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3978553 No.3978553 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw Working Designs went under.

>> No.3978557
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My happiness knew no bounds.

Fuck Vic Ireland in the neck.

>> No.3978559

How does it feel shitposting about things you're too young to remember?

>> No.3978563

Second post in and Ireland's defense force has already arrived.

>> No.3978567
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By '05 there were enough "serious" translations on PS2 that WD didn't really matter anymore but hating on'90s working designs is a dead giveaway that you weren't playing those type of games back then. If you were, you'd appreciate that they made those games available to us at all.

>> No.3978568


"Ireland defence force" you've rotted your brain with memes. Get a life.

>> No.3978569

No true Scotsman fallacy.

>> No.3978571
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>> No.3978572
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I have many faces.

>> No.3978573

Love me topical humor in my fantasy anime rpgs.

>> No.3978578

No true Scotsman can be president of America.

>> No.3978586
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>> No.3978592
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I totally agree with this, but...
even though I hated the Clintons, this was dumb.

>> No.3978594

I'd have to see the original script to pass judgment on this one. It's not too far-fetched that the writer could've thrown in some Japanese topical humor there.
It's terrible either way, mind you.

>> No.3978596

>oppai loli


>> No.3978598

someone always asks for the original line and it always turns out to be something tame
yeah whatever

>> No.3978605
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The original doesn't have pop culture references like that. It's not like it ruins the game, but it's fucking stupid and there's tons of shit like that like Austin Powers jokes.

I was happy we got the game at all, but that was so dumb. But translation shit isn't as bad as him fucking with gameplay.

At least the new Star Dragon song was good.

>> No.3978608

Why is Cost circled?

>> No.3978612


"Cost?" Wait, I have to pay magic experience to save?

Oh yes, I had forgotten to mention one of Lunar 2's more infamous features. So, in Lunar 1, you could just save anywhere, doesn't matter. Quite unusual for a game of its time. Hell, in all the other Lunar games you can save anywhere. So why did this game decide to make you pay?

Well, the Japanese version didn't. This was added in the English version. I have the guidebook for this game, and in it Victor Ireland tries to weakly defend adding this in, saving that most other RPGs only let you save at inns, or on the world map. I presume that later he jumped off a climb because the other RPGs were doing it too.

Magic experience is already kind of tight in the game, and this doesn't help. It's particularly bad early on. By the way, the cost for saving does go up throughout the game. At the end, yes, you do generally get enough magic experience per fight that it's not a big problem, but still.

>> No.3978613

He made it so that saving your game costs magic experience. So it's possible to level up magic on one of your characters and then realize it's impossible to save without going out to grind.

It was supposed to add difficulty, but really just made it tedious. Doesn't affect you a ton after the first few hours but it's fucking stupid.

>> No.3978620

Big whoop. An npc namedrops Nester in dragon warrior 1. This shit has always Been around

>> No.3978634

Doesn't make it any less lame.

>> No.3978642


The benefit of hindsight. get over it, fucking millenials all you do is whine about stupid meaningless shit

>> No.3978645
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Whatever happened to the homosexual who voiced Ghaleon, he wasn't fooling me with that lisp

>> No.3978647

Nah, complaining about WD is a very oldschool thing to do.

>> No.3978648


>> No.3978654
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>t, fucking millenials

I was 20 when Lunar 2 came out and bought it with my own money. Then as now I'm entitled to express my displeasure over a shitty translation job. It's not the worst thing they did, but it's still lame and I am happy they closed down.

Also this.

>> No.3978657

I've played both versions, honestly though I prefer the WD rebalance, the game is more interesting when you have to watch your spirit meter. Also they made shop weapons LESS expensive in this version of the game, reducing grinding.

>> No.3978663

>I've played both versions, honestly though I prefer the WD rebalance

Are you talking about SM? Because wow. I couldn't be more on the opposite side. Jap version is fast frenetic fun, US version is fuck dull.

>> No.3978674

Weapon draining is nowhere near as big of a deal if you buy level 6 Surosa in the first area, also they made it so you RECOVER spirit when shooting enemies of the same attribute so refilling your energy is quick and easy which doesn't happen in the Japanese version.

>> No.3978710


>> No.3978940
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>> No.3978974


>> No.3979101
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>> No.3979106

Boku no read the top of the fucking image the entire title is right there.

>> No.3979129
File: 118 KB, 909x747, really made me think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd stay smug as fuck but isn't Vic still getting work? Last I heard he was working on some PSP game late into the system's life.

I'd stay smug as fuck but current publishers that localize niece games anymore seem to hold them in high regard sadly and cite them as a big influence sadly.

>> No.3979136

>be millennial
>have ability to read about different games/releases/translations before you play
>everything is 100% and instant because of internet
>STILL waste your time looking up shitty translations, as well as kusoge
>download and play old game just because someone else said it was bad/was poorly translated
>go on the internet and pretend to be angry about wasting your time on a bad game
I will never understand this mindset.

>> No.3979149
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>> No.3979178

AFAIK they're still around with a different name no?

>> No.3979184

how does read?

>> No.3979190

Did you have a stroke while writing that?