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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 71 KB, 640x480, WS0rm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3995248 No.3995248 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: WRPGs that even people spoiled by JRPGs can enjoy

>> No.3995252

If you're implying that pic related is a WRPG that even people spoiled by JRPGs can enjoy, why don't you tell us what it is, you dumb fucking faggot.

I suggest Oblivion.

>> No.3995260

Every Wizardry game

>> No.3995268

Pic related. Time to reinstall.

>> No.3995278

He could have, but then again you can just google New Sorpigal and its literally the first result.

>> No.3995292

Kind of a gray area since the Japanese eventually took over the series.

>> No.3995293

Baldur's Gate II: The Collection. I wasted so much time playing that game back when I was in High School.

>> No.3995295

You should suggest better games.

>> No.3995307

I remember reading somewhere that BG2 was designed to compete with FFIX which is why they fleshed out the companions more.

>> No.3995334

>Lol, that first PC.
Never played this game; it always looked like it was a prize in a cereal box or something.

>> No.3995361

Ultima III-V for me
most others bore me to tears

>> No.3995372

>Muh muh muh PC master race!

>> No.3995384

Implying JRPGs spoil RPG players in a way that compares to the best WRPGs

>> No.3995392
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>> No.3995395

Confession : Among the character portraits you can choose in MM6, I always thought that the MILF with her earring was kind of hot.

>> No.3995404

That's Japanese.

>> No.3995440
File: 119 KB, 640x427, Albion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995457

I don' get OP definition of what JRPG is, because I sure love some JRPGs and didn't enjoy any MM besides 7(and it's pretty awfull for it's time, lets be honest).

>> No.3995490

>not suggesting daggerfall

>> No.3995512

is there a crpg more comfy than the man date of heaven? everything about it, including the crappy graphics creates a perfect gaming harmony

>> No.3995525


>> No.3995545

>man date of heaven
Have a good evening, recently?

>> No.3995642
File: 2.38 MB, 398x244, the_best_game_ever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ultima 7

>> No.3995690


I think jrpgs are trash. Everytime I tried to play one, I dropped it for the gameplay being dog shit.

The gameplay is kind of nothing in jrpgs and most rpgs in general, I played WoW for awhile and even that was way more stimulating. What's the appeal?

Even western shit like fallout I find to be pretty bad despite having more going on.

>> No.3995714

Its probably my favorite RPG of all time since I played it to wind down after working a shitty minimum wage job.

>> No.3995731

This is what makes the world so amazing...you hate something I love. Neither of us could be convinced to change...but our unique perspectives both have their place in existence. I truly value you, buddy.

>> No.3995928


I'm not sure i understand the appeal of "press the button and wait" gameplay. Why does it appeal to you?

>> No.3995947

most games are nothing
pertaining your question, "whats the appeal": it's impossible to answer beacause the genre of RPG, even JRP is quite vivid and caters to different needs.

WOW is pretty low bar. Usually people use it to escape boring low/middle class life or try to connect more with people.

>> No.3995951

>I'm not sure i understand the appeal of "press the button and wait" gameplay. Why does it appeal to you?

t. Millennial

>> No.3995959

>t. Millennial
t. brain dead meme user

>> No.3995975


I'm just a gameplay over story type guy I guess. I've never really played a game for the story before.

But yes, wow is pretty shitty and whenever i sub I always find myself always having something better to do.

>> No.3995987

Not all RPGs/JRPGS are about story.
You throw some statement around the topic, in hopes of neting some information you need, or just expressing your youth angst?

>> No.3996027

Good choice.

>> No.3996067

That's because there are two schools of JRPGs. First, we have Final Fantasy type games with random encounters, turn based battles with no moving/positioning (most of the time), 2D graphics, open world. Then there is the Wizardry school: First person, you can't see your characters most of the time, you can move in the battles but it's still not like most WRPGs, they usually involve dungeon crawling, story is usually just an excuse for gameplay, etc.

>> No.3996079

What about a patched Ultima 9? I was spoiled by morrowind and can't really get into non-3D rpg's.

>> No.3996131


This is the saddest thing I've read all day.

>> No.3996243

MM6 was the best western RPG of 1998. Everything else was a buggy unfinished piece of shit on launch that only became acceptable years later.

>> No.3996534
File: 149 KB, 1217x694, wAbSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WRPGs are unimaginative pieces of shit that all have the same medieval setting with same brown color shiteme.

Comparison between JRPGs and WRPGs go exactly like pic related.

>> No.3996540
File: 1.57 MB, 2216x2072, Fpsnowandthen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, this pic is better.

>> No.3996645

>What FPS used to be like
And we will never have anything like that ever again. Absolute pity.

>> No.3996654


I'd much rather play Crysis than Halo. Crysis even did big purple aliens better than Halo.

>> No.3996672

Still waiting for a JRPG as colorful and creative as World of Xeen.

>> No.3996714 [DELETED] 

Every bit of MM 6, 7, and 8 looks comfy as hell. Pity it's Windows-only.

>> No.3996721

They should work fine with wine

>> No.3996725 [DELETED] 



Unless it's gotten easier to use, I'd rather hit my dick with a hammer.

>> No.3996726

>I'd rather hit my dick with a hammer.
So dual booting it is then?

>> No.3996751

So Bioshock, Singularity, Borderlands, Bulletstorm, and the last 2 Wolfestein games where never created?

>> No.3996758

All of those + nuDoom are shit.

>> No.3996765


What is at all difficult about wine? You install it and it runs in the background without prompt.

>> No.3996779

Titanfall 2 gets a pass?

>> No.3996891

Why are you on a gaming board if you hate windows, but won't use WINE. It's a simple as hell program with insane compatibility. Yeah a lot of games are tough on it, but god damn it ran Diablo 2 for me easily like 10 years ago.

>> No.3996937

It's surprisingly good. I was hesitant to start it, mad about being cut from 6 to 4 in the party, mad about moving from cartoon portraits to those photo things...but it was a fun game in the end.

>> No.3996939

I love those digitized actor portraits. The 3D ones never felt the same in the later games with the exception of the lich portraits.

>> No.3996938


Put XP in a VMware player install.

>> No.3996973

I just looked this up, I may pick it up on Gog now. Thanks for posting.

>> No.3997980

Play Arcanum, it has the best villain out there if you ask em.

>> No.3997991 [DELETED] 


Not on OS X it didn't.

>> No.3997996 [DELETED] 


Do you imagine Windows is still the only gaming platform on the planet?

>It's a simple as hell program with insane compatibility.

It took them nearly a decade to get AoE playable due to a text rendering bug no one would fix. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.3998000 [DELETED] 


OS X, mang. Does VMware even run on that platform? I'm not shelling out a Benny for Parallels.

>> No.3998002 [DELETED] 


I think the portraits are delightfully cheesey.

>> No.3998015

Work out great for them, lol.

>> No.3998018

Lol, fuck off with your dirt aesthetics, shit combat and illusion of meaningful choice crap.

>> No.3998021

Best post so far.

>> No.3998085

I wonder how asshurt someone has to be to post like this just because a thread on /vr/ has the gall to be about jrpgs as well as wrpgs.

>> No.3998507
File: 79 KB, 226x303, 1395419135072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneaking the same game on there twice

>> No.3998967
File: 27 KB, 376x265, Terranigma_PAL_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most creative RPG

>> No.3998985 [DELETED] 


You kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.3999343
File: 29 KB, 450x354, Edge-pds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4000618

Terranigma is more creative
Among other things you create the world

>> No.4000625

probably the best combat of any rpg ever, very enjoyable to figure out how to hit excellent's on each encounter

>> No.4000638

i don't know shit about wine, but why not install a copy of winxp or win98 on virtualbox? i've been running some old games that way and it's pretty painless