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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 139 KB, 1024x768, ultima7-murder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
396413 No.396413 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good DOS games with open world exploration?

>> No.396821

You have the pinnacle there in the OP.

What was that other DOS CRPG with the topless cat ladies? Someone here will remember. That was open world and a pretty fun RPG.

>> No.396846

Albion, not that open world though. Two thirds are story progression without being able to go back, last third has some freedom and exploration of all areas.

Amazing game though. Unbelievably beautiful graphics even today.

>> No.396856


>topless cat ladies

Do you mean ladies who own a lot of cats or ladies who are cats?

>> No.396873

Ambermoon, its for amiga but worth a try if you dont find anything else in DOS.

>> No.396895

might and magic.

>> No.396896


Much more open world than Albion.
You'll get to use boats, horses, brooms and other magical devices to explore a pretty big world.

>> No.397606

Robinsons Requiem is apparently a good game if you can figure out what the hell is going on

>> No.397621

>spoonfeed me

enough of this shit

there's a thing called google

>> No.397640

Because google can recommend personal favorites, right?

>> No.397676

because there's nothing more insightful than reading "my favorite games" from a bunch of anonymous people, right?

i think that's why these "recommend me _____" threads are so popular here, it gives people a chance to make ANOTHER LIST.

>> No.397702


People get angry for the dumbest reasons.
Please dont turn /vr/ into /v/.

>> No.397734

I agree with you, the sheer gall of some people, thinking we want to discuss our favorite retro game on a board dedicated to the discussion of retro games

>> No.397756
File: 37 KB, 320x200, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge of the five realms. You're on a time limit however. As time passes a mist will cover the map from south to north.

>> No.397761

Hell yeah, also check out it's sequel Deus. Brilliant games if you can survive for more than 10 minutes

>> No.397776

i'm not seeing a discussion

>> No.397787

The sequel improved upon a lot of its flaws

>> No.397781

Darklands isn't so bad either. You'll spend most of your exploration time chilling with priests the land over trying to learn about saints if that sounds exciting.

>> No.397803
File: 17 KB, 320x200, the-magic-candle-iii_7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed The Magic Candle 3. Although it feels really outdated now, and I was nowhere close to completing the game. I didn't really even know what to do because I didn't have a guide.

>> No.397805

Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny and RoA: Star Trail

Shadows over Riva is also good but it doesn't have the overworld exploration; it takes place entirely in and around the city of Riva.

You can also take your party from Blade into Star Trail and then into Riva, which is another cool thing.

Wizardry 7, while ostensibly a dungeon crawler, has quite a large world to explore as well.

>> No.397818

sounds cool

>> No.397808

He says in the middle of one.

>> No.397843

star control 2, though that's sci-fi as opposed to fantasy. one of the finest free exploration games ever.

>> No.397851

Its some sort of curse by the bad guy, the mist will destroy everything in its path so towns from the south will no longer be reachable after a while. Pretty cool game.

>> No.397913
File: 169 KB, 800x600, sc2resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Control II. Not so much open world as open galaxy.

Bonus: How to resize 320x200 DOS screenshots for correct aspect ratio and realistic (no scanline! DOS games were line doubled!) appearance, using ImageMagick v6.7.5 or later:

$ convert sc2.png -sample 1600x1200\! -colorspace RGB -gaussian-blur 3x1.2 -resize 800x600 -colorspace sRGB sc2resized.png

>> No.397946

in that case op should also check out starflight, which is essentially a bigger sc2 that came out like 5 years earlier

>> No.397965

& elite trilogy

>> No.397983
File: 417 KB, 800x600, mc3resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOS games were not horribly squashed. NES and SNES games weren't horribly squashed either.

>> No.397972
File: 662 KB, 800x600, 5realmsresized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting fixed aspect ratio images. Final size doesn't have to be 800x600, but if you make it too small you'll get visible artifacts because of the different pixel aspect ratios.

>> No.397995

why do you blur it?

>> No.398038

Because most people played these games on cheap monitors.

If you had an expensive monitor, try -gaussian-blur 3x0.5

>> No.398039
File: 69 KB, 640x400, dark5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.398045

but why would you want to simulate something that induces eye strain

>> No.398069
File: 741 KB, 800x600, darklandslowblur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expensive CRT simulation.

BTW, the less blur you apply the more obvious the non-integer scaling artifacts are.

>> No.398085

It's "authentic". I personally prefer the low blur option, but in the scanline filter threads everybody likes simulating the shittiest TVs possible, so I figured I'd simulate a shitty monitor.

>> No.398140

a... am i supposed to see any difference except the resolution?

>> No.398134


How on earth do people even notice these things. I've gaming since 88' or so, nowadays I resort to emulators and barely notice any difference with the default bilinear filter that most emus use.

>> No.398148

I assume its like music enthusiasts that can tell how compressed or whatever a song is and only listen to the utmost loss-less formats.

>> No.398154

You don't notice the seriously distorted aspect ratio? These games were not widescreen!

>> No.398181
File: 38 KB, 640x480, subculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Q: What is it?
A: Sub Culture is an open world exploration and trading game set in the shallow underwater world of tide pools where a tiny humanoid race has built an undersea civilization to hide from us full sized humans. You pilot a submersible between underwater cities, trading various resources at fluctuating prices, salvaging items dropped from the surface world, and doing missions for the two main factions; the Bohine and the Procha, with their opinions of you changing accordingly. This guide, if followed precisely, will leave you with the most complete, patched, visually upgraded version of the game possible.

STEP 1: From the link provided at the bottom of this paragraph, download the ISO version. NOT the "rip". The ISO has all the FMVs and wonderful music/voice intact. For this kind of game that's half the charm. (IMPORTANT: The MDF is encrypted, but when you unrar you’ll discover there’s a unecm.bat file for decrypting it. If you don’t do this before burning/mounting, the image/disc will be unreadable.) note that the uncut english version is insanely rare and found only here: http://www.old-games.ru/game/download/579.html

STEP 2: download the patch, which fixes a few annoying bugs. The download for that is on the same page as the full ISO.

STEP 3: During installation, select the 3DFX version, and a full 200mb install. Once it's installed, put the patch (SCPATCH.EXE) into the game folder and run it.

STEP 4: Install nGlide. This is a wrapper that will let you run the 3D accelerated version of the game on modern hardware.

STEP 5: Install the Real Texture Pack 2.0. It can be found here: http://www.ccalonnec.fr/?q=node/10
Once you have it, look for the folder inside your main Sub Culture folder titled “GAMETEX”. Extract the contents of the rar into that folder, after backing up the contents somewhere else in case something fucks up.

>> No.398193

i don't understand?

>> No.398209
File: 618 KB, 800x600, darklandsbilinear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple non-linear colorspace bilinear filtering to correct aspect ratio:
$ convert darklands.gif -filter triangle -resize 800x600\! darklandsbilinear.png

Look at how the bright parts are obviously wrong. Also look at the vertical lines, with the edges inconsistent.

>> No.398217
File: 47 KB, 573x560, subcultureboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now run the game. In the graphics menu, turn on all the bells and whistles. Controls: A and Z go forward/back, S and X go up and down, the arrow keys control pitch/yaw, spacebar fires weapons, [ and ] switch between items, - and + switches between weapon types, F1 switches to first person, F2 to 3rd person, F3 and F4 toggle the main HUD monitor to down-facing or rear facing cameras, and the 1,2,3,4 and 5 buttons show or hide the various heads up display monitors at the top of your cockpit.

As a parting note, if you want to play in DOS just disregard all the stuff about the graphical upgrades and play it in software mode.

>> No.398232

Most VGA DOS games were rendered in 320x200, which is 8:5, but the most common monitors by far were 4:3/8:6.
Which meant there was a slight horizontal squeeze; the pixels weren't true squares.

It's also almost totally irrelevant.

>> No.398225

People were posting 1.6:1 images, I resized to the correct 1.33:1, with bigger size to hide the non-integer scaling artifacts, and varying amounts of blur for authenticity.

>> No.398252

reminds me about doomguys face looking fat due to problems like that.

>> No.398309

>Robinsons Requiem is apparently a good game if you can figure out what the hell is going on

I have that for Jaguar. One of the few truly great games on that system.


>> No.398525


What about Amberstar?

>> No.398551


>> No.399217
File: 83 KB, 640x844, 943675474-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasteland. Not the most impressive visuals, but the locations are described quite well.

>> No.399612

Topless lizard ladies, too.

>> No.399656

>getting buttmad at someone wanting to discuss favorite retro games......on a retro game board
You are truly a wrist clapping retard.

>> No.399891

Eh, dosbox is a pain in the ass. I get scaling artifacts with perfect integer scaling. 4x exact aspect ratio and the thing still fucks up the scaling which is visible in text.

>> No.401760

why don't you play just play in 640/480 or 640/400 window?

>> No.402486

Betrayal at Krondor qualifies as open-world, right?
Also Might & Magic: World of Xeen if you want a fuckhuge world and don't mind the mediocre mechanics.