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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 542 KB, 1024x791, a4kt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3981075 No.3981075 [Reply] [Original]

Reasons why this is a shitty platform?

>> No.3981083

euros cant make games.

>> No.3981084

Look at the size of that beast.

>> No.3981089

It was a good platform though especially for RPGs.

>> No.3981090
File: 28 KB, 640x680, AmyAFIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did furries love the Amiga/Amiga love the furries?

>> No.3981093

Might as well use your bait thread to ask this OP. So I want to play Ambermoon in English and I downloaded this http://www.indieretronews.com/2014/08/ambermoon-incredible-classic-rpg-hd.html but never had an Amiga growing up so I don't understand shit. I made a directory, put the Ambermoon folder in there and ran the ambermoon file but it would only play the intro, what do please.

>> No.3981108

Because one autist made actually good animations featuring furry characters on his Amiga, most people probably didn't even know what furries where, like Disney's movies with talking animals that walk on two legs.

>> No.3981110

Get good.

>> No.3981130
File: 41 KB, 704x480, Amy_Editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truely the most degenerate platform

>> No.3981135
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I wanna fuck an amiga now

>> No.3981146

>everything I don't like is bait

>> No.3981149

so the platform of 4chan?

>> No.3981160

Because it was an awesome machine, stay mad pleb.

>> No.3981161

>Amiga love the furries?

>> No.3981162

>wtf I wanna fuck an amiga now
me too bro, me too

>> No.3981164

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
>anthropomorphic ("furry")

>> No.3981167

But OP is right

>> No.3981168
File: 52 KB, 640x400, ES_Bench.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gaddamn computer has got me wanting to lay with beasts

>> No.3981170

Amigas are low-res, half-assed Mac clones, nothing more.

>> No.3981173
File: 51 KB, 614x456, mwb_preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some furry icons
>instead of superior magic WB

>> No.3981174

Oh fine

>> No.3981180

>Amigas are low-res
How come? Amiga had colour graphics before the Mac and supported the same resolutions?

>Mac clones
But they had totally different agenda, Macintosh was a NO-GAMEs machine as Steve said.

>> No.3981182

>implying humans are not mammals

>> No.3981190


>> No.3981192

Those where the latter workstation type machines, truly gorgeous

>> No.3981198

>Truly is the only acceptable way to spell the adverbial form of the adjective true.
>Truely is not an alternative spelling; it’s a common mistake.
Truly a degenerate.

>> No.3981201

I was memeing, Mac just did everything first (barring color) and better. You're not wrong about the different agendas, but the Mac had excellent games regardless, and still excelled at everything else; set the global standards for desktop publishing, had superior software for MIDI sequencing, DAWs, photo editing, etc. The Amiga may have had more games, but everyone knows they look good and play very poorly. The Amiga could do all the other stuff mentioned above, but it didn't do it better, and it had inferior software support.

>> No.3981205

>but everyone knows they look good and play very poorly.

>> No.3981210

>but the Mac had excellent games regardless
>The Amiga may have had more games, but everyone knows they look good and play very poorly.
Have you actually played late 80's/early 90's Macintosh games? Most where multiplats with superior versions on the Amiga to begin with.

>The Amiga could do all the other stuff mentioned above, but it didn't do it better, and it had inferior software support.
Mac = Photoshop/Photo editing and desktop publishing
Amiga = Budget video workstation and pixel art/animation

I think you are mixing something up here, at the time they where relevant, they didn't really share the same market for things.

>> No.3981212

Anyone who has ever played an Amiga game. except australia-kun

>> No.3981213

Sounds a lot like preference and duckling syndrome to me.

>> No.3981229

Perfect hardware, shitty controller.

>> No.3981230

Four sound channels.

>> No.3981234

Amiga games don't play worse than DOS or any average western game for that matter, they only come off badly when you compare them with japanese console games of the same era.

>> No.3981235

Four actual sound channels and not just tones though, with support for downmixing

>> No.3981237

>shitty controller.
Truly a shame they didn't have a controller specification, as the hardware itself could support easily over 4 action buttons.

>> No.3981239

this and as AVGN teached us, most of even those console games of the same era where buffalo diarrhea

>> No.3981256


It was made before 95% of /vr/ was born thus its bad.

>> No.3981260

>the old AVGN argument
Kek, just because he doesn't like them does not make them bad games

>> No.3981264

>so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel

>> No.3981284


This is not NES therefor its bad.
>welcome to /vr/

>> No.3981290

>they only come off badly when you compare them with japanese console games of the same era.

Correction: they only come off badly because you are too used to Japanese console games and expect the Amiga to have the same type of games.

them Japanese consoles don't have Street Rod or Settlers or Monkey Island, nor do they allow you to code your own graphical effect demos or your own music (you may not consider the demo scene important, but many extremely skilled coders learned their magic on Commodore machines).

>> No.3981297

Monkey Island was on the Sega CD.

>> No.3981325

Do it again now

>> No.3981359

Nothing but gaijin garbage to play.

>> No.3981360
File: 36 KB, 628x512, a4000t_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That version of the A4000T was a cheap PC case, after Commodore made by ESCOM.

The original Commodore A4000T was much better looking, but they only made 200 of them.

>> No.3981365


>> No.3981492

>all those fatasses playing nintendo consoles

>> No.3981627


It's not "furries", it's one guy. Eric Schwartz

>> No.3981632

>mac did everything first except when it didn't
woah more deep insightful commentary from /vr/...

>> No.3981663

>Mac just did everything first (
Muh stolen Xerox tech.

>> No.3981710

The Mac was ~one year later with color, but comparing the Amiga 1000 to the Macintosh II is silly. The Mac II is way more powerful and runs at 640x480. AmigaOS wouldn't have existed without the Mac, so there's that too.
It was all by the books; and Xerox didn't do shit with it anyway. I'm happy I'm not using DOS right now, and the Mac is the reason for that.

>> No.3981918

Why are underage people suddenly trying to force anti-Amiga memes? What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.3982036

It's just Americans overcompensating for that Australian boogeyman.

>> No.3982675

You beat me to it.

... You cannot possibly tell me that there is a single RPG on this abomination that even remotely redeems the PC.

>furries love the Amiga
You know, I didn't know about this meme, but it fits really well. Definitely could see an Amiga owner being a furfag.

>> No.3982739

The Amiga was just as good for RPGs as a contemporary IBM Compatible if not better.

>> No.3982824

John Carmack could have saved the Amiga rather than providing the nails to its coffin.
>When I was a teenager and still cold calling / physically mailing game publishers, someone at EA suggested I move from Apple 2 to Amiga.
>I didn't have enough money to buy an Amiga, but I was able to rent an IBM PC to start working on.

>> No.3982828


Since most people who defend the Amiga also defend the C64 and Specturm, why shouldn't we doubt their taste in games?

>> No.3982846

That's like saying the best SNES games are of similar quality to most NES or Game Boy games.

>> No.3982849
File: 253 KB, 442x442, 1420804108328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting this was a thing. It's amazing. It's all very professionally done too.

>> No.3982872


>That's like saying the best SNES games are of similar quality to most NES or Game Boy games.

That's generally true, though. And it's even more true for the Amiga because it shared its predecessor's control scheme. Its games have the polish, scope and pricing scheme of their 8-bit predecessors, just with tarted-up graphics.

>> No.3982901

With channels 0 and 3 being panned hard left, and channels 1 and 2 panned hard right. Great, I'm telling ya (especially on headphones).

>> No.3982905

>Four actual sound channels and not just tones though
No, generally you coudn't mix multiple voices into one channel (Chris Huelsbeck did some crazy shit with his 7-voice system that was used by the title and ending tracks in Turrican 2, but that was an exception rather than a rule). Sound effects would mute out part of the music just like on a NES.

>with support for downmixing
How so? The channels are hard-panned like >>3982901 said. You need external circuitry to do any downmixing.

>> No.3982913

That was a vicious cycle really - game developers restricted themselves to just one fire button because there were no compatible controllers (joysticks really, hardly used anything else for Commodore computers) on the market that would offer more separate buttons (the physical buttons were all just the same logical fire button), and controller manufacturers didn't make any because there wasn't any software supporting that anyway (besides they wanted backwards compatibility with the older C64 and C128 machines). Consoles were in an entirely different situation - Nintendo could design their controller however the saw fit, and licensed developers worked within that specification.

>> No.3982948

>AmigaOS wouldn't have existed without the Mac, so there's that too.
Sure thing bro, maybe you should look into history before crediting everyone else stealing the GUI from Apple.

>It was all by the books; and Xerox didn't do shit with it anyway. I'm happy I'm not using DOS right now, and the Mac is the reason for that.
Is that so? You think Bill Gates wouldn't have jumped on the GUI train instead if Jobs just didn't happen to do it before? Your knowledge of the computer world of the time seems to be limited.

>> No.3982952

>The Mac was ~one year later with color, but comparing the Amiga 1000 to the Macintosh II is silly. The Mac II is way more powerful and runs at 640x480.
Yet the Macintosh lacked any kind of hardware acceleration at the time for graphics and sound, the CPU had to do all the grunt. That's how it was for several years for the Macintosh while other platforms left those things to their chipsets. Keep saying the Macintosh did it first pleb.

>> No.3982953

>You know, I didn't know about this meme, but it fits really well. Definitely could see an Amiga owner being a furfag.
Glad you like the meme, maybe evens out the playfield a bit with the meme of Sega and Nintendo fanbois being fat neckbeards.

>> No.3982960

>Since most people who defend the Amiga also defend the C64 and Spectrum***, why shouldn't we doubt their taste in games?
Taste is personal preference, ignorant much?

>Amiga also defend the C64 and Spectrum***
That's like saying people who defend the NES also defend the Master System.

>> No.3982962

>it shared its predecessor's control scheme.
Keyboard? Mouse?
Still the best input devices to this day.

>> No.3982965

It's indeed great, gives a wide soundscape.

>> No.3983029

>No, generally you couldn't* mix multiple voices into one channel (Chris Huelsbeck did some crazy shit with his 7-voice system that was used by the title and ending tracks in Turrican 2, but that was an exception rather than a rule). Sound effects would mute out part of the music just like on a NES.
You start your sentence with "no" like you know what you are talking about. Makes you look dumb in the end.

>but that was an exception rather than a rule
Not really, anything that surpassed the 4 channels sounds usually did downmixing.

You are talking about a machine that was famous for it's demos, all it's hardware quirks and tweaks where known to developers of the time.
It's a sound chipset from '85 that to this day can play 14-bit MP3's in stereo.

>> No.3983032

>How so? The channels are hard-panned like >>3982901 said. You need external circuitry to do any downmixing.
What has hard-panning to do with it? You could easily downmix 3 different sounds onto channel 0 and 3 different sounds to channel 3 for the left speaker. Why on Earth would you think you would need external circuitry for downmixing itself?

You can get Zorro sound cards if you want, with AHI they have wide support and compatibility, that's true though, but not needed.

>> No.3983046

>hard-panned sounds on headphones
Nonsense, you can't have a proper stereo field of any kind without any center channel at all.

>> No.3983052

I think he was referring to the joystick which had only one logical fire button (no matter how many physical buttons it had).

>> No.3983058

In WinUAE I always set the stereo separation to 35-40%, and it was still annoying in games for all sounds to be panned either a bit left or a bit right with nothing dead center. Now the SNES' SPC700 had eight channels, each with a separate panning control (in additon to an ADSR envelope and echo), that was miles ahead and made stuff actually listenable.

>> No.3983065

Carmack wouldn't have saved the Amiga, choosing it instead of the PC he would only have impeded id's long-term success and prospects, while someone else (maybe less skilled than him) would have pulled the PC platform ahead anyway.

>> No.3983072

Bullshit. There where joysticks at the time with two different fire buttons and shitloads of games that took advantage of that.
You could even use a Sega Genesis gamepad (mind the power rewiring) and have all 6 buttons working but very few games too advantage of something like that.

>> No.3983074

This, Commodore was fucking everything up already by that time.

>> No.3983078

>Now the SNES' SPC700 had eight channels, each with a separate panning control (in addition*** to an ADSR envelope and echo), that was miles ahead and made stuff actually listenable.

>something made in 1990 is better than something made in 1985
Who would have guessed. Not to mention, even the Amiga had hardware effects for it's tracker based sound chip.
Nobody is stopping you from using a sound card either.

>> No.3983087

Wasn't really a problem at the time when most TVs had mono speakers and those what where stereo didn't have wide separation anyways.
Even the first GUI for the system was made to be usable on small low res TVs.

Listening to music on it in stereo does gives a fantastic effect though.

>> No.3983102

Playing back 12 channel tracker music with all channels playing at the same time wasn't a problem tho

>> No.3983245

Fuck off

>> No.3983248

Are you a Nintentard who got offended by AVGN (a person who actually grew up with it too) for making fun of your perfect console?
It sucks that because of him you can't use the "Nintendo had better games and a seal of quality/license but your games where all shit hurr" argument anymore.

>> No.3983383

Oh I've done a lot of 'looking into' computer history. The desktop paradigm as we know it was largely Apple, even if the GUI itself was a Xerox idea. If Xerox knew what they were doing, we'd be using Xerox OS right now, but we're not. If Microsoft had beat Apple to it we still wouldn't have movable windows and we'd still be running our OSs as DOS shells. Ignoring Apple's influence on the modern GUI is fanboy revisionist history.
Is that why Macs dominated the audio and graphic design industries at the time and continue to do so to this day? There was, and is a reason for that.

>> No.3983402

>Is that why Macs dominated the audio and graphic design industries at the time and continue to do so to this day? There was, and is a reason for that.
Except they didn't "at the time".

>> No.3983406

No, just because Apple was the first to steal it from Xerox, it's very ignorant to think nobody else would have.

>Ignoring Apple's influence on the modern GUI is fanboy revisionist history.
Nobody is ignoring it, it's just dumb to think that Apple was the only player in personal computing in the time, even though they did bring most of it to the mainstream of the time. You just can't say thing like "If Microsoft had beat Apple to it we still wouldn't have movable windows and we'd still be running our OSs as DOS shells." credibly.

>> No.3983410

>Is that why Macs dominated the audio and graphic design industries at the time and continue to do so to this day? There was, and is a reason for that.
If you would have read the post you could have seen that it was stated that "for several years". The argument was "being first" in the first place.

>> No.3983415

ITT: Americans lecture Europeans on a computer they never had.

>> No.3983417


>> No.3983431

I would have loved to hear music like this made by 90s teenagers on the SPC700, but what were they going to use? Mario Paint?


>> No.3983590

>Reasons why this is a shitty platform?

For every reason I could list, it would be the same reason I love my Amiga. I have my PC, which runs flawlessly, does everything I want it to, there are a plethora of programs available that are easily found and maintained.

My amiga though, when it crashes, I need to troubleshoot what is causing it to crash, and fix it, often the forums are of little help. If I want install something, I need to go through and manually configure it to work just right.

The problems with the platform, are what I love about it. It is a hobbyist computer, maintaining it in working order, is what makes it a fantastic platform. For me, nothing beats the feeling of pushing your Amiga to the limits.

If you hate fiddling around with computers, if you must have the latest and greatest of software, if you need the newest of games.. The amiga is a shitty platform indeed. Stay away from it, get yourself a Mac or a PC. Because ultimately, if all you want to do is play games on an Amiga, you can simply emulate them on either system.

>> No.3983630

>My amiga though, when it crashes, I need to troubleshoot what is causing it to crash, and fix it
>If I want install something, I need to go through and manually configure it to work just right.
That was the same with PCs back when Amiga was relevant

>> No.3983637

Actually any platform of the time would be "hobbyist" in todays standards.
At least Amiga had autoconfig for hardware way before PnP on PeeCee's was a thing.

>> No.3984632

>BindDrivers >NIL:

>> No.3984634

>My amiga though, when it crashes, I need to troubleshoot what is causing it to crash, and fix it, often the forums are of little help. If I want install something, I need to go through and manually configure it to work just right.

Oh ok, that's why most Amiga users went to Loonix, same thing really.

>> No.3984640

>if you need the newest of games.. The amiga is a shitty platform indeed.
Are you seriously suggesting the Amiga still exists at all as a relevant platform, or are you just roleplaying like it's 1993?

>> No.3984643

>12 channel tracker music with all channels playing at the same time

I don't think that 12 channels would ever play simultaneously, it was more like clever interleaving multiple voices into a channel so it would sound as if they played simultaneously. Prove me otherwise if you think I am in error.

>> No.3984659

Name examples of some notable games where it was essential for the underlying game mechanic to have two logical buttons on the joystick. I can't think of any, there was just "FIRE" and the rest was assigned to some keys on the keyboard. Every game I can think of would work that way (excluding the games which were mouse+keyboard and wouldn't use the joystick at all), because assuming two independent joystick buttons could make the game unplayable for the majority of users who had a joysick with effectively just one button.

>> No.3985472

>Oh ok, that's why most Amiga users went to Loonix, same thing really.
Never heard of that, almost all Amiga users from back of the day do know how to use Linux but they only use it for a particular application and not as as a actual system for daily use

>> No.3985473

>or are you just roleplaying like it's 1993?
I was mindfucked by that too, but then again he talks about new PCs like it's 2017, fuck logick

>> No.3985480

There's no need for "interleaving", it's called downmixing, you can easily play several voices over one channel. It's nothing weird today. Nor was it back then.
Open up a MP3 files, it has two channels, left and right, but still you hear drums, guitars, voice, pianos, all coming over the same channel, because they where all mixed into a single track.

>> No.3985483

Did anyone say that it was essential? I can't see it.
Does not change the fact that there where a LOT of games that played far better with two buttons.
You could still execute the second controller button with a single button controller on most games, like hold down on the d-pad for a second and click fire twice, etc.

>> No.3985489

Can this be done in realtime though? What I remember from the music program Aegis Sonix, synthetised or sampled voices occupied one channel each. There wasn't any way to have more than 4 voices. If it was easily possible, then why would Chris Huelsbeck 7-voice engine from Turrican II be such an achievement?

>> No.3985492

If two buttons were that popular, then I guess a button would be used for jumping in platformers. But basically every single Amiga platformer uses <up> to jump instead, as the FIRE button is usually occupied by a weapon or some kind of interaction. Jumping with <up> is much more awkward than with a button, so if two button controllers were as widespread i guess using a button for jumping would have become a standard just like on console, but it didn't. Giana Sisters, Turrican, Zool, you name it, all Amiga platformers use <up> to jump.

>> No.3985497

Yet there are a lot of games that used two buttons.
Just because you "guess" it would have been used for jumping, it didn't, why waste a button for jumping if you want to keep backwards compatibility with 1 buttons controllers anyways? Even in sidescrollers it was used to execute a special attack or use an item.

You even said Turrican, if you would have played it with a two button controller, the second button executes the special attack.

>> No.3985508
File: 42 KB, 376x300, 00013415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can this be done in realtime though?
Yes. (How do you think trackers on PC/DOS played 4 channel Amiga mod's with only two (left/right) channels of audio?)

>What I remember from the music program Aegis Sonix, synthesized* or sampled voices occupied one channel each.
Because most mod's and trackers where built around the sound chip, why use more when you have no need for it?

>There wasn't any way to have more than 4 voices.
Maybe not with Aegis Sonix.

>If it was easily possible, then why would Chris Huelsbeck 7-voice engine from Turrican II be such an achievement?
I never heard of it being "such an achievement" because there where multiple programs that did it and ways this was accomplished.
Maybe it was an achievement for someone who only played games on their Amigas and had no idea about the rest of the system.

Wasn't the original argument that it can play even 12 channels? Yes, yes it can, what's the problem?

>> No.3985518

The best controller at the time (Except the CD32 controller that natively already had 4 buttons) was the Genesis controller, be sure to rewire pins 5 and 7 so you won't blow your CIA because of the different power pinout, but after that the Amiga natively used the B for fire and C for secondary fire without any other modification on games that supported two button controllers, then you could just rewire the UP button to also be the A button and it was glorious. I also had a few actual two button controllers at the time but the rewired jump made the Genesis controller a better option, two button controllers there way more popular though then people seem to remember.

Most CD32 games took advantage even of the 4 buttons on the controller and yes, you could play them on a standard Amiga too. The CD32 is just a A1200 without a keyboard.

>> No.3985674

I like how a board dedicated to games and computers from the 20th century has an average age of 14 or 16.

>> No.3985863

Sad but true.

>> No.3985872

The people who obsess the most with that era are those who never experienced it firsthand.

>> No.3985885

what do you mean?

>> No.3986186

>nor do they allow you to code your own graphical effect demos or your own music

But I don't want to code myself, I want to pay money for a game crafted by guys who actually have a notion on game design, physics, controls, etc.
Modding isn't appealing to me, and in this day and age anyone can make Super Mario World romhacks for that matter.

>> No.3986240

Not the point, you didn't even have the option. It's just a bonus.

>> No.3986241

>be me
>enjoy early era of home computers
>come on 4chan years later
>apparently I was mistaken and everything was shit and sounded like garbage and euro can not into games and only windows 95 computers and up are considered personal computers.
>close browser and go take a dump.

>> No.3986252
File: 63 KB, 800x430, 1494247671297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reee you're not supposed to enjoy it! it's crap! only we americans with nes/snes where the best

>> No.3986261

Should I buy Amiga forever? It seems like a nice idea to install their kx light on a partition on my laptop

>> No.3986375

Why? Just run FS-UAE or WinUAE.

>> No.3986802

You want to make it appear as if your Thinkpad boots straight into AmigaOS?

>> No.3986806

But these attitudes were there 20+ years ago already, and in Europe too. In 1996 you were given shit at school if you had an Amiga at home and no PC, and were just hearing everyone talk about Doom, Duke3D, Quake, Warcraft, Command & Conquer etc. whatever was hot shit on the PC (and the Amiga would never get).

>> No.3987343

It's not, but it feels that way because multiplat games that started on the Amiga aren't seen as "Amiga games".

>> No.3987364


unf, fuckin' sexy

>> No.3987481

>In 1996 you were given shit at school if you had an Amiga
Of course in 1996. But not from 87-93.

>> No.3987483

Derp, didn't quote properly with my 87-93 comment

>> No.3987587

I do run fs-uae and have a couple of amigas. Their frontend looks good though and seems like an easy way to try projects on different amiga systems.

I'll skip it though and put the pennies in to my vampire fund.

>> No.3987617

>and the Amiga would never get
But it did. It got Doom and Quake just a few years after 1996.

>> No.3987618

>I'll skip it though and put the pennies in to my vampire fund.
Then why ask a stupid question about Amiga Forever?

>> No.3987630

>Quickly after the release of the source code, several people jumped on the bandwagon and ported Doom to the Amiga. This resulted in several different ports which competed for the Amiga userbase. Only two ports survived this competition, while the others were abandoned.

Apparently it was ported by fans in 1998, long after the amiga was already dead.

>> No.3987639

I haven't used it and was wondering if it was worth it. Not really that silly.

>> No.3987645

>just a few years after 1996.
Can't you read?

>> No.3987647

1997 actually, the first port was literally a few days after the source code release

>> No.3987683

This is just total FUD. The Amiga only had four sound channels. If you wanted to play more than four instruments in mono at a time, yes you would have to mix them down. Guess what, doing that in realtime is a CPU hit and also reduces sound quality (you cannot "magically" have more sound channels than the hardware supports, there is a cost for this). This is why pretty much zero games actually did this back in the day, and people went crazy over the few games like Turrican 2 that broke this limit because they sounded way better (another good example is Super Stardust).

Yes later trackers like Octamed Soundstudio offered far more channels as when you were composing music you weren't running all the complex systems of a videogame in the background as well. Actual games didn't have this luxury. The same goes for playing MP3s, yes you can do some clever stuff to fudge playing mp3s at pseudo 14 bit quality, but even an 060 would be dying decoding an mp3 in real time just to hear an inferior rendering of an already lossy music format. This was the sad endgame of the Amiga in the mid '90s, very smart people coming up with amazing but unworkable solutions for hardware that was just hopelessly obsolete.

>> No.3987709

>If you wanted to play more than four instruments in mono at a time, yes you would have to mix them down.
>Guess what, doing that in realtime is a CPU hit and also reduces sound quality (you cannot "magically" have more sound channels than the hardware supports, there is a cost for this).
Did anyone imply otherwise? Did you even read the posts before posting?

>This is just total FUD.
Point me to it, where's the FUD about it not being able to play 12 channels like implied, or even the latter added argument that there didn't exist games that didn't utilize it?

>The same goes for playing MP3s, yes you can do some clever stuff to fudge playing mp3s at pseudo 14 bit quality, but even an 060 would be dying decoding an mp3 in real time just to hear an inferior rendering of an already lossy music format.
An '020 at 33MHz can play 128kbps stereo MP3's at 14bit without problems. Check your facts before posting.

Also just because the Amiga was dead didn't mean there was no more up to date hardware.
You even post about the '060, you should know, if we are talking about the expansion territory, that there is no limits with AHI compatible sound cards and RTG/Picasso graphics cards, a lot of software/games exist that utilize those.
But this wasn't even the topic, we where talking about stock hardware.

>> No.3987720

>also reduces sound quality
If you do downmixing in software there is no loss in quality, there's only quality loss if you interweave instead of downmix.

>> No.3987738

>just a few years after 1996

Amiga "posthumously" got them, yea (and you pretty much needed a 68060 AGA machine to run them at all).

>> No.3987750

Yeah, just a few years after 1996, Doom for the Amiga came out in 1997. Quake was available in 1998 and it came out for the PC just two years before that.

>(and you pretty much needed a 68060 AGA machine to run them at all).
Doom? 8-12 FPS for a 68020 ECS Amiga. That's far better than a equal 386 machine did in 1990, yet it was a far cheaper machine.
A 68040 AGA machine already caps Dooms FPS limit. But yeah, I wouldn't play quake on anything else then a 68060, preferably with RTG (Voodoo card would be nice too), even a 100MHz Pentium was minimum for a good experience on the PC.

>> No.3987859

>even a 100MHz Pentium was minimum for a good experience on the PC.

But I guess in minimal resolution like 320x200. For 800x600 you'd need at least a fast Pentium II, or a Pentium III better still.

>> No.3987863

>tfw no 68080

>> No.3987890

>What is Apollo Core
>Apollo Core 68080 is the natural and modern evolution of latest 68000 processors. It's 100% code compatible, corrects bugs of 680x0 designs and adds on top most of the cool features which were invented the years after.
You know nobody is forcing you to use it with a FPGA, you can simply let someone fabricate an actual chip if you have shitloads of money.

>> No.3987936
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I wish they would create an expansion for the 1200 already.. I'm ready to make my amiga my main computer again :)

>> No.3987974

Aren't they doing a Vampire for the 1200 already?

>> No.3987984

It's next in line yeah, probably before the end of the year.

>> No.3988020

>100% code compatible
>corrects bugs of 680x0 designs
then it's not 100% code compatible now is it?

>> No.3988026

How come? If it fixes bugs with instructions that otherwise could not be used or that do not relate to native code execution at all then how does it disturb the original code from running compatibly?

>> No.3988582
File: 14 KB, 306x306, 1476892003346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw installing a running workbench in winuae
os is so fucking comfy why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner, now I want a real 1200

>> No.3988676
File: 554 KB, 1024x768, desktopnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my current desktop.

>> No.3988692


CD32 pad has 7 buttons (incl start).

>> No.3988697


Not if Kipper2K finally spits his dummy out and quits.

>> No.3988732

Nice, Netsurf and music playing, I can get NetSurf to open on my 68040, but it crashes after I load a page. Are you using a vampire?

>> No.3988743

>MFW you are playing the best Pearl Jam single from their best album

>> No.3988745


Nah...just a 3640. Netsurf is slow as hell but looks fucking stunning - esp with RTG.

I'm using a MASplayer for MP3 so it takes away the MP3 decoding from the CPU and sounds great (44khz and all).

>> No.3988748

You might want to get your history from sources other than "Pirates of Silicon Valley"

>> No.3988781

Dan Wood, is that you?

>> No.3988786


Bwahaha....No...I'm friends with Dan on fb though..met him at Amiga30 in Peterbourgh...Also he's always on my radio.

>> No.3988812
File: 61 KB, 650x650, 1492036703704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blatantly baiting people, or are you really such an idiotic fuck face faggot?

>> No.3988870

Popularity is a fickle dumb bitch. Cpc, c64 and amiga are some of my fav platforms, but i never liked tbe c64 as a kid (i never knew of the others). Now i really like the uniqueness of games (especially the cpc, it has very unique gralhics!) and difficulty/control schemes of earlier eras. I like the basic fps control scheme, it works well, but i really like figuring out the mechanics of games and learning about how the game works. I think people these days are getting lazy as fuck when it comes to entertainment /hobbies. "My entertainment shouldnt be hard!" Boo hoo bitch, you are literally creating idiocracy! Fucking dumb cunts.

>> No.3989275

>256 MB of RAM
>3 MB of video RAM
>Winamp clone playing a 128kbps mp3 (equalizer off as it would be way too CPU-intensive)
>simplistic web browser displaing amigaworld.net which is probably optimized not to tax an actual Amiga too much
>desktop wallpaper
>dat achievement

>> No.3989278

Deuteros: The Next Millennium and Millennium 2.2 were actually rather good space strategy games.

>> No.3989279

That said I did prefer them on the Atari ST

>> No.3989764

>For 800x600 you'd need at least a fast Pentium II, or a Pentium III better still.
Get a Threee-Deee accelerator, even a P1 266MHz can play fine at higher resolutions with one, only faggots play with software rendering

>> No.3989765

4 front facing action buttons though

>> No.3989767

It's gaining momentum all the time, you think they will spit on money?

>> No.3989769

Original early 90's hardware though, if he has a bigbox with a 3640 as he says. Except for the MAS player, something with that power could already do MP3 decoding on the CPU anyways.

>> No.3989849
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>a challenger appears
Nothing a 68020 can't handle!

>tfw amiga melted

>> No.3989942

No acceleration in DOS though, just VESA extensions (to hope for acceleration you need to with WinQuake/GLQuake).

>P1 266MHz
No such thing.

>> No.3989958

>No acceleration in DOS though
For Quake, yeah.

>(to hope for acceleration you need to with WinQuake/GLQuake).
What's the problem? Nobody said it has to be strictly DOS in any post.

>No such thing.

>> No.3989959

>>P1 266MHz
>No such thing.


>> No.3989971

Amiga is the second-best platform, just behind PC98.

>> No.3989974

In what field?
Hardware wise? No.
Software wise? No.
Games wise? Sure, it's personal preference and we can't force it.

>> No.3989979 [DELETED] 

>Games wise?
yes, that's what's relevant to the discussion. I wouldn't pretend that it's the greatest computer of all time, but for gaming it did very well.

>> No.3989992

>Games wise?
yes, that's what's relevant to the discussion. I wouldn't pretend that it's the greatest (or second greatest) computer of all time, but for gaming it did very well.

>> No.3990021

>>dat achievement

You would have to own the machine for twenty years to really get the understanding of any satisfaction some of us get out of it. Think of it like this, you spent years trying to beat a boss in a game.. eventually you just moved on to other games.

A couple of decades pass, and you find a strategy that would allow you to beat the boss. You reinstall the software, make your way to combat, destroy it and move on to the next level.

Sure the graphics are crappy, sure newer games exist that are better, but that sensation you receive is just the same if not better on that older game than the newer one.

There is nothing logical about it anon, but then there really is nothing logical about most things we humans do. This is pure unbridled human irrationality, of which we all cling on to for something or another.

>> No.3990094

Problem? :^)

>> No.3990104

This, they're just mad that for the time the Amiga had better gfx and sfx while having way more games. It was also easier to pirate games for the Amiga too, I don't know anyone who had an Amiga back then that didn't have 1000-2000 floppies of games handy.

>> No.3990124

GTFO and kys you fucking faggot, amiga is a piece of shit and nowhere as good as the SNES


>> No.3990142

>No acceleration in DOS though, just VESA extensions (to hope for acceleration you need to with WinQuake/GLQuake).
Not for Quake (first one), but back in the day, a lot of games did have acceleration under DOS, like Tomb Raider, Descent 1/2, Carmageddon, etc.

There's even a 3dfx executable for Q2DOS, Quake 2 under DOS with Glide, beat that.

>> No.3990154

Actually QDOS port of Quake DOES have acceleration under DOS. Totally forgot it did.

>> No.3990380

>several rule violations
>hours ago
>post till up
Wew, thanks /vr/ mods.

>> No.3990386

boo fucking hoo
/vr/ mods are all weebs and nintendo fanboys, why would they remove a honest post?

>> No.3990390

>all this butthurt over a great machine

>> No.3991740


Doesn't count. Fastest non-mobile P5 CPU was the Pentium MMX 233 MHz (and one might even argue that "P1" means regular Pentium rather than Pentium MMX).

>> No.3991743

Is that why Amiga-only games never appear in "best video/computer games of all time" lists?

>> No.3991746

>using the smiley with the carrot nose

>> No.3991753

>Amiga-only games
all the good stuff gets ported.

>> No.3991756

Why nobody remembers Amiga-only games except of Amiga fanboys? Even the best titles like Turrican 2 don't ring a bell with anybody outside of Amiga circles. Almost nobody knows that Lemmings originated on the Amiga, most believe the PC version was first.

>> No.3991759

And if anything, the PC or SNES port shows up in the lists rather than the Amiga original. Go figure.

>> No.3991765

lol of course, what do you expect?

you have to do a bit of research to realize how important the Amiga was to gaming.

>Lemmings originated on the Amiga
I was aware of this, since it was always one of my favorites. Another World/Out of This World is another game that started on the Amiga and got ported to everything.

>> No.3992115

>best titles like Turrican 2
I'm an Amiga fan but Turrican is garbage.

>> No.3992176

Both are regular Pentiums, one just has MMX.
Also no, there where non-mobile versions of the 266MHz MMX. Some looked just like the 233MHz MMX, but majority was just the mobile chip on a PCB with pins for a Socket 5 slot.

>> No.3992178

But they do? Don't know where you take your lists from.
Also there are a lot of Amiga games on most lists with just another platform specified because people are clueless.

>> No.3992184

Personal preference much?
I like it.

>I'm an Amiga fan
No wonder, fanboys always are autistic in some way.

>> No.3992198

Socket 7*

>> No.3992784
File: 8 KB, 500x180, 1353556006806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never love a computer so much that you'll make a 20 year long newspaper-strip style webcomic about it

>> No.3992936

>tfw all that love but underage weebs on /vr/ will still shit on you for liking something they don't like

>> No.3992954

>and in this day and age anyone can make Super Mario World romhacks for that matter.

And in this day and age anyone can emulate every NES game, does that make the NES a shitty platform due to its hardware issues, lack of proper video output, and rampant piracy?

>> No.3992972

The P100 we had at school could play Quake perfect in 320x200 and the Celeron 333s could run it perfect in 800x600.

>> No.3992978

>the Celeron 333s could run it perfect in 800x600
PhilsComputerLab benchmarks say otherwise

>> No.3992979

It is an achievement considering that a modern PC needs 128mb RAM just for the *bootloader*.

>> No.3993014

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't know of a single bootloader that takes up more than a few megabytes of memory and those that even take up so much are graphical and EFI based. You mean kernel?

>> No.3993019

But he has 256MB of RAM

>> No.3993020

Not him, but >>3989849 for example is running on a system with 14MB RAM and it has over 4MB's free.

>> No.3993021

Yet most of it is unused...

>> No.3993440

>tfw people unironically actually like amiga

>> No.3993459

Why is every amiga/home computer that isn't the PC thread on /vr/ the same? They're always so negative compared to other systems.

>> No.3993480

>/vr/ is mostly american
>america is mostly nintendo fanboy
>/vr/ is located on a weeb board
IBM PC/Compatibles threads get a lot of hate too though

>> No.3993487

Anyone tried Aros? Thoughts?

>> No.3993490
File: 312 KB, 1152x768, lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows 7 will not get past the bootloader if your machine has less than 128mb ram. Windows 8 or 10 may need even more, I didn't try those in a VM.

>> No.3993491

It's a multiplatform open source AmigaOS like (reachearch) OS, not much to say

>> No.3993503

Is it a reasonable option for a semi main os? I mean can you at least do the basic? I'm >>3988582 and I've spend more time getting the hang out of workbench than playing games, I think I'm getting obsessed.

>> No.3993508

It will not get past the bootloader just because it's a restriction, but the bootloader itself does not require 128MB's of RAM to work

>> No.3993512

Main OS? Not really, but go ahead and play with it, it also has live CD's so you don't have to install it even, if you're interested it's fun to mess around with and learn, have fun

>> No.3993513

Just run icaros in a VM.

>> No.3993610


very nice!

>> No.3993615


and 2 shoulder buttons :)

>> No.3993640

We desperately need a DOSBox equivalent for Windows based games.

The problem with Windows games is that things change and all of a sudden old games become unplayable in one way or another.

1.) Many old school PC games are designed for 800dpi mice, if you use a 1600dpi mouse or greater, then it isn't going to work well for you even if you set the Sensitivity ingame as low as it can possibly go. This can be fixed by going into your mouse driver settings and setting the dpi to 800, but that's such a tedious pain. The solution for this is some DOSBox for Windows games implementation that automatically scales your mouse 800dpi without user interaction.

2.) Games that won't run correctly on widescreen monitors. Often they get fan patches, but it's all a pain

3.) Games that straight up won't run on newer versions of Windows. Like Fallout New Vegas and have Windows 10? LMAO, you're fucked.

>> No.3994870

Off topic much?

But. Examples?
Most noteworthy games have patches, most problems have bypasses, there's no real need.
You don't have to run games that don't have widescreen support in a widescreen aspect ratio you know, 4:3 works fine on new cards and monitors.
Also what you are talking about already exist, you can run Wine on Windows to run Windows applications, specially made for the purpose of running older games.

>Games that straight up won't run on newer versions of Windows. Like Fallout New Vegas and have Windows 10? LMAO, you're fucked.
Windows 10 here and no problems? Also I never accounted problems for way older games, as the compatibility layer is pretty hefty, sometimes you need a patch or library, but that's all.

>> No.3995748

>egg duck dancing near a smelly turd

>> No.3995790

Thanks, yours too

>> No.3997759

Such aesthetics

>> No.3998538

would an rgb scart to hdmi converter noticeably improve my amiga's picture on a modern display?

>> No.3998567

sounds like a spic

>> No.3998587

Get a proper scandoubler and use a VGA monitor. Using external flickerfixers and upscalers over the Amiga RGB video port ain't any better. Also use a CRT, you don't need HDMI then.

>> No.3998594

What Amiga?

>> No.3998625

I have a crt, it's what I've been using with my retro machines for years but space is at a premium (baby incoming) so I'm reducing my displays, selling a bunch of stuff.

I guess a scandoubler to vga could be worth it if the adaptors are worthless

I have a 500 and 600hd, will probably keep the 600.

>> No.3998646

This is the best scandoubler for ECS systems.

...or just get a Vampire 2, it has HDMI out.

>> No.3999029

A lot of PC-98 platformers also used up to jump, like Thexder, does it make them shit now?

>> No.3999474

Thexder is pretty shit actually, yeah.

It still handles better than most platformers made by yuropoors, which is sad.

>> No.3999810

The prices involved are absolutely insane.
As the price of other things drifts up it's becoming less noticeable, but even now it's like £200+ usually for an A1200 and god himself can't save your wallet if an A3000, 4000, A1200 with expansion card, etc comes along.

>> No.4000285

>space is at a premium (baby incoming)
You're better off emulating m8 :(

>> No.4000447

>Thexder is pretty shit actually, yeah.
Muh opinion. Generally people think the opposite though.

>> No.4000452

>come to /vr/
>people hate retro games

>> No.4001306

I am for most thing. Keeping an amiga and one of my dreamcasts / my saturn and everything else retro is going. I'll likely mod a wii or see what the pi4 is like for everything else.

>> No.4003705

It's female friend in spanish