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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4003158 No.4003158 [Reply] [Original]

Post an underrated game, and an overrated game for the same platform.

Underrated: Jackal (NES)
Overrated: Mike Tyson's Punch Out

>> No.4003281

ITT: troll two fanbases at once and contribute nothing worthwhile to the world

>> No.4003331

>Jackal underrated

By whom?

>> No.4003365

Jackal is pretty dope let's make this thread about that

>> No.4003376

Underrated: Rocket Robot On Wheels
Overrated: Ocarina Of Time

>> No.4003425

Literally no one. You're replying to a bait thread.

>> No.4003450

I assume it's underrated in that it's not $40 like Mike Tyson is

>> No.4003463

games aren't really priced on their quality
lotta good games sell for cheap

>> No.4003665

Underrated - ff7
Overrated - ff9

Suck it.

>> No.4003693

Some are. Contra is expensive because nobody who plays their NES is selling them and it's known as a good game. Mario 3 shouldn't be 20 dollars either.

It is surprising that startropics, faxanadu, guardian legend etc are so cheap though

>> No.4003734

Actually they're really priced on demand I think. Doesn't matter if there's 10 million copies of a game around if its a game everyone wants and Mr. Reseller can constantly get $40 for a copy

>> No.4003807

Underrated: The Granstream Saga
Overrated: Syphon Filter

>> No.4003812

If anything it's the most overrated game next to OoT

>> No.4004046

Games people call underrated are usually trash

>> No.4004189
File: 51 KB, 385x500, IMG_4553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated: ninja gaiden
Underrated shatter hand
Overrated: donkey King country 2
Underrated: Nosferatu
Overrated : castlevania bloodlines
Underrated: lightning force IV
Overrated : final fantasy seven
Underrated bushido blade
Overrated: nights
Underrated : elevator action returns
Overrated: Mario kart
Underrated rush 2
Overrated : Starcraft
Underrated Z

>> No.4004440

I agree, Jackal is severely underrated. GOAT game right there.

>> No.4007171

Underrated: Faxanadu NES

>> No.4007618

Underrated: Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Overrated: Ninja Gaiden

>> No.4008327

No son, sorry, but it's the other way around.

>> No.4008491

Tell me how many people you know irl that have heard of both Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II.

>> No.4008494

You're on 4chan, kid, nothing you do here contributes to the world.

>> No.4008501

In what world is ff7 underrated? Do you know what that word means?

>> No.4011458

Ding ding ding!
Someone on this board actually understands how supply and demand works. Prices will always go as high as the market will bear and will stay there at all times. Popularity sets prices, not rarity. Supply only really influences the price when the difference between supply and demand is huge. Prices are determined by what the market will bear, i.e. demand.
Too many idiots think price = rarity because they don't know basic economics. I blame youtube.

>> No.4012286

>Popularity sets prices, not rarity.
Which is why Stadium Events and NWC carts are a gorillion dollars each, right?

>> No.4012318

Yes. Because they're legendary (extremely popular) display pieces that are also rare.
>Supply only really influences the price when the difference between supply and demand is huge
Which is what happens when a rare or semi-rare game gets famous and desirable. Not all rare NES games are thousands of dollars. Earthbound is one of the most common of te "rare" SNES games but it's also one of the most expensive because everyone wants it.
Look at the N64. The rarest game (other than NFR carts) is the grey Turok Rage Wars, but the blockbuster rental carts cost way more because they're more famous and desirable.
SSBM is the most common GameCube game on the planet but it's still $60 because everyone wants it. Why does it cost so much more than hundreds of rarer games?
Because that's how supply and demand works. Demand always sets the prices unless the supply is incredibly large or incredibly small compared to the demand.

>> No.4012326

Game Boy Advance
Underrated: Ninja Five-0
Overrated: Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

Underrated: Motor Toon Grand Prix (by the same company who brought you Gran Turismo)
Overrated: FF7 & 9

>> No.4012327

quake 2

>> No.4012331

underrated: Robotrek, ActRaiser 2, Soul Blazer
overrated: Illusion of Gaia, Actraiser, Terranigma