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File: 24 KB, 250x248, 250px-Vagrantstorybox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3988294 No.3988294 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game good or is it overrated?

>> No.3988296

is this thread legit or is it bait?

>> No.3988320

You're posting a jrpg on a weeb site. Of course it's fucking overrated.

>> No.3988358

play it and decide for yourself, or are you incapable of making such trivial decisions without having your hand held?

>> No.3988374
File: 27 KB, 448x336, elsydeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it. There is alot of BSing in menu's though.And you will need a guide unless you have the patience of a saint. Solid fighting, platforming, and puzzle solving to be had. Great story and characters, and told in great fashion with these cool cutscenes. It's got a good amount of shit without being obscene. And the 2nd playthrough unlocks tons of replay value.

>> No.3988437

Both. It's good, really pushing the limits of the Playstation but it's also clearly incomplete and flawed. It's an interesting game.

>> No.3988517

6+/10 bretty shit would not play again

+nice story
-repetitive gameplay
-puzzles for 5 yr olds

Many VG magazines claimed its 10/10, so yeah it's overrated.

>inb4 you did not master the peculiar battle system, therefore you didn't like the game
I did. Hadn't seen game over screen.

>> No.3988528

>There is alot of BSing in menu's though.
>.And you will need a guide unless you have the patience of a saint.
>Solid fighting
>platforming, and puzzle solving to be had.
>Great story and characters, and told in great fashion with these cool cutscenes
> It's got a good amount of shit without being obscene
it has good scenes and boss fights, but shit gameplay in between. is that enough of "good shit"? It's up to you.
>And the 2nd playthrough unlocks tons of replay value.
No, it does not.

>> No.3988553

Alot of people complain about the menus. It can be tedious for some people.
There are a ton of jumps, and box puzzles through the entirety of the game. From the wine cellar all the way to the Cathedral. The fairy wing is a valuble item because of it.
>good shit
enough for me. It says so clear as day.
>2nd playthrough
You unlock previously blocked areas with the Rood Inverse, and fully open Iron Maiden. This is hours of gameplay, and many more boss fights.

>> No.3988610

>There are a ton of jumps
this is not platforming
>You unlock previously blocked areas with the Rood Inverse, and fully open Iron Maiden. This is hours of gameplay, and many more boss fights.
not worth it

>> No.3988858

This doesn't mean anything

>> No.3988984

IMO the battle system was the best thing a JRPG could hope for if it was a bit more refined.

>> No.3989049

Overrated? Yes.
Worth your time? Yes.

>> No.3989086

Stop this meme

>> No.3989341

once upon a time it was an underrated gem, has its flaws but beautiful in the eye of the beholder, until all us weebs got together and figured out all the gems because emulation and now its overrated.

>> No.3989413


Vagrant Story used to be a cult classic, but now it's just a classic because it's one of the best RPGs on the system and autismos that love that sort of game won't shut up about it

>> No.3989675

well it didn't happen

How is modyfing one weapon so it can cover given weakness of boss/cretures perfect battle system? Or, do you mean how battle is executed only, without customization prior..?

If so legend of dragoon was a bit similar, at least when it comes to rhytm game.

I found FF tactics had nice battle system, if you actually count this game. Also persona 3, and final fantasy 12. You can assign some tactics to your teammates in persona, and try to foresee how it will turn out, because you can't control them directly.

>> No.3989681

You are probably a baby so I will explain what it means.

Video Game magazines and sites give 10/10, then people buy the game and it turns out it was not so good. Marketing. Many such cases.

>> No.3989697

>final fantasy 12
>persona 3
>good battle systems

yeah, a game that plays itself and one that ties your hand behind your back by making your teammates retarded
opinion discarded

>> No.3989706

they made your teammates controllable in the psp version and it ended up sapping all challenge from the game since you can just pick one teammate for each element and easily get all monster weaknesses covered

>> No.3989843

Hate the puzzles shit.

>> No.3989905

>muh ethics in gam jarunalizm

>> No.3989960

Just saying "overrated" is not a meme.
>yeah, a game that plays itself
still more interesting than most rpgs.
>one that ties your hand behind your back by making your teammates retarded
they are pretty retarded story wise. You are the leader(also in story). If you can't utilize their powers so they won't kill themselves, that makes you...?

>> No.3990061

>more interesting than most rpgs
maybe to you "let's play" kids who'd rather watch a game play itself
>they are pretty retarded story wise
who gives a shit? if I'm playing anything turnbased it's because I want to be the one who calls the shots, not some AI
that's the entire point of turn based games
and you're not "utilizing" your characters in P3, just relying on dumb luck, artificial difficulty at its finest
may as well play the game blindfolded to increase the "challenge"

>> No.3990294

>I want to be the one who calls the shots
that's your problem. you are derailing discussion and I don't care anymore

>> No.3990304

>I want to be the one who calls the shots
>im a babby and i want something
nobody cares
>that's the entire point of turn based games
There is not an entire point to anything in games.
>and you're not "utilizing" your characters in P3, just relying on dumb luck, artificial difficulty at its finest
It's not a hard game. You can issue commands for them in menu. 99% they do what you want them to do. This is what is called utilizing your teammates. They won't do 100% what you want, simply because they are not you.
>may as well play the game blindfolded to increase the "challenge"
it's not everybody fault you are retarded. well, maybe your drunken mother.

>> No.3990329

you have no argument and you talk like a retard
now follow your buttbuddy's example and fuck off with your waifushit garbage

>> No.3990385

Both of those systems are shit but for different reasons. Should have allowed full control of the party but also nerfed the damage bonus for exploiting weaknesses.

FFXII is alright because it let's you assume control of the party whenever but the gambit system is very fleshed out if you want to go the automated route. I'm not sure how to feel about certain gambits having to be obtained later/purchased etc.

>> No.3990418

>waifushit garbage
...like every jrpg ever? Even OP game has it, but for females.

>> No.3990452

It's only waifu shit if it's obvious sexual pandering above good game design. For example, the Senran Kagura series.

>> No.3992157

My cousin played this and Kingdom Hearts a whole lot and now he is a gay cross dresser who puts on tranny shows for a living.

>> No.3992193

i think you're inverting the causation here

>> No.3992868

Something can be good and overrated you know.

>> No.3992975

you say it like it were a bad thing

>> No.3992996

Played like twenty minutes of it twice - the aesthetic is cool but it's fucking dark as shit. I like square's "prototype" games though - this one wasn't for me