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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3961976 No.3961976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm really conflicted about calling the Dreamcast a retro console. It's very clearly a sixth-generation console from the '90s, just as the Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx-16 were fourth-generation consoles from the '80s. Temporal coexistence (overlapping time) shouldn't be a measure of 'retro'-ness. On the other hand, it's nice and clean to draw a millennial dividing line, and it's also convenient to cut it off after Sega's last console, so that all Sega hardware, as well as any 20th century hardware and software, may be considered 'retro'. What do y'all think?

>> No.3961982

I think you have autism.

>> No.3961985

I can see your point but the DC was released in 1998 so it's within the board's rules.

>> No.3961986


>> No.3961989

Don't worry about it, OP.

>> No.3961991

We've already had this discussion. Nothing is ever done.

>> No.3961994
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>> No.3962000

I think PC games made for 98, Pocket PC, Palm and Symbian games should be retro but nobody cares what we think

If he had autism he wouldn't have posted a picture of an NTSC Dreamcast on the same graphic as a PAL Dreamcast logo.

>> No.3962010


If I had autism I would have noticed that discrepancy to begin with, actually. Are people not usually this articulate around here or something?

>> No.3962014

Segafags are a blight on retro gamers. Deal with your own incompetence, losers.

>> No.3962027

By 2020, every console and game from the sixth generation should be considered 'retro'. The demarcating line should then be between the SD and HD eras, also defined by the use of 'cloud' storage and more accessible broadband online play. Surely many of you would agree...

>> No.3962039

They're just sick of the debate. The hard Y2K cutoff is simple enough despite being unfair to PC games which don't get extended by virtue of "platform" (but generally get a buy through '01-'02 as long as it's not specifically mentioned). Stealth 6th gen threads used to be all the rage a couple months ago too but have now trickled out. Pretty much back to business as usual lately, which explains the frosty response to your meta.

>> No.3962048


Yes, that includes Gameboy Advance.

>> No.3962075

Thirded. Although the fundamentals of 3D game design established in the 5th generation have only continued, the step to HD (and "cloud" gaming/dlc) opened up an insane ceiling for gaming. It's the never-high-enough resolution/frame rate attitude that puts me off the most about /v/ since I'm perfectly content to cheaply play modern games in 720p or at most 1080p at 30fps which the average /v/tard considers completely unacceptable.

>> No.3962079

I think sixth gen is officially old enough that it counts as "retro" in general

>> No.3962084

Dreamcast was the last arcade console

>> No.3962097


The original XBOX had an "Advanced HD AV Pack" or something like that, which allowed it to output not only 480p30 "ED" like the PS2 and Gamecube could, but also the first-generation digital HD formats 720p60 and 1080i60 (that's fields and not frames, mind you).

>> No.3962112


However, that nascent HD capability was more of an afterthought rather than a main feature and goal of the console during development. It was fundamentally an SD/ED console that had an early HD 'perk' for those who bought an adapter. I would say that the original XBOX was 'HD' insofar as the Sega Saturn was an online console just because it had an optional modem cartridge. We should take care to differentiate the main use of a given console from what it was 'technically' capable of doing if provided with the right add-on that was developed later.

>> No.3962123


If the first six generations were all about the 'bit wars', then the seventh and eight (and likely nineth) generations will be all about the 'resolution/frame-rate wars'. That's another convenient way to separate retro from modern. Back then we just seemed to care about bits, 'blast processing', and CD-quality sound, and now it's all about resolution and frame-rate. I think that's because the first six generations only had to care about the same colour 4:3 CRT displays that have been used exclusively before the seventh generation arrived. HD and surround sound changed everything, and I'd say in about a decade, VR will become the mainstream means of playing.

>> No.3962139

How often do games like Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi come out as a console game?

All big-name games seems to have some sort of grand adventure

>> No.3962143


These days? They just kinda don't, unless they're a $20 to $30, most likely digital only game.

>> No.3962157

Another question: How often does a $30 game even come out?

Puyo Puyo Tetris is an example of both a physical release of an arcade game that's $30 ($40 w/ key chains), but doesn't seem often outside that

I hope smaller games can bask in the glory again some day. Not everything has to have some huge deep plot full of big name actors

>> No.3962165

>VR will become the mainstream means of playing

how much you wanna bet?

>> No.3962171

Sega DreamCast is the only sixth generation console on /vr/.
Sega DreamCast is the only 31kHz console on /vr/.

>> No.3962174

OH MAN, so powerful

>> No.3962176

Pretty fucking often if Steam is anything to go by

>> No.3962178

I'm hoping we see a backlash towards "cinematic" style games eventually, and I say that as someone who unironically liked Indigo Prophecy

>> No.3962179

you're dumb

>> No.3962182

I'm not defending the DreamCast. On the contrary, I'm pointing out why it shouldn't be on /vr/.

>> No.3962187

I'm right there with you. I thought Indigo Prophecy was so innovative and would kick off exciting new directions in game design. Little did I know it would close way more doors than it opened.

>> No.3962194

Fat chance, not gonna happen.

>> No.3962207

Uncharted and other big games have that interactive movie style have been getting shitty reviews at least. To keep it topical Shenmue was probably the earliest of this kind of game

>> No.3962212

Not only does it just feel "right" to include the dreamcast, the GBA should be included soon as well. Give PS2 and up 10 more years in order to retrofy that generation.

>> No.3962213

I meant physical release btw

Also meant big-titles. Like, I love Devolver Digital and their games, but their games don't get the same spotlight as Horizon: Zero Dawn

>> No.3962223


Ten years?! I think 2020 is more than generous, considering how close PS2 is to Dreamcast. We'll have PS5 and XBOX Zero by the '20s! Seriously, be reasonable. The difference in look between PS2 and PS3 is night and day compared to that between PS3 and PS4.

>> No.3962243

I still rememer the day PS3 was launched. I was plugging all my consoles on my old CRT and suddenly, bam, the world changed forever. bits stopped being a thig and you had to buy an HD tv

>> No.3962275

Everything made after 95 is not retro.

>> No.3962307

I loved Shenmue, too. I have probably four copies I've picked up over time. Will probably sell them if there's a huge bubble for 3.

>> No.3962308

Damn Dreamcast seems to be in that limbo of being retro and not retro.

>N64 and GBColor
>not retro

>> No.3962324


The industry standard for "budget" games is $30 or $40 as far as physical releases go and $20 or $30 as far as digital ones go. Not factoring in smaller indie titles I mean.

>> No.3962402


It's retro if it was made with an analog SD CRT in mind and modern if it was made with a digital HD flat-screen in mind. You could literally have two different gaming setups: Generation 1-6 with the best analog 480i60/p30 CRT you can find, and Generation 7- with the best 1080p60+ flat-screen you can find.

>> No.3962406

If anything you could make the argument for PS2 era being retro. FF10 has been out for 16 years. FF4 was out for 10 years when FF10 came out. The gap is only getting bigger.

Not that I care to get PS2 into /vr/ but it's pretty subjective as to what retro even is as most will just use their childhood as a metric.

>> No.3962409


Fullscreen versus widescreen too... That's why RE4 feels so comfortable on PS3 and PS4.

>> No.3962432


OP here. I've settled on the opinion that Dreamcast should not be considered retro UNTIL GBA, PS2, GCN, and XBOX are as well. I think a fair time for that switch to happen is 2020, which is more of a compromise year between the people who logically see them all as retro right now and the 'never-Dreamcasters'. The 4:3-SD / 16:9-HD switch, plus cloud gaming and widely accessible broadband multiplayer, seems like a pretty solid dividing line between retro and modern. For the die-hard retro fans, I think a third category called 'classic' could be made for everything from Generation 1 to Generation 4 (in other words, a separation of the 2D and 3D eras). Then you'd have:

Classic era: Generation 1-4 (2D SD)
Retro era: Generation 5-6 (3D SD)
Modern era: Generation 7~ (3D HD)

>> No.3962434

Hell no, that would destroy the board.

>> No.3962441

you could you know use a dictionary to find out that its not retro, like nothing on this board.

Definition of retro:
Imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past.

>> No.3962449


Why don't we make this a lot simpler for all of us:

/vr/ 2D(SD) only
/vg/ 3D and 2D(HD) only


>> No.3962453


3D games with untextured polygons (shaded or wire) should be in the former camp.

>> No.3962459

The entire board makes no sense because we play games ORIGINALLY CREATED in the recent past not imitative of them. This board should be deleted.

>> No.3962470


I think that's a 'moot' point...

>> No.3962478

Here's how I see it:

/vg12/ Generations 1 & 2 (ancient origins)
/vg34/ Generations 3 & 4 (2D)
/vg56/ Generations 5 & 6 (3D)
/vg78/ Generations 7 & 8 (HD)

This is the least arbitrary way to split up the boards.

>> No.3962480

Those first two could probably be lumped together. I mean, how many posts do you see about the first two generations?

>> No.3962483

/vg2D/, /vg3D/, /vgHD/, done. You're welcome.

>> No.3962487

>I'm really conflicted about something only a few autists give a shit about.
Confirmed you're one of them.

>> No.3962495


This board is full of autistry.

>> No.3962503

>Dreamcast was the last gaming console

>> No.3962514

oh yeah because this board is already full of content and moves fast enough to warrant a split or something

>> No.3962541

this board should be called /themediscussion/ because we discuss about what we should be allowed to talk here rather than talking about the stuff we're supposed to talk about

like Doom and CRT and nothing else