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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 166 KB, 256x362, Diablo_II_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4015026 No.4015026 [Reply] [Original]

I've played a few diablo clones - namely Marvel Heroes and the two Torchlights, but never the root series itself. Is pic related really as amazing as I've always heard it is?

>> No.4015238

Diablo 1 was better.

>> No.4015420

use the search famiglia

also, play d1 first, windowed and no HD mod, later try the patches and mods around

after play D2 without the expansion first for a unautistic and fun experience, when you feel like being a hamster spinning an endless wheel get into D2LOD, and save this for then:

if not online at battlenet ladder, instal "Plugy" to enable all ladder exclusive rare itens on single player, and edit yourself a charm for much increased chance of itens so you get to play with Sets and cool stuff before the sun goes cold. also edit an endless stamina charm or some weapon with teleport charges, but just use it for backtracking long paths because fuck wasting time, but be sure to not use it otherwise for the cool moments where you bite more than you can chew and you cant run away

>> No.4015427

also plugy gives you infinite "pages" in the chest (basecamp inventory), theres no sense in torturing yourself in singleplayer, the small chest was only viable when the game was teeming with online funplay

>> No.4015428

The two Torchlights are way superior to any Diablo, 3 included.

>> No.4015632

LOD is way, way better than D2. You don't have to play LOD like an autistic retard to enjoy it.

>> No.4016886

>Torchlights are way superior to any Diablo
lol, care to elaborate?
i tried T1, and it just looks like warcraft 3, too cartooney, colorful, i couldn't immerse myself in it, and not that i care for story in action games, but even warcraft had a pre estabilished lore with some charisma, and diablo thematic speaks for itself.

>> No.4016892

well besides a huge new Act and 2 new classes, after all its an expansion, what does LOD bring?
-bigger chest and inventory
-quick switch weapon
-hirelings become equipable,
which are all clear improvements, maybe class-specific weapons is too,

-then you have runes (in d2 theres only gems to insert in weapons)
-a shitload of new items of exceptional/unique/rare/set/superunique
-synergy between skills
-cube recipes for anything except sex change
-and charms (they look like an improvement, but arent)

so it gets way too complex, and the added endgame stuff means it becomes harder for a relaxed player to complete sets and find nice rare itens that will be of use, you feel to autistic urge to hoard every rare class specific itens you find even tough youre still playing your first lod char, you get the urge to hoard every rune and gem so you can make the perfect cube recipe at some point, you have to plan too much on the synergies.

charms, they are cool, but they just make us waste inventory space, no autist will trash a charm, we will just hoard all we come across, in the end its just selftorture

also with every patch they made it harder to drop sets and good shit, didnt they? or am i misremembering that on D2pure on earlier versions, even single player you would come across a bunch of sets along the way and the concept of "item finding runs" wasn't so essential.

thats why i said to use plugy and a char editor, at least you can preplan to hoard every class item on chest pages 100,200,300,etc and forget about it, waste every rune and gem you find and later edit the items to remove them, and reverse skill assignements, thats to the only to enjoy LOD without autism while not screwing up your endgame build.

but i still think one should play d2 vanilla for its simplicity, its the same argument for playing d1 first (well, also for its different amtosphere)

>> No.4016910
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even if you guys insist on him playing d2 vanilia he'd still need a LoD because diablo 2 in 640x480 is unplayable

you can turn off/on the expansion for each character without the loss of technical improvements and mod tools

>> No.4016919

No ARPGs are great, but Diablo 2 is the best of them.

>> No.4016937

>The two Torchlights are way superior to any Diablo

>end game is engineer w/ cannon socketed fast atk (penetrates and is cone AoE)
>everything gets stats gambled with 3x strength rolls
>finish NG+++ before half a month passes by
If Diablo had bonus stat rerolling it would cut it's re-playability by a lot.
>they probably didn't launch with it so inferno gearing would last longer

>> No.4016947
File: 10 KB, 198x133, Genesis-Power-Battles-Vol-7-Arsha-vs-Popful-Mail-5[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom's not great

>> No.4016963

Thanks for confirming that all tripfags are still worthless retards, I was curious.

>> No.4017103

it felt like it was when I was a kid, but desu I can't get into it anymore

>> No.4018028
File: 93 KB, 894x894, diablo_3_fan_art_by_admanski-d4z1ou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP I bought the Deeblo II battlechest a over a year ago, thanks to some kind nude fag that posted religiously on /v/ and to see what the hype train for it was about.

My only experience with clickfests would be Dungeon Siege and some Torchlight.

I also tried out PoE with friends but didn't like it that much it was quite boring and also my integrated graphics card laptop couldn't really handle much shit on the screen.

Tried the Deenblo II over hamachi with a friend and it was pretty fun, also tried it on singleplayer for a while got to level 30 on a necro but was hella hard, my friend told me I was meeting many items to not die on my char but I had no idea about what to get not even the strategy guide helped me according to him now useless.

I think you should jump on the wagon and if you're with some friends it will be worth the purchase of $20.

>> No.4020203

>you can turn off/on the expansion for each character without the loss of technical improvements and mod tools
good point, i didnt even remember vanilla was only 640x480

it was probably LOD also that introduced the Perspective view, when playing with direct3d enabled in the d2 configuration executable, its a fixed cam fake3d, not a huge deal, but helps with atmosphere

>> No.4020421

>thats why i said to use plugy and a char editor, at least you can preplan to hoard every class item on chest pages 100,200,300,etc and forget about it, waste every rune and gem you find and later edit the items to remove them, and reverse skill assignements, thats to the only to enjoy LOD
Where's the fun in downloading a fucking editor and editing in awesome and potentially game-breaking stuff on day one?

>> No.4020483
File: 6 KB, 619x164, GET HYPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4020495
File: 36 KB, 600x582, 215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to attend the company's party right when MXL releases

>> No.4020504
File: 708 KB, 1024x768, Sigma pre-alpha screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nobody knows what Median XL is:
it's basically the most popular and the oldest diablo 2 mod still alive. It's been around for about 10 (12?) years with different iterations, names and creators. The new thing about 2017 (and what's going to follow, Median Sigma, which has been a legend for years now and has just been announced) f is that they actually reworked the games code infrastructure so it's more like a new game than a mod. It really is different from vanilla diablo 2 and even most mods. Some even called it the prodigal third son since we all know D3 never happened

I personally don't think the server are going to be able to handle so many downloads when the final hour strikes so maybe it won't be so bad.

Then again I'm probably overhyping it, it's still just a D2 mod after all, even with the whole median community behind it.

>> No.4020520

I actually hate how much they are borrowing from D3 in Sigma's UI

>> No.4020526
File: 647 KB, 1024x768, 2wghen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But D2's UI is pretty terrible. I hope it's not just a matter of tradition.

>> No.4020532

look how everything dark and contrasting is

i'd take grey marble UI over red and black shit

>> No.4020536

oh come on that's clearly deep brown on black, much more classy. Besides, darker colours are much better on the eyes.

>> No.4020596


>reworked the games code infrastructure so it's more like a new game

They are just using plugins that have been in the modding community since 2006. The only amazing thing is that it took them this long to do it. All the other changes they've done are just simple softcoding things like moving HP bars, modifying numbers, changing flags and recoloring things which anyone with Excel can do trivially. MXL is impressive on a design level, but in terms of coding they didn't do jack shit.

>> No.4020602

b-but the devteam would never lie to me

>> No.4020604

from the talks on the forum it seems they're using their own DLL module, so either they repacked all existing plugins into one or they rewrote them

>> No.4020630


At best, they are going to just redo what others have done ages ago by looking up the code that was edited, since it is all very easily available (you can just google the terms they use for their code edits and find forum posts giving the exact sectors to modify dated back to 2010 for 1.13c or 2004 for 1.10f). Not to mention the guy who "worked" on the code is somewhat infamous for taking work from others and claiming it as his own. So in all likelihood, their code edits are nothing more than copy pasting. But really, I'm being pretentious, who gives a shit as long as it works and is fun.

>> No.4020682 [DELETED] 

>main PC broke yesterday
>10 year old backup computer dies one hour before 2017 is released
>frantically look around the house for an emergency backup PC


>> No.4020689 [DELETED] 

Found a piece of ahit Chinese laptop with XP, hope I don't get wNnacey or whatever
I am not missing this

>> No.4020838

Median XL is like a kid with adhd. Huge numbers means more fun right?

>> No.4020845

Well, ultimately the whole goal of an RPG is to watch numbers increase.

>> No.4020908

>editing in awesome and game-breaking stuff on day one?
how is hoarding nice items you find, editing?

you dont even have to use them when you create your druid, as long as you dont inutilize your whole single chest without plugy with one ultra awesome druid weapon, and a fucking great barbarian sword, you think you will ever get to use.

plugy is the same as logging in with a second character in your buddy account to hoard the items there, in the end having a dozen chars just as mule, if you're playing d2 in 2017, might as well say fuck ghost bnet and use plugy and play with friends over hamachi

as for the charm with grearter drop rate, that would be just reversing blizzard autism that was ramped up with each patch, we dont pay a monthly fee on d2, but the longer we would be locked to them the more popular the game would seem, also, the harder pro players competed among themselves to reach the greatest achievments.

>> No.4020932

>500 new runewords
fuck that shit
thats just fucking autism, there arent more than (6 resistances, 6 damages, AOE, a couple dozen other on/off modifiers, and some more +x modifiers)

you gotta have a database just to filter the ones you want and the possible rune you should need,

this mechanic was a mistake, might as well just have 50 types of insertion objects with gem-like quality tiers, and then items would accept 6 of a category, and 6 of the on/off and 6 of the +x category, then no need to waddle through a couple thousand pre estabilished combinations to find the one you want, just add the igredients you want and thats it

>> No.4021349

The runewords in Median XL are just lots of jewels + one rune. There's a runeword for everyone so that's nice if you can't be arsed to grind arcane crystals to keep your uniques up to date.

>> No.4021528

Speaking of XL, I played for about four hours and got to level 40 as a flamesorc.
It's fun, but shit starts getting relaly annoying by act 4 when you have regular monsters like balrogs that are immune to both fire and magic damage. Shit man, I'm supposed to be in normal difficulty around here. I'm a flame-magic sorceress for god's sake
Now the worst thing is that you also can't respec like you used to because they removed the belladonna elixir recipe, so I'll probably have to branch into either cold or lightning.
What are monsters in act 4 terror going to be like, resist everything? Jesus.

>> No.4021871 [DELETED] 

No, d2 is boring and mediocre at best, also not retro

>> No.4022446

Actually, earlier versions of D2 and LoD didn't drop shit, only in 1.12 or 1.13 did we get improved rune drop rate, which means I can get the Bers and Jahs I need, with occasional totally unlooked for Zod.

And it's still shit, after trying PlugY there is no reason ever to play Ladder or original, the management space beats every shitty trading option or other online perk.

Vanilla D2, as every other game, was crap.

>> No.4022918

>removed the belladonna elixir recipe
Worst decision, IMO.

Still a bretty gud patch though.

>> No.4022931 [DELETED] 

Just because the graphics are shit doesn't mean it follows the rule of /vr/


>> No.4022973 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 810x780, 1337815587767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

>Thread breaks the 1999 rule
>Deletes my post

Good job mod

>> No.4023141

This is honestly the only reason I even have LoD installed. I only play classic anymore.

>> No.4023389

Im a terrible hoarder but I only keep mf resist and life small charms and +skill grands
will hold large charms if they have resist+life on them but try to stay away from those

>> No.4024220

>I only play classic anymore
why? im the anon here >>4016892
but im just curious

>> No.4024254

Is Hellfire good?

>> No.4024383

its cool, but its not an "addon expansion" like LOD is to D2, it feels more like a Y-junction mod, changes too much.

while its arguable if its worth playing vanilla d2 before adding lod, its common sense that d1 and hellfire are two distinct experiences, should be enjoyed separately.

>> No.4025229

>removed the belladonna elixir recipe
I was just thinking about hopping back in to XL because of the thread, but now I'm just going to pass on that.

>> No.4025641

>Never played Median
>Had to find a download of the right patch
>Then got exceptions because Windows 10
>Download a bunch of shit and go windowed
>Exceptions still
>Turns out I had to have installed it in not Program Files(x86)

Jesus that was a pain

So far it's pretty fun. Haven't decided between Unholy Paladin or Xbow + Summons Necro.

I got fucking rekt by accidentally going into the endgame dungeon in the graveyard

>> No.4025646

How the fuck do I get screenshots in Median?

Printscreen just shows blackscreen

>> No.4025650

try Fraps

>> No.4025684

>endgame dungeon in the graveyard
This is one of the problems I have with Median. All the trick troll level 6,000 or whatever dungeons scattered across the game in random areas, especially since some of them don't give you a stairs back up.
But apparently they're fixing that in Sigma, and moving all the endgame levels into new areas. Except Sigma's never going to actually release.

>> No.4025712

RIP me

>Get a new weapon
>Decide to reroll my stats because apparently I need good STR for Crossbows
>Hold shift and click expecting to increment by 5
>Puts all my points into strength


I'm not starting over since I am Minion Necro anyway but my stats are all fucked now

>> No.4025893


You're really upgrading the board culture here, huh.

>> No.4025910

"board culture" is a meme

>> No.4026045

>Playing on my new Necro
>Going with Summons + Crossbow for Corpse Explosion
>Get a point into Veil King
>Tells me it will reanimate and attack if it dies
>Fine whatever I don't see why that is a big deal
>Get into Inner Cloister with all those poison mobs
>King dies
>Spawn a new one
>Repeat x2
>Suddenly one hits me and one shots me
>Go back, grab corpse
>Immediately 1 shot

What the fuck is the point of these things? I figured they would come back as a champion not a 1shot cunt machine

>> No.4026258

total troll skill. should've picked a different summon

>> No.4026264

Either way I had to put a point into it.

So far I am running
>Skeletal Flayers (Have 5, may drop it down on reroll)
>Tank Guys (Upgrading them whenever possible)
>Flayers (Upgrading whenever possible)
>Void Archon (Upgrading whenever possible)

Then I have
>Corpse explosion that makes arrow bolts come out (For general use)
>Fragmentation Arrow (General Use)
>Widowmaker (Bosses)

>> No.4026286

No. It's pretty much exactly the same as all other PC hack and slashes, only with a gothic art direction and atmosphere.

>> No.4026297

read how builds work on the forum retarded I know but its a must

>> No.4026832


>kill baal in in nu-median
>level 60 but the immune enemies are geting really annoying
>have to rely on spamming arcane torrent for phisical damage
>decide to respec as melee sorc with akara
>it goes horribly wrong
>I can't respec anymore because belladonna elixirs only spawn at level 85+
>offline tools not available yet
>uninstall and delete everything

Seriously, that's so annoying.

>> No.4026845

you had free respecs in hatred and terror, you can only blame yourself

>> No.4026940

If he is only level 60 he has only completed Hatred.

That said it wouldn't be that hard to limp through the first half of Act1 on Terror

>> No.4027242

The LoD meta annoys the shit out of me. Too much collecting, re-rolling, etc. I'm a simple dude, and I like the simpler version of the game. Also:

- No Act V.
- No Runes.
- No Charms.
- No Druids.
- No Jewels.
- No Circlets.
- No Assassins.
- No Elite items.
- No Ethereal items.
- No increased Bank.
- No increased Stash.
- No Socketed body armor.
- No Class-specific items.
- No weapon toggling/swapping.
- No Crafting or Crafted items.
- No Gambling for Exceptional items.
- No Unique or Set Exceptional items.
- No equipping or healing Mercenaries.
- No Level 30 Skills on Scepters, Staffs, or Wands.
- No Mercenaries travelling from one Act or game to another.
- No Horadric Cube Formulas that require Expansion only items.
- No Socketed, Magical, Rare, Unique, or Set throwing weapons.

- Diablo Clone drops nothing.
- Whirlwind always has a 4 frame animation.
- Dexterity has no effect on Chance to Block.
- Static Field has no penalties in Nightmare or Hell.
- Resistance penalties are -20% in Nightmare and -50% in Hell.
- Rare body armor can get 1 socket with a Cube formula like any other rare item.

- Unique Rings: Nagelring Manald Heal Stone of Jordan
- Unique Amulets: Nokozan Relic Eye of Etlich Mahim-Oak Curio

>> No.4027278

>Civerb's Cuckold

>> No.4027313

What the FUCK was I thinking making a pet build

These fucking guys are so retarded and they keep getting caught on each other

It was fine till Durance of Hate when those faggots that spawn 10x shadows started appearing and they wont stop targeting clones half a map away and there aren't enough corpses for me to explode

I am rerolling as Paladin or Barb FUCK THIS

>> No.4027325

underrated post


>> No.4027332


D2 vanilla has better PVE
D2 LOD has better PVP

>> No.4027403


When a skill says
Energy: 30% increased damage

That means for every point in energy you get more damage correct? So If I wanted that skill to do more damage pump energy

>> No.4027449

Yes. In Median XL, the Energy stat actually matters, because of the new "Energy Factor" mechanic. Basically, all characters have an inherent "Energy Factor" which determines how much damage their skills derive from the Energy stat, and you can also get gear that increases your Energy Factor.

>> No.4027461

Cool thats what I thought, but having gotten cucked by the Void Knight summon I wanted to be sure.

Started a Buff Paladin and this time I am not going to waste my Hatred Reroll so I don't get fucked later when my build sucks

>Tfw have yet to get a two socketed item to make a Runeword from the beginners guide with

>> No.4027479
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x900, diablo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

By the time the going gets tough I am hoping I am more comfortable with what stats I want/need a bit more.

>> No.4027889

> -X Damage from Enemies

Is this a good attribute, or is it just a meme?

>> No.4027905

It can be useful when paired with % damage reduction and a high block chance, but don't prioritize it if you're not getting hit to begin with.

>> No.4027948


D2 is one of my favourite games of all time and I always come back to it every few years. For casual play it's fun on normal to nightmare, but when you get to hell you have to start playing it seriously and learning about the nuances of the game, making effective builds and doing runs over and over for items. I started running 2 MF sorc bots in 2015 when I last picked it up (I'm old and don't have the time to grind shit). I'd come home after work and bring up the webpage listing all the shit they got and it would make me even more excited to get off work. Even with the bots it's hard to find what you want and you have to do some trading, in the game or through d2jsp (which is still very active). I ended up beating the ubers and d clone in 2015 with a welfare kicksin with a death runeword, upped gores and some other shit I found. Was fun as fuck.

If you plan on playing online google "diablo 2 ignorelist". You should set one up because spambots are fucking everywhere last time I played. You can download updated lists that work with a game command to ignore their text.

>> No.4027951

cheat o matic
cheat engine
these programs can edit memory on old single players games, wait to get another free +5 stat and use 1 by 1 on STR, finally capture both memory values for freepoint and STRpoints, set str 0, and set free to 100 or whatever

once you assign 1 free to STR on game, it will reflect the 0 and 100 from cheatengine, and be 1 and 99

>> No.4028096

I want to go back to this game but make it a bit more fun. I more or less understand how to make item drops more likely to be high level by editing some files in excel, but how do you make more things to drop in general?

>> No.4028324

/players 7

>> No.4028340

Every time you do the den of evil quest you can reset your stats, so unless you're in hell and have already done this for a third time, there's no need to cheat.

>> No.4028407


>> No.4028423

jewels + item in cube = item + x sockets

also you can make runewords with just one socket also ith into armor is a good starter runeword

>> No.4028437


Perhaps there's truth to what your saying for previous versions, but this one has eliminated a lot of the hardcoded limitations in D2 which still carried over to previous versions. As far as I know MXL is the first mod to manage this and it's a very recent development in D2 modding in general.

>> No.4028484

>No. It's pretty much exactly the same as all other PC hack and slashes,
>only with an amazing gothic art direction and immersive atmosphere.
so you mean its not like every other skinner box pc hack&slash?

truth be told, i only get into d1 d2 back then because i liked seeing the cool art and shit, why else would circlets even exist? because we're autists who like to dress up our virtual action figures

>> No.4028495

>- No weapon toggling/swapping.
how is that negative in any way?
its awesome using that massive halberd to 1-off hordes of lowly shits, then a fast weapon+shield to stun the strong ones that get too close.
>- No Magical throwing weapons.
whats the problem here? the other itemlevels okay - because its inconsistent with a consumable? but whats wrong with a magical throw

>- No equipping Mercenaries.
its just an extra storage for that bow or suit you were gonna discard anyway

>- No increased Bank.
>- No increased Stash.
huh? i can understand dettachment, but even in vanilla a little hoarding is fun, how else can you even complete a set

>> No.4028838


Has any other lad here tried this mod yet? Is it good?

>> No.4029445

I like how there are no sections explaining what this mod is about or how it's any different

>> No.4029449

Not him but no equipping Mercs is a huge plus (assuming you've played LOD to death) because it's an eternal quest to hunt for BiS items which is so boring and annoying resurrecting his ass.

>> No.4029551

It's a simple list of differences, not me extolling the virtues of classic. I take the bad with the good.

Truthfully, I just enjoy completing the game in Hell using whatever normal unique/set items and the occasional exceptional rares I find with the least amount of rushing, grinding, and magic find bullshit as possible. Sometimes it's very challenging or even occasionally impossible. And other times surprisingly simple. Most LoD items and mechanics detract from the core game for me, and I got tired of LoD very quickly.

>> No.4029648

Median is so fucking cruel to Melee.

Jesus I got to the end of act2 and everything has frost shard machine gun effects and poison and it's really not detracting from the fun I am having

>> No.4030550

>Median is so fucking cruel to Melee

there's a skill for assassin that literally makes you immortal as long as you keep swinging

>> No.4030553

>only with an amazing gothic art direction and immersive atmosphere.
The art direction isn't amazing and the atmosphere isn't immersive. In fact, they're complete turnoffs for me with how incredibly generic they are. Titan Quest's Greek mythology setting is far more interesting and immersive despite its gameplay being just as shallow and derivative as every otehr PC hack and slash.

So yes, Diablo is like every other Skinner box PC hack and slash.

>> No.4031929

That's why I asked.

>> No.4031932

Then why are you here?

>> No.4031978

To tell you the truth, I owned it and played it by the time it was released but I never bothered with single-player. Broadband was getting really popular in 2000 (at least in my country) and to play it alone seemed like a waste of time. Nobody cared about lore just items, black walls scared people to death and necromancers with 20+ minions were kicked because of lag.

>> No.4032086

get good skrub

also I hope you're not running and killing shit

>> No.4034330

I liked diablo 1 a lot more.

Lately I've been playing through Hellfire with my wee little 7-year-old nephew, me as a sorcerer and him as a barbarian. We got him a really early broadaxe of might (+8), and I've got Heal Other, so he's basically a walking demon-slaying god while I run away from anything that looks at me funny.

It's fun. We're having fun.

>> No.4034356

I miss the old Chain Lightning

>> No.4034537

I played 2 player bomberman last week. It was fun. I remember fun

>> No.4034663

Isn't the whole point of a summoner to use eni and teledump your stack on the thing you want to kill anyway?
Is it even playable past nightmare without enigma?