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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 117 KB, 1024x579, GB_Tetris_Versions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
401275 No.401275 [Reply] [Original]

How rare is the 1st Tetris version? Just got if from a guy who didn't even knew it was in his stock. 4€

Show me your rarest item vr.

>> No.401454
File: 571 KB, 1296x968, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't rare, but it is in more or less brand new condition, and I got it for free.

>> No.401467
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>> No.402114

A mr. Gimmick cart

>> No.402146

by the following days, when i get my Banjo Kazooie with case/manual and Mario Paint in mint condition, i guess thats going to be my "rarest" got some yapon cases with games (Castlevania 4, Megaman X, Super Metroid, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country 2)
nothing really "rare" but i consider it abit more valuable then the rest i have

>> No.402163

I have a game & watch

>> No.402203

I have a copy of Snake's Revenge for the NES,

>> No.402213
File: 542 KB, 2048x1536, 0708022231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Starfox Weekend

I'd love to get my hands on the Donkey Kong Competition cart one day.

They are friends and it is wrong to keep them apart~

>> No.402215

That shit ain't rare, it was even released in Europe

>> No.402228
File: 109 KB, 1280x1024, koudelka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how rare or how much it goes for these days but Koudelka is my most prized video game


>> No.402227
File: 207 KB, 800x480, 2013-01-12 14.50.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel wen no rares
This is the closes thing to rare I have, only because it was on a shit system that bombed faster than the stock market.

>> No.402229

Why did they change the Tetris music anyway?

>> No.402239

What's the difference between rare, and just being ridiculously expensive?

>> No.402250

Man, I liked Koudelka. I never beat it, but it was a really interesting game. Dark, Gothic survival horror RPG. Plus, dat battle music.

>> No.402268

There should be a difference between rare and over priced. Think of it like how Earthbound has too many copies compared to most "rare" games but the over pricing makes people think it is "rare"

>> No.402275

The music was composed by Hiroki Kikuta who did the music for Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3. The only way the music could be better than it already is, is it was by Kenji Ito

>> No.402281

Earthbound vs. Nintendo World Championships

>> No.402320

>have all but Waterworld and Jack Bros on VB
>can never consider them rare because the system sucked
>VB Wario Land will never get a remake

>> No.402326
File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic

>> No.402324

Meh steel battalion

>> No.402325
File: 2.05 MB, 2592x1936, photo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is my rarest item at the moment.

>> No.402329

I've always been interested in getting my hands on Clay Fighters: Sculptor's Cut, but that will never happen. Not that it's really expensive, but that I'd end up with a horribly abused copy of one with tons of stickers on it.

>> No.402336
File: 95 KB, 640x908, resistorserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The X-Files game is worth having if you are or were a fan of the series. Whole game is good fanservice to the viewer. I want to own the PS2 game that was like Resident Evil but less good

>> No.402340

What board is this?

>> No.402341
File: 135 KB, 1089x617, mail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of legit rarity, probably one of my boxed PC games. I have no idea the print runs on those things, but its got to be lower than even console RPGs. There isn't really a market for PC games, so its hard to tell.

In terms of value, nothing exciting. Got the Lunar collection editions and Popful mail.

>> No.402348

Oh wow, I had no idea this game was rare.

I got a copy of it in a big box of games my dad bought a few years ago.

>> No.402352

Hey man, the PC X-Files game came out in 1998 and that is the one in the picture in the post I had replied to. I posted a screen of the PS2 game as no one seems to have heard of it.

>> No.402362

Fucks given: 0

>> No.402369

I'll check it out if I can find it, thanks

>> No.402381

Rare is hard to find. Expensive is expensive.

>> No.402378

No prob, it shouldn't be that expensive for a licensed PS2 game. I just have never seen it being sold in the wild.

>> No.402387
File: 8 KB, 194x266, 1341253625880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between rare and valuable?

>> No.402392

I still have hope they'll make a 3DS version of Wario Land. It's the PERFECT opportunity

>> No.402435
File: 355 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20130405184524417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real rares, but I have several uncommons. Here is my CBFD I paid $4 at Savers.

>> No.402449

Then go back to /v/ and make a "tfw no girlfriend" topic

This board is for retro games only. Fuck off if you can't handle it.

>> No.402452
File: 819 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20130405173330917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.402454


Overpriced is $50+ for a game everyone owns/owned and you could probably get it from your neighbor for free. Looking at you Super Smash Brothers.

>> No.402469

The mindset that we can ONLY BE gen 4 and older is fucking stupid and will get you nowhere. PS2 should and can be here, and your autism is getting in a wad.

>> No.402462

>Looking at you Super Smash Brothers
Wait, what?

>> No.402463

You're the only one being an asshole here, btw, I did have an original gameboy box in the picture, so it's allowed.

>> No.402479


>Boxed original gameboy

>> No.402474
File: 275 KB, 1000x750, DSCF7593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my rarest item. I also have a Pocket Station which might be rarer in North America, but the Nomad is cooler by far.

>> No.402478

Don't acknowledge the retards, it only eggs them on further, ignore him and he'll go away.

>> No.402489

>Meh steel battalion
>oh i had a gameboy in the picture so it's okay

10/10 perfect logic

So? Too fucking bad. Those are the rules.

>> No.402498

Something is rare when it's hard to find. Valuable means that it has good value, that it is seek for various reasons.

Something that is rare to find isn't necessarily valuable, but normally it is, because
>bragging rights

>> No.402501
File: 368 KB, 2074x1382, 23gk2vpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare in terms of not finding them sealed very often.

>> No.402507

Good example is MIckey's Speedway USA. It's a relatively rare N64 game.

But it's just a Mario Kart knockoff, so most people don't care about it, causing it to not be very valuable.

>> No.402512

>So? Too fucking bad. Those are the rules.

This, pretty much. The rules for this board pretty clearly states what it's meant for. Just because you would like it to be otherwise is not a good reason.

>> No.402514

SSB(64) is overpriced because of it's popularity, despite the fact everyone should own a copy.

Also talking about copies that are in great condition. You don't really want to buy a game and the stickers are faded, game is dirty or has writing on it.

>> No.402524
File: 700 KB, 2444x1844, 20130409_185247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I got mine from a friend for free. I didn't know these were rare.

>> No.402534

Likewise you will have a hell of a time finding a copy of Army Men: Toys in Space because it's quite rare. However it's not valuable at all.

>> No.402525

That kind of makes sense, I guess.

>> No.402542

They're $500+ at the very minimum rare.

>> No.402549

>PS2 should and can be here
rules say 2000 and back. go to /v/

>> No.402550

Fuck, you're lucky.

I've read that there are an estimated 4000 copies, but that's an estimation so there could be a bit more or a bit less, but it's still very rare.

>> No.402554

>Mega Man Legends has gone down in price

>Mega Man Legends 2 has gone up in price

>> No.402561

rarest of my games that i can think of on the top of my head would be Spider-Man:Web of Fire for the Sega 32X and Mermaids of Atlantis for the NES.

Though not as rare as the original, Mermaids is the clean version of Bubble Bath Babes. I also have the box with it. Spider-Man however is crazy rare.

>> No.402560
File: 735 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my rarest game. I'm willing to assume that my older sister likely found it back when she combed goodwill stores for collectible NES games.

>> No.402565

A good game in its own right, as far as licensed games go. Pity it wasn't released in Japan, Taito must really think Japan hates The Flintstones

>> No.402572

That it is. It was one of my favorite NES games(beside Pinball Quest) back when I was younger. I used to be able to beat it regularly, and the boss fights were awesome.

>> No.402582

>/vr/ - Retro Games
>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.402585

Well, I would be fine with the rule if it advanced every 2 gens. So, upon the release of the 3DS, we should be able to talk about PS2 and GCN for example.

Not trying to force anything, just saying that would be better. PS2 was a great system and deserves to be here now that it is 2 gens out.

>> No.402590

The rarest thing I have is a cart of CBFD, which isnt much.

>> No.402602

There's a few on eBay right now, one with two days left currently at $425, another is a buy it now at $750. One more with a BIN $1800, but it's not even worth half that.

>> No.402604

Fuck no. Keep retro gaming in the '70s, 80's, and '90s. '00s and onwards is when it gets shitty

>> No.402615

No they don't.

The only exception to the rule that should ever be made is the Dreamcast. It falls into that void of being out prior to 2000, but being of the next generation.

PS2, GC, Xbox and above don't belong here.

Shitty story? Called my cousin up shortly after /vr/ went up and someone mentioned the rarity of those games. She had both and a gameboy one, she claims, but doesn't know where any of them are.

>> No.402618

you can just talk about it on /v/ though. the beauty of /vr/ is that we have fewer kids. talking about ps2 will bring a thousand pre-pubescent d-bags making threads like "omg titties in gow fucking win."

>> No.402612

Oh dang, $800 minimum. Nice.

>> No.402636

I've got a misprint black-label Final Fantasy 7; missing the booklet, though. I know it's not "rare," but it's uncommon at least.

>> No.402630

>no they don't
Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.402631
File: 294 KB, 385x385, 1351766667258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarest thing I can think of is Skies of Arcadia for the Dreamcast, it goes as high as £50 online.

Still can't believe about 6 years ago, my mum found a Yellow Gameboy, that was bundled with Super Mario Land, in a Charity shop, with everything in perfect condition, and I just threw away everything that wasn't the game and gameboy.

I hear boxed gameboys are expensive, so imagine a bundled one.

>> No.402634

I would say it gets bad in '06 but to each his own. I just know that a lot of people here would like to discuss GCN and PS2. And I think that is fair. Keep Micro$hit out of this though.

And on a side note, if by "retro" you are referring to things that aren't shit, you might as well wipe anything pre NES off that list too. That is just an opinion though. most of the 80's were shit. 2600 can come along if he wants, I guess.

>> No.402642

>most of the 80's were shit
>confirmed for underage

>> No.402657


I have The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy same gameplay and graphics but total different price.

>> No.402658
File: 149 KB, 800x1200, suikoden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my most expensive retro game, it is in mont condition too.

>> No.402669

Probably one of my rarest game is Rodland for NES

>> No.402672

Stop trying to make up your own rules you little shit. No one cares what you think. PS2 does not belong here and the guidelines for /vr/ are clear about that. There is no discussion to be had.

>> No.402675

>I just know that a lot of people here would like to discuss GCN and PS2
>But not Xbox because I don't want to talk about it


>> No.402668

That one came out in Japan. If Kinaman's videos are to be believed, some Chinese pirated hacked Mario's face on Fred and released the same game as a Mario game

>> No.402663

Think we're misinterpreting each other. I quoted a poster claiming the rules said 2000 and older, which it doesn't.

>> No.402683

Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! is so rare because it was only ever distributed to Blockbuster. It's actually the 2nd rarest retail NES game behind Stadium Events.

>> No.402680

>. I quoted a poster claiming the rules said 2000 and older
yea that was me. and thats what the rules say. i was slightly off since it says 1999 and not 2000. my bad.

>> No.402689

I'm fucking serious. Gaming got better with the NES. Everything on the 5200, ColecoVision, fucking Intellevision, and most of 2600 were shit.

Gen 2 was the absolute worst gen after gen 6. Can't really speak to the quality of Vectrex or fucking channel F, but gen 2 was shit.

Vectrex looks fucking tight though.

>> No.402696

No one cares what the fuck you think, the rules are fine as it is.

>> No.402701

Vectrex was amazing looking. Didn't have the best library, but there were some solid games. And I'll hopefully be getting a Channel F tomorrow, so hoping it plays ok.

>> No.402704

>gets told
>opens numerous wikipedia pages to save his ass

>> No.402708

Ninja Gaiden Trilogy I suppose.

>> No.402721


I wonder in what position is Rodland on the list of rare nes games.

>> No.402732
File: 621 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20130405181008098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the one to make sure 5200 landed in gen 2 and not 3.

And the Vectrex does look fucking cool, I learned about it a few weeks ago in a video of rare garage sale finds. A guy picked it up for $5. Is it fuckign vector based? Thats the shit. Probably the best thing I have seen out of Gen 2.

This is my 5200 by the way. It is absolute shit.

>> No.402738

stop trying to save face. you're a douchey underage trip fag. lose the name and pretend you weren't in this thread.

>> No.402743

Half of the '80s is still better than all of the '00s

>> No.402747

>Is it fuckign vector based?
Yeah, that's the whole gimmick. It looks amazing, but it's severely limited as to how detailed it can be by very nature of being a vector display.

>> No.402753

And the most playable one out the two. Most rare NES games are boring

>> No.402757 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 300x225, CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE SPOCK IS COOKIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, nineties got Super Metroid.

>> No.402758

Seconding this.

>> No.402763

He argued '00s not '90s. The '90s are my favorite period in gaming, that nice bridge between 2D consoles and early 3D consoles combined with DOS and CD-Rom games

>> No.402764

>Half of the '80s is still better than all of the '00s
>I dunno man, nineties got Super Metroid.

Can you even read?

>> No.402765

fuck i'm retarded

>> No.402769

yeh console gaming wasn't good before the NES. Everything worth playing <1985 is on computers.

>> No.402773

tripfag getting told lol

you wanna discuss GC and PS2?
go to /v/

I am happy that this place is strictly retro or else we would get swarmed with little plebs

>> No.402787

I have a copy of Uniracers for SNES, i guess thats the closest thing to "rare" I have. Although im still kinda fresh to this whole collecting thing so im not sure if 300,000 is enough to put something in the "rare" catagory

>> No.402790

>I am happy that this place is strictly retro

That's not gonna keep /v/ out of here

>> No.402798

5200 has best Pac-Man aside from the NES port

>> No.402801

It is not awfully rare, it was made by Rare and released in Europe as "Unirally"

>> No.402794

My most uncommon game is a PAL Terranigma with english screentext. There are a lot of german copies around, but the english ones are a pain in the ass to find.

I also have Pocky & Rocky 1/2 plus Harvest Moon CiB. Not sure how rare/uncommon the PAL versions are though, since those are the ones I have.

As for NTSC stuff, Earthbound is probably my most expensive game, and Mega Man X2 my most uncommon one if vgchartz is to be believed.

Also have a crate full of CiB SFC games, but those go for pretty cheap in Japan.

>> No.402813

>That's not gonna keep /v/ out of here

Not entirely, but it cuts down on them a lot.

>> No.402821

I would love to own a German copy. My dream is to one day own every officially translated German console game (with some PC games) made until 2000. Swedish games will be easy, there are like 8 max officially

>> No.402816

Uniracers isn't really rare, but could have done a lot better if they didn't get sued by Pixar. It's a pretty good game and a nice conversation piece though.

>> No.402828

From how you're talking, it sounds like we have plenty of kids on /vr/, except these kids have a supremacy complex.

>> No.402825


I still hope all the plebs wont grasp the retro hype and, upon realizing the lack of boobs and female traps, will leave in boredom.

>> No.402827

the only thing keeping this board from becoming /v/ is the mods

>> No.402832
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 112354-bubble-bath-babes-nes-screenshot-wow-cleared-up-everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then again...

>> No.402839

the average age of /v/ is like 16 while here it's maybe 20. that's a little better but not by much.

>> No.402840



>> No.402848

First few survey threads had the average age at like, 30.

>> No.402853

Do you actually trust online surveys? There's only like 2-3 30 yo guys here and they're all unemployed wizards.

>> No.402871

It was nearly 200 image posts in a with people mentioning mostly older games.

One of those "Favorite game as a kid, favorite game as a teen" threads.

>> No.402873

Come now there were plenty of terrible games years ago that were like that as well

>> No.402865


I doubt that all the young kids have a long enough attention span to follow a game that does not have "Press X for AWESOME" in it

>> No.402867

just three?

>> No.402879


I run a video game booth at a flea market on weekends...that's not unemployed right?

>> No.402876

About that much. The average age of 4chan as a whole is like 17-18, so...

>> No.402889 [DELETED] 


>> No.402895

I trust people who spend more than five minutes faking a poll answer.

>> No.402903

>thread starts off nice on-topic
>some faggots have to bring "hurr ps2 should be here and derail"
First of all you're taking it up with the wrong people, see: >>>/q/
Secondly, this is a thread about rarest games, not about what should and shouldn't be allowed here and certainly not this devolved mess of arguing bullshit statistics about age.

>> No.402907

there were probably more oldfags when the board first opened, but they left because they couldn't stand the /v/ shitposters

>> No.402916

Actually it is kind of funny how they get POed when you point out that you'd have to be a wizard to still be using 4chan at 30.

"Nuh huh I'm a total normalfag with a job wife and kids and I don't jack it to MLP"

>believing normal, socially-adjusted people use a website like this

>> No.402924
File: 57 KB, 779x440, respects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this one?

>> No.402926

I don't have a picture of me but I suppose my rarest items would be the seven .hack games.

>> No.402932



>> No.402978

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.402981

I don't think you're correct. I am 35, fully employed and browse here most days. I suspect there are more older people here than you realize. The thing is, when you get into your 30's and 40's people tend to get more secure and cushier jobs. Most of my friends who are around the same age as me also have pretty free net access from work. The difference is that we don't tend to throw our ages around because it's not important.

>> No.402987

The rarest thing I own is probably my Vectrex. Its in a box in my closet of doom so I don't really feel like getting it out and showing it to you guys.

>> No.402983

NWC gold cardridge

>> No.402994

>I am 35, fully employed
Does working at McDonalds because your mom forced you to get a job count as employment?
>I suspect there are more older people here than you realize
If there are, it's pretty sad
>The thing is, when you get into your 30's and 40's people tend to get more secure and cushier jobs
And those kind of people don't browse this shithole
>The difference is that we don't tend to throw our ages around because it's not important
IOW, you don't want people to know how badly you failed at life

>> No.403003

>And those kind of people don't browse this shithole
You seem to think this site is worse than it really is.

>> No.403005

not same guy, but I sure wouldn't browse 4chan at work unless I was asking to be fired and probably have my office computer searched for CP

>> No.403008

One quick visit to /b/, /v/, or /pol/ would cause anyone to lose their faith in humanity

>> No.403009


so edgy so cool!

shouldnt you be outside with your bitches?

or are you one of those "WE ARE LEGION" fags?

>> No.403015

And /b/, /v/ and /pol/ aren't the entirety of the site.

>> No.403019

>You seem to think this site is worse than it really is

I tell you the following:

Take away all the mods and janitors for one day and you'll see just how bad this site actually is

>> No.403021

no but they're a huge percentage of it

>> No.403023

I have Mega Man 5 100% complete in the box, and i don't just mean the manual, game and box, i have all those stupid extra things that capcom put in there, and that nintendo power subscription thing too, so it really is 100% complete. got it for a great deal too

>> No.403031

>Take away all the mods and janitors for one day and you'll see just how bad this site actually is
Take away all the cops and lawmakers in a city, and tell people there will be no consequences for anything they do that day, and you'll have absolute chaos.

Why is this worth pointing out?

>> No.403027


can't be worse than child porn sites on TOR.

so no - posting some gore pics is what we did when we were 14. now it just appears silly.

>> No.403038

Flintstones 2 on NES. Paid something like 10 bucks for it a few years back, completely unaware of its rarity.

>> No.403032

Ha ha just imagine if Moot gave the mods a day off. I would rather not think about it.

>> No.403041


we had that when bots spammed the site with Scout pictures from TF2.

there were about 10% more CP pics and that's it.....grant you that is already too much to handle for 90% of /b/'s visitors

>> No.403043
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, dualanalogue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a dual analogue controller (left in pic) for £8 from a retro game shop. I prefer it to the dualshock, it's bigger and has concave sticks.

Pretty uncommon because they had a shelf life of around 2-3 months, but when you find one it's usually cheap because people don't tell the difference and their existence isn't widely known. Cool collector's item though.

>> No.403039

It depends on the neighborhood of course. Obviously Detroit =/= some gated WASP community in Vermont.

>> No.403048

Wow, you are trying WAY too hard. But to answer you earnestly, no I have quite a respectable job (quality control for a coatings manufacturer) and the typical normalfag trappings of a wife and house.

I feel no shame browsing 4chan during my free time. It's far from the only website I visit while at work. But I've been coming to this site for a long time and have always liked it. Is it a shithole? Yes. But it's my little shit hole. Also, there aren't many places left on the internet that are like this anymore.

So from my perspective I haven't failed at life at all. I have a job I enjoy, hobbies I enjoy and the freedom to chat about them. You're the one trying to convince me that the website we're both on is so shitty that no one should want to visit it. If anything it's worse to be wasting your precious youth trolling image boards, than a 30 something killing time because he has an easy job.

>> No.403051

>there were about 10% more CP pics and that's it

you do realize we also have captchas and anti-spam filters

>> No.403062


you new here? cause back then we didnt have that. hence the spam attacks.
they were the reason moot introduced Captcha to this site

>> No.403059

i think this guy is trying too hard by writing an entire graduate thesis on why he browses a site with gore, CP, and 14 yos everywhere

>> No.403061

You missed my point about this being one of the perks of being a certain age. No one here cares what we do with our down time. We're all grown ups. So long as the work gets done, that's all that matters.

I obviously don't do anything illegal, so other than that it's never a big deal.

>> No.403065

Oh you can post here all right, just don't pretend you're a normal, socially-adjusted person because we know the truth.

>> No.403076

Welp, this thread has turned into /v/

Even worse, we can't get rid of it because I'm neither a janitor nor the OP

>> No.403073

>3 paragraphs = a graduate thesis

Ohh please, if you can't read more than a sentence without losing track that's not my problem.

>> No.403081

Wall of text, whatever. sameshit.

>> No.403086

The worst I ever saw was /sp/ last summer before moderation returned. Words cannot describe how bad that place was.

>> No.403093

Tron Bonne
I also have a sealed copy of Rockman Power & Fighters, a limited release of the arcade games for PS2

>> No.403095

Err, does Rainbow Dash count as a wife?

>> No.403101


Not him, but I'm a 300-pound Iraq vet who's had more sex than you teenagers ever will

>> No.403106

"i cum on cat she hiss at penis", anyone?

>> No.403107

Sup, baby killer

>> No.403139

You're such an idiot.

The thing that always makes me laugh about the "no one on 4chan can get a girlfriend/wife" comments is that all it really means is the person saying that thinks they're completely incapable of finding someone.

BTW, I'm not saying I'm not a creepy old perv. I am saying we're not unusual around here.

>> No.403148

Cool, I didn't know that was a thing. Was it PAL-region only? If not, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

>> No.403149

I agree that the anonymity of the Internet does allow you to pretend to be anything you want, and sometimes you can never be sure that someone is what they claim.

>> No.403167

used to go on this site antiqueradios.com because of a project I was working on. pretty crappy site with a horribly antiquated 90s-era design and generally unfriendly userbase. they came off as a bunch of crusty old men who didn't like anything, although I still wonder how many weren't just younger guys rankling my chain.

>> No.403175

yeah it's kind of like religion. you have to accept people's claims about themselves on blind faith.

>> No.403184

Any specific stuff you didn't like about this place?

>> No.403219

Like I said. They were generally very unfriendly. Well not everyone, but two guys for whatever reason decided they didn't like me and made it their goal to annoy the fuck out of me.

Forums are a shitty method of online discussion anyway

>no anonymity
>post counters where the higher your count, the greater respect you carry
>usually only circlejerks are permitted

>> No.403227
File: 304 KB, 985x662, 1340917653232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a copy of Demon's Crest. I'm not sure how rare it is, but apparently it goes on eBay for $80-$100.

>mfw I got it for $25

>> No.403270

It is a good game, had no idea it was that pricy. Are Gargoyle's Quest 1 and 2 fetching as much?

>> No.403287

ITT: One delusional 30 yo virgin

>> No.403350

Doesn't look like it. Gargoyle's Quest 2 still fetches a decent price, about $40-$60, but the original Gargoyle's Quest only goes for $8-$15. I'm only talking about cart-only prices here, of course.

>> No.403409
File: 92 KB, 640x900, gargoylesquestii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I got my Gargoyle's Quest II for $5 back when Gamestop carried NES games

>> No.403431


i have a copy of stadium events somewhere, and the matt for it

>> No.403519
File: 2.73 MB, 2448x3264, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not my rarest, but I always thought the old school PS1 boxes were cool.

>> No.403525
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>> No.403548

>sega nomad

oh gosh someone actually has one

>> No.403546
File: 7 KB, 251x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harlequin soundtrack is possibly the rarest thing in existence. It doesn't exist on or off the Internet.

>> No.403560

>sonybrony wants to discuss PS2

fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.403553

this rule sorta fluctuates because there WERE games made for 5th gen consoles made post 99 that weren't shovel ware or disney games

>> No.403576

How about games that started their development as PS1 games like Shadow Hearts or ICO?

>> No.403586

>MATB is $150
What the fuck?
Though, should I get Legends or 64?

>> No.403606
File: 165 KB, 1624x903, 1234567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a board for retro games, 70's 80's 90-99.
>thinks that there shouldn't be too many people in their mid 20's-30's

>> No.403609

>The only exception to the rule that should ever be made is the Dreamcast. It falls into that void of being out prior to 2000, but being of the next generation.
Not even that.
The time rule prioritizes over the gen rule.

>> No.403610

>not rare
you are misinformed sir, that was given away to prize winners of a nintendo contest

rare as fuck actually

>> No.403616

Is a PAL copy of Space Station Silicon Valley rare? I've had it a while, great game.

>> No.403617

are you saying you own it, or just know that it's rare?

>> No.403626

pics ur shooped

>> No.403630

What the fuck?

>> No.403642

yes except you forget that 4chan as a whole barely has anyone older than HS age. not more than 5% of the whole userbase is like 30 and those few are probably forever virgin.

>> No.403645


Was that line actually real?

I remember the spam with that pale chick with the big titties, but I don't remember that line.

>> No.403648
File: 77 KB, 640x480, yih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too sure if either are considered rare, but every thing else that I have is pretty easy to find.

>> No.403657

What is the book, a strategy guide or a comic?

>> No.403659


The cover art for those games are beautiful.

Not a lot attention paid to the art now that IGN does all the advertising for you.

>> No.403661

I dunno about you but I'm 20 and I assume most of us are more what they call retrogaming hipsters than people who actually played the stuff back in the day

>> No.403669

depends. if we're talking SNES or N64 stuff, we can assume a fair number of those guys were playing them as kids. as for 8-bit stuff probably not.

>> No.403670

It's the a link to the past comic.

>> No.403683

Just that it is so rare it doesn't exist anywhere.

>i will never have a Harlequin soundtrack in my possession to listen to

>> No.403691

The one drawn by Shotaro Ishinomori?

>> No.403694

you mean like the vidya equivalent of 13 yos who listen to dadrock

>> No.403704

kind of but not that edgy. I mean, we don't try to claim that E.T. is better than Black Ops

>> No.403712

Again, you people have zero basis for this. There are far more of us old timers here than you imagine.

>> No.403717

Your claim has as much basis as his

>> No.403713

Oh but you apparently missed all the edgy hipsters who now claim that E.T. wasn't really such a bad game

>> No.403725

At least it was playable

>> No.403736


>> No.403737

28 here. Played NES on up. That's what I collect. I have an Atari 7800 and 1 game (Pitfall). I don't really collect stuff before NES because I'm not familiar with it.

>> No.403731

Ok let's settle this:

Youngest boards: /b/, /v/, /sp/ (until moderation returned), /mu/, /r9k/, /pol/

Oldest boards: /o/, /g/, /k/

>> No.403759

People project massively. They assume the userbase is either what they are or what they want it to be.

In this case, some 30 yo loser desperately wants to believe there's normalfags here to justify posting on a shithole with CP and 9th graders.

>I don't really collect stuff before NES because I'm not familiar with it

What specifically are you unfamiliar with?

>> No.403768

>What specifically are you unfamiliar with?
You know...just the Atari era in general

>> No.403776

you can't use Wikipedia?

>> No.403780

Well I can, I suppose but...

>> No.403785

Well his claim is based on god knows what, probably just blind guessing.

My claim is based on the knowledge that I am in my 30s and personally know of a number of people my age who browse this site regularly.

I think there is generally an assumption by most people who come to 4chan that they are among the oldest people here. 20 somethings seem to think that the mid 20's is the cut off and teenagers are convinced it's all teenagers.

What you fail to realize is that people in their 30's and 40's have at least as much if not more access to the internet and on top of it we generally have cushier jobs with more free time.

>> No.403787

Ok. What would you like to know?

>> No.403789
File: 93 KB, 612x612, 540096_3926317957524_1481159837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have ninja gaiden 2 mint in box and other uncommons. i have an mvs as well. and a gen 1 digimon from 1997 which sell for like 200 USD on ebay. i guess my mvs is my rarest and most expensive piece in my collection.

***for plebes an mvs is an snk arcade cabinet (i have 3 games for it metal slug x and 4 and fatal fury special)

>> No.403802

>My claim is based on the knowledge that I am in my 30s and personally know of a number of people my age who browse this site regularly
Who's betting they're all registered sex offenders who come to /b/ for the cheese pizza?

>What you fail to realize is that people in their 30's and 40's have at least as much if not more access to the internet and on top of it we generally have cushier jobs with more free time

People that age have the least free time because they all have kids/jobs/whatever

>> No.403809

>20 somethings seem to think that the mid 20's is the cut off and teenagers are convinced it's all teenagers.

this man speaks troof

>> No.403813

I don't get the impression based on my limited knowledge that the Atari era had very good games

>> No.403829

Are the Pocky & Rocky Games REALLLY Rare?

Fuck, and that means i can get them, unless i put a fortune with the Rippers of Ebay,

Fuck My Life, i want help.

>> No.403842

Okay, where do we start?

>> No.403848

Ninja Gaiden 2 is rare?

>> No.403836

alrightalrightalright. If you want to know about the 2nd gen (because you're unfamiliar with it), I will tell you

>> No.403854

I hope the GBA game is a lot cheaper

>> No.403867

Play tons of fucking MSX games, there are lots of good ones, and the computer is at least 1982 old

>> No.403873

1983, actually. I goofed by typing the key before it

>> No.403884

My entire point is that myself and the others I know tend to browse here while we are at work. It is because we're in our 30's and 40's that we have jobs that afford us this free time.

Let me explain it to you in terms you may understand. The teenage perception of what working life is like is about as accurate as a Gamespot review.

>> No.403889

Since the Atari 2600 was the defining system of the 2nd gen, let's begin there.

The Fairchild Channel F (1976) was the first microprocessor-based console to use removable cartridges, so Atari moved to answer it. In late 1977, they released the VCS (Video Computer System). It proved a modest success over the next year, but lacked a killer app until Space Invaders became an arcade hit, prompting Atari to secure a license to port it for the VCS. This game proved an enormous sales success and put the console on the map.

>> No.403897

Btw, that's not >>403737
but >>403768 is right. I'm not familiar with the Atari era. I don't know, I don't really want to collect it as much as the games I grew up with. I know collecting is collecting, but meh. Atari is just something I don't have much interest in collecting.

>> No.403910

Somehow I doubt you'd have any free time to be browsing here unless you work for the government and if you got caught on 4chan of all places, you'd get fired pretty fast.

>> No.403919

Collecting something purely because you had it as a kid is so entry level and pleb

>> No.403932

Well you can believe me or not. I browse here every day from work and have been doing so for years. I work in a small company and no one really cares about the net traffic.

I'm also the one with the Nomad btw. With that though, this is my last post for the day. Peace kiddies, I'll be back when I'm at work tomorrow.

>> No.403952

So then Mattel released the Intellivision in 1979 which started the first great console war. By this point, the popularity of electronic games was skyrocketing.

In 1982, Coleco released the Colecovision which was much more powerful than either the VCS or Intellivision and also had as a pack-in a high quality port of Donkey Kong that looked like the arcade game. Atari was caught with their pants down and had to hastily reply with the 5200, a hacked-up Atari 800 computer with shit analog controllers (the VCS was renamed the 2600 at this time)

>> No.403960

>Somehow I doubt you'd have any free time to be browsing here unless you work for the government

>yfw you realized he's an FBI agent checking for that sweet, sweet Captain Planet

>> No.403965

I have Polybius

>> No.403976

Sure you do, champ.

>> No.403990

Morgan Freeman, plz

>> No.403986

While Space Invaders proved a huge success, Atari's next high-profile arcade conversion was one of the worst console disasters ever.

Namco had created Pac-Man in 1980 and when it reached the US, the game became a bigger success in the arcades than anything before it. Atari scooped up the license for home versions and with great fanfare announced that the yellow pizza guy was coming to the 2600.

But when thousands of children unwrapped their copies of Pac-Man on Christmas morning, 1981, their expressions weren't one of joy.

>> No.404005

B-but I really do!
In all seriousness, the Illuminati are assholes.
Making a game that pretty much serves as a reason to shut people up about itself.

>> No.404017

I started a little less than a year ago. I've had some games, maybe 20-30 total about 3-5 years ago. It's gotten a lot bigger within the last year though.

>> No.404013
File: 33 KB, 300x360, topsecret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rarest game?

The Famicom version of Bionic Commando, going for $40 on ebay, $100 boxed. Managed to snatch it for only $7.

Honestly, neither the seller nor myself knew about the game's rarity. I guess I just got really lucky.

>> No.404023

My copy is loose, BTW.

>> No.404028

The Pac-Man "conversion" for the 2600 only vaguely resembled the arcade game, with Pac looking like an orange with an eye. In place of the opening level tune, it played something that sounded like a person mashing the buttons on a phone. It flickered horribly, along with Pac-Man facing only two directions and the maze inexplicably being orange on a blue background.

Certainly it could be argued that Pac-Man was a more complicated game to port than Space Invaders. In the latter, the aliens don't need much programming other than to go left, right, and down. With Pac-Man, each ghost needed a proper AI. Atari wasn't immediately harmed by this disaster, but it would help tarnish their image. For the time being, the company had blue-chip stocks and video games were golden.

>> No.404031

If that's the guy who did cyborg009, then yes

>> No.404039

typically you start with stuff you had as a kid and then work your way from there

>> No.404043

I've got Zelda's Adventure for my cd-i. I guess that's pretty rare. Too bad it's a shit game though...

>> No.404050

I'll never understand why Namco brought the US version only in 1990.

It was way after the Golden Age of Arcades had past.

>> No.404073

That is right. He was a swell guy, pity he died

>> No.404124

During 1982, anything video game-related was golden and sales of both consoles and personal computers were booming. The biggest arcade games (Pac-Man, Ms. Pac, Donkey Kong, and Q*Bert) all got extensive merchandising with toys, TV shows, and cereals.

Another disaster was in the works though when Atari got the license to produce a game based on E.T., one of the year's biggest box-office draws. For the second Christmas in a row, children were left crushed and in tears from this terrible game cobbled together in three weeks to meet deadlines. Confidence in Atari started eroding after E.T.

Also various problems were accumulating in the industry. Dozens of fly-by-night companies eager to cash in on the video game craze were producing terrible games on mostly the 2600. Even outfits like Quaker Oats opened video game divisions. There were not only a lot of console and clones of consoles, but an excessive amount of peripherals along with X-rated adult games and just generally bad, unplayable shit.

There was also not a whole lot of innovation going on. Nobody produced anything new or trend-setting by 1983 and instead contented themselves with second-rate clones of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Galaxian. Arcades also were the bane of many parents and widely seen as seedy places where teenagers sold drugs.

As the middle of the year approached, video game sales began suddenly dropping. The Christmas 83 season wasn't dominated by electronic games, but instead a more traditional sort of toy, Cabbage Patch Kids.

>> No.404137

US version of what?

>> No.404154
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He even added a new character in the story that looks exactly like 002

>> No.404167

The personal computer may have also played a role in the video game crash as parents were widely sold on the idea that a PC was better and more educational for your child than a console.

In any case, the game market went from 100 to zero in a little more than a year and by early 1984, Atari cartridges were being sold at fire sale prices to get rid of them. Companies involved in video games either went bankrupt, were bought out by someone else, or (in the case of Coleco, Mattel, and Parker Bros) went back to simply making traditional toys.

>> No.404193
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, GEDC0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly only 10,000 units of this version of the Genesis were made 5,000 NTSC and 5,000 PAL, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are far more common considering the frequency that they appear on ebay.

Also have a copy of Umihara Kawase with box and manual for the SFC but I don't know if that's really rare, just know it was never released outside Japan.

>> No.404198

If Umihara Kawase had been sold in the US, it would still be a rare game given it is from 1995

>> No.404203
File: 30 KB, 390x501, shiggyaward-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to mention how he rides in on a white horse and saves video games

>> No.404216

No because we were only discussing <1985 stuff since that's what anon didn't know about.

I could go into more technical details, but I've typed a lot and my hands are tired.

>> No.404262

hell, maybe he's 16 and knows lots of 16 yos who browse here

>> No.404268

Just remember:

4chan is for HSers. College and up use a more sophisticated adult site like Raddat.

>> No.404348
File: 16 KB, 600x600, 1287804093040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw my Uncle found a copy of Ultima: Escape from Mount Drash

My uncle works in a city dump so whenever he finds anything interesting he saves it. Some 50 something guy dumped a pile of electronics off at the dump about two years ago with a Commodore Datasette and some cassettes in it. Unfortunately it was just the cassette without a case but still, to have seen a glorious rarity like that was just amazing.

>> No.404471

The NES version of Pac-Man, I mean.

1990. What the hell. Well, better late than never.

>> No.404547

Actually you're wrong. This is what happened

>Namco releases Pac-Man for the Famicom in 1985
>Atari (under the Tengen label) signs up as a NES dev
>because Namco has no North American operations at this time, they get Atari to bring Pac-Man over here (this is in 1987)
>initially they produce licensed NES carts in the standard gray shells
>but then Atari makes bootleg lockout chips and goes unlicensed (these carts have black shells)
>they get caught and sued
>eventually Namco opens a US branch and releases Pac-Man themselves in 1993 when the NES is almost dead

>> No.404618

Sad, people probably weren't interested in it anymore at the time.

But Im glad it at least got a western release in some form.

>> No.405338

Thirding this