid too so...

>> No.4018735
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>actually believing that Theresa May and the Tories stand a chance in the coming election.


>> No.4018785


Component derives its sync signal from Luma too. So if what you are saying is the case, rgb and component both have sync on luma, and also both have a separate cord to send their color data through(component doesn't have one for green because it is calculated by the tv).
So that would make them equal.

However, scart derives its sync from the composite signal, which is way worse than getting it from just luma.

>> No.4018809

>However, scart derives its sync from the composite signal, which is way worse than getting it from just luma.

I've done comparison tests which showed that the differences were placebo-level. It really isn't worth getting your knickers in a twist over.

>> No.4019864

You guys know the rainbow banding is caused by capacitors and the DAC, right? It's not caused by the composite or s-video standards, and it can be fixed by replacing a few cheap parts.

>> No.4019940
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>> No.4020153

>S-Video > All
Honestly, this. S-Video still softens the dithering, but you can see way more detail than with composite.

>> No.4020302

This must be the most easily trolled board on 4chan. I appreciate the purism, and the attempts at perfect preservation, but the constant arguing over chords...


>> No.4020310

My theory is that most of /vr/ deliberately avoids this sort of thread. Those who participate are pre-selected for trollability.

>> No.4020316

You have restored my faith in this board and reminded me that I am naive.

>> No.4020318

yeah, there was (and still is) in-engine motion blur. The first one I remember was Metal Gear Solid, and looking back, it's really obvious and seems kind of ham-fisted, but at the time, it looked much better than any other 3D graphics I'd seen.

>> No.4020320

Yeah, that's really the best compromise I think. Much better colors, but still the nice CRT fuzziness.