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4010635 No.4010635 [Reply] [Original]

this is daylight robbery

>> No.4010729
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>unironically buying Ethers in a FF game
>unironically buying anything other than weapons/armor/tents in an FF game

Also this is now a Rydia thread. Post green haired summoner grills

>> No.4010741

Waifu fags ruin everything.

>> No.4010751
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>> No.4010758
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deal w/ it

>> No.4010765

Being good in RPGs is basically to exploit things that the programmers got the balance wrong. That's the RPG specialist player's idea of "skill".

>> No.4010785

What the fuck does this has to do with the price of Ethers in FFIV?

>> No.4010794
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>Playing the outdated SNES game instead of the superior 3D remake

>> No.4010802

Genuinely agree.

The SNES version sucks dicks.

The DS remake isn't that much better, but at least it has customization.

>> No.4010806
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so how am I SUPPOSED to fight Antlion?

My strategy was just tank hits with cecil up front while Rydia uses ice magic

also, Edward a shit

>> No.4010808

The augment system is good on paper but it suck balls because it's a pain in the ass to get them, worse of all, you can't get them all in one go or something. You need a guide yes or yes to get them properly.

That said, the balance changes make it the superior version. SNES is piss-easy.

>> No.4010810
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>> No.4010812


I beat him my first try

but Im just assuming theres an actual strategy to fighting him Im not aware of

>> No.4010814

No. Don't use physical because he counters, spam Chocobo with Rydia. That's it. Heck, even if you actually do use physical you'll still win because he hits like a pansy.

>> No.4010817


are edwards songs supposed to do nothing?

>> No.4010823

Fucking hell, man. Can't you just look up a wikia or gamefaq?

>> No.4010868

In over 20 years of playing FF I think I've used one ether

>> No.4010872

Edward is useless as fuck don't even bother with him. Also put him in the back row. You should treat the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the game as a Cecil-solo game. Makes that shit so much easier, although it looks like you're playing the American release so he's missing his Darkwave.

>> No.4010874

The PSP version is my favorite. It's gorgeous.

>> No.4010879

the point of the outrageous ether price is economy and balance. if they were affordable, they would break the difficulty.

>> No.4010882

I once bought an ether ironically, is that ok?

>> No.4010896

Edward is shit.

>> No.4010901
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in SNES? yes, He's a support character with no support whatsoever.

Edward's only real use is proc'ing stuff with his harps which sometimes inflict things. Though for pretty much the entire time you have him, you can pretty much get things done faster and safer just by smashing stuff with Cecil and exploding things with Rydia. Hide is actually pretty good but entirely pointless when he's available.

If he was available for endgame, the only thing he has going for him is his stats post 70 can get fucking bonkers, dwarfing pretty much everyone's growth's with Rydia being the only one who can come close and still outdone. Without the retarded overpowered stuff they give him from the GBA version though, he pretty much just slowly slaps things to death but can't ever really die(which is sort of true with anyone at 70+ anyways)

>> No.4010902

It's goofiness so you'll learn to find ethers / manage MP better. There's similar "illusion of options" bullshit in most FF games

>> No.4010908
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which is weird since FF4 sort of hates magic. Tellah only works because he gets late game spells early in the game. Palom works because everything he's around for is piss weak and early anyway. Rydia works because Quake and Bio hit everything hard, until she doesn't work well when everything starts countering magic.

>> No.4010995


>> No.4011002

The GBA version is better.

>> No.4011019
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>> No.4011059
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Why was FF4 remade over and over? It didn't really sell more than 5 and 6 did.

Also why the fuck was Edward the only person in that shitty sequel who had IQ over 50. Some of it literally made no sense on why they were dumb, to the point it was completely infuriating. Pic related's chapter was the most egregious where she literally has to have a place she's been to be explained to her by someone who was never there.

>> No.4011068

I like the PSP version the best. I don't like DS remake personally. The GBA version's screen size is too small. My second choice would be Namingway Edition.

Back on topic. Rydia is hot! Ether's are a rip off!

>> No.4011091

No idea. I get why I and II were remade so many times. III only has one remake and IV has a dozen when it seems like those two should have gotten a reverse treatment. Is IV really popular in Japan or something? I get that it was the first game-changer FF but it really isn't anything special.

The premise is pretty cool and high-concept when you look at it from afar but the game and its script just don't do it justice.

You're left with interesting ideas and characters but they all culminate into nothing. See Rydia growing up to fight alongside the man who killed her mother with no kind of acknowledge and the Cecil-Kain-Rosa love triangle that got played up in the 3D remake's promos when in reality Kain literally only fights you because he was brainwashed multiple times.

>> No.4011143

Buying ethers is for the endgame. This is to make you actually ration your MP instead of being a fucking retard and spamming spells.

>> No.4011207


Im having Rydia throw her icerod, which I was happy to find casts ice spells at no mana cost, for some reason

>> No.4011670

They should port it to 3DS or Vita. It's easy money

>> No.4011853


wow you guys were right about the PSP version. Really neat visuals.

>> No.4011856

Every FF game goes trivial once you get Osmosis. It's what turns dungeons with random battles from one long sustainability battle to a mindless grind.

>> No.4011876

edward: back row, parry (will generally only be hit for single digits)
rydia: back row, chocobo or ice (generally chocobo, but varies depending on gear and level). If out of MP, parry. If using myst skip, use Dancing Dagger.
cecil: front row, attack

only "attack"-type attacks are countered, and the only major attack damage comes from Cecil.. so he should be the only one attacking directly. Ed's damage is too low to be useful, and Rydia uses magic which does not trigger counter.

>> No.4011884

>osmose in NES FF2
>absorbs full amount regardless of how much MP the target has so you can use non-caster party members as infinite MP batteries
>can target undead to drain your own MP for huge gains
>MP doesn't cap at 999 despite the display
>spells can't even cost more than 16 MP and you'll never get anything past 8 or 9 without excessive grinding
At least you only get one tome and it's fairly late in the game.

>> No.4011984

wizards drop osmose tomes

>> No.4012008

Osmose is usually a late-game spell, so the enemies are threatening enough to make using it somewhat of a risk. I think FF6 was the only one silly enough to give it to you at the beginning.

>> No.4012031

>Is IV really popular in Japan or something?

This is the reason it has received ports and remakes for everything.

>> No.4012228

On the other hand, if Ethers were affordable they'd balance it in another way like increase MP costs/lower MP pool.
I don't think I've ever actually needed to use Ether in any of my FFIV playthroughs, so the price is fine.

>> No.4012236

Aspir/Osmose was so-so in FF5 where you have much better ways to manage and refill MP way before you can buy it

>> No.4012254

while fight(party, Antlion) == LOSE: grind(party)