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File: 104 KB, 519x389, DREAMCAST-GAME-Resident%20Evil%20CODE%20Veronica[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4006768 No.4006768 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.4006771

Quite a few things, not even memeing

>> No.4006776

Well... it is probably the most divisive RE title when it comes to fans.

>> No.4006784

the locations are kinda bland and less detailed (I guess because they don't use prerendered backgrounds?) with too much backtracking even for the series
steve and alexander ashford are pretty terrible, especially steve "FATHEEEEEER" burnside
wesker was brought back with matrix powers which was retarded

I did like the boss battles though

>> No.4006786

I attribute the bland locations to the Dreamcast charm. I think it should be appreciated as such instead of being condemned for going down a different way from the original trilogy in terms of art style, despite original art style being vastly superior.

>> No.4006787

>What went wrong?

You found out that you were bad at Resident Evil.

>> No.4006798
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can you project harder

>> No.4006856

Played through it once (like every RE game I've played)

I know it's the hipster to meme to hate it here. I don't care, I remember really liking it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4006857

*hipster meme

>> No.4006872
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Trap Alfred had very short screentime.

>> No.4006874

Absolutely everything.

>> No.4006878


>> No.4006924

I liked it aside from Conan O'brien Jr.

>> No.4006925

Literally nothing

>> No.4007017

Ugly character models
Poorly thought out map design

It's the only classic RE I can't bring myself to finish.

>> No.4007021

>Ugly character models
Get out underage

In 2000 they was FANTASTIC, with really good facial animation

>> No.4007034

RE:CV has always been ugly as fuck, and the character specifically have very stiff animations. Claire is stiffer than zombies.

>> No.4007043
File: 85 KB, 1130x707, re_code_veronica___i_despise_chris___by_mister_valentine-d984tln[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loving old school cheesy dialog but not stilted old school mocap
>not loving the Redfields reunification
>not flipoing your wig seeing RE in progressive scan for the first time
>not wanting Wesker to have vampire powers from an unknown variant virus
>wanting to be chased around by fucking dinosaurs and tyrants that wear trenchcoats
It's like you're the yin to my yang

>> No.4007079

Just brand fatigue. Too many games using the same formula in a short amount of time.

>> No.4007080

I liked it.

>> No.4007091

yeah. I still remember Claire's butt distracting me throughout the entire playthrough (and I'm talking about the character model itself, not that one FMV video where she's bending over)

>> No.4007092

"Brand fatigue" would be right for a game like RE0. But CV doesn't have that excuse. RE3 was developped at the same time and it's amazing, one of the bests even. Outbreak and REmake games came after, and they're amazing too.

CV just did a shit job in all aspects.
Empty dull environments and graphics, absence of music in a lot of places (despite the huge amount of tracks in the OST) adding to the boredom, stiff animations and controls making for shitty combat (a real drawback after RE3), fanfic tier story with gay characters complete with faggot voices, story also responsible for the plot shift from "zombies! let's run for our lives and get out of here !" to "bad guys want to take over the world! we got to stop them!", lack of real puzzles (there is like two real ones in the entire game, despite the length of the game), and even the basic "pick up item here and use it there" they couldn't get right, etc etc.
The list goes on, all down to broken progression due to badly thought game design that can get the player stuck in several places, forcing him to start the entire game over.

It's not "brand fatigue", it's just shit.

>> No.4007103

I remember liking the environments and true 3D a lot. I thought the game had great atmosphere. Also as it was one of the first PS2 games I played to me it looked really pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4007109

> Also as it was one of the first PS2 games I played to me it looked really pretty

Exactly. The only reason why its graphics were praised back then was because it was an early Dreamcast title.
But in all honesty, I thought it looked like shit, even back then. I bought the game (and the console) with saved pocket money that I put in common with a friend and we were instantly disappointed.

The entire game looks incredibly empty, undetailed, which is the negative aspect of using true 3D environments. And the worst in that, is that the game has boring camera angles which do NOT make any interesting use of the 3D possibilities, check Dino Crisis for a game that does. So it has the negative aspects of being true 3D, without the positive ones.

>> No.4007116

Idk, I'll have to play it again as it's been centuries, but bottom line I thought the game had great art style and atmosphere, graphics aside. I mean Agent Under Fire was an early PS2 title I played as well, and I thought that looked like balls.

I only played through CV once but the memories I have of it are overwhelmingly positive. However I've never been a hardcore RE fan so w/e.

>> No.4007118

>However I've never been a hardcore RE fan so w/e.
You enjoyed the game. Thats good enough.

>> No.4007119

>1996 RE
>1997 RE1.5
>1998 RE2
>1999 RE3 & Dino Crisis
>2000 RECV
Capcom was milking the cash cow. I'm sure the devs wanted more time between releases for polish.

>> No.4007126

>1997 RE1.5

lol wat, you mean director's cut?

>> No.4007134

It's big, it's bleak, it's oppressive. There's silence broken only by your footsteps for long periods of time especially if you're stuck. Then it can turn VERY deadly in a split second. That kind of atmosphere with that punchy punctuation is where it's at. It's almost like a Sierra adventure game! Also it's very obvious from the beginning that the virus is the creation of some mysterious new world order type organization. Look at the end results of the action road RE3 and Dino Crisis took us down. I couldn't even bring myself to play RE6. CV is the final game chronologically that still feels just like Resident Evil and the engine had plenty of potential for action as the Battle Mode demonstrated do you even like Gun Survivor? Have you played Dino Crisis Gun Survivor? I didn't even know that existed until recently when Hardoffanon posted a photo of it on a shelf.

>> No.4007136
File: 171 KB, 819x614, Biohazard_1_5_by_weskeralbert-d3457c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the first version for 2 that was scrapped and was almost completed.

>> No.4007143

*Yup, I definitely like its dark and moody look. I'm a huge fan of its atmosphere and look.


Sadly Claire's butt isn't as great as I remember it to be, but graphics standards change and I guess I now lack those raging adolescent hormones too.

>> No.4007161

No one mentioned how easy it was to screw yourself over to the point that it became impossible to go forward. Sure, if you knew what to do, or were using a guide, you wouldn't have any problems, but otherwise, how you were supposed to know about

>NOT leaving the extinguisher on the security box
>Saving the BOW gas rounds for the Tyrant
>Leaving your good weapons at the box just before the fight with Nosferatu, and again before the fight with mutated Steve

The game had too many points of no return with absolutely NO warning

And for those that attempted an A rank run, there was that fucking crusher. It was so easy to time it wrong and die right there and then

>> No.4007198

I must have gotten really lucky on my blind first run then. I'm sure your points are valid, but I really had no problems with first playthrough. I guess I just got lucky.

>> No.4007208

>NESfag being a huge sperg again

>> No.4007221

The first RE was all about getting screwed and restarting the game with new knowledge.
This time is a longer game so you feel cheated.

>> No.4007260

The worst part is the the bossfight in the hall of the RE1 mansion duplica as Chris.

>play as Chris
>game switches back to Claire abruptly
>play a couple of hours as Claire
>switches back to Chris with no warning, DIRECTLY in a bossfight, with only what you had on you as Chris when the game decided to switch back last ime
>no supplies in the room at all, nothing to help kill the boss
>if you happen not to have enough on Chris at that time you have to load a previous save which is several hours before
>if you overwrote that save, you have to start the entire game over

This is not true AT ALL. In RE1 there are plenty of moments where they make sure you can use a plan B if you run out supplies, especially bossfights.
>first snake bossfight, you can just run and dodge to pick up the item at the back of the room and leave, don't have to kill it
>Shark: drain out the water in the room and its powerless
>Plant-42 : You can solve a puzzle to kill its first form. As Jill, if you played well, Barry kills the second form. And even in the worst case scenario, the Plant 42 is actually weak to the knife.
>The big black spider in the cave: you can just cut use the knife to cut the webs covering the exit door and leave. There is even a knife in the room. BETTER even, they programmed the spit attack of the spider to be able to destroy the webs on the door, so if you're smart you can trick the spider into destroying its own web and then leave without having to kill it
>Tyrant in the lab: weak to Beretta shots. There is even a Beretta clip hidden in the room in the PC port.
>Final Tyrant fight : rocket launcher given out to you in the las seconds.

>> No.4007263
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THIS is true survival horror. The game is designed so that if you're out of supplies, you can use other means. RE3 was like that too, though it wasn't as good as 1 in that regard, it was still there. In RE2, there is nothing like that, and there are tons of bossfights, as a consequence the games hands out tons much more ammo in plain sight....

RE:CV just fucked up. If you're unlucky you have to start the entire game over. WORSE even, if you try to be start, that is to say if before switching back to Claire you store your supplies in the safe for her, the game punishes you for it by switching back to Chris with no mean to access the safe again before a bossfight which has no supplies in the room.

>> No.4007265


>> No.4007445

>tfw you like claire, but both her games after 2 bore you to tears.

>> No.4007453

it really feels like a side-game.
it's kind of hard for me to explain

>> No.4007476

Scrapping an entire almost complete game due to quality control is the opposite of milking a cash cow

>> No.4007486

because it is one!

>> No.4007527

i told you man.
anyways, it is the side-gamiest side-game to ever side-game.

>> No.4007776

They released two versions of RE1 and three versions of RE2. And that just in Playstation.

>> No.4007818

Honestly, it and Resident Evil 2 are tied for the best "classic" resident evils.

Remake is better than both, but it's not retor.

>> No.4007824


>> No.4007853

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.4007858
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>yfw there literally is a Resident Evil: Side Story

>> No.4007861

>Shit Tier:

This should be a bannable offense. In lieu of that, your opinion is now discarded for 10'000 years.

>> No.4007863

Fuck off, nesfag.

>> No.4007868
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>> No.4007873

>publicly desacrating god's gift RE3
>implying only nesfag likes re3

>> No.4007947

>implying anyone likes RE3

>> No.4007953

>implying no one likes re3
>contradicting previous implication

>> No.4007958

Bringing back Wesker was a mistake

>> No.4008146

Boring and extremely long. Killed my interest in series forever. Even that shooter from PS1 was better because it was short.

>> No.4009003

That's the part I was talking about. See at 2:20 ? They added a "safe" before the fight, but that wasn't in either the original version or the PS2 version.

Wonder if this version fixes other shit?

>> No.4009014


uninspired sequel
Claire Redfield returning. No RE character should return. They turn from everyday people who survive extra ordinary circumstances to super heroes.

>> No.4009017

There's nothing wrong with bringing dudes back. Jill showed growth in RE3 but was far from super hero material.

Just because they made Claire do some matrix shit in her second outing only shows how Capcom had lost the plot.

>> No.4009021
File: 35 KB, 560x1120, Jill_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jill showed growth in RE3 but was far from super hero material.

RE3 was a but different. Jill's second attempt was hot off the heals of her first. She got stuck behind the city we knew got fucked in 2 and it was about how she got out and adding closure to Raccoon city. The problem with CV was Claire went looking for trouble and ended up in a jam she could have avoided while not really resolving anything else.

The big problem with Resident Evil is that it turned Umbrella into Cobra. They where never supposed to be some all imposing threat. they where back story fluff that was used to explain the real threat, the setting. Greedy scientists and weaponers who where destroyed by their own creations. It should have ended with that.

>> No.4009078

samefag here.

I actually remember once playing through RE:CV back in the day on PS2 with some friends in the room. At some point I said to them, "Man, they put so much detail into her butt," and one friend replied, "I was thinking the exact same thing." So it wasn't just me senpai.

>> No.4009145
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>the game is designed so that if you're out of supplies, you can use other means
Like what? That weak-ass knife you need months of practice to learn how to use it without getting bitten?

Code Veronica on the other hand, has the most effective and easy-to-use knife out of all classic REs. More damage, larger hit box, and you can make zombies fall over by slicing their legs. Unfortunately, the game deosn't give you a chance to realize this. By the time Code Veronica came out, everyone knew how shitty the knife was in previous RE games so most players just dumped it in the security box and never picked it up again. Little did they know, Code Veronica was designed to emphasise knife combat more and if they didn't dumped it, they wouldn't have to start the game over and bitch about it online.

>> No.4009173

Maybe you just remember Darkside Chronicles?

>> No.4009175
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I liked it

RES1 (psx) was great 2 was also great (I had the n64 version)

3 (dreamcast) was fun, like an extension of 2. Nothing too new but a good ga,e and being able to quick-turn was a great addition.

Veronica was different, it had to be because it'd been years since the 1st game. Moving cameras didn't bother me. Still really enjoyed it.

>I also love the res4, but it wasn't similar to any others in the series, in any way. But still a great game

>> No.4009205

>Like what?

Like I list I just wrote before that. The only similar thing in RE2 for instance is the extinguisher for the Gator, which is just a joke. RE:CV has nothing.

>> No.4009282



>> No.4009291

>RE:CV has nothing.
Except the fucking knife I explained in detail in 75% of my post, you namefig sperg.

>> No.4009313

So you're telling me it's a good idea to use the knife against bosses.

>> No.4009323

Besides, the things I mentionned are things which encourage either dodging, avoiding combat, or using your wit to go through the situation.

Making an OP knife is a shitty way to go over potential supplies issues, because it breaks any kind of balance the game is supposed to have.

This being said, using the knife against bosses is not a good idea. Yes, it's probably possible, you can probably find youtube videos of people doing it, but that's besides the point.
As someone who beat RE1 and BH3 knife only I can tell you it's not something meant for regular play, except for the plant-42 in RE1.

>> No.4009334

I hate it when women do that shit and pretend they don't know what they're doing.

Actually I love it hehe

>> No.4009348

please ignore the namefag he just wants to show his pretty name to everybody. You made a really good point but all this nigger wants to do is make bold statements like "this is survival horror done right" because it sounds knowlegeable and cute.

>> No.4009397
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>I attribute the bland locations to the Dreamcast charm. I think it should be appreciated as such instead of being condemned for going down a different way
Some of the nostalgia vision you see here on /vr/ is just astounding.

>> No.4009420

>So you're telling me it's a good idea to use the knife against bosses.
No, I'm telling you it's a good idea to use the knife on zombies so you have more supplies for bosses. Survival Horror 101

>RE1 and BH3 knife only I can tell you it's not something meant for regular play
Not in Code Veronica. Like I said, the game was intended to give the knife more spotlight

>> No.4009440 [DELETED] 

>No, I'm telling you it's a good idea to use the knife on zombies so you have more supplies for bosses. Survival Horror 101

And the whole point of my argument was bosses.

>> No.4009445

>No, I'm telling you it's a good idea to use the knife on zombies so you have more supplies for bosses.

And the whole point of my argument is the bosses themselves, which you seem to be missing.

>RE1 / RE3
>you can be smart with regular enemies to save supplies
>you can be smart with bosses too

>you can be smart with regular enemies to save supplies
>you can't be smart with bosses

Maybe if I spell it out like that...

>> No.4009468

>the whole point of my argument is the bosses themselves, which you seem to be missing.
If you play the game as intended (using the fucking knife!) you can have more than enough ammo for the bosses

>you can't be smart with bosses
So fucking what? Didn't your first complaint about not having alternate means to defeat bosses came from your problems with supply issues? I told you there's in fact more than enough ammo for the bosses if you play the game right so not having alternate means to defeat them should not be a problem anymore.

>Making an OP knife is a shitty way to go over potential supplies issues, because it breaks any kind of balance the game is supposed to have.
You are looking at this the wrong way. The knife wasn't made more powerful to fix a problem. Capcom wanted Code Veronica to focus on knife play from day 1. The reason ammo is more scarce is because developers thought having a useful knife + same amount of ammo as in previous games would be an overkill. Of course, it is debateable whether or not it is an overkill. But my point is, if you didn't use the knife in Code Veronica, you didn't play the game as intended and all your problems came from this. Just imagine playing RE1 without Baretta.


>> No.4009501

When I said
>Just imagine playing RE1 without Baretta
I meant a first time play, by the way

>> No.4009503

Whats a baretta?

>> No.4009505

they did not added a safe you retard. they edited the video to show how he trashed his shit before the fight earlier.

>> No.4009509

I'm not a 'murican so excuse my stupidity when it comes to gun names.

>> No.4009513

What game is this?

>> No.4009521

Responing to myself.

Biohazard 3 (Jap version of RE3)

>> No.4009525

You were the last person who didn't know Resident Evil were known as Biohazard in Japan.

Anyway, the reason he didn't simply say RE3 was probably because the Japanese version is different in difficulty so it's almost like a different game when it comes to knife-only strats, I guess.

>> No.4009721

Fuck off you homunculus all the classic Resident Evil's are equally good.

Saying otherwise is autistic shit talking.

>> No.4009750

CV is legit my favorite RE game.

Incredibly long, at least 3 times as much story/game time than RE2

crazy story, tons of unique locations.

Health meter is on the mother Fucking VMU.

>> No.4009754

>So fucking what? Didn't your first complaint about not having alternate means to defeat bosses came from your problems with supply issues?

Not necessarly.

Survival horror mechanics are all about making the player "feel" weak, whether or not it's objectively true. For instance in RE1, there is enough ammo to kill everything, but that ammo you have to look for it and it's often hidden.

And for bosses it's the same, if you have to find a way to run past it, or use your wit, solve a puzzle to kill it, or at least have the possibility to do so, it will make for a better survival horror boss. The fact that it can also prevent players getting stuck due to the lack of supplies is a plus.

RE2 and RE:CV treat bosses like your typical action game.

>> No.4009759
File: 959 KB, 245x273, tumblr_mtbqdmnb8w1se9hq3o2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do you think that they'll make scenario B of RE2 make more sense in the remake?
also i hope they are able to add some new stuff without it being terrible like they did with the first game.
gib me robert for extreme battle capcom

>> No.4009762

Stop backpaddling like a fag.
You did bitch about the ammo being scarce but after get pwned, you changed your narrative.

>> No.4009764

What mod is this?

>> No.4009775
File: 18 KB, 500x343, tumblr_md96pllJ2N1rxpbk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry, i couldn't tell you.
i just collect random pictures of my hero on the internet

>> No.4009784

>You did bitch about the ammo being scarce

No, I "bitched" about the senseless character switching that doesn't even give you a chance to pick up the supplies you actually have.

>> No.4009807

>scenario B of RE2 make more sense in the remake?
All the new resident evil are coop games, anon.

>> No.4009816

> tumblr

>> No.4009823
File: 183 KB, 425x376, Character_John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they show up on google search like every other picture.
even then, who gives a shit, don't deny pretend that artist you like doesn't post his porn there.
pls no

>> No.4009831

>don't deny pretend that artist you like doesn't post his porn there.
I don't like any dirty gaijin pig artists

>> No.4009842

I want RE3 remake

>> No.4009845

more jap artists are starting to use tumblr funny enough.
methonium for one

>> No.4009847

>pls no
I find weird that they are not showing any RE2 remake content. Maybe Capcom has cancelled it.

>> No.4009848

>people care about / want remakes
>retro board

>> No.4009849
File: 26 KB, 508x263, 1416703210547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more raccoon city PERIOD

>> No.4009865

What are we going to complain if they don't screw with our memories?

>> No.4009928



Why does people use Steve as a scapegoat, when its clearly Claire that comes off as the ultimate unlikeable cunt in the long run?

>> No.4010089

>NESfag too intelligent for CV


>> No.4010321

>RE2 for instance is the extinguisher for the Gator
What was so confusing about that?

>> No.4010450
File: 137 KB, 640x480, KNIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Code Veronica on the other hand, has the most effective and easy-to-use knife out of all classic REs. More damage, larger hit box, and you can make zombies fall over by slicing their legs.

That's a bad thing though. The knife is too good. You can use it to straight up murder everything until the bandersnatch shows up and even then it'll do em in fine but by then you have a million bullets saved up.

>> No.4010484

For years it was hailed as one of the best games in the franchise so everyone who wants to prove they're a REAL fan of the franchise rather than a "normalfag" has to shit on it and praise something that was considered just ok ie RE3. Essentially it's the FF7 of the RE franchise.

>> No.4010982

>For years it was hailed as one of the best games in the franchise

No it wasn;t

>> No.4011131

Beginning of stupid Matrix-tier superhuman shit (which CVX is most guilty of, I prefer original CV where Wesker gets his ass handed to him by Alexia). Otherwise, it was a fine game that was worth getting a DC for at the time.

>> No.4011168

i went through all the classic resi's recently up to cv on ps2. (also played remake for 1st time which i adored.)
resi cv is the most boring in the series by far.
the atmosphere is not as thrilling, largely due to the bland environments and the weak music.
the game is too long, and not as well designed as the other resi's. antartica in particular is a mess.
but the worst part is the ludicrousness of it all. i realize this is a game about zombies and mutants so theres some scope for it to be far fetched, but what the fuck were they thinking when they thought "lets put this massive facility in antartica, which includes a pasta of the original resi 1 mansion." it's just absurd.

i find every classic resi game has terrific pacing, but CV is such a chore to complete that by the end i just didnt give a fuck, and wanted it to end.
the best thing about it? it cost me £1 at a used game shop.

and yes, that moment with the crusher in the prison is shit.

>> No.4011182 [DELETED] 

Yes it was you underaged contrarian faggot. Go suck off RE3 and FF6 some more asshole oh you know what FUCK THAT I'm just gonna beat the shit out of you instead how about that fuckface? Yeah not so tough now huh? Oh what's that you suddenly love CV? Huh? I can't hear you speak up bitch boy. Yeah that's it scream it real loud.


Heh that's better. Hey kid, don't ever try this shit around me again ok? Good glad we got that out of the way now who's next?

You want some too bitch? Watch your fucking mouth around me punk I ain't in the mood.

>> No.4011189

So this is the power of Autismus Maximus...

>> No.4011191

Please Hammer don't hurt 'em!

>> No.4011192

Name one game on PS2 or dreamcast with better graphics in 2000....You'll be here for awhile.

>> No.4011196
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>> No.4011212

Blue Stinger
Soul Calibur
Tekken Tag Tournament

>> No.4011213
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>> No.4011220

Shemue is the only one I'm giving you credit for Never heard of Blue Stinger, SSX isn't better and Tekken Tag isn't even close

>> No.4011236
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>> No.4011238
File: 36 KB, 320x240, fookinlegend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking nothing, you hear me?


>> No.4011242

>not even acknowledging Soul Calibur
>Never heard of Blue Stinger
Underage detected.
>SSX isn't better
>Tekken Tag isn't even close

>> No.4011249

How is Tekken Tag team better?The background is so bland. Anyways i don't think talking about PS2 games is allowed.

>> No.4011260

back then sure.
now that the graphics aren't blowing everyone's minds, everyone can judge it properly and notice that it just doesn't hold up as well as the other games.

>> No.4011267
File: 32 KB, 368x276, 528074-screen01_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if you're thinking of the arcade version of Tag (which uses Tekken 3's graphics engine), but the PS2 version is a night/day difference, it was basically remade using the PS2's power.

>> No.4011272

I don't think it holds up to the Graphics of Code Veronica. Yes, I know the PS2 was stronger but that doesn't always mean better graphics. Take Spyro Enter The Dragon for example.

>> No.4011276

Man, I loved RE2 and RE3 as a kid, and played this right after. I so, so wanted to like it when it came out, but I couldn't even be bothered to finish it. I got to the Nosferatu boss fight and stopped there (despite thinking he was the coolest thing I'd yet seen in the game). It was just so incredibly cheesy (suddenly everyone knew action moves like in The Matrix) and I hated all the characters and environments. And the difficulty was way too hard

>> No.4011286

I guess we'll agree to disagree, because I don't see anything that stands out with CV's graphics. It's nice that it was the first true 3D RE game, but I don't recall being impressed by anything it was doing graphically, besides the lighting effects with the lighter.

>> No.4011289

Blue Stinger isn't really that well known outside of Dreamcast and survival horror enthusiasts.

>> No.4011290

i played it after 1 and 2 as a kid, loved the hell out of it but always got stuck trying to do the music box ant piece shit. kept on replaying up to that part every now and again and finally beat it playing the hd remake back in 2015. amazing game.

>> No.4011316

It along with Illbleed has gotten more exposure over the years thanks to e-celebs.

>> No.4011319

It did? I know Illbleed has but I still barely ever hear anyone bring up Blue Stinger.

>> No.4011326

for me, the Italian handgun you get as claire is the most memorable starting pistol in resident evil.

>> No.4011392

We never got Illbleed in EU, Blue Stinger is the "famous" game. >>4011289

> the Italian handgun
>memorable starting pistol
Doesn't remember its name.

>> No.4011403
File: 24 KB, 303x309, 1409189160532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i remembered its description.

>> No.4011536

Blue Stinger was covered by many gaming publications, both physical and online. So unless you've lived under a rock, or had no access to EGM, GamePro, or Game Informer, there's no excuse for not having heard of it.

>> No.4011538

>Otherwise, it was a fine game that was worth getting a DC for at the time.

I mean it did set up a lot of shit that went on to ruin the series but is it fair to blame the game that only introduced this shit because later games couldn't get it right?

>> No.4011556

There's nothing wrong with CV as long as you treat it as the end of the series, but yes, it did introduce a lot of crap that permeated throughout the series (which also extended to the cancerous movie series). Other than that, the game was on par with RE1 in terms of challenge and ammo conservation, i.e., it's fucking perfect and what I expect of survival horror.

>> No.4011616


but that's the thing it ends with the heroes flying in a jet saying their taking the fight to umbrella.

>> No.4011683

isn't that how RE2 ended?

>> No.4011703


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, Claire not really. Claire makes a comment on needing to find Chris. 3 had an Umbrella's going down quip but after the nuke it's easy to write that off as a legal mess they can't get out of anymore. Hell even in 4 they only closed do to tax and legal issues.

>> No.4011804

>There's no excuse for not having heard of every single game ever released
Blue Stinger was one of the first batch of games I picked up when DC was released because I was a survival horror fan and for the first day or two it was my favorite game before the frustrating camera led me to drop it in favor of HOTD2. Although I reached the same conclusions, it was probably the magazine reviews that led to me still not having beat Blue Stinger

>> No.4012890

>So unless you've lived under a rock, or had no access to EGM, GamePro, or Game Informer, there's no excuse for not having heard of it.

That doesn't necessarily mean people are still going to remember it nearly two decades later.

>> No.4013994

Things I enjoyed:

>Being able to see Chris and Wesker again.
>The antagonists were very likeable.
>cool bosses.
>nice variety of weapons.
>T-Veronica virus.

Things that I hated:

>3D rendered backgrounds instead of drawn backgrounds like the older games.
>awkward camera in certain areas of the game.
>one of the least scary resident evil games.
>Steve Burnside.
>puzzles are kind of lackluster compared to the older games.