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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 106 KB, 772x461, avgn_kaufman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3979032 No.3979032 [Reply] [Original]

Bill Nye meets a young Doug Walker edition

>> No.3979036

Don't forget to vote for the next game I'll play


>> No.3979048

Can someone do me a quick rundown on what the hell happened with JonTron?
Also, any news on Danny the Master System Rabbit?

>> No.3979052
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Anybody here watch Console Wars? Tbh senpai I think they're corny as fuck and honestly just kind of bad and unfunny, but I find myself coming back to them every now and then. Something charming there

I like how they go over the games point by point and bring up little details I would have cared about as a retarded little kid

though maybe it's just that I want to fuck the Sega guy's mouth

I wanna see the next edition to start with a non cinemass/patcunt image

Just to see if it'll be more or less fucking cancerous

>> No.3979053

Why isn't this shit on /vg/?

>> No.3979056

This. Also why isn't there a Youtube/e-celeb board on 4chan?

>> No.3979058

Most of the good e-celebs discuss retro games.

>> No.3979061
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>> No.3979076

He let his frankly hastily assembled /pol/ philosophy spill over. Online media was/is being made into a boogeyman, so a bunch of publications milked his shit for "think of the children" clicks, solidifying his status as an untouchable. Everybody leaves him to avoid bad press(yookalay folks more publically than others) and this coupled with youtube ad money running out has left him broke with no show, jerking off on twitter

>> No.3979087

Also why aren't Doom general on /vg/, Arino on /tv/ and CRT general on /g/?

>> No.3979090

Isn't Arino more a /jp/ thing?

>> No.3979095
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>> No.3979107

You guys need a life, by far the worst place to discuss retro games on the Internet

>> No.3979110

> people watch this loser and his friend that got cancer

>> No.3979112

What's your favorite retro game?

>> No.3979114

JonTron got in a lotof trouble fro posting political crap on social media. He hasn't done a video is 5 months now because he's probably afraid to show his face. It just goes to show, entertainers should know to keep their political opinions to themselves.

>> No.3979115



>> No.3979120
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his charismatic wit, funny writing, and top notch character acting of course!

people just came for the AVGN crossover and stayed for frank

>> No.3979132
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And I thought Bob Mackey killed Retronauts.

>> No.3979145

Because chink moot would rather make more shitposting boards like /bant/

>> No.3979196

Who is this cute chubby?

>> No.3979202


Some dude in a wig.

>> No.3979250
File: 117 KB, 768x768, 97-brototypes-itunes-768x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of their most recent podcasts was more about discussing masculinity in the 80s (with some lgbt-context thrown in) than the actual fucking games.

And I'm not kidding.

>Parish: The title of this episode, I realize, probably seems a bit opaque. (I debated between “BRO-totypes” and “Intoxicating Masculinity.”) But the point really is quite straightforward: A discussion of the trend of musclebound, macho characters in video games throughout the ’80s, and the influence those early era game aesthetics and sensibilities continue to exert on the medium today. This episode is less about the games themselves and more about the cultural and historical trends that shaped them — and our own conclusions seems to be in accordance with the comments submitted in our mailbag section. So if nothing else, at least we’re all on the same page here.

I listen to that podcast for games, not forty-year-old videogame journos discussing the societal implication of Rambo.

>> No.3979260
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*starts breathing heavily*

>> No.3979292

Nothing's wrong with analyzing the social and cultural context surrounding art. It's pretty common to do, even with games. You'll see it in any thread that discusses the evolution of certain genre, or highly influential games, or the big "firsts" in gaming, or any other discussion about the stuff that influences the art. This is part of discussing any art form, including games.
If you disagree with their analysis or get triggered by discussions of social issues, maybe just skip this episode.

>> No.3979294

nothing wrong with mackey

>> No.3979326

Howard C Neal

>> No.3979337

Speaking of Bill Nye, when did he swallow the bluepill? He's saying genders don't exist on his new show and it weirds me out a little bit.

>> No.3979353

Bob pls

>> No.3979357

Have you guys noticed that nearly every comment on the newest video has a thumbs up? I bet Mike screens and glorifies anything with positive feedback. Pinning tweets is a huge clue to the fakery.

>> No.3979358
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He looks like a mess now, was better looking before taking hormones

>> No.3979359
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Just standard youtube procedure.
Why is he so perfect?

>> No.3979367


dragging fucking Ryan into James & Mike mondays? jesus christ
my opinion on him is pretty neutral but this is just fucking stupid and unnecessary
Ryan gets enough screen time as is and he's not a fan favorite

>> No.3979369 [DELETED] 

So JonTron is a fat Nazi and James is a retard? Bad year for retro gaming ecelebs so far

>> No.3979375 [DELETED] 
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t. social justice cuckold

>> No.3979378

I fucking hate it. He's on almost every fucking video now.

>> No.3979385

My favorite moment in that video was when Ryan (who was the only one who had played the game before) was low on health and he had more enemies and a boss ahead. So he starts bantering with Mike, asking him what should he do in this situation. And Mike got all cocky, like "oh, he's asking me for advice on vidya, even if it's jokingly, he obviously respects me as a gamer", so Mike went on with the banter and in a very cool manner, said "Don't get hit", then Ryan kept bantering and he lost some more health and Mike got even more banter-y and started repeating "don't get hit", meanwhile, Ryan put on his awesome trollface mask and grabbed a Full HP replenisher right before the boss fight. You can almost hear Mike stuttering to keep the banter going.
Then he was low on health at the boss again, and Mike brought back the same banter to see if he could, in the end, win. Fucking Mike is a psycho.
Ryan played along with the bantz and it matched a boss transformation (pretty cool desu), Mike was thinking "He won't survive this", but Ryan, having played the game before, did a marvelous performance and quickly defeated the boss in several consecutive hits.

My applause to Ryan, and lol @ mike.
Sorry for the 'tism.

>> No.3979387 [DELETED] 

Right Wing JonTron was the best thing to happen though.

>> No.3979389

Big Hoss Ryan is in the perfect spot to get laffs out of Mike's fuck ups and failed jokes, I hope he keeps it up. Mike never sees them coming.

>> No.3979396
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There is still Metal Jesus, finder of hidden gems

>> No.3979412

This might cost Ryan his Cinemassacre appearances and livestreams.

>> No.3979417
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>dead space
>hidden gems

>> No.3979421

that's the whole point
how new r u?

>> No.3979425 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off, libtard.

>> No.3979427

I never bothered to watch any of his videos because he is one of the ugliest motherfuckers I've ever seen. Slug lookin ass nigga.

>> No.3979432

The Dead Space game got little to no publicity back in the day and most people were like "oh it's on wii must be trash". It's only in recent years that people have revalued "light gun" rail shooters like that and Ghost Squad on the wii

>> No.3979445

>The Dead Space game got little to no publicity back in the day
Really? I somehow got it with my ps3 copy. Figured everybody else did too.

>> No.3979448


What a fucking disaster, I used to enjoy his old videos on the UK computer scene too. I feel bad nobody in his life had the guts to tell him he was making a horrible decision.


This actually sounds a lot more interesting than most Retronauts episodes, Bob being a stubborn shit that won't put up with his guests having differing opinions and creating progressively more of a paywall to the point soundcloud was a fucking year behind was why I lost interest a long while ago.

>> No.3979450

This just rustled my Jaimes.

>> No.3979456


Well you didn't miss anything, he's one of the worst going. Collects hordes of games, plays none.

>> No.3979489

this is a shitty anecdote for a shitty youtuber. why did you write this post?

>> No.3979504 [DELETED] 

>being anything aside from a radical left-wing libcuck automatically makes you a Nazi

Did you even listen to what he said or did you just parrot what Tumblr told you to say?

>> No.3979530 [DELETED] 


I'd guarantee it's the latter. Hell he said what he said IN a group debate, just reading this thread there are people that think it stemmed from Jon 'on social media', like he just started rampantly shitposting on twitter or something. It was stupid to even take part but that's all he did, everything else is clickbait bullshit.

>> No.3979553 [DELETED] 

>like he just started rampantly shitposting on twitter or something.
>It was stupid to even take part
>but that's all he did

Do you need somebody to pull up a screencap of his Twitter reply to Steve Knight, GOP representative for the 25th district of California, or can you muster up the intellectual honesty to explain that on your own?

>> No.3979554 [DELETED] 

I watched the debate. Jon is a fat fucking idiot. I love seeing you little girls scramble to defend him. Grow some balls

>> No.3979561 [DELETED] 

What about his argument did you disagree with then?

>> No.3979568 [DELETED] 
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>Jon is a fat fucking idiot.
Not an argument.

>> No.3979591 [DELETED] 


He is an idiot, I never implied he wasn't. Like I said, terrible decision to even take part, but it was a debate and he debated. I never saw the big deal, most people in the gaming video business are insane anyway.


I'll be honest, I haven't a clue about that. I haven't dug insanely deep on the subject, I followed the story through the debate to the NeoGAF witch hunt with Yooka Laylee and Jon's apology tweet after. Feel free to post the screencap if it's a vital part of the picture I'm missing.

>> No.3979691 [DELETED] 
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>>3979553 got it wrong; it wasn't Steve Knight (R) (CA), it was Steve King (R) (IA). Here.

>> No.3979698 [DELETED] 
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...and for the lightning round of 'Holy Shit, JonTron Literally Spent Like Five Minutes On /pol/ Before Formulating His Political Outlook'

>> No.3979706 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with being against immigration and also being an immigrant. Perhaps he wanted to stay in Iran instead of being born in America? Use your brain.

Conquering shitholes isn't the same as letting subhumans into your country so that they may ruin it.

>> No.3979761
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I love how much of a shit Mike was at the 35:43 mark when they were discussing their lack of Doctor Who knowledge.

>> No.3979773 [DELETED] 

>implying his parents and he aren't very well integrated immigrants unlike the "refugees"

>> No.3979809

Fuck, I used to watch this guy's videos everyday before high school. Still cozy as fuck.

>> No.3979829
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So lately Completionist/That One Gamer has been in discussion. He's moved away from a good mix of games (retro and newer) and has been on a streak of modern sponsored content. I don't mind too much because I watch his videos regardless if I played the game, but flooding his schedule with games like For Honor and Yooka Laylee might significantly hurt his viewership. The only videos I outright didn't watch was his For Honor stuff but that might change if he continues to do modern, big budget stuff. I wish he did more small-scale indie stuff. Like if he did Hollow Knight or Axiom Verge that would be splendid.

In fact, I'd LOVE Completionist to do more indie stuff because I think he's only done Undertale.

Also I'm really happy that Bonfireside Chat is ending and WOFF is going weekly because I do not give two shits about the future of Dark Souls and think continuing a podcast on it would be worthless. i'm glad someone cares about Crimson Shroud because I played that game, though it was excellent, and I've spent the last couple years trying to get people to acknowledge its existence

>> No.3979835

he's a worthless sack of shit just like everyone else on Normal Boots who is not ProgeriaJared

Progeria guy the bess

>> No.3979837

So I watched Rolfe's favorite movie video and he said he spent seven years in special ed.

What did he mean by that ? Was I being memed ?

>> No.3979840

Top Tier:

High Tier:
Continue Show

Mid Tier:
The Completionist

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.3979842

alien head shit kid fucking sucks ass and has shit opinions. he's a fucking manchild nintendo shill.

>> No.3979846

Jerd is the best, the rest just put me to sleep

JonTron might as well quit since he doesn't even make videos anymore

>> No.3979847

'Old' pre 2010 youtubers were the best. He was streaming on twitch for a little about a year ago.
CNEAL released a rpg maker game masterpiece you should check it out.

>> No.3979848

How could you be so cruel to ProJared?

>> No.3979850

I thought he just had some shitty idiot stomach from his diet?

>> No.3979852

peanutbuttergamer is actually pretty quality

>> No.3979853

t. pee butt gay

>> No.3979854

he got some kind of weird pinched nerve type of condition from losing a bit too much weight in a short period of time (drug abuse related probably knowing Ian)

>> No.3979869

James admitted he was in special ed without going into details. That's the kind of shit celebs do right before they release an autobiography. Since James loves making documentaries about himself and talking about what a legend he is, I wouldn't be surprised if a book is coming

>> No.3979871

Completionist is just way too positive on things, moronically so. Honestly, did his Yooka-Laylee review even mention any flaws?

>> No.3979872
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If James Rolf has autism then what does Chris Bores have? Assburgers?

>> No.3979874

He doesn't got anything including talent

>> No.3979875

I don't think so. Getting really tired of him fellating everything. Also fuck him for getting rid of the spoiler section.

>> No.3979885

>haven't heard of Irate Gamer in years
>check him out
>he's a ghost hunter

I'm not sure what joke I'm supposed to make.

>> No.3979886

RIP Silent Rob lost count of how many times he has abandoned yt over the years. Youtube really sucks these days. Its run by sjws.

>> No.3979889

Well I'll probably buy it then. It would be interesting to learn if his lovable retard act came from him being a lovable retard.

>> No.3979890

He was doing 'ghost ectoplasm hunting' before he even started Irategamer

>> No.3979893
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 0edff1ced9cd54d43c830670b2f36cf0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup bitches

>> No.3979895

I never even heard of this guy and the fact that his top google result is his Encyclopedia Dramatica page says everything I need to know

>> No.3979905


>> No.3979906
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The drama he has with Alphaomegasin is hilarious to me.

>> No.3979910

that would be a "no"

>> No.3979916

yeah fuck Silent Rob. Like he could hold a candle to AOS. He's just a deadbeat, while AOS has been on the rise since 2013

>> No.3979918

they look like every other faggot on youtube

>> No.3979919

My least favorite thing about Completionist is that he explains the game in any video, like a preview or a tutorial. Explaining the game is one thing but you shouldn't have to mention anything that isn't important to completionism.

>> No.3979924

His face is like a fucking car crash. I'm so disgusted and can't look away.

>> No.3979926
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are you actually a fan of that midget and his nasty pube beard? the fuck?

>> No.3979927

That time Happy Console Gamer

>> No.3979929


>> No.3979930

>James and Mike Monday
>Ryan plays

i should just unsub but i still want to watch avgn

>> No.3979931

I don't care about his looks.

>> No.3979934

James admits he's a retard - still smarter, funnier and more likable than Myke

>> No.3979935

its not just his looks. His vids are cancer.

>> No.3979936

Unsubbed 2 months ago. Haven't regretted it for a single second

>> No.3979938

i wonder why he got rid of the spoiler warning. I wonder if its sponsor mandated

>> No.3979939

>Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role in 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories.[1][2] However, Money's meaning of the word did not become widespread until the 1970s, when feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender. Today the distinction is strictly followed in some contexts, especially the social sciences[4][5] and documents written by the World Health Organization (WHO).[3]


>> No.3979942

He said it's because youtube analytics says that a lot of people skip the spoiler section. Which I don't understand because most of the time he doesn't even do story driven games. Are people seriously skipping the spoiler section for chester cheetah and assassins creed?

>> No.3979949

Why do these people collect hundreds of games they're never going to play?

>> No.3979951

it gives them power

>> No.3979961

That's just his style, we have enough cynical reviewers, a positive one is a breath of fresh air.

>> No.3979962

man, That one video game used to criticize games. He called the jak and Daxter game repetitive and said it had too many collectibles. It's important that he criticizes the games, he even has a rating system. I checked the ending to the Yooka Laylee review and there's not even a rating. He pretty much says its flawless. I feel dirty watching this video

>> No.3979967

t. jirrad
half the fucking time he doesnt even criticize the game.

>> No.3979981
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I don't think Completionist should criticize a game just for the sake of criticism. It's because the whole point of his channel was to explore is it worth 100%ing games and part of that is evaluating how fun it is to both play the game and pursuing completionism. If you forgo criticism then you imply that it's worth 100% a game when it is likely not.

>> No.3980004

Idk. I just really hate how half of his yooka laylee review was him whining about other people not liking and acting like it's the perfect game.

>> No.3980014
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>Jirard gives Sly Cooper the Complete It rating

>> No.3980035

>i'm glad someone cares about Crimson Shroud because I played that game, though it was excellent, and I've spent the last couple years trying to get people to acknowledge its existence

fuck you and fuck that game and fuck that item that has a weird spawn rate which ruins the entire experience

>> No.3980037

one time I tried to watch Completion and he just kept talking with his hands and it freaked me out

>> No.3980039

>post editor

I'd rather kill myself.

Or him and his editor.

or both

i dont even care

>> No.3980040
File: 152 KB, 846x564, vvcap 2017-05-08-23-36-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started watching Nostalgia Nerd and boy his videos are long and packed full of info.

It's amazing the shit you can find when you just give a chance to other channels.

>> No.3980047

No he isn't. I'd rather watch his clone, Space Hamster.


Does he just say shit flat out, or just not mention anything that would fall under it?

I unsubbed and haven't watched in months anyway.

>> No.3980050

dont worry senpai we will just link an epub

disgusting try hard

get a hair cut and a real job

>> No.3980054

He looks like a numale cuck

>> No.3980060

does pro jirad the finishist actually beat his games, or do you think hes outsourcing for help

>> No.3980062

Ryan just signed his own pink slip with this one. Not only did he made Mike look like a fool, but he also made him look bad as a gamer. Ryan was dancing around those enemies and hands it off to Mike who fumbles everything, dies a lot, and bitches about the controls. The most fatal error you could make on that channel.


Why do you spell it like that? You sound like one of those insane feminists who purposely spell it womyn.

>> No.3980073

to stop ctrl+f

its pretty obvious, senpai

>> No.3980075

i'm checking out, he seems cool

>> No.3980081
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New game dungeon, my dudes.

>> No.3980095

I've spent the last couple of hours watching his Amiga videos.

Made me think /vr/ needs more Amiga threads, I barely see those here.

>> No.3980097

Ryan was just confirming it. All of us here know Mike's not good, he has like zero natural talent in vidya. Despite playing games for so long he's always like some 9 year old retarded kid playing his second video game, like nothing's been driven in that thick skull. He always has to research, practice and beat a game multiple times before recording a playthrough.

If you gave him a controller right now and told him to beat Punch-Out again, he might not even make it past the first Bald Bull fight.

>> No.3980121

apparently he did do Axiom Verge

but he should still do Hollow Knight

>> No.3980125

>james rolfe said his name was going to be nostalgia nerd a while back

>some fag decides to use that name


>> No.3980152

I think Mike is pretty good and deserves some credit. He's also my favorite of the group personality wise.

>> No.3980153

fuck you, Mike

>> No.3980156

He doesn't mention any endgame stuff except if it pertains to a trophy and even then he tries not to mention it.

>> No.3980158

Not Mike. He still in this thread?

>> No.3980173

i think he does it all himself. a lot of the time he isnt beating anything too difficult anyway.

>> No.3980174

so the completionist doesnt talk about completing shit

glad i unsubbed

>> No.3980175


They're pretty entertaining

>> No.3980176
File: 240 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170508-232549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay boys, the vote are tallied and it looks like we've got a clear winner!

I'll be doing videos on the LimitedRunGames Special Edition of DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours, Armed F, and Last Resort.


>> No.3980180

shit i didnt really think of it that way

>> No.3980182


Metal Jesus is a casual faggot

>> No.3980183

I doubt that's even you, Matei.

>> No.3980184

Fuck the haters in this thread. You didn't know the game well and were just talking trash and having fun. Obviously they don't play many games with friends!

>> No.3980185

Then I don't think he's actually completing shit.

>> No.3980190

Why? He shows footage with his watermark on it.

>> No.3980191

You caught me, my penis is only 4 inches. It won't stop me from shilling my awful channel however.

>> No.3980192


He's came and went at least 8 or 9 times since 2007

>> No.3980207

Beating and completing is not the same thing. This is why I think he has assistance or is a liar.

I think he actually used to do shit before his channel blew up.

>> No.3980208
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>> No.3980218
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>> No.3980219

Mike should be challenged to play Punch Out in front of an audience. He'd be humiliated because he was obviously playing over edited game footage in that one video of his

>> No.3980220

Mike goes out of his way to explain he is not complaining when he says there is a delay in controls. He's just describing the fucking game.

Act Raiser's sword swing is delayed as fuck.

>> No.3980221

I think it's just a bunch of dumbass kids/teens who like ryan.

>> No.3980225

Not to be that asshole, but the Minotaur fight is fairly simple. You have to jump over his attack instead of just taking it to the face every time.

>> No.3980237

the completionist isn't too bad, ProJared is pretty rad though, i'd say he's hightier bro

JonTron fucked up bad, doesn't matter what your stance is, he fucked up bad.

PBG is garbage I agree

>> No.3980241

What about Smoothmcgroove?


Anyone care about him? Or is this only a place where we talk about gamer reviewers?

>> No.3980242

Jon's apparent reason for not putting out content is that he doesn't have his shit together

source: I know someone that works for him

>> No.3980250

old and irrelevant these days

>> No.3980252

too much nose candy i bet

>ProJared is pretty rad though

pro why dont girls watch my channel? no fucking thanks

>> No.3980253

'metalhead' are fucking ugly. huge pube beards are fucking gross.

>> No.3980254

okay? what about his content?

>> No.3980259

his content is like 9 of his fucking face. commenting on his looks isnt invalid

>> No.3980262

There was this one youtube channel where one of the videos was 3 guys on a couch reviewing and highlighting the Nintendo 64 DD, and F-Zero X expansion kit.

Does it ring a bell to anyone?

>> No.3980264


>> No.3980267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3980275

YES! Thank you.

>> No.3980279

Not retro.

>> No.3980317


>> No.3980323

is that ted cruz

>> No.3980329

has he ever

>> No.3980331


Nice shilling, hard4games. Now stop.

>> No.3980334

Met him at a gaming convention. Dude is literally about 5'. Maybe shorter.

>> No.3980345
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>everybody is a shill

>> No.3980347

What you gay ass niggas think of brutalmoose?

>> No.3980352


wow that looks like the undead monster lady from the movie House

>> No.3980384

I'll check him out

Reviewing kids game is an acceptable gimmick

>> No.3980395

Is there anyone smaller on YT that isn't a massive faggot?

>> No.3980398
File: 308 KB, 564x480, Jaakkojaanime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaakko Järvinen the AVGN

>> No.3980401

since you guys love to hate on pat so much, watch the look on his face here.


>> No.3980405

Just from the thumbnail Pat's looking like a hobo

>> No.3980406
File: 35 KB, 480x359, 140874618393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more Isvaffel

>> No.3980409


I find his videos to be mostly enjoyable. His style doesn't go for spasticness, so that can be a nice change of pace.

>> No.3980412
File: 70 KB, 365x345, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.3980413

stop shilling

>> No.3980414
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, 1465014949462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The look on his face during the video is just the best.

>> No.3980416

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? you are not the boss of me

>> No.3980424


Even while in a dejected state right after missing out on a desired item, he finds it within himself to lowkey promote his book.

It must just be a reflex at this point.

>> No.3980426
File: 36 KB, 634x399, article-2539704-1AACBB2D00000578-974_634x399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mee ny vittuun

>> No.3980431

I like his video topics.
And his attempts at humor either work, or are easily ignored. Like, he's not unfunny.

>> No.3980437
File: 102 KB, 300x225, 831686-morshu_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does not occur to you autists that he is playing it up for the joke?

if you actually are autistic then uh sorry my bad

>> No.3980441

i just finished watching Completionist's ep on Sly 2 and he criticized it a bit. Not a whole lot, just enough to let viewers know what they'd be getting into if they played, and he did give it a rating at the end "Complete It"

>> No.3980445

t. pat

I think only his yooka laylee was criticism free. I haven't watched all of his newer episodes.

>> No.3980447
File: 224 KB, 481x645, 1464738160863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw jaakko is 1/2 puerto rican 1/2 finnish

>> No.3980448

New Happy Console Gamer and Electric Playground is out lads

Subscribe to Victor Lucas so he'll post more old retro TV kino

>> No.3980449

yeah i was under the impression hes shit on collectathons in the past, but only sings for yokabucks

>> No.3980452

Someone donate to CGR patreon so we can get the HCG podcast ep

>> No.3980453

Are you that desperate Victor?

>> No.3980457
File: 77 KB, 595x716, 1494304779596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is WRONG with the cinemassacre fanbase?

>> No.3980459

Be the hero you're waiting for, anon.

>> No.3980461

I'm not Vic but I'll gladly shill for him if it means more comfy kino

This nigga been to every single E3 since the first
I am getting tempted if no one else will

>> No.3980464

i dont want to hear it, so fuck you

>> No.3980465

There were a bunch of anti-ryan comments that aren't there anymore

>> No.3980472


>> No.3980473

sauce me on this?

>> No.3980475
File: 57 KB, 517x262, top2017movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3980479


>> No.3980482

i was alright with mike before but seriously fuck this. cant wait until ryan dies of some fat fuck related disease.

>> No.3980484

>starwars force awakens fans
very cool...

>> No.3980507

He criticized Jak and Daxter for being a collectathon upon collectathon so...

>> No.3980508

opin dohrr

>> No.3980509

We can all agree that this is one of the greatest retro play through's of all time right?

>> No.3980510

>He hasn't done a video is 5 months now because he's probably afraid to show his face

He always took forever to make anything.

>> No.3980514

Some other fag made a video about how bad the Toy Story 1 game was but it really annoyed me because these guys video shows that the genesis version literally has better hit detection and is a vastly more playable game, but everyone seems to focus on the SNES version. Genesis version has better music even, one of few Genesis games to beat the SNES in terms of music

>> No.3980517

I'm seriously embarrassed to of ever liked cinemassacre. They're the nickelback of YT right now

>> No.3980530

It's a channel about muh childhood and cringy toilet humor. If you weren't embarrassed before why would you be now?

I've seen that picture before. Who is that? The CW sega dude?

>> No.3980539

wow i didnt even know this existed

>> No.3980542

JonTron is just another example of how /pol/ turns everything to shit. His "arguments" are absolutely terrible and pulled from 4chan infographics, I felt second-hand embarrassment watching that video.
If you feel even the slightest urge to defend him, stop browsing this website and read some actual political theory.

>> No.3980553

Ryan is autistic as fuck. God Damn I just realized they are all autistic manchildren.

>> No.3980559

wtf happened to james hair?

>> No.3980562

What do we think of John Hancock?

>> No.3980564

fuck that nigga for signing the declaration

>> No.3980565


They all look like they just pulled all-nighters then said "fuck it, let's review some toys at 7 AM instead of showering."

>> No.3980568

John is an old timer in the scene. I think he let his collecting get a bit too insane, but he seems like a nice enough guy overall. Never had a bad experience with him since first interacting with him back at Digital Press.

>> No.3980569

So maybe I missed it, but where the fuck did Ryan come from?

Is he just some dude who owns their MCN or something? Essentially buying his way onto a popular retro channel?

Either way, he's still better than Mike in most ways.

>> No.3980574

He seems like a genuinely nice person

>> No.3980575

I think he has been "the server guy" ever since they started cinemassacre and recently for who knows what reason they've decided to have him in their videos now.
Maybe so Mike can make himself look better...

>> No.3980579

I dislike his personality based on the few videos of him that I've seen

can't speak of his overall content tho

>> No.3980581


>> No.3980584

hehe hand cock.

>> No.3980585
File: 68 KB, 600x600, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3980586

I thought there was some irony to cinemassacre's toilet humor, but there's not. Those dudes are cringy AF when you see them try to make jokes that aren't scripted

>> No.3980593

>hey boys and girls
shut the fuck UP ryan you faggot

>> No.3980594

For """""""""who knows"""""""""" what (((reason)))

Bootsy replacement

>> No.3980598

Kim might be a degenerate tranny, but he's a very talanted degenerate tranny. His videos are styled like mini documentaries and are mostly very good. He can even make Euroshit interesting. I recommend checking them out.

>> No.3980601

James seems very autistic in this!

>> No.3980602
File: 216 KB, 517x814, UNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a certain NES guidebook?

>> No.3980604

I know a Cinemassacre video from 2009 with Ryan in it

>> No.3980607

The one where he's fixing the computer?

>> No.3980608

Does it feature heavy breathing and sweating in an temperature controlled environment?

>> No.3980615

Which one is that?


>> No.3980616
File: 37 KB, 531x631, 1494129409170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan wasn't that big before

>> No.3980617

What do we think of Sega Lord X? Playongo? Real Game Hunter?

>> No.3980618

Dude, wtf.

>> No.3980621

Well yeah. Few people start out fat

>> No.3980627


Sure, but even still it is a bit alarming to see an adult completely change their body shape like that in just a few years.

>> No.3980628

Like 50% of that story happened in your mind

In reality it was just some friendly (and a bit awkward) banter

>> No.3980640
File: 9 KB, 384x254, ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey can I see that?

>> No.3980643

Was he greenscreened in?

>> No.3980652

That's the secret first ever appearance of Ryan you guys owe me for bestowing upon you that ancient and forgotten bit of Cinemassacre lore

>> No.3980654

They have no chemistry. Everything they say at each other sounds extremely awkward.

>> No.3980656

he just walked in out of nowhere

>> No.3980659

So this is how I waste 3 hours these days.

>> No.3980660

no its not. there was an older video where he was fixing james pc.

>> No.3980664

>faggoty intro with cartoon version of reviewer

>> No.3980665

Oh no.

>> No.3980669

It's like his "logo"? And those old ones he drew himself. He also can animate.

Johnny is OK.

>> No.3980673


>> No.3980683 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 222x159, 1494316746859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3980689

That video was a cringefest from start to finish but man I can't fault a manchild for his pure love of T&A

>> No.3980701

If the whole book was like that I might buy it for a laugh

a fucking parody of pat is better than he is

>> No.3980707

Wtf is going on with this guys neck/chin?

>> No.3980710

Generations of incest

>> No.3980727

Then post it fagget

>> No.3980736

I don't know why everyone hates Metal Jesus. Some of his more blatant shilling videos can be grating and he's probably contributed to driving the price up on certain games but overall he seems like a friendly enough dude. Sure he's more of a collector than a player but he still knows his shit about certain genres and games.

>> No.3980738

i cant find it. i think it might be in the avgn barbie episode or the avgn fan games one. idk.

>> No.3980739

When I saw this episode first time I was like: Oh my god, he met AVGN, lucky dog

>> No.3980740

Wow! What a wonderful surprise to see Ryan on James and Mike Mondays! Love it. Can't say it enough, Ryan just brings soo much life to these videos :)

>> No.3980743

>overall he seems like a friendly enough dude
>paid for tony from h4g to fly over from michigan
True. Either that or he thought it would be good for views.

>> No.3980749

I just love the super nintendo

yeah the super nintendo is the best console of all time

yeah super nintendo is the best

if you are in the know then yeah

yeah I really think the super nintenod id da best console yeah

yeah mode 7 snes had the best graffix

every avgn vid ever.

>> No.3980751

yeah dude how high is the cupid baby?... its got to be at least 100 ft

>> No.3980754 [DELETED] 



His editor is even worse.

>> No.3980759

delete this immediately

>> No.3980760


>> No.3980764
File: 269 KB, 1200x800, rbb1op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me so mad I shat

>> No.3980765

I'm surprised this guy still has any sort of following. Even when it came to that era of all those god awful AVGN wannabes screaming fuck in a low quality mic while recording gameplay through hypercam on an NES emulator he was still bottom of the barrel trash.

>> No.3980767

Fucking hell that's the same person

>> No.3980771

>I'll be doing videos on the LimitedRunGames Special Edition of DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours

That's not even close to being released yet and both times it was on sale it sold out in under two minutes.

And I managed to snag a copy.

>> No.3980775

Is it a costume for the video?

please say yes

>> No.3980776
File: 144 KB, 959x715, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I back in 2007 again?

>> No.3980802

Are any of these men married?

>> No.3980810

That was the guy who begged people to buy him new PC so he could play DOOM 2016 while being a "retro" channel.
Still laughing at the buthrt,he even made video calling his audience retards.

>> No.3980814

only the fat one and the balding one

>> No.3980831

I've liked his shit so far, but I am very new to his channel. Link to that\those?

>> No.3980832

Hold up let me see if I can find them since I have him blocked.
I wonder if he had deleted them.

>> No.3980835

This is pure kino

>> No.3980836

Here is the one,cant find the other.

Pretty sure had one where he was bashing his audience.

>> No.3980838

Wow. That comment of his is some shit

>> No.3980842

What the hell my 960 can run Doom 2016 at 1080p max settings with a consistent 70FPS outside of a few rare moments so how the hell would he have to resort to begging to run it? The game is incredibly well optimized.

>> No.3980845

>The game is incredibly well optimized.
It really is,he just wanted somebody else to buy him a new PC.

>> No.3980851

It's such a heavily filtered comment section that every statement is nearly identical.

>> No.3980858


because he always talks about how rare a game is, does clickbait top ten/hidden gem shit, and just comes across as incompetent in regards to game knowledge. If you want further proof, just look at his mame setup.

also he may be a nice dude, but he still asked for money to do a tour that failed


>> No.3980872

Best post

>> No.3980880

He actually explains it really well. His family immigrated to the US because it wasn't a shit hole like Iran. If they keep letting people immigrate like crazy it's going to become exactly like the country they immigrated from.

>> No.3980891

Jaakko on paras

>> No.3980895

wow this retard is a real piece of shit

>> No.3980957

do you guys really spend that much time watching all these videos just so you can shit on them in this thread? if you're over 16, you might want to rethink your life.

>> No.3980958

>I don't know why everyone hates Metal Jesus.

Because his videos are the most incredibly shallow stuff out there. Just look at how he describes all those games in his hidden gems videos it sounds like he's just reading right off the back of the box.

>> No.3980981

>no HOTD overkill
literal motherfucker


extraction is not a wii port of dead space it's a rail shooter spin off/prequel

it later got a port to the PS3 when th PS move came out like almost every other rail shooter that came out on the wii

>> No.3980991

Watch his latest video. it's everything that's wrong with youtube gaming videos

>blatant advertisement without outright stating it
>in the form of a top 10 list
>of games he hasn't played
>based on the useless trinkets in the box
>with critical thought amount to 'pretty cool' for every item

He's absolutely useless, his only worth is that some of his guests have a little knowledge. He has none.

>> No.3981010

is Metal Jesus the Chris Cuckmann of retro video game youtubing?

>> No.3981015

You know what? It's fine to be ignorant of a subject. If you had a painting show, and only did portraits, it would make sense that you'd be terrible at landscape so it would make sense to bring someone else to your show to do that.

Metal Jesus has no expertise. He has no insight to anything. He's just a hoarder.

>> No.3981030
File: 30 KB, 499x368, a2c39650a87f649837c237f15b5f4177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every e-celeb thread is started by Cinemassacre/Screenwave or people who work for Cinemassacre/Screenwave and it's pretty easy to see that.

>Every post praises/hates James and/or Mike to start fake controversy and conversation
>Every post talks about someone named Ryan
>Every posts seems to be dedicated and focused on making that topic the only conversation

If and when it's not by that group it's about some other YouTube nobody knows who is posting about themselves.

Best start believing in hidden ads on the site /vr/, because you're in one.

>> No.3981036

That depends did Metal Jesus grow up with every single remotely popular franchise in existence?

>> No.3981040

>Metal Jesus
I dont even know how people take him seriously,its enough to look at his face and realize he is not up to par.

>> No.3981045


Reggie seems like genuinely good guy with decent knowledge of video games. Others are just there to boost views, like that chick that stands on a crate.

>> No.3981060

I'm the OP, and you're full of shit

>> No.3981064


Wouldn't someone who works there say that?

>> No.3981076
File: 15 KB, 810x100, faggot ignoring advertising standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone with a brain knows that any company sending you stuff has the expectation that you're going to do a video on them.

It's retarded that youtube is so flooded with these horrible advertising videos.

>> No.3981113

btw hi Brody. I didn't like your 2 new videos, but I appreciate what you're doing with them I guess

review more mappy

you fucking hypocrite

>> No.3981158

Do you know what insanity is?

It's when you think three 40-year-old balding nerds are every single person posting in a thread to advertise their poopy game website.

>> No.3981176

I watched mike's playthrough of dick tracy.

At one point he was saying it looked a lot like roger rabbit because of the bricks.

>> No.3981185

anybody have that picture of the opened nes cart with a bunch of fake gems lying on it? need it for my HIDDEN GEMS collection.

>> No.3981238

People have been kinda shitting on LGR lately for but he's never afraid to be honest about whether or not the stuff companies send him is poocheese

>> No.3981268

Completionist: I don't mind him. He does that thing where he'll talk about the game, mention some problems he had with it, but when he has to summarize it he'll say some variant of "10/10" or "It's excellent"

It's weird but I don't think it's a big deal. It would be worse if it was the opposite- if he never criticized the playing experience but at the end gave the game a rating like 7/10. It shows how ineffectual summations are.

>> No.3981269

>Uuuuugh! It's got that wood grain finish I just love. Buuuuuut I decided to pass up on it because it's 15 whole dollars. Aaaaaand that's way too much for an alarm clock
>I just like looking at that crappy, metalic 60's look. It's so futuristic and sleek! Panasonic, huh? Weeeeell I never heard of them and for $2.25, who could say "no"?

>> No.3981291

Reviewers never actually tell you how things are.

If a game has an amazing first half, but shits the bed in the second, that's need to know information.

>> No.3981383

>it's shit
>HEY! Be thankful you even get that shit at all!

>> No.3981395

He's been around since like 2008. You can see him in some real old ass video James made showing off some old shit in his basement. He always just ran the web servers or some shit and (according to Mike) never wanted to be on camera but was encouraged (again, by Mike) to be his new co-host.

>> No.3981406

Crazy contrarian opinion: I kinda sorta like Ryan for all the techbobabble he brings

>> No.3981408

he'll be ghosted in less than 6 months
Mike's not gonna put up with his shit if Ryan keeps outplaying him

>> No.3981414

He doesn't know anything about games. He doesn't even play most of the games he does videos on. He loves collecting, buying, selling, and sticking shit on shelves to rot forever and you can see it in his videos. He's a casual gamer who happens to be a hardcore collector.
Some of his guests actually know what they're talking about, but he never does and his format makes sure to drown them out. It's always "WADDUP GUIZE HERE'S TEN GAMES THAT I HAVENT HEARD OF BUT THEYRE RARE OR EXPENSIVE WHICH MAKES THEM GEMS OKAY BYE." He spends 10 seconds on a game and moves on and you can tell he doesn't give a shit about any of them.
It's the most shallow clickbait bullshit out of any popular retrogaming personalities and he drives up prices because all of his fans are collectards just like him who hoard and resell games and don't actually play them. In one video he even defends himself by saying that people who hate how he inflates prices should subscribe to his patreon and get the videos early so they can buy up the games before the prices skyrocket. He says offering that option proves he's a good guy. He knows exactly what market he's going for. That's why people hate him.
He's the face of casual fans, hoarders, and rising prices. Everything /vr/ hates.

>> No.3981457

He was cute :3c

>> No.3981461

For sure, and this is why Pat the NES Punk and Metal Jesus will never break 1 million subs.

It's the same thing with "The Game Chasers". But atleast they try and make it a show.

Their content appeals only to retarded collectors who don't actually play games.

>> No.3981464

I wonder who Mike will bring in next. Can't be his "girl"friend because when shit goes south with him getting outplayed he can't just fire her.

>> No.3981465


What's wrong with Pat?

>> No.3981468

>Their content appeals only to retarded collectors who don't actually play games.

Honestly I don't even think it's that because at least collectors or I assume they do have the same baseline level of knowledge he does on rare games. His stuff seems to me like it's watched by casual gamers who just don't know all that much about collecting so everything he shows even if it's done in the most absolutely shallow way imaginable is still fascination to them because they're just now hearing of Stadium Events for the first time.

>> No.3981471
File: 162 KB, 619x1290, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3981475

>If a game has an amazing first half, but shits the bed in the second, that's need to know information.

Agreed. A game is more than the first couple hours- the first impression. People call Fallout 2 a masterpiece but the latter portions of that game are excruciating and I never hear people talk about how bad it gets

>> No.3981494

What's wrong with a tapeworm?

Nothing, the parasite is completely healthy.

>> No.3981504

I watched a recent cinemassacre, and Mike was complaining that the start button on his NES controller wasn't really working. Then that triggered this whole spiel from James about how "ohhh, this stuff is starting to fall apart, pretty soon it won't work at all, that's just the nature of old electronics, the only reason to own this stuff will be just to collect it...", etc...

How can these fucking faggots have plunged so much time and money into their hobbies but not have the good sense to just do a little maintenance? Seriously, it takes like 15 minutes to disassemble and clean an NES controller, and then they work like new, unless the contact pads themselves are damaged, in which case you can buy aftermarket replacements.

>> No.3981507

Miney-Crafta-Mike must be lurking in this thread somewhere...

>> No.3981510

He's recording the footage for his next "stream"

If it really is a shmup I'll admit I'll be a little surprised

>> No.3981516

they're technically and technologically inept people
the set up vids Mike has posted were not put together by Mike himself

>> No.3981520

>mike mentions in stream that next game he is doing is a shootemup

>autistic troll posts in this thread a poll about what game "i" should do next???

>oh a shoot em up! how convienient

>mike does his planned video announced before the poll


>> No.3981524

>says he plays every game he buys

>> No.3981527

>puts game in system
>oh it works
>puts game back in box

I played it

>> No.3981528

>Skullgirls is never even going to print


>> No.3981531

Those tricksy anonymous

Got me again

I thought the poll came before any info on next stream

>> No.3981535

unless this is that bubsy 3d autist who does nothing but play bubsy 3d im not watching it

im mad from just the thumbnail. what a piece of shit

>> No.3981539

What's your point, Mike? I'm not at all jealous you date trannies.

>> No.3981543

Have you looked at his fucking face? Something is.

>> No.3981552

anyone else here love Frank? I was worried retard Pat had pissed off Frank so badly he wouldn't be in any more of Pat's videos even when being paid with beer but we got new Frank vids recently

that motherfucker keeps shit real

>> No.3981559

He's an actor anon, just like the rest of these phony celebs. It's all a staged persona.

>> No.3981564


Well, he looks better than me.

>> No.3981567

I'm so, so, sorry.

>> No.3981596

You fucking below 30 fuckers should really watch some o Lloyd Kaufman's movies. Start with The Toxic Avenger.

>> No.3981604

>a movie made by a literal Jew
No, thanks.

>> No.3981612

Typical alt-righter, refuses to hear the other side and remains ignorant

>> No.3981649






>> No.3981680

Typical leftyfag, swallowing down that jew dick and remains cucked.

>> No.3981683


Already did, toxic avenger 1,2,3, and Kabuki Man were pretty funny.

>> No.3981684
File: 23 KB, 400x400, Craig Skistimas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ScrewAttack is so irrelevant now that not even these threads ever mention them.
I wrote this for a different thread but it died, but it may get some discussion here. I genuinely liked ScrewAttack back in the day.

Craig Skistimas is a scummy guy and a bad businessman.

>Screws a lifelong friend out of ownership of a business they co-founded
>Doesn't pay content creators
>Screws over Guru Larry by revoking the ScrewAttack Europe channel rights.
>Forces ProJared out of the company by telling him stop making Videos on his own or leave the Company
>Kills Hard News
>Kills the forums
>Stops doing reviews
>Makes no effort to consistently produce popular shows
>Sells ScrewAttack to Fullscreen claiming it will allow them funding to make better shows and they wouldn't change at all
>Spends money on a bigger and better office
>Starts cutting shows
>Iconic staff members leave
>Starts churning out 1-3 minute long Buzzfeed tier videos without any editorial point of view
>Kills SGC
>Pushes T-shirts, trinkets, and sponsors like crazy
>Deathbattle is the only show anyone watches
>Fullscreen merges ScrewAttack with Roosterteeth to try and salvage Craig Skistimas' sinking ship
>All of ScrewAttacks shows either cancelled or no one watches
>Death Battle is basically just a Roosterteeth show now
>Craig starts a new offshoot called GameAttack
>GameAttack goes independant
>Him and some of the ScrewAttack old gaurd spend all day streaming desperately trying to recapture and audience that doesn't exist anymore.
>He doesn't want to accept his old audience moved on and newer and younger audiences have no interest in a bunch of internet hasbeens.

tl:dr Craig was an asshole who mismanaged everything that he managed to build to the point where he's pathetically obscure hasbeen.

>> No.3981686
File: 565 KB, 952x6823, USLHwZk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every e-celeb thread is started by Cinemassacre/Screenwave or people who work for Cinemassacre/Screenwave and it's pretty easy to see that.

Where'd you come up with this theory??

>> No.3981729

Weren't they owned by MTV?
This kinds of things happen in corporate environment,people simply think its their job not to do shit.

>> No.3981737

Why is this trash on this board
Take it to /vg/

>> No.3981745

go blow your wads all over your shitty doom generals

>> No.3981747

I dont even like doom. And at least that is an old game
How are ecelebs retro related in any way

Please go away

>> No.3981756

no you fuck off from this thread, you whiny doomfaggot
if you don't like it then just hide it, fucking mongoloid

>> No.3981773 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 170x200, 1494359790870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the bluepill that there's a lot of genders?

and it's not like he's wrong. gender is based on completely superficial shit like the clothes you wear anyway. it doesn't really need to exist

>> No.3981787

Pick up biology textbook next time and look between your legs.
If you have penis you are male,if not you are female.
Everything else is classified under mental sexual disorder in DSM-5.
Approving mental illness as a fact of reality is not only stupid but incredibly dangerous for the public.


>> No.3981798

ok? you're just putting objective things into subjective categories to justify vague rules. you are no better than john money and his ilk. all identity politics are sectarian cancer.

read stirner, /pol/yp

>> No.3981801

Ham-fistedly inserting your political agenda by trying to spin a narrative that there was a significant portion of Japanese game developers were gay or trans is just fucking retarded. Jeremy is a fucking moron.

>> No.3981810

You sound like those flat earthers you know that dont you?
Have you seen non binary animal like a cat,or a mouse,or a horse?
Guess what,you are also an animal.
You do feel like a man in a male body,good for you.
There are doctors for that sort of thing if you refuse treatment that's your decision,you can be the next 600lbs show on TLC.
I got nothing to say more about your rambling.

>> No.3981813

I dropped him after

>Screws a lifelong friend out of ownership of a business they co-founded

They were only interesting back in the early youtube days because it seemed like a ragtag group of nerds made a successful business. Turns out it was just setting the stage for commercials attached to short videos of clips from games that 30-somethings might see and remember

>Starts churning out 1-3 minute long Buzzfeed tier videos without any editorial point of view

this basically

>> No.3981820

Yeah that's dumb, but that's not what anyone was talking about. The other anon was being a whiny bitch because someone dared to discuss social issues he didn't like.

>> No.3981823

Wonder what chad, Ben and nick are gonna do when the site shuts down

>> No.3981830

>Have you seen non binary animal like a cat,or a mouse,or a horse?
no because gender is inconsequential. you're making my point for me

>> No.3981832

There's actually a lot of research that backs up gender being separate from sex AND being determined by biology (so Bill Nye is closer to the scientific consensus than you are) but this seems like a discussion for /lgbt/ not /vr/.
To discuss this properly (with citations & explanations) would take a lot of effort and wouldn't have anything to do with ecelebs or videogames.

>> No.3981836

>Man has dementia
>His personality has done a complete 180, and he has lapses in memory and constant mood swings
>Man is clearly sick and needs help

Doctors are more qualified than you to diagnose symptoms, thankfully. You being an ignorant shithead does nothing to help these people that clearly need treatment.

>> No.3981837

well bill nye obviously knows less than some edgy larping "doctor"

>> No.3981845

shut the fuck up about trannies and bash faggot Mike instead

>> No.3981847

wow good thing that's a completely different issue. i was never justifying any mental problems. quit projecting your idpol strawmen onto me

>> No.3981851

Probably some mid level production job somewhere. As long as Death Battle is around they'll have some work, I guess.

>> No.3981864

I'm surprised he hasn't derailed another one of these threads.

>> No.3981874

He knows a lot about old PC games

>> No.3981875

That's why I like Watch Out For Fireballs. They discuss a game linearly so if there are bad parts or a bad ending, they'll talk about it and explain it. It's not general impression, they really dissect things.

>> No.3981876

fuck jirard

>> No.3981883

how can anyone even stand any of these normal boots faggots?
besides projared of course

these guys are cookie cutter youtube garbage, "safe", family-friendly and boring as shit

>> No.3981885

>I'm friends with the developers and recieve games, merch, access to interviews and previews, but that doesn't effect my opinions at all.
>I don't see what the problem is! All these games are great, other reviewers are crazy!
*deposits cheque*

>> No.3981886

Can you post a link? I remember how confused I was about him back then.

>> No.3981891

And how many of his videos are about old PC games compared to shit about "le hidden jemz" and top-10 lists?
If he made videos about things he understands (or with actual content) instead of churning out low-effort collectard clickbait, maybe fewer people would hate him.

>> No.3981892



>> No.3981896

But gender dysphoria is a mental illness, that was his point. Delusional people need help.

>> No.3981903

i watch jirrard when he completes really hard/long games to complete. everybody else on there is boring trash. shit even jirard is boring yet i watch him anyway.

>> No.3981905

found it myself

>> No.3981906

you could be playing video games instead

>> No.3981908

Nope, WOFF guys are faggots and so are you for listening to them. Shit taste.

>> No.3981916

damn, Ryan could have turned into a semi-Chad back then if he had worked out a bit

>> No.3981923

>end up watching a ~20 min episode at like 4 am once a month
no thanks

>> No.3981926

Were they brown ?

>> No.3981937

James attitude and confidence really changed once he started going bald

>> No.3981992

I unironically fucking love LGR Thrifts.

>> No.3981994

2009 Ryan is so cute

I want to do very un-christian things with him

>> No.3982021

How do I go about making a youtube channel based on playing games I like without coming off as a huge faggot?

All I wanna do is play games I like and put shit on youtube and then have an excuse to interact with people.

Showing my face is out. I'm not gonna make an autistic intro, but are there any good formats? I think LP's are done to death, and single game review episodes of like 15 minutes where you get mad and shit on old games are boring as fuck. I wanna do something positive and chill. Would making a 20 minute "show" with segments and news and shit be interesting to watch? Would any of you guys give a show like that a chance?

I mostly ask because I'm fucking certain I could make a better show than half the shit I see on youtube. I want to make something good and enjoyable/entertaining. I don't want to become an e-celeb or make it a dayjob, unless it turns out it's fun to do all the time and I don't get stale and shitty and locked into a character like AVGN.

>> No.3982027

you've got a 0.001% chance to make it to 100k+
you don't need to worry about becoming big

>> No.3982040

Gotta show your face and be a character

>> No.3982043

What you're saying is you don't want to build a brand. But that's okay if you don't want it to feel like a job.

However, because shows about gaming are so plentiful and competitive, without taking those brand building steps you'll never have much of an audience. You'll end up as another of those gaming channels with 900 videos with 10-100 views each. Your format doesn't really matter, it's the branding that makes the difference between having an audience or not.

>> No.3982047

Ryan has no chemestry with the rest of the dudes. He just breathes heavy and is not as well versed as them. This episode they got snippy at each other because fat boy cant into social. Mike had to remind him every time that he was joking. But Mike has good shows with james and bootsy all the time.

>> No.3982051

Stop shilling your shitty channel, faggot. Your show is cringy as fuck.

>> No.3982053

>and bootsy

not anymore :(

>> No.3982058

praying the trans away/concentration camps aren't going to help them either. the only way for transpeople to ever be helped is to drop idealistic identities like gender entirely. there is no ideal man/woman, there is no ideal. read stirner, /pol/yp.

>> No.3982059

Depends how you structure the show. If it's "news" I don't give a fuck. If it's a fun variety show with interesting segments I'd probably watch it.

I do game reviews. Mostly as an incentive to clear out my backlog and have a chronicle. Play the game, beat it, do a review throw down thoughts on what I liked, if I did extra content, how long it took, etc, give it a yes/no recommendation. No scores, no bullshit.

I don't get mad about games, I do sometimes get overly critical though.

>> No.3982063

>He just breathes heavy and is not as well versed as them.

Ryan is a better gamer than those two retards and he sets up all their shit. All three are pretty shit at games but Mike and James are definitely worse than Ryan. It was pretty obvious in their ActRaiser vid.

>> No.3982073

>only MY favourite e-celebs can shill in this thread!
Neck yourself mate.

>> No.3982074


/vr/ is now officially the screenwave advertiser network

>> No.3982076

Big Ryan fan!!

>> No.3982079


Ryan is good for technical details about the games and he's better at actually playing them than James or Mike. Other than that, he's useless.

>> No.3982113

Yeah I'm not too worried about becoming big, but at the same time I'm not aiming for that, I don't want to be a glorified babysitter.

Is showing your face really mandatory? I've heard a lot of people say you need to in order to get people to watch your shit. I tend to avoid shit with facecams and hosts though but they probably do have smaller fanbases now I think about it.

>What you're saying is you don't want to build a brand.
Not really, I mean if my brand was a drawn character or just my voice and style of video I'd be fine with it. I don't really want to stand in front of a wall of games and then show me sticking a game into a console before cutting to emulated footage like 90% of people do (it's kinda shocking how much of an influence AVGN had on most people even now when it comes to format).

What I mean is, there's a way to brand myself without talking into a camera like everyone else, or making reaction videos to stupid shit, I'm just curious as to who you guys watch that don't do that kinda shit.

Just to throw random examples out, people like Matthewmatosis, Dunky or say Mark Brown are the kinda thing I'd aim to be more like.

I don't hate shows with people on cam I just think it'd be easier and quicker to edit V.O work than reshoot segments to camera. And y'know, end up as eceleb scum memebait like some people here.

>> No.3982126

Branding is everything.

Colour schemes. Thumbnails, Logos, icons, format, etc.

>> No.3982127

Ryan is better at games than Mike, but not far better like Bootsy was, so he's around the stay

>> No.3982128

Yeah, he was talking about Jeremy. Hence my post.

>> No.3982164

>How do I go about making a youtube channel based on playing games I like without coming off as a huge faggot?

This is very easy. However, you'll never get more than 10,000 subs at most (over a few years time) if you don't develop a flaming, flamboyant persona. I'm sure you've noticed that every popular "gamer" on Youtube has an obnoxious personality (or puts one on during their videos). This is not mere coincidence.

However, making a chill gaming channel is easy. It just won't ever become popular. If you aren't gunning for popularity and wealth, well, then you're all set.

>> No.3982173
File: 33 KB, 794x438, The_Con_That_Almost_Never_Was_-_Shady_Vlogs_-_YouTube_-_2017-05-09_17.52.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Billy got into a fight with someone. Anyone have the story? Also how delusional are these guy that they think 4'11 Alpha Omega Sin could beat up anyone?

>> No.3982178

You pulled the right outta your arse. None of this happened.

>> No.3982182

Has there been any actualy fistfighting between e-celebs before?

I'd love to see James' heavy retard punch destroy Mike's teeth.

>> No.3982187

I'd like to see his retarded club foot go accidentally up Mike's loose asshole during a fight.

>> No.3982193

I'd like to see his fucking tongue ravage mikes mouth as he slowly slides his finger into mikes asshole. Then mike slides his 10" cock into James' mouth and fucks his face like the bitch he is.

>> No.3982195

that's kinda gay, dude

>> No.3982203

Yeah I mean when I say news it'd be more like poking fun at anything interesting that had happened, what's coming out what looks hype or whatever.

I'm mostly gonna do as a way to clear my backlog and also go through some games I know shit about and attempt to be fun and informative about while I play. But moreso in a chill way than a Dunkey way. What's your channel? 7pertk+zixx4207r108@sharklasers.com email me a link with a burner email if you don't wanna share it here.

I'm trying to be more positive about games and shit. I think it'd be too easy to be overly critical or at least I'd need to balance out the shitting on games with praising others as to not get bogged down in being cynical.

>Branding is everything.
>Colour schemes. Thumbnails, Logos, icons, format, etc.
Yeah that shit I can do no problem, fuck I could even draw my own title cards and do the same shitty cartoon me for them without then cutting to a real cam of my goofy ass face. HEY GUYS COMMENT RATE- etc etc

I don't mind being small. I'd rather have some chill bros to shoot the shit with and hang with than a huge gaggle of kids trying to make everything I say a catchphrase for a tshirt, or animating my rants.

>> No.3982213

>I'd love to see James' heavy retard punch destroy Mike's teeth.

He's got fake front teeth, so James doesn't even need his retard strength to know them out

>> No.3982278

It's not gay to want to see a guy giving another guy a deepthroat blowjob, you fucking prude.

>> No.3982286

You're right. It's extremely gay.

>> No.3982374

Ryan and Mike have good chemistry together, just watch that video where they were ripping on Chris O'Donnell. They were probably just tired while they filmed this so it wasn't as crisp as their humor usually is.

>> No.3982408

Ryan is easily identified as a shitposter whenever he mentions the Chris O'Donnell episode, just so everyone knows. Someone connected the dots like 3 months ago. Mike and Ryan are always in here and you're an asshole if you don't realize it

>> No.3982420
File: 325 KB, 724x696, SimCity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buncha faggits wish you were me.

>> No.3982425

Nah I'm pretty content with my life right now.

>> No.3982438

Wish you were James (Nope);Wish you were Mike(Yup)

>> No.3982461

>[pinned by cinemassacre]

>> No.3982468

>Matthewmatosis, Dunky or say Mark Brown

If you're going to do something like that, don't use a cartoon of yourself. Make a logo or something.

>> No.3982471
File: 191 KB, 640x480, momo chan bounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just like to say /vr/ is so fucking good. Not this thread specifically, it's probably the worst of /vr/ but even then it's not that bad.

Like, just looking over the catalog there's so much vidya discussion. Actual vidya discussion. It's really something.

>> No.3982486

Someone's been in /v/ too long

>> No.3982489 [DELETED] 

Please stop posting creepy loli cartoons.

>> No.3982490

I've stopped browsing it awhile ago but yeah, I'm scarred for life.

>> No.3982491

aww thats nice of you little gay anon butt just wait til summer rolls around.

>> No.3982494

>implying I'd like to have a girly voice and a monkey face and be average to bad in video games despite trying too hard

nah I'm fine

>> No.3982497

man ,even /vg/ now don't even care about the games. The sonic the hedgehog threads just rave about the Archie Sonic and waifus

Which is funny because I've had better vidya discussion on /co/ than /v/

>> No.3982502
File: 415 KB, 640x480, Ojamajo Doremi Motto - 46 (DVD 640x480 WMV3 MP3).avi_snapshot_11.58_[2017.05.09_16.15.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids probably don't even know this board exists, anon.

>> No.3982505

you must not have been around last summer. good thing we have this containment thread.

>> No.3982506


He's casual as fuck, but some of his hidden gems videos were cool.

>> No.3982508
File: 325 KB, 480x360, Episode 28 - Musta Been a Beautiful Baby.mp4_snapshot_14.54_[2015.11.25_09.04.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you can have discussions on /co/ without the immediate response being rage. Not that /co/'s too much better, mind you. All those jokes about it being tumblr aren't far-off.

>> No.3982512


He lost a bunch of fans when he tried to con with his shitty $5 website but then some of his 2012 videos were great.

>> No.3982517


it's a tranny

>> No.3982518
File: 454 KB, 640x480, おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第16話「はじめてのハイハイ!?春風家、大パニック!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snapshot_13.38_[2017.04.20_12.36.55].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say I was but I can't say for sure. Time's an anomaly for me these days. I hope it's not true anyway, this is a good board with good anons that doesn't deserve anything bad happening to them.

>> No.3982531


They probably brought Ryan in more to replace Bootsy

>> No.3982548

i would have preferred a Baldur's Gate but I'm glad that WOFF is doing Nox later on in the season. It's one of my favorite games of that era and I can't wait to hear someone talk about it. It's never talked here, at least from what I've seen. it wasn't even discussed on /vg/ when /wrpg/ was active.

>> No.3982587

CRTs are retro, DOOM is retro, ecelebs are not.

>> No.3982598

retro gaming e-celebs are /vr/

>> No.3982615

No they're not. This board is for discussing retro games, not discussing ecelebs discussing retro games with a side of /pol/. This general
is literally cancer.

>> No.3982617

A lot of the time people like Game Sack talk about non-retro stuff.

Anyway, we really need a /yt/ board.

>> No.3982626

I pity Ryan. At one point he had it all. The looks of a 9/10 Chad, a young up and coming entrepreneur as CEO of his own business, a smoking hot wife, and a future that held no limits.

Now he's gained 200 lbs, as has his wife, his company had to resort to supporting YouTube personalities, and now his career's focus is helping to make videos for said personalities just to keep them (and by extension, himself) afloat. And to top it all off, despite all his good will and hard work he's become the butt of jokes from all across the internet.


>> No.3982627

>>Kills SGC

It was a fucking fun as hell con too

>> No.3982630

yeah, an e-celeb, internet personality board would be killed. There's not even a board for podcasts and I love podcasts I'm always listening to 'casts

>> No.3982632

podcasts go on /tv/

>> No.3982646

e-celeb stuff is not retro, but this is also not /v/. Don't come into a thread you don't like screaming e-celeb shit. It's a containment general, and anons here respect the board enough to not spill every single youtuber in separate threads. Hide and report if you must, but take that /v/ attitude out of here.

>> No.3982667

The NWC and the YouTubers one? My next few videos should be okay. This Friday is meh, but I'm happy with what I have in the docket for the next two weeks. What was it that you didn't like about them?

I will never touch Mappy again, but thank you for caring. <3

>> No.3982672

my mom once slapped me for writing in a similar way, I was 11.

>> No.3982674

Ryan and Mike made modern PC game review videos for a while before Bootsy left, but then Mike started retro game LPs with Ryan while Bootsy was still there, which means Mike had it all planned out. Fucking psychopath

>> No.3982708

Mark posted the first 20 mins of his podcast with Johnny someone please donate to CGR Patreon and post the rest please lads it's comfy retro anime kino

>> No.3982709

Also do any of you lads listen to Retro Collect/Maximum Powerup Podcast? It's nice to hear a UK perspective on things they just released one all about MegaTen and Persona

>> No.3982714

It's really nice to hear Ryan explain all the technical details and share his expert gameplay tips. Ryan is one of the best gamers on all of YouTube :)

>> No.3982734
File: 905 KB, 521x1702, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bob mackey is just the tip; it is unlistenable now.

>> No.3982738

>that ugly icon

Also, what a fucking retard.

>> No.3982740

>Reviewers never actually finish games

>> No.3982745


SGC was great. Attended 14/15. So few good cons left these days.

>> No.3982747

>In one video he even defends himself by saying that people who hate how he inflates prices should subscribe to his patreon and get the videos early so they can buy up the games before the prices skyrocket.

is this a fucking joke

>> No.3982754
File: 350 KB, 604x685, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3982757


>> No.3982760

i was on 4chan or 420chan the day they split. what a mess

>> No.3982761

What am I looking at here. Is it just
>windows 10
like on /g/?

>> No.3982763

The macros maybe?

>> No.3982764 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 5555x5555, 1485144838099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most used
>quicktime player

>> No.3982769
File: 86 KB, 721x680, 8675309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3982770

Yeah this is pretty cringe.

Well I'm going to try to ignore this.

>> No.3982772

i barely remember what quicktime does

>> No.3982774

Is that the tab for the window of prerecorded game footage behind everything, or was he actually playing live this time?

>> No.3982779

It's easy to like games when you didn't spend any money on them. What a piece of shit.

lol @ top comment saying to take a shot whenever they say dqh2

>> No.3982780

>ASUS Welcome above Game Capture HD

>> No.3982782

If you saw how he was playing wolfenstein you wouldn't have any doubts that he was playing live :^)

>> No.3982786
File: 29 KB, 465x247, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this stupid whore so much

>> No.3982850

Quicktime is still a thing?

>> No.3982862

She probably doesn't even play the games she talks about stupid fucking whore posting autistic shallow notice me bois ;))) posts on every single fucking channel

Like a fucking whore going around a truck stop bathroom knocking on stalls for dicks to suck

>> No.3982865

>all those asmr gf roleplay videos of her that she made private

>> No.3982867

Mike is a casual fucking faggot. Imagine playing games all your life, playing games 10 hours a day because he's paid to do it, and still sucking that fucking bad. He thinks he's le epikk hardxcore le retro gay murr because he's better than James a retard who doesn't even play games but sucks fucking dick worse than that supapixelgurl whore. No wonder that fucking faggot got rid of Bootsy. Bootsy fucking schooled him and put him to disgrace. If I was Dike Cucktei I'd be fucking ashamed too. Fuck Mike for ruining Cinemassacre, I hope he fucking reads this. He needs to stop playing all together.

>> No.3982871

I hope someone sends all that shit to her relatives and parents and job let them see what that stupid whore spends her days doing, posting attention seeking bullshit all hours of the day and making disgusting roleplay shit for fat stinky lonely nerds to jack off to. Fucking scum sucking bitch.

>> No.3982879

>all these people thinking that mike fired bootsy when it was probably ryan because he actually owns the fucking company

>> No.3982885

>not running videos will grinding or doing other tedious shit in games

step up senpai

>> No.3982889

I think James still owns Cinemassacre, Shockwave is just their IT guys/partner. Besides from all the talk Ryan didn't even want to be in the videos. He's obviously uncomfortable in them so I don't think that was a lie.

>> No.3982890

He looks like some kid I went to high school with.

Who later went off his meds or was undiagnosed skitzo and killed his boyfriend.

>> No.3982891
File: 130 KB, 315x330, 1462957444362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does solo streams on the channel so I doubt he's that uncomfortable. Unless mike is holding a gun to his head off camera.

>> No.3982908

I don't really care about shilling. I stopped posting in the "whats your youtube channel" threads on /v/ months ago, but since you asked:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNaBdtoES3PBPX91H0GR18Q/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd That's my new channel, changed up the format a bit to be more concise since my old videos on my old channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Caliburn89/videos were really long winded and I repeated myself a lot.

Video editing is a decent skill to learn. It's definitely an unsatisfying grind though, especially when you get very little views.

Making youtube videos is like collecting games. Don't do it based on speculation, or potential profits. Do it because you like it.

>> No.3982910

>just watch that video where they were ripping on Chris O'Donnell

i dont know what youre referring to, but i bet it actually stems from matt from two best friends when he played batman with them

>> No.3982915

Dat gb james bond

>> No.3982921 [DELETED] 

Yeah the genesis one is so much better it's almost no contest

Fuck you you droopy eyed gypsy cunt this isn't your personal shill thread anyone can do it

>> No.3982926

>these guys are cookie cutter youtube garbage, "safe", family-friendly

I don't always want to watch edgy contrarian bullshit for mature edgelords.

>> No.3982929
File: 152 KB, 684x674, comfy goob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you're one sad cunt

>> No.3982931

Dat childhood GB game.

>> No.3982936

how about using a cartoon version and a bunch of stills to use when addressing the camera l hate to say it, but a bit like egoraptor in sequelitis.

>> No.3982941

That's boring, and played out.

Tons of untalented "talkers" on youtube do this, like Sargon.

If you're going to talk about games, just show gameplay footage. You shouldn't add an avatar unless it adds something. That faggot Arlo's videos would be exactly the same if he didn't use his muppet, and potentially better since he could use the time to actually show the things in game he was talking about.

>> No.3982951

>UK perspective on things
>MegaTen and Persona

pick one

>> No.3982954

>ignoring my post about mike

Virgin detected

>> No.3982956

He brought on an American girl who has been playing since Revelations Persona. She sounded real fuckin qt and speaks Japanese too.

>> No.3982959

I don't give a fuck about cinemassacre, sperg

>> No.3982963

No you just wanted to white knight supapixelgirl, gotta get those virtue signal points in huh? Stay mad you numale cuck :^)

>> No.3982964

Did anyone here watch the Electric Playground rundown today

>shills colbert and talks about how censorship is bad
>japanese game gets censored and not a peep

Why did Vic have to become SJW... we need Tommy back

>> No.3982967
File: 134 KB, 1200x1200, tumblr_oc9phgpQNF1r5kws5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your channel. I think you're a little monotone sometimes like a kid reading in front of class, but whatever.

"Lef-tanents"? Are you British? You don't sound it.

I didn't dislike them, but I didn't find in them the same joy as in many previous ones. I know that's kind of a non-answer, but it's hard to point my finger at anything

maybe it's all just too subtle for dummies

I'm kind of a piece of shit, so I'll probably change my mind if either catches flame and ignites some sweet retarded youtube drama.

>> No.3982970
File: 85 KB, 714x712, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about her either, though.

>> No.3982971

>virtue signal points
>numale cuck
>/r9gag/ neckbeards trying to co-opt /pol/speak
wew lad

>> No.3982972

That's why you replied huh?


>> No.3982973

I wasn't thinking of talking over the game footage, moreso like using the cartoon segments to act as links between bits, and making like a varietal type show. With an intro, and then segments based on varying things, almost like old game review shows. No skits or cringy 'bits' but just a little talking to the audience every now and then outside of the game footage to vary it up a bit. Think that could be interesting at all? I was thinking of something a bit like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLjd8P7oq5k I really like how he sorta apes the extra credits podium thing for his spiels.

>> No.3982974


The monotone thing is something I've been working on.

>> No.3982975


>> No.3982978
File: 11 KB, 240x260, sucksyourdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replied to let you know you're a sad cunt, look at how emotionally involved you are over some random youtube bitch.

>> No.3982980

Where you at famiglio

>> No.3982982

>making a fun shitpost is being "emotionally involved"

You seem emotionally involved with me


>> No.3982983

>i-i was just pretending

>> No.3982985

Gimme another (You) that shitpost had some good legs

>> No.3982990


>> No.3982992


>> No.3982998

asmr creeps me the fuck out

>> No.3983004

>been playing since Revelations Persona

ok i take it back, that bitch is an og

>> No.3983006


Link the video so I can judge his accent.

t. prairie scum

>> No.3983010

Actraiser one

>> No.3983023

I'm from BC.

>> No.3983049

I was only half paying attention, but I guess I'm too Canadian or missed the word. You just sound like a normal dude, but you repeat words a lot.
The monotone isn't too bad, and I'm sure you'll get better with time.

>> No.3983261

If any one of the regulars of this general had any respect for the board, they would put this general on a board where it actually belongs. Take your '/v/ meets /pol/' tier garbage conversation and fuck off back to the comments section where you can jerk off your ecelebs with a name and like buttons.

>> No.3983269

I guess I'll have to repost it:

Ross is an incompetent twat, and some times resorts to bullshit to prove his biased point.

For instance in his review of "Well of Souls" he deliberately uses shit weapon against enemies and bosses then whines about how even basic mooks take millenia to kill, and deletes video replies that demonstrate same section beaten effortlessly.

In Revenant review he ignores crucial tutorial - Guard tells him to go to Trainer and learn moves, he ignores him saying he does not need a tutorial in hack'n'slash, proceeds to use basic attacks for the whole game, then whines how he constantly runs out of potions, since he never learned that game has combos, blocks and dodges.

Then he talks for ~20 minutes about bugs that get removed by applying the latest patch (which is an obvious thing to do for a game designed with Win98 in mind, when playing it in Win7).

He then proceeds talking about ridiculous loading times, while showing the options menu, with all Precaching options enabled and cranked to max (it forces game to completely unload all assets, then load new ones on every transition), and all load-while-playing options disabled.

He whines about magic system being ridiculous and saying that he'll never use it, then minutes later whines about the fist-fighting boss battle. Cherry on top: While he talks about magic he scrolls over 2 spells (Might and Fist Mastery) that were explicitly given to him by an NPC in order to beat the boss with minimal effort.

After all this I doubt I can believe anything he says ever again, since I don't know what parts are legit and what are utter bullshit he pulled out of his ass.

>> No.3983310

It's hard to tell whats accurate without playing a game.

If you're willingly ignoring game mechanics and trying to give an objective review you've failed to do your due diligence.

Some games there are deeper mechanics that can be hard to get into without external guides. A lot of games don't even require you to go past the most basic of mechanics.

Your complaints seem valid. I don't mind a little embellishment for the sake of entertainment. There's a fine line between pretending to be retarded, and actually being retarded.

>> No.3983409

The combat mechanics in Revenant aren't even obscure - there's combo-specific bindings in Controls section, and you are specifically told to "Go see Combat Master to learn about advanced combat techniques"

The main problem is - people who watch his reviews that did not play these games are led to believe that he is right. look at the comments to his Revenant review - there are several that claim they thought about buying the game on GOG but won't now because of his review and thanking him for putting up an amazing work.

His reviews are entertaining that's true, but in those cases he has shown that none of his reviews can be trusted because there's a significant chance that he's pulling shit out of his own arse again.

Maybe he is right in some of his reviews that the games in question are shit, but Revenant and Well of Souls reviews proved him to be so objectively untrustworthy that I can not be sure anymore - that essentially makes all of his other reviews worthless.

>> No.3983435

You could just shut the fuck up and stop complaining.

>> No.3983489

>mike has zero natural talent.

I think this is why he doesnt like new games and is always saying he has a horrible memory.

The only way he can appear good is to play a game by muscle memory. Check his ninja gaiden streams. He jumps and attacks the same way every attempt. He'll go out of his way to get a ninpo powerup, despite not needing any. Its all about patterns. If he is caught out of his pattern, he spams the attack button instead of timing his attack. By claiming he has a bad memory (while making an obscure AVGN reference then naming the episode number and title), he thinks he is fooling people in to thinking he is good at games.

If he is faced with a modern game, where an enemy doesnt just follow a pattern, he sperges out.

>> No.3983492

Fucking worthless trash.

When i first heard about him i thought he did a couple long (song length) takes then merged the audio. Boy was i wrong.

I could do what he does with a couple dozen clips and autotune.

>> No.3983495

Except he started doing mike and ryan before bootsy was dropped.

>> No.3983505
File: 83 KB, 1056x720, workedatsierra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he is the best. After all, he worked for sierra! That was my favorite gaming company back in the day!

>> No.3983516

He did that for a while, at least on streams. Used to be every sunday they'd play some mario party or someshit, but I think she got tired of all the "wheelchair" jokes.

>> No.3983530

Does he really?

In the current /vr/ "community", knowing a lot about old pc games doesnt have high requirements.

>> No.3983532

But console /vr/ is where the views are at!

>> No.3983549

I'm giving up on Completionist for now. I'll check back with him later and hopefully he'll release another video on something not mainstream like an old PSX game but he's sold out too much.

>> No.3983550

anyone remember sirronlionheart or something? he played kaizomario back in 09.

>> No.3983581

Wouldn't surprise me. Mike's a psycho.

>> No.3983834

So why aren't Youtubers allowed to make money, 4chan?

>> No.3983853

>why aren't Youtubers allowed to make money
It's not that they aren't, it's just that most of them are
or all of the above

I think some of the hate does come justifiably from a little bit of jealousy. Working a shitty job, then seeing some guy who hasn't made a video in 6 months getting 800 bucks a month via patreon would make anyone jealous.

>> No.3983897

The problem is the majority are entitled and make unoriginal content that serves no purpose that act like theyre an authority on vidya when theyre nothing more than a hobbyist.

>> No.3984054

Does anyone else find Jeremy Parish to be an insufferable cunt. I swear people only think Gameboy world is so great because it has somewhat decent production compared to most shit on youtube. His Wizards and Warriors review was shit, his Fall of the Foot Clan review was shit, I don't know why people are so high on gay boy world. "Metroidvania chronicles" is just him throwing that label on whatever he wants and he always makes things so douchey and hipster

>> No.3984082

gender is your biological sex they aren't two separate things that is just a shitty forced meme from pseudo scientists that want to be remembered for something even if it is retarded made up bullshit.

>> No.3984602

Stirner is a retard you shitty fag

>> No.3984694

>When i first heard about him i thought he did a couple long (song length) takes then merged the audio. Boy was i wrong.

wait, he doesnt?

>> No.3984772

What exactly do people have against what jontron said? Has liberal propaganda got you so riled up you are too stupid to know the difference between immigrants who want to come and assimilate and illegal welfar shoppers. Wew lads you are fucking dumb, I am sure jon has no problem with iranian immigrants who want to come to america and live as americans, not fucking welfare shoppers who want to live in their own communities and dont even speak english. Why the fuck do you liberals even tolerate that shit? It's not jontrons fault he hasn't really been following this shit long enough to have the proper arguments of his own formed, but when you faggots just spout shitty tumblr memes like HES A NAZI you sound even worse than you think he does. Right wing jontron is the best jontron, socialism breeds low standards and creates a society of losers.

>> No.3984779

nice pasta

>> No.3984857

I don't even know who he is, but I lost respect for him when he didn't stand up to Aonuma about everyone already knowing you could get to the final boss in BotW whenever. Why even waste yours and their time if you're going to be such a sissy.

>> No.3984862

He was alright up until the last 5 years or so, now he's a complete douche.

Source: Chatted with the bastard on forums and such from the turn of the century and ended up following some of his ZD/1UP stuff and Retronauts. He wasn't a complete douche back then.

>> No.3984967

Yeah it's original content I just whipped up. You got a retort though? Jontron is based

>> No.3985075


Personally I just can't get past how his face looks and how fat he is. I haven't ever even watched his videos, not even a brief clip. He's so ugly! It's too much.

>> No.3985094


I never heard of her but I looked her up because of this thread and it turned out she was fat. What is the point of somebody selling their cute female appearance if they aren't even cute? She could like triple her ad income or whatever just by eating less. She isn't a whore, whores develop business sense or they starve. She's just some person.

>> No.3985098


ASMR is the greatest of God's gifts to mankind, and its recent flourishing on YouTube is the final fulfillment of His covenant with us all. You love it. You just don't know it yet. Open your heart and crank up your headphones and join us, anon. Join us in the heavenly kingdom, and be saved, and have your ears caressed by angels.


>> No.3985114

It's a channel for manchild collecting hobby not the Calvin Klein fashion runway

Couldn't care less how he looks as long as he's not one of those annoying screaming YouTube faggots

>> No.3985117

God I miss 1UP. They were the best site like that on the web

>> No.3985121

metal jesus is offensively ugly.

>> No.3985127


But like what if his face were dripping with pus because of leprosy or something? I mean you might be bothered by that. There's usually a threshold for that sort of thing.

His dumb face and fat neck are over my threshold (slightly).

>> No.3985131

Good thing I don't plan on sucking his dick any time soon then. Fucking faggot sheltered millennials. He looks no different than any average retro enthusiast pre-YouTube hipster faggot invasion

It's a hobby for collecting old children toys not being some makeup fashionista numale millennial

>> No.3985137

He doesn't even look that bad since he grew a goatee and I've known guys with deformed faces before didn't stop me from hanging out with them

>> No.3985141


His dick probably looks okay though, so I'm not sure I'm following

>> No.3985151

metal jesus looks like a greasy fucking slug who showers once a week

>> No.3985167

dude fuck off with that shitty meme people who enjoy crinkling chip bags and other annoying shit have brain damage

>> No.3985179

But the boi pucci game is on POINT

>> No.3985195


Not everyone is ready for His word. After the cleansing, we will mourn your loss, as we gently crinkle the cinders of your bones next to our microphones. Perhaps your lingering spirit will find solace in this, should you indeed have ever possessed one.

>> No.3985196

dude you have brain damage, sounds trigger neural responses from you that they shouldn't much like a child triggers a response in a pedophile. You are from the same lot

>> No.3985202

Metal jesus should really be called dad rock jesus

>> No.3985203

why? doesnt he only wear metal shirts?

>> No.3985210

i dunno hes not a very good metal head

>> No.3985285


>> No.3985291

nigga make a new thread if you wanna talk

>> No.3985309

Get in here lads

>> No.3985858

Long past the bump limit of 500 on this board.