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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4007660 No.4007660 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: A different kind of console war.

Which had a better library of games? The Super Nintendo, or the original Playstation?

>> No.4007661


>> No.4007669

PlayStation. The SNES library is pretty thin outside of the titles widely considered classics

>> No.4007673

Super Nintendo by a razor-thin margin.

>> No.4007678

Playstation had way more shovelware

>> No.4007704 [DELETED] 

The PS1 is superior to the SNES in all genres, but beat'em ups and 2D platforming.

>> No.4007708

The PS1 is superior to the SNES in all genres, but beat'em ups and side-scrollers.

>> No.4007712 [DELETED] 

>PS1 beat'em ups
Those exist?!

>> No.4007728

I know a dozen or so: Panzer Bandit (Guardian Heroes-like), Captain Commando (arcade port), Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (3D), Gekido (3D), Fighting Force (3D), Nekketsu Oyako (2D), Legend (3D), Warriors of Fate (arcade port).T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger (3D), Hokuto no Ken (3D), Crisis Beat (3D).

There's probably a few more.

>> No.4007729
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PSX had better shmups, but SNES had better platformers.

Damn, that's a tough one. I'll have to pick PSX since I enjoy shooters more.

>> No.4007760
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>better in RPGs

>> No.4007796

To be fair, PS1 had a lot of ports of SNES rpgs.

>> No.4007805

Nekketsu is shit on the PSX. Play the superior Saturn version instead.

>> No.4007817
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Playstation. It has so many arcade ports.

>> No.4007837

Tie. Both broke ground in different genres (both funnily enough also were huge in how JRPGs turned out), buth had large and varied libraries that covered most genres enough for anyone, and I'd say roughly the same amount of crap too.

The funny thing is that the PS1 ended up with a lot of titles that were also on the SNES.

>> No.4007846
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>> No.4007881

Sega Saturn.

>> No.4007892

which all ran like shit

>> No.4007897

You basically said it all. They more or less occupied the same market space and looser quality requirements aside the Playstation had the huge natural advantage of easily running (and enhancing) any SNES game that somebody decided to publish on it. That's the nugget that makes it an unfair competition, really... Although I'd still support the Playstation even not including 16 bit re-releases, but I had been coming from the Sega side of the bloodiest console war front lines ever so I'm still probably biased.

>> No.4007902


>> No.4007908

It definitely is, Square was at its peak during the PS1. Pick any Squaresoft game for the PS1, it's guaranteed to be good.

>> No.4007909

i'm a massive nintendo fan but i have to give this one to the playstation. nintendo had some AMAZING games for the SNES (alttp, super metroid, kirby super star, super mario world, yoshi's island, etc) and square had some of their best rpgs on it, but really if you had the playstation you always had cool games to play, it got great games constantly. might not have reached the heights of nintendo and square's classics on SNES, but the amount of great games makes it the one with the better library imo. thinking back the SNES really had a teeny tiny library

>> No.4007913

this is also true, which as a kid meant there was a high chance of you getting an absolute shit game if you didn't do your research

>> No.4007914

>Pick any Squaresoft game for the PS1, it's guaranteed to be good.

Final Fantasy VIII, Xenogears disc 2, Chrono Cross.

>> No.4007929

If the PS1 had a Super Metroid port it'd basically be the perfect system

>> No.4007934

Couldn't the same be said about the PS1? In fact, I think the PS1 has less classics, Sony themselves don't have a lot of 1st party classic outside of... Gran Turismo maybe?

>> No.4007935

He said good, not the Sistine Chapel. Square has done shit, but when they fucked up at the time it was only subpar. Xenogears had half of a good game, Cross still looked damn pretty, and VIII had dead Squall.

>> No.4007939

>loading times vs no loading times

>> No.4007942

>judge not the library

>> No.4007943

when has sony first party games ever mattered?

>> No.4007945

Is there a single PS1 game without loading times?
I know there's a few rare cases of SNES games with loading times (SFA2), but I don't know any PS1 game without loading times.

>> No.4007949

i remember it being minimal and not bothersome in stuff like crash 3, but absolutely terrible in square's snes ports which makes me rage when someone mentions those as good versions of those games

>> No.4008002

super famicom was glorious, psx was cancerous

>> No.4008013


PS1 has better beat em ups. Look at the Captain Commando port on each console.

>> No.4008021

PS1 has more hidden gems than any other console

>> No.4008035

He probably means exclusive titles and not arcade ports.
Metal Jesus, is that you?

>> No.4008039

SNES has more decent games, PS1 has a lot of garbage like the NES did

>> No.4008049


I never got into playstation when it came out originally and was curious about adding it as another emulator, but ultimately decided not to specifically because I couldn't even find any games worth playing on it. It has the second poorest game library after Saturn.

>> No.4008056

Nearly every major RPG series continued on the PlayStation with sequels that improved on their predecessors in every conceivable way. Playstation is by far the better console.

>> No.4008060

No. The only disc based games that play directly from the disc is shit like Dragon's Lair and it still loads a little bit at the beginning.

>> No.4008063

>chrono cross better than ct
>ps final fantasies better than v or vi

>> No.4008069

Especially Chrono Cross. That game was a treat, the battles actually weren't a chore, they were fun. You couldn't just grind your way out of an issue, you played with your element tables. It's got equal music, just higher quality, the characters aren't ALL fleshed out, but I'd prefer that to Marle and Lucca who were boring and forced.
gonna replay it soon

>> No.4008080

Final Fantasy 5 is not a Super Nintendo game. It is a Playstation game.

>> No.4008082


>> No.4008085

Snes have grate platform RPG sport racing.
But less of grate arcade port because slow CPU.

PS have everything but grate 2d fighting game.

>> No.4008092

>CD quality music vs. compressed low-bitrate over-reverbed tinny music

>> No.4008095

Every generation is better than the one before it, this boards existence is proof. nobody would be talking about pc engine or atari or snes or ps1 on /v/, they're oudated and obsolete. I say for every genre example you have, a better game exists on the PS1 than SNES, because even 32bit is twice as much as 16bit.

>> No.4008096

>not liking low bitrate tinny shitty music
I thought you liked video games. It's how it was intended to be heard, don't you trust the developers?

>> No.4008109

The PS

>> No.4008127

I speak only the truth and nothing other than.

>> No.4008131

>improved on their predecessors in every conceivable way
Except for the ugly 3D graphics

>> No.4008148

The PS1 by far. Not because the SNES is bad, but because the PS1 is just amazing. One of the biggest differences come from Sony and their treatment of third party developers. Western developers finally got he chance to really produce games for a Japanese system. As a result a good amount of classics and even hidden gems come from the west. Which already basically means it has twice as many games.
Also, 2D, 3D capabilities and CD storage resulted in a lot of experimantation that you just couldn't do on the SNES.
If you believe the SNES has more to offer than the PSX, you are ignorant, but you probably have good journey ahead of you, if you are willing.

>> No.4008154

I have extensively played both PS1 and SNES, and in the end I prefer the SNES.
The little experimental games like LSD on PS1 are great, but I prefer action 2D games, and SNES offers more of that to me than PS1.
PS1 has the advantage of having more variety due to 3D though, but a lot of PS1 3D games weren't that good, or have better alternatives on PC or N64, so it's a double-edged sword.
Since I like 2D, I prefer Saturn over PS1.

>> No.4008176

PS have everything but grate 2d fighting game.

The PSX is the 4th best retro console for 2D fighting games after the Neo Geo, Saturn and Dreamcast.

>> No.4008194

For PS1
In that time 3d polygon are very low detail and not use good motion capture , They must away ues FMV cutseen along gameplay to make people feel that polygon have emotion like 2d.

>> No.4008201

Yes better then N64 only

>> No.4008214


>> No.4008223


The top 10 most sold games are exclusives but you could only consider Gran Turismo a Sony IP, if you don't consider Crash in the 90's of course

>> No.4008254
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>If the PS1 had a Super Metroid port it'd basically be the perfect system


>> No.4008301

By this measure I rank them snes < PS1 < nes

But it's very close.

>> No.4008337

I didn't know Warriors of Fate and Metal Slug were on SNES

>> No.4008349

>The length of that spoiler
You about had me mad but yeah I can see a person feeling that way.

And this way too, I suppose. There's nothing that comes close to Super Mario World on Playstation and if you really really love 2D platformers then yeah. Of course that's Nintendo for you, always. Do your core thing and be the best at it. You'll always have an audience.

>> No.4008384


>> No.4008413

Playstation, but bearly.

>> No.4008425

man, this is really hard, I had both when I was younger, before I stuck to handhelds till 6th gen. I still think to date the SNES overall is nintendo's best console. Overall though I think I would have to give the prize to the Playstation, several great games or enhanced versions of games, although the addition of load times is a negative.

>> No.4008464
File: 102 KB, 750x731, star bleach day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people comparing the specs of the super nintendo to that of the playstation

Holy fuck thats dense. Not what the threads even about

>> No.4008502

I don't think you like video games.

>> No.4008523

Playstation. It's really not even fair, the PS1's library is crazy wide.

There's tons of great 2D games (inb4 saturn was better -- who cares, it's not in this discussion) on PS1.
There's tons of great 3D games on PS1.
There's better shoot-em-ups on the PS1 (but the SNES is kind of awful for shmups).
There's better racing games on the PS1 (by far).
There's better RPGs on PS1 (this one is relatively close).
Sports games (if you care) are better on PS1.
Arcade ports are better on PS1 by far.
There are genres that didn't even exist on the SNES that are on the PS1.

SNES wins in terms of platformers (by a very, very high margin -- although I still do enjoy the handful of platform games on PS1 quite a bit), but that's about it.

still mad at how much of a fucking joke Metal Slug on PS1 is, though

>> No.4008556

>Tons of great 2D games.
Name 3 I wouldn't rather play on another system.

>> No.4008635

Hmm, if we're allowing JP releases, this is piss easy and I could keep going for a bit. Certainly not more than on SNES (or even close), but there's still a decent amount.
>Adventure of Little Ralph
>Harmful Park
>Zanac x Zanac (well, Zanac Neo)
and those are just games I've played somewhat recently, there's other stuff like Panzer Bandit (2.5D ala Guardian Heroes), Gradius Gaiden,

It's a fair bit harder if you limit it to stuff released in the west (and avoid arcade ports) due to the "no 2D policy".
>Tales of Destiny (or maybe Tales of Eternia, which is probably a better game)
>Symphony of the Night
>Mega Man X4 (and maybe X5)
could mention Alundra too, but I've never played it

There's a fair bunch of solid arcade ports and compilations (R-Types and the great port of Strider 1 included with Strider 2 spring to mind immediately), but most of them got better ports later on (or even at the same time on the Saturn, like basically every fighting game port -- although they're all better than what you'd get on SNES, which is what this thread is about).

I could add a handful more if we're talking polygon games with 2D gameplay too (like R-Type Delta, Klonoa, G-Darius -- although that one's better played Taito's PS2 collection because of slowdown, even if the PS1 version has a handful of little exclusive bits like boss attack).

>> No.4008645

>there's other stuff like Panzer Bandit (2.5D ala Guardian Heroes), Gradius Gaiden
a bit of my post disappeared, wanted to say Gunner's Heaven as well

one of the big problems is that a bunch of the stuff I want to list is available (and better) on the Saturn

>> No.4008646

All available on PSX
>inb4 muh load times

>> No.4008682
File: 2.09 MB, 1955x1728, Hype_is_real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS is for pussies

>> No.4008683


Legend of Dragoon

>> No.4008797

Without? No. With barely any? There's a couple.
Ridge Racer loads twice -- once when booting (long), and then once on course change (short).
If you never change course after loading it, you can even take the CD out (and put in a new one to hear bits of music from it).

also, any of those little Net Yaroze games on demo discs
(as an example hover racing is a brilliant F-Zero clone, go play it) need only one load since they literally have to fit entirely into system memory

honestly, PS1 loading doesn't bother me that much, although that might be the relatively short and/or unintrusive load times on most of the stuff I play (like, KOF98 has fucking terrible load times, but that's like one game out of around the fifty or so I routinely play where it's particularly bad)

>> No.4008803

I love both so much but if I had to choose one, then it's the Super Famicom.

>> No.4009590
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I would say the library of games is about equal. However, Super Famicom has the best library of box artwork of any system hands down.

>> No.4009612

Chrono Cross is excellent. >;(

>> No.4009643

Hell yeah
My nigga

>> No.4009669

FF5 is called FF3 in america you braindead scumfuck degenerate.

>> No.4009674


Not him but I think you refer to 6, 5 was never released in the SNES in occident

>> No.4009682

It was though.

>> No.4009708
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You are talking about later ports, SNES never received FF5, Super Famicom did

>> No.4009719

Even genesis had a better library that snes lol

>> No.4009747


>> No.4009751


>> No.4009756

He's not wrong
Mario Kart
All Stars
Donkey Kong
Wow i just listed every game worth owning for snes

>> No.4009767

>I think bubsy 3d is going to surprise alot of people
Oh why yes it did.

>> No.4009772

No need to namefag and no need to try gain internet fame on anonymous imageboard.

>> No.4009785

Playstation by far

>> No.4009796

>He doesn't even list super metroid
Nice bait, got me to reply/10.

>> No.4009871

F-Zero instead of Donkey Kong

>> No.4009878

Why do you talk in 3rd person?

>> No.4009884

Go fuck yourself anon. And fuck this shitty board
>muh retro
>muh snes
Eat a dick nigger
Im never coming back

>> No.4009889

Too many abilities in that game severely overlapped or were completely useless. I can understand people liking this game more than the handheld ones that came after it since they owe so much to it. But next to super metroid, this game was pretty sloppy.

>> No.4009916

I'm glad you did.

>> No.4009919

Playstation definitely had a more accessible library since the discs were cheaper to make and Demo Disks.

Load times and freeze ups fucking killed it for me, though. I barely replayed anything on that system until I got a PS2 which ran PS1 games great but froze randomly on Ico and Ikaruga because fucking bluedisks

>> No.4009951

Ikaruga was on PS2?

>> No.4009965

My bad. I got it mixed up with contra Shattered soldier.
I had this awful weekend as a kid going to blockbuster for ikaruga, not finding it, settling for contra SS, that not working, and going back the next day and just renting wario world again

>> No.4010584

SNES has some of my all time favorite games on it, but PS1.

SNES is full of classic beatem ups, platformers (though I like the NES equivalents better), and RPGs.

But PS1 has its own volume of good games in those areas, plus Twisted Metal, Street Fighter Alpha, Legacy of Kain, decent port of Diablo, Monster Rancher, SotN, Squares little off shoot project games like Brave Fencer, and a general mountain of gems.

Its really hard to vote PS1 when SNES still has one of the best Mario Karts, but I feel it wins out.

>> No.4010827

Would I be mistaken to presume the console of which you speak involves a power of two?

>> No.4010884


>> No.4010894
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Other people have pretty much said all I have to say about why I think the PS1 has a greater library, but I'll just add this one other quick game.

>> No.4010959

SNES RPGs (including SFC games)
>Final Fantasy 4-5-6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Super Mario RPG, Seiken Densetsu 3, Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, Breath of Fire 1-2, Lufia 1-2, EarthBound, Tactics Ogre, Bahamut Lagoon, Soul Blazer, The 7th Saga, Treasure of Rudras, Live-A-Live, Star Ocean, Treasure Hunter G, Brain Lord, Romancing SaGa 1-3, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Dragon Quest 1-2-3-5-6, Secret of the Stars, Front Mission, Langrisser 2, Ys 3-4-5, Robotrek, Tengai Makyou Zero, Lennus 1-2, FEDA, Albert Odyssey 1-2 and some lesser important or obscure games

>Final Fantasy 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9 / Tactics, Star Ocean 2, Chrono Cross / Trigger, Legend of Mana, Tales of Phantasia / Destiny / Eternia, Xenogears, Dragon Quest 4-7, Vagrant Story, The Legend of Dragoon, Grandia, Suikoden 1-2, Breath of Fire 3-4, Lunar 1-2, Valkyrie Profile, Legend of Legaia, Parasite Eve 1-2, Wild Arms 1-2, Brave Fencer Musashi, Saga Frontier 1-2, Front Mission 1-2-3, Vandal Hearts 1-2, Jade Cocoon, Persona 1-2, Azure Dreams, Thousand Arms, Tear Ring Saga, Brigandine, Langrisser 1-2-4-5, The Granstream Saga, Threads of Fate, Koudelka, FEDA 2, Arc the Lad Collection, Moon RPG, Rhapsody and some lesser important or obscure games

The difference is pretty substantial, SNES is Saturn-level for RPGs.

>> No.4011163
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>SNES is Saturn-level for RPGs
Most of its RPGs are in English, though.

>> No.4011253

all three are good and also pleb filters

>> No.4011262
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>current year
>not knowing Japanese

>> No.4011293

PS1 is a cool console, I wish it had the same amount of beat 'em ups than the SNES though, it was the perfect time to develop them due to better hardware, some more action platformers wouldn't hurt either (even wihen it had great stuff like Strider 2 or Metal Slug X)

>> No.4011308

>SNES is full of classic beatem ups,
Most of them are crap though since the hardware wasn't good enough to handle them.

>> No.4011501

Well, in that case, Final Fantasy II is a PSOne game and Final Fantasy III is a DS game since their original forms were never released in the US.

And Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels is a Wii game since it's original form was only released as a Virtual Console game.

>> No.4011515


lol no

>> No.4011518

>SNES is full of classic beatem ups
All ridden with slowdown and terrible sprite limits, all the arcade ports are butchered. Terrible console for beatemups.

>> No.4011528

lol yes

>> No.4011534

SNES. Christ almighty you're all faggots. >>4007660

>> No.4011540

Add three great Ganbare Goemon platformers (only the 3D one sucked ass)

>> No.4011742

What are soem good beat em ups on PlayStation though? SNES has Ninja Warriors which is pretty good, not to mention Turtles in Time (far from "butchered port").
I can understand if we compare something like Captain Commando, but what else is there on PS1? I remember playing some japanese beat 'em ups but they weren't as good as Turtles in Time or Ninja Warriors Again.

Anyway, if the SNES has slowdowns, the PS1 has loading times, so it evens out.

>> No.4012191

the PS1 is incredibly lacking in beat-em-ups, sadly
SNES totally beats the PS1 in that regard simply for having them at all.

>> No.4012226

Final Fantasy 2 & 3 the SNES games were known in Japan as Final Fantasy 4 & 6 the Super Famicom games. Final Fantasy 2 as part of the Final Fantasy Origins Playstation game collection is an enhanced version of the Famicom Final Fantasy 2 and is different from the SNES Final Fantasy 2. Final Fantasy Final Fantasy 3 the DS game is the first English release of the Japanese Final Fantasy 3 (originally a Famicom game).

I mainly say all this to demonstrate consistent language and assume everyone on /vr/ is aware of when and on what systems these games were released on but when someone seems unaware that Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (an enhanced version of the Famicom game Super Mario Bros. 2) was first released in the US as part of the SNES game collection Super Mario All-Stars maybe it all does bear stating - at the risk of sounding like an ass.

>> No.4012256

No one cares, you worthless tripfag.
general convention these days (and by these days, I mean for around two decades now) is to use JP names across the board regarding the FF series anyway, ignoring the US release names completely since they muddle things up

>> No.4012268

That's fine too as long as you're consistent but either way you want to do it Final Fantasy 5 is not an SNES game.

>> No.4012936

SNES because it has both a strong first-party and third-party library of games, while PSX only has a strong third-party support.

>> No.4012938
File: 5 KB, 221x94, Exact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony had some good developers under their belt but didn't really took care of them, or recognized their talent.

>> No.4012952

What did Sony themselves work on? I can only remember Ape Escape, which was fun, but not as good as the 3D platformers on N64.

>> No.4012960

Well, SCE has Polyphony which made the Gran Turismo games and Omega Boost, and Exact did Jumping Flash 1, 2 and Ghost in the Shell.
But even today Sony's 1st party japanese stuff is kind of weird, just look at all that Last Guardian development hell.
Sony pays a lot more attention to their western studios.
Japan Studio made some cool games in non-retro times but probably the most acclaimed one was Demon's Souls (actually developed by From but with Japan Studio's help). However Sony was too afraid to publish it on the west themselves, so they let Atlus publish it in USA (just like how they let THQ publish GITS in the 90s).
Then Bandai Namco on European regions and that led to Sony losing the Souls deal with From, right at their peak moment. They went and made Bloodborne, but Dark Souls 1 was the game that was a mega hit. Sony lost that sweet money.

SCE is weird, definitely not remotely as strong as Nintendo or Sega's 1st party legacy.

>> No.4013057

Oh yeah, forgot about Omega Boost. That game kicked ass.