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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.88 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
396953 No.396953 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw there are hardly ever any pinball threads on /vr/

That changes today.

Grabbed pic related on Craigslist for $100. Swing Along, made by Gottlieb in 1963. Not in working condition, but not beyond saving either

Gonna have her fixed up as best I can, possibly go for a restoration. Don't know anything about it yet, but as a pin-fan grabbing his first machine, I'm gonna learn

Grabbed a trip to keep anyone interested updated on my pinball-related exploits, to post the occasional thread illuminating the history of pinball, etc

Anyway, general pinball thread
Share your own collection, discuss favorite games, highscores you've set, local arcades you love, etc.

Also, if you're in the know, feel free to share your restoration know-how. I'd appreciate it (at least)

>> No.396973
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>Pinball collection

Maybe one day...

I like tables with tons of rails and shit

>> No.396991

There's sometimes video displays involved with pinball machines, but doesn't this belong in >>>/tg/?

>> No.397019

>doesn't this belong in >>>/tg/?

I wouldn't think so. Pinball machines run along the same lines as vidya, not to mention the companies that had both vidya and pinball operations...

>> No.397025

From this board sticky:
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball)

>> No.397030
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>> No.397047
File: 1.73 MB, 1952x2592, pachinko machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically not pinball, but I picked up this bad boy from a local thrift store for 50 dolla. It mostly works, but it gets jammed when it first gives out winnings, then the whole thing clogs up.
mod says pinball is retro vidya

>> No.397059

At least you can't get v& for playing pinball anymore.


>> No.397071

Too old for me. Pinball doesn't feel like real pinball without a DMD.

>> No.397090

Pachinko is pretty neat, I don't see how Japanese get addicted to them as a form of gambling though

Also, apparently pachinko over there is slowly being phased out by slot machines. Kinda sad that they're killing off pinball's cousin

Anywho, I see these pop up from time to time on Craigslist, but the people around me selling them try to get $200-$300 out of em. I wouldn't pay more than $50 myself as they're pretty common

Eh, I know the newer ones can be quite fun (Medieval Madness, anyone?), but if such a new one was going for $100 on CL, it would be beyond fucked in terms of its condition

>> No.397097

Is there any site that offers detailed instructions on making one or a reproduction?

I'd love to have a bunch but they're so expensive.

>> No.397109

I'd love to get my hands onto the Star Trek TNG table from Willams, but
>6000 dollars average

>> No.397123


I just...I just don't see the appeal.

>> No.397127


Nice piece of history right there.

>> No.397153

Did somebody say Pinball thread?

To shut down some of the naysayers, I'll repost my retro pinball game collection. This is a comilation of every single Pinball game for NES, Gameboy*, Gameboy Color, Super Nintendo, and Genesis.

* I omitted the inclusion of Pinball Deluxe, Mania, and Fantasies on the Gameboy because currently all versions of these 3 roms will crash. I've tested it myself on BGB and VBA -- if you have a working fix or emulator that these roms will work properly on, let me know. It's not really a tragic loss because those games are shit (as indicated by the inclusion of Pinball Dreams, same series) on the Gameboy due to being terrible, terrible ports.


>> No.397168

>La Guardia proceeded to spearhead massive Prohibition-style raids in which thousands of machines were rounded up in a matter of days, before being dramatically smashed with sledgehammers by the mayor and police commissioner. The machines were then dumped into the city's rivers.

>The machines were then dumped into the city's rivers.

My god, the horror

>Just One Company Still Makes Pinball Machines
And they're terrible at it

That's a great table. Lots of great tables came from that time period: Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Medieval Madness, Addams Family

>> No.397165


The bundle also includes the emulators required to run all of the games. If you don't like my taste in emulators, by all means, go get a different one. I've personally tested all of these games on all of the emulators I included, and they'll work. I've also gone to the trouble of setting each emulator with my preferred settings for inputs, so you may want to change those.

I used WASD for the directions and J and L for B and A respectively. Nearly every pinball game for consoles uses the Left d-pad button (W in my settings) for the left flipper and A (L in my settings) as the right flipper; using the D-pad on a keyboard will obviously make the shit all backwards and confusing. Start is P.

Hopefully some strangers go and enjoy some of the digital pins and take an interest in the real deal.

>> No.397192


Some of my favorite pins don't have DMDs.

Gorgar, Fire Power, Space Shuttle, motherfuckin' Haunted House... The DMDs are nice, but most don't actually contribute to the gameplay!

>> No.397197

My fave tables at the Louisville arcade expo were two player head-to-head Joust, Space Invaders, Andromeda, Addams Family and Judge Dredd would have been fun to play but it was busted.

>> No.397208


>> No.397216


>Just One Company Still Makes Pinball Machines

Ahh, not true anymore.

There's Stern, Jersey Jack and Skit-B Pinball.

Stern is known for the AC/DC and Iron Man pinball machines of late, Jersey Jack did the Wizard of Oz (not bad) and is going to release the Hobbit (cringe), and Skit-B is doing the Predator pin which looks fucking AWESOME.

>> No.397228
File: 89 KB, 640x441, 1230841415-00[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool beans, vidya is also what originally got me interested in pinball as well

Pic related, first pinball vidya I ever played, back when I was too short to reach the real tables

One of my all-time favorites as well

>The DMDs are nice, but most don't actually contribute to the gameplay!
I think they can, but it was rarely done right

Man, I've always wanted to try a head-to-head table. And Joust is my favorite arcade game ever

Dot Matrix Display

Jersey Jack has yet to actually release a table the last time I checked. Did Oz and Hobbit ever actually release?

Also, haven't heard of Skit-B, I'll have to look them up.

>> No.397237


I first read about LOLPINBALL = ILLEGALZ.
years ago when I was reading up on Jim Garrison of JFK fame. I got to one of his biographies and they brought up what an awful person he was for being involved in ILLEGAL PINBALL ACTIVITIES.

I remembering thinking...what in the actual fuck is that all about.

There are still some places in the US where arcade games are b& or illegal.

>> No.397242

I'd love to get my hands on one of those old Gottlieb tables. The artwork on them, and the simple look of them; I think its beautiful.

>> No.397261


Dot-Matrix Display. Basically the little digital scoreboard that also shows incredibly simple single tone movies. Older pinball tables just used LEDs for score, or even older, lights behind the board.

Most pinball machines are classified by three types :

Mechanical (old as fuck, no electronics at all, just strictly springs and switches and gears. Most of these are not played or fondly remembered)

EM/Electro Mechanical (started using motors, resistors, relays, etc) that are from the 40s onwards, but do not use purely electronic/computer parts (and thus lack DMDs)

and SS/Solid State, mofuckin' solenoids and fuses and all kinds of crazy electronic goodness from the late 70s onwards. Most people know SS machines, and the later SS machines from the end of the 80s and onwards all come with DMD mandatory.

>> No.397256
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My friend owns pic related. Loads of fun, but he's way too good at it.

>> No.397280

I want a haunted house machine.

>> No.397281

>or fondly remembered

Not like they could be since everyone who remembers them are dead now

>> No.397293

I am guessing being a pinball dude involves a lot of making your own parts when you can't find or afford replacement parts.

Is this accurate?

>> No.397325


Nooooooo, unless you're some kind of engineer-godling. Most pinball tables use (fairly) standard parts that are still surprisingly easy to get ahold of for cheap on eBay/Amazon/other pin resources. You definitely need to maintain the machines though. The older the machine, the more likely it is that you're going to pull your hair out and scream if you're not very handy.

Personally, I'd never buy an arcade machine before 1980 (with the exception of Gorgar which was 1979, but soft spots, etc).

It's a big investment and a lot of time for something I find most people will quickly tire of. Pinball tables also make a LOT OF FUCKING NOISE, so it's not so ideal for a lot of city folk with neighbors or people that live above or below them unless they have a rockin' soundproof room or basement.

>> No.397334


Pinball tables are super precise. Depending on the part that needs to be replaced, a DIY solution could throw the whole thing outta whack. Probably not a good idea unless you know the pin inside and out.

>> No.397375


oic. I am pretty good with fixing electro-mechanical stuff. maybe I should buy a machine off of the cl

>> No.397376
File: 251 KB, 1024x768, timeshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best pinball simulator out there. Never thought a pinball game could have this much depth before I played this.

I wish they would make the table into a real machine.


>> No.397390
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>Personally, I'd never buy an arcade machine before 1980

I'm a big fan of the old ones, but I feel like if you go too far back, the games become more luck-based than skill-based, which is usually a turn-off for me

Doesn't stop me from pumping nickels into this one at the local arcade, though. Morocco, 1948. It's just so old and beautiful, my shitty 1MP pic doesn't do it justice

>> No.397407

>Gonna have her fixed up as best I can, possibly go for a restoration. Don't know anything about it yet, but as a pin-fan grabbing his first machine, I'm gonna learn

Unless you know a wizard who can show you the ropes and has access to parts no one would recognize past 1980, old pinball machines are practically impossible to repair. You may as well build one from scratch.

>> No.397418

If you can get a good price, go for it man
Parts usually have wide availability on the internet, I've spotted several for my machine on ebay (gotta replace that 50-year-old rubber)

I studied a bit of engineering and always toyed with the idea of making my own machine. I tried designing my own playfield in a simulator though and realized I sucked at it, so that needs improvement long before I think of making anything physical

I do know a wizard, I sent it to him to look at first. I'm hoping to pick his brain and get him to teach me the craft

>> No.397413


You should be able to pick up a 'tenderly-loved' 80s pin for a decent price. Most (not all but most) pinbros are fellow enthusiasts and aren't really looking to fuck you over, so they'll likely tell you what the problems are, if any, and let you check it out first. The condition can vary wildly and affect the price though. Gorgar for example generally ranges from $500 (bad condition) to $1500 (immaculate condition/refurbed).

You're not really going to pick up anything too worthy in terms of a pinball machine for less than $600-800 as far as my experience has lead.


Time Shock is definitely one of the best, for not being based off of a real pin. Necronomicon for Saturn is a contender for me too. Great underrated underplayed pin.

>> No.397421


>a well maintained fully functional Morocco

Jesus christ, where do you live?

>> No.397426

I just choose the one with the most wire on the board, those ball traps are so intriguing.

>> No.397441


dost thou become enraged and kick the living shit out of thine pinball games when the ball goes down the hole?

>> No.397502


Its so damn funky.

>> No.397504
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, Future Pinball 2 2013-04-08 21-13-00-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I had the money and space to get some pinball tables or even a pincab, but unfortunately I'll just have to do with virtual offerings until then.
Hopefully Pinball Arcade will be released on PC soon so I can play Theatre of Magic again. A college I went to actually had it in a rec/study room, and it was glorious.

>> No.397559

Right now in Lafayette, IN

There's a really nice pinball arcade here

What? No
Just the occasional slap to get the ball where I want it

>> No.397624


thou dost not headbutt thine pinball glass screaming and end up in the hospital mortally wounded?

>> No.397672

is this a reference to something?

>> No.397683

What is the most complex (in terms of detail) pinball out there? Someone told me Twilight Zone fully modded.

>> No.397680


Honest question actually.

>> No.397716


Hmm. I'd still give it up to Medieval Madness.

>> No.397759
File: 107 KB, 610x399, 070723_revenge_from_mars[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then no, I usually don't injure myself when playing pinball

I always heard the Pinball 2000 system running Revenge From Mars is really complicated (and expensive), but I've never seen the guts of it

In terms of physical things on the field I might have to agree with >>397716

>> No.397762

Tales of The Arabian Nights is pretty damn complex, too.

>> No.397774

>Pinball 2000
I'd give 20 L of blood just to play that thing. I've never seen one before

>> No.397792

I played it once at the local arcade

It really really confused me, and I didn't feel like forking over another $0.75 to figure out what I did wrong when I could just play Medieval Madness. Maybe if it was cheaper...

>> No.397815

I fucking love pinball.
but being a poorfag I play visual pinball emulator
> 0.75$
australian pinball standard cost is 2-3$ per game.

>> No.397819

>video game
pinball machines are not video games, there you go, this board is for retro video games, not arcade games in general

>> No.397828

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
you are fucking retarded

>> No.397849

hello sir you seem to have had a retard moment. don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.397850

oh well, guess it's not against the rules then, but it should be, well guess I will just hide the thread

>> No.397854

>australian pinball standard cost is 2-3$ per game.

Damn, as a poorfag myself I feel sorry for you guys

By the way, I've always wondered this:
Were there ever any Australian (or non-American in general) manufacturers of pinball? All I've ever seen are the big guys from Chicago

>> No.397863

hahaha, I'm not leaving the board just because of that, it shouldn't be allowed anyhow though, but I am going to leave and hide this thread

>> No.397879

They got one locally around here. It's REALLY not that great. Like, imagine not being able to see most of the play field because a gigantic TV image is in front of it. It's cool because of the novelty, but to me, pinball was about aiming for physical things.

>> No.397905


The board is called "Retro Games" not "Retro Video Games."

>> No.397924

Complete pinball neophyte here. What are the basics that a pinball hobbyist needs to know? For example, what are the most highly respected tables, designers, companies, etc?

>> No.397938

>but it should be
Come on, man, it's not like the board is getting flooded with pinball threads.

>> No.397984

Internet Pinball Database lists these as the best (solid-state) machines of all times based on user ratings:
#1 Twilight Zone (Bally,1993)
#2 Star Trek: The Next Generation (Williams,1993)
#3 Medieval Madness (Williams,1997)
#4 Monster Bash (Williams,1998)
#5 Theatre of Magic (Bally,1995)
#6 The Addams Family (Bally,1992)
#7 Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Williams,1993)
#8 Tales of the Arabian Nights (Williams,1996)
#9 White Water (Williams,1993)
#10 The Lord of the Rings (Stern,2003)

Notable companies include

There are others, just less notable

>> No.397986

Bally, Midway, TradeWest

>> No.398052


Thanks! just checked vids...shit, why don't they make em like this more often?

>> No.398060

I played Revenge From Mars recently and I had no idea what the hell was going on the entire time

>> No.398096

so it was more vidya gaem than pinball? That's a damn shame, I read somewhere it used holography.

>> No.398113


Honestly I think the best advice for new pinbros is to grab a copy of TPA or Zen Pinball, so they can get the feel of how pinball works. Unless you're in Vegas or somewhere with a huge pinball scene, it's not going to be easy to just pick up and play pinball somewhere because physical machines are scarce.

If you have a good computer, I'd also recommend grabbing PinMame or Visual Pin to emulate real pinball tables. This way you'll get the opportunity to play a ton of tables and see what you like. Playstyle and appeal amongst pinball tables can vary wildly.

Also, when playing pinball, cardinal rule #1 is DO NOT FLIP BOTH FLIPPERS WILDLY. 99% of the time you will only be using one flipper for your shots (if both flippers are up, you just opened a huge hole for the ball to drain down). Honestly, being patience and using one flipper at a time will start you down the path to wizardom on a good foot.

Going digital to start off is good too because you will likely drain the ball about a million times, and in real life with most pins costing $1+ a game, that'll hurt your wallet fast. Unlimited plays digitally is awesome

>> No.398132

It's really hard to describe how it plays if you've never played one before

It does use a hologram, but the hologram makes the upper playfield really hard to see

I think what Williams idea was was to take the little minigames element of the dotmatrix displays, expand it immensely and make it a completely integral part of the game, but with better graphics

>> No.398136

3 levels




>> No.398159


The cost to manufacture pinball tables is pretty staggering, and most people that work in arcades aren't skilled electricians/repair men to keep and maintain the machine. Video game arcades totally massacred pinball. I don't begrudge it because I also love vidya; I'm just super glad things like The Pinball Arcade exist where they have made nearly perfect digital recreations of real life pinball tables. That shit still blows my mind.

Especially for something like Gorgar (yeah I talk about Gorgar a lot). Gorgar has the nasty tendency to drain down the right lane, all the time. The table is basically "Play this game to learn Nudging". You have to slap it around a lot and bump the table to avoid draining it.

With an actual Gorgar being from 1979, repeatedly playing that table means it's going to get the shit kicked out of it over time. Digital tables, you can nudge to death and not worry (although this will likely hurt your real life pinskills; nudging a real pinball machine is way way fucking harder than using a D pad or shoulder buttons.)

>> No.398172

I once found a place where I could play it all day for free and loved the shit out of it. They sold it for Monopoly, though. :(

>> No.398195

Emulations all well and good, but you just can't beat that feeling of nudging and slapping a real-life table

But I agree that emulation is good for practice until skills like aiming and catching the ball are more developed

>I once found a place where I could play it all day for free
> for free
> pinball for free

You lucky devil

>> No.398208
File: 33 KB, 550x412, disneyquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinball for free

>> No.398537

To nudge or not to nudge?

>> No.398561

I nudge. Fuck the police.

>> No.398676


A lot of older games didn't need nudge but mid eighties onwards, they actually build scoring and switches into the tables that detected not only when you nudged, but sent the ball somewhere that can only be achieved BY nudging. Kinda sucks that it's almost mandatory on some tables.

I'd actually be pretty interested in finding a list of pins that required zero nudging (as in all shots on the table can be made just with flippers and avoiding specific rebounds would prevent draining).

The only one I know for sure is Space Shuttle. Fuckin' love Space Shuttle.

>> No.398691
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>> No.398751

I'm hearing the sound effects
and the best part is that we can talk about it because it's actually just a board from a 1996 pinball game for PC, which Microsoft licensed and bundles with Windows XP for some reason.

>> No.398810

What's the best virtual pinball?

>> No.398812


>tfw it has a hack that lets you control the ball with the mouse

>> No.398820
File: 819 KB, 1600x1200, timeshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in 1997... (or maybe actually little later, I don't remember if the highest resolutions were avaible before patching)
"Well-done 2D graphics ages well" has never been a more appropriate statement.

>> No.398835

some guy managed to port it to windows 7, works on both the 32 bit and 64 bit editions

>> No.398836

really? Maybe I'll finally be able to find out what happens when you light up all the lights in the center!

>> No.398851


>Pro Pinball : The Web
>nonsensical theme with shitty sky bikes and spider webs, still looks great but kinda dumb

>Pro Pinball : Timeshock
>holy shit almost perfect

>Pro Pinball : Big Race USA
>TOGETHER AT LA-no this is shit, this is the worst

>Pro Pinball : Fantastic Journey
>??? Never tried yet.

>> No.398934
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1200, fantasticjourney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pro Pinball series has great physics, beautiful pre-rendered graphics and no bullshit camerascrolling or annoying gimmicks. They also work pretty easily on modern systems.

Fantastic Journey is much simpler than Timeshock (and probably BRUSA as well), but I actually prefer it since I'm not that good at pinballs. I also like the heavier physics and the balanced soundtrack (though Timeshock's kickass rock can never be beaten).

>> No.400994


>> No.400995

timeshock is the best of the series, though the web will always hold a special place in my heart

>> No.401012

I always wanted to try the Nightmare on Elm Street table. I remember walking past some place in Canada that had it viewable from the street.

>> No.401030


Fifth Wheel Truckstop in Ontario has one.

>> No.401049

Is the PS1 version of Timeshock comparable to the PC one? I'm too poorfag to shell out the $6 for Timeshock on GoG, but there's eBoots of Timeshock on PS1 that'd work on my PSP.

>> No.401060

Doctor Who

>> No.401075

I always hoped to one day see a pinball machine that transformed sections or were built so that you could switch pieces out with other parts.
I'd have rails on rails on rails one day, and bumpers and multi ball holes another.

>there will never be a good pinball machine outside of japan

>> No.401086

No, the PC version runs at higher resolution and looks much better.

>> No.401109


W...what? The Japs don't even build pins, anon. What are you talking about?

>> No.401113


Welp, guess I'll have to plunge into the deepwebs to pirate PC Timeshock.

>> No.401121

>local establishment has Attack From Mars, Circus Voltaire, Medieval Madness and Monster Bash
>sounds great right?
>local establishment is essentially a Chuck E. Cheese but for even younger children (5-8)
>no nephews/young relative
>can't go to play pinball without looking like a pedophile



>> No.401137


Fuck Toronto.

Yes, what they were doing was against the law, but that law is fucking stupid.

>You can't have more than two pinball machines in your restaurant

Gotta be squiddin' me.

>> No.401142

>pinball thread
>asking about PS1 and PC games

>> No.401154


>> No.401206


>apply for a business license
>old zoning bylaw prevents you from getting said license
>city gives you the options of reducing the number of pinball machines, or appealing the law
>ignore said advice and don't bother getting a license
>be surprised when you're shut down for running a business without a license

They could have appealed the law and had it changed. Also, even if that law didn't exist, they weren't allowed to open a restaurant in that area. Idiots get what they deserve, honestly.

>> No.401220

Anyone else feeling like digital, PC pinball games just don't cut it?
They just don't hold my interest. In arcade you're paying for the balls, you have to make every single one count. Even if the machine is half broken and there's a whole bunch of retards standing around you they're more fun than PC ones.

>> No.401227


Damn, near the bottom it sounds like the guy hates having business in his city or something.


>> No.401282

Yeah, but I do like how they're now recreating actual tables instead of making their own bullshit Sonic Spinball stuff. Nothing beats the atmosphere and feel of an arcade with real tables, but I thought it was kind of awesome that I could play Funhouse on my PSP a few years ago.

>> No.401308


>> No.401627


Nope. I just don't feel it. Love that I can play pinball at home without having to maintain the machine. Love that I can play pinball laying down like a piece of shit, instead of hunched awkwardly over the machine due to my height and hurt my neck and back.

And also due to my social awkwardness, I love that I don't need to slink into some bar and get deathstares from the staff because I'm just playing pinball and not interested in getting food/booze.

>> No.401634

>want to play pinball
>all the local pins are absolute trash
>interest, gone

>> No.401642
File: 170 KB, 600x800, 2011-10-07183541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't play pinball often but i did find this machine in a discount movie theatre lobby and found it to be quite fun with quite a bit going on.

>> No.401650

How's lifelong virginity working out for you?

>> No.401658


I'm married. And I have a kid.

This is /vr/. Social awkwardness and taste in vidya is not inclusive with virginity here. Most of us are over 25.

Apparently it was easier to get laid in my day, according to all the >tfw virgin threads that seem to exist on other boards.

>> No.401682


Off to /v/ with you, good sir.

>> No.401697
File: 484 KB, 901x1170, 696f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents got this one years ago, played a lot on this as a kid, against my brother or friends. Even though I had the family highscore for a while until my brother took it, it never really turned me into a pinball addict (I get frustrated too easily, I think), but still good memories.

It's still in my parents' attic, but hasn't been activated in a long time. I'm not sure if it would work if we tried to fire it up now (some of the rubbers have dried out and broken, so it would need some restoration anyway)

>> No.401708

Holy fuck, shutup. I have no doubt you've lived a life of swirlies and being shoved in lockers.

>> No.401712 [DELETED] 


>video games retro
>pinball machines
>video games
>pinball machines

>> No.401713


If you're curious, it's worth about $400 due to being an EM. If it was refurbed or in mint condition (we're talking pristine), you could probably get $800, but the demand for EMs isn't that high.

>> No.401718


no need to be angry, anon-kun. /v/ is probably a better place for you though

>> No.401720


It's actually "/vr/ - Retro Games" (no mention of video). And the sticky specifically mentions Pinball as acceptable due to being an arcade staple. It's been pointed out a few times. Get fucked.

>> No.401734



Has this ever even happened? To anyone? When I was in school, worst case scenario is you might get beat up or threatened with a knife.

And our lockers were those double-stack type that are way too small to fit a person into. There was never any swirlies or locker shoving for anyone that I knew. I assumed this was just one of those dumb TV myths.

>> No.401735

Yeah. Too bad for a passive weakling like you I'm staying here.

>> No.401739


Use your mighty strength over the internet, it'll help.

>> No.401740


>I can't read the sticky at the top of the goddamn board

I bet you go to public school, don't you.

>> No.401741

>threatened with a knife

>> No.401750


Nah. Just white trash.

>> No.401746
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You sure are tough! :)

>> No.401747


It doesn't say pinball.

>> No.401752


Oh wait it does. I am sure it was just edited, it was never there.

>> No.401753

This stuff took a lot of effort anyway. Our bullies went the easy route by pinning us down and farting on our heads.

>> No.401756


..... there is no word for how blind and stupid you are

>> No.401768


It's actually been there since the board was started; you're just an idiot.

>> No.401765
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>> No.401767
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>> No.401782


Pinball isn't video games anyways, and /vr/ is a sub /v/ board. I am an idiot for assuming pinball isn't a video game?

>> No.401783

>people actually getting mad about pinball on /vr/
>we get like maybe one thread a week
>even if real pinball wasn't allowed, there are literally dozens of retro digital pinball games for NES, GB, SNES, Genesis, etc

Ya'll niggas hilarious.

>> No.401792


See >>401783

>> No.401802

Interesting to know, thanks. No plans to sell it, I think, and as I said, it would probably need a bit of work. Was interesting to look this machine up, to see how old it was (hard to believe now that 4-digit scores were considered more than enough back then - I think the family top score was around 6700 or so)

And it was fun to play in the dark, real cool atmosphere (at least I thought so, as a kid):

>> No.401797


Digital pinball is a completely different thing than mechanical pinball.

>> No.401798


This isn't "Retro Video Games". You're an idiot for assuming this board is anything like /v/. The board is clearly called "Retro Games". Explicitly to include things like pinball, and any other arcade staple device.

>> No.401806


Not really, no. Also no one in this thread is even talking about mechanical pinball, most people are talking about SS pins, which require DMDs (VIDEO DISPLAYS HOLY SHIT) as well as circuit boards (like jamma PCBs that arcade games use! HOLY SHIT! COMPUTERS!) to play.

They're essentially big fucking arcade machines.

>> No.401818

There is a Twilight Zone pinball machine in my town doing nothing... Should I try and get it?

>> No.401829
File: 144 KB, 500x446, jeri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to youtube search for instruction videos on how to build a pinball machine. there are plenty.

and search for "jeri ellsworth".

This woman is amazing and she built Pinball machines herself before or repaired them.

she is a talented hardware engineer and worked for Valve before Gaben fired her out of nowhere.

why she isn't mentioned on /vr/ is beyond me. she did a fuckton for retro vidya too.


here's a guide for a home brew pinball machine she did. pretty good tips. 8 videos.

>> No.401836


Any idea what condition it is in? Even if you didn't want to play it, that shit is a fucking investment. You will make money on it (assuming the owner isn't a fuckball and wants an absurd amount for it -- this can happen)

>> No.401835

I'd like to multi-ball her.

>> No.401842

me too... sadly I'm a yuropoor and will probably never meet her. one day I wanna go to murrica for a week or something and meet her at a vidya or tech festival.

>> No.401862

Not mint, but not a single issue with it either. Everything works. All lights work. Hasnt been played in 10 years.

>> No.401875


A mint Twilight Zone pin is worth $4000-$5000. If you can get it for less than that and it's fully functional, you got a steal.

>> No.401891


Keep in mind, the weirdest thing about the pinball economy (if you want to call it that), is the bizarre supply and demand. We'll use The Twilight Zone pin, for instance.

There are only 15,235 in existence. Probably far less now, due to some getting destroyed, broke beyond repair/lost in natural disasters/etc. There will never be any more Twilight Zone pinball tables created. So by that virtue alone, the price itself should go up every year. It doesn't exactly do that though, since the amount of people interested in pinball can fluctuate wildly. People think $5000 is outrageous for Twilight Zone now, because only a few years ago, you could pick one up for $3000. TZ is a really popular pin, and you could definitely either make money or use it to trade/barter for other stuff that you want.

>> No.401897

Im going to ring around tomorrow. Ill make a thread about this time tomorrow (maybe ~3 hours earlier) and post results. I think im gonna try doing this until I find a new system or game I want.

>> No.401918

Thats true. But the market is no different to the housing market or shares. Ive won and lost on shares, and in september I will start doing the same with houses. At least a pinball machine would a) look awesome and b) give me something to work on/play with.

>> No.401920


Ask them what they want first; don't just offer 4-5k out of the gate. If they give you a suspiciously low number (like 2-3k) ask to see the machine first.

>> No.401928

$2-3 per game?? If I see a table asking even 50 cents I scoff at it unless it's a pin I really want to play.

Damn dude.

>> No.401929

No man. I'd offer $100-$200 AUD and it would be considered. Thats how long it has done nothing for.

>> No.401939


>scoffing at 50 cents for a pin

Dude where the fuck do you live? You can't even get near a pin for less than $1 USD here.

>> No.401934


>$200 AUD
>for a fully functional TZ

Jesussssssssss chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist

>> No.401943

Yeah. Im going to hunt this thing down and see where it ended up. It 'should' still be in town. Nothing that enters this place ever leave... including people... But thats good news for me right now!

>> No.401956

I live in CT, and though pins are few and far between (bars and bowling alleys, mostly), when I do find them, they're usually 25 cents or 50 cents for a higher end machine. I won't pass up 50 cents if there are no other options, but when I know a few places with 25 cent pins, it's hard to go anywhere else.

>> No.401961

Duuuuuuude get on that.

>> No.401967


Well then, I don't blame you if you have the pins. For me, it's pretty much "Ha ha, we have no pins, and the ones we do have are shitty Stern pins".

$2 for 3 balls

AWESOME. No, wait, it's awful.

>> No.401975
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This is the image i will use tomorrow with a progress update.

>> No.401980

I always feel weird for going into a bar, not ordering any food or drinks, and just playing a dollar or two of their lone pin. Feels weird.

But yeah, when I know there are 25 cent pins, why would I pay more unless it's a table I don't see often, you know?

Man, when I was a kid, the two roller rinks in town had great pins and great arcade cabinets. Both have long since closed, and I was too young to be able to afford pins when they did.

>> No.401987

Please do. That would be an incredible deal, and you'd have an amazing pin to play whenever you want.

>> No.401998
File: 314 KB, 1200x1600, funhouse-pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Pinball machine of any significance I've actually played the real version of is Funhouse. One of my mom's friend's brothers had it in his entertaining shed out back and I gave it a go. It was pretty good fun.

Pinball is pretty great.

>> No.402031


>creepy old dude has an "enteraining shed" with a Funhouse pin in the back
>"FUNHOUSE? A ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

This is like a set up for a Stephen King novel with young boy rape.

You dodged a bullet, anon.

>> No.402038
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Hmm, it did sound pretty shady the way I worded it.

>> No.402050


I just love the mental image that "entertaining shack" evokes.

>> No.402116

Oh wow, we had that machine in the mess hall when I was in the military service. That, and Escape from the Lost World. Man, the memories.

>> No.402119


>> No.402175

The Pinball Arcade is godlike; made me actually interested in pinball.

It's a shame that so many pins have terrible fucking themes (mostly bad movies or TV shows). The original idea ones are usually way, way more interesting.

>> No.402184


>It's a shame that so many pins have terrible fucking themes (mostly bad movies or TV shows)

I'll second this, but I'll make an exception for Creature from the Black Lagoon and Twilight Zone.

>> No.402216

Get a drink or two, you faggot. What's wrong with you?

>> No.402224
File: 164 KB, 649x1086, ROCKIN WITH ROLLERGAMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving up all those quarters each week
>heading down to the local ice rink
>all the money spent on Friday afternoons
>Designed by Steve fucking Ritchie and plays so nicely


>> No.402245


>get a drink
>can't set it on the pinball machine
>pinball machine is in the corner
>no where to put the drink and play pinball at the same time


>now all wobbly and fucked up
>can't play pinball



Get fucked.

>> No.402262

I think there's a serious difference between licensed pinball and licensed video games. The pinball industry was in a losing battle once video was introduced, so it was in their best interest to attract as many as possible with licenses. And because these companies didn't put out that many tables per year, and there was so much money involved, it was basically a given that each table was going to have serious work and vision put into each design. That's why it was very possible to have, say, a Star Trek table that could stand among the best tables while most Star Trek video games were tossed off shit. There's no difference between a licensed table and non-licensed.

>> No.402252


I always skipped this pin because of the terrible rollerskating theme and would play shit like Sorcerer instead.

Perhaps I should revisit it on VisualPin or something.

>> No.402273

>drunk after one beer
Holy fuck.

>> No.402283

I don't want to get a couple drinks on my lunch break, I want to play pinball. Also, nowhere to set the drink down.

>> No.402285

That wasn't me, but I don't want to fill the middle of my day with empty calories. I want to fill the END of my day with empty calories.

>> No.402308

I think you have to find a balance between doing what you want to do and not looking like a weird creep in front of people. You're in a bar. Get a beer, a snack, something.

>> No.402327


Except the difference is that a shitty theme can totally kill a pin.

>> No.402328

I really love pinballs but goddamn it sucks being a poorfag amd not affording machines. Also where do you buy these?

>> No.402370


Craigslist, Kijiji, and local business that are trying to get rid of their pins.

>> No.402379

No, the theme is surface dressing. It's the design and bang-for-a-buck that makes or breaks the table.

>> No.402384


You can take the best salad ever, but if your dressing is liquid shit, no one is going to eat that sandwich, good sir.

Dressing is important!

>> No.402385


It's theme to be taken lightly. Rollergames was pro wrestling on wheels, so consider it a silly romp.

The Rollergames influence is mostly just branding and THE WALL. There's a magnet in front of the second tier flipper that you can turn on to get up the Wall ramp that's a nice touch.

>> No.402405

Somewhat off-topic but I';ve always been interested in making my own pinball machine.

I know it's not an easy or cheap project, but saying 'I made that myself' would be just an amazing feeling. Almost as amazing as playing it.

I know Ben Heck made Bill Paxton pinball, which is hilarious.


Are there any online guides or websites with general to specific instructions?

>> No.402756

I cant help you but maybe go ask

>> No.402826

It helps that I go to that same bar on the weekend, so I know the bartender, so I don't think they particularly MIND me coming in to play, though they probably wish I would buy something when I come to play pinball.

>> No.402942
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OP reporting back in.

Can't believe this thread is still alive, good job everyone

>There will never be any more Twilight Zone pinball tables created

I always thought Stern would try to recreate some of the 90s classics once they run out of ideas / money.

>>get a drink
>>can't set it on the pinball machine
my local arcade has installed drink holders onto the legs of each pinball machine

Pretty nice

I'll say that for the casual player or newbie, it's all about the theme. You need something to lure them in, get them to want to pin

For veterans though, it doesn't matter so much

Hell, one of my favorite older pins is Bobby Orr's Power Play, and I don't even like hockey

>> No.403002


I don't know if Stern legally has the rights to remake TZ.

>> No.403013

As long as anon doesn't live in Maine or Florida, he's fine

>> No.403054

Is the stern AC/DC pinball good? Is ot worth buying?

>> No.403064

My bad, I thought Stern had acquired the rights at one point

Did some googling, and apparently the australian company The Pinball Factory has the rights to all physical remakes of Williams and Bally tables

Seems they are working on a Medieval Madness remake

>> No.403103
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if I could own a pinball machine, it would be the Twilight Zone one. it's so awesome!

>> No.403358


For some reason, a lot of people think this. For $4000, your dream can come true!

For me, I'd rather have something cheesy and metal as fuck, like Swords of Fury, Gorgar, Black Knight, etc.

>> No.406021

>that picture

You are now imagining what pinball would be like if it had caught on in Japan and licensed all those moe animus

>> No.406573


would feed with quarters

>> No.407991

I would play them all fucking day.

>> No.408038
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Played pic related at a bar a few towns over today, as I went on a bit of a pin hunt. It's Roller Coaster Tycoon, by Stern, and I did not have a great time, though I more blame the bar's management.

The left flipper was partially broken, and didn't flip with as much force as the right flipper. That made gameplay very frustrating, because it meant a lot of the ramps on the right side of the table were very hard to hit. Also, the left bumper would spaz out if you hit it, and continue activating over and over, making a loud noise and continually firing. Additionally, the playing surface itself seemed to tend somewhat to the left, which, given the shitty left flipper, was frustrating.

All that said, the play itself was fairly fun. The game revolves around opening rides to attract more guests, and that ups your score, and makes things like multiball or extra plays happen.

I wish the management would take care of the machine. 50 cents per play is alright, though I chose the 5 for $2 option, and got a total of 7 games out of it because I earned two extra games during my play. I wouldn't go out of my way to play this table again, however.

>> No.408101
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you guys talkin about pinball?
I love pinball!