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File: 139 KB, 1213x477, THISISYOURFAULT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3959234 No.3959234 [Reply] [Original]

Who's more at fault for this bullshit? Collectors or resellers?

>> No.3959238

The guys willing to pay that.

>> No.3959239

Collectors, for buying it.

>> No.3959240


>> No.3959248

I don't get it, this gets shilled as the best bomberman ever but besides the soundtrack and anime cutscenes it's the same shit as SNES bomberman. And nobody I mean absolutely nobody has 11 controllers and a multi tap to play the fangled multiplayer mode.

>> No.3959253

Or one who does certainly doesn't have 11 willing friends.

>> No.3959254

the multiplayer was more of a tech demo thing.

>> No.3959256

Bullshit, lets get a group of people together, buy pitch in some cash, buy that, all meet up and play a few rounds together.

>> No.3959262

You for shopping on Ebay instead of just emulating with mednafen.

>> No.3959291

You for being underage

>> No.3959295


>> No.3959329


Yup. Only reason to pay those prices is buying test games and hardware to take one for the team.

>> No.3959381

>Collectors or resellers?

Trick question. The idiots who pull this crap are both things.

>> No.3959428

LOL this shit is going to drop so hard one day worse than the baseball card market in the 90s, but unlike BB collectors who grew up as a kid able to leave their bedroom door, I predict alot of gaming autists won't be able to emotionally handle losing so much money they'll cut their wrists in their parents bathtub.

>> No.3959437


If it was the money that mattered the most, I honestly think it's a fate they deserved.

>> No.3959507


No one likes losing thousands of dollars even for a hobby they love

>> No.3959520


Says who? Money is the means, not the end. If you don't even enjoy it then why the fuck did you buy it?

>> No.3959526


So if you bought a game for $500 and a month later you could have had it for $50, you wouldn't at least be a bit upset?

>> No.3959539


Not if I'd done everything possible to ensure I didn't pay $500 (save simply not buying at all). You can't predict the future. As long as you've done all you could, why cry over spilt milk?

>> No.3959548

Not exclusive to videogames though. Every collectable niche goes through crazy values like that

Going back to videogames, 10 or 15 years ago people collected stuff and others sold them, but it was never for such numbers, except for things like PDSaga that were much expensive than usual retro game.
Like collecting back then was for having it and playing it, rather than having for display only and belonging to a cool elite group of people that have old stuff. Youtubers made this even worse in the last 6 years or so.

>> No.3959554
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>> No.3959563

>If you don't even enjoy it then why the fuck did you buy it?

congrats you just discovered why most of the game channels on youtube are the way they are

>> No.3959619

Boohoo get a job beeyotch.

>> No.3959637

kek no. the prices will never go down. only up

>> No.3959690
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.3959691
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>Youtubers made this even worse in the last 6 years or so.

So true, it fucking hurts. Next time a big e-Celeb collector or DidYouKnowGaming does a video, I ask everyone to go to eBay and look up what happens to both the value of listings and the amount of the listings posted in general. It's abhorrent.

>> No.3959753

we gotta be at least at greed

>> No.3959760

This, but perhaps delusion too

>> No.3959765

Muh collector/geek culture shit spurred on by internet tards is the real reason. This is a fact.

>> No.3959815

How much longer until despair?

>> No.3959838

Normal people who are more like >>3959548 are already at despair senpai

>> No.3959842
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How does this picture make you feel ?

>> No.3959846
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>> No.3959849
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>> No.3959853 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 600x450, MetalJesusRocks-Game-Room-Tour-400-PC-Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that his house catches on fire and all his massive collection of games burns away

>> No.3959854

I wouldn't mind him if he was just honest about never playing any of the games he recommends.

>> No.3959869

i just want evo cause my friend had it as a kid and we never figured it out

by the time i remembered the name of the game, it was too late for my wallet to have a chance

>> No.3959873


I believe he plays them as much as I believe Oprah read all her books of the month.

>> No.3959874

Makes me feel better about myself for not being a faggot and spending thousands of dollars on games that I'll never play

>showing off Pac-man on Atari 2600

Uhh.. ok?

>> No.3959883 [DELETED] 


>> No.3959891
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Who can beat these low low prices?

>> No.3959920

>ohaiguise im underage, poor, retarded and friendless
Your parents must be so proud

I have all that. I've done it. It's complete chaos.

>> No.3959931

>>ohaiguise im underage, poor, retarded and friendless
Ouch, that hurt, sorry I don't have 11 controllers

>> No.3959952

I cashed out so I'm not mad at all. Sure it's nice having a few super rare games but seriously who gives a fuck if you have shit like Sega Saturn Bomberman?

>> No.3959978
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Buyers of course.

IOf there was nobody willing to drop those ridiculous prices, nobody would have the nerve to sell them for them.

>> No.3959982

Saturn won't crash, the games are actually rather uncommon because of its small install base.

NES won't crash either, not majorly. You'll see dick tracy or whatever go down to nothing again but zelda, mario and especially stuff like little samson will never be dirt cheap, maybe lower than now, but never for nothing

>> No.3960009

>Saturn won't crash, the games are actually rather uncommon because of its small install base.
plus cryptic emulation

>> No.3960026


>> No.3960058
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170426-174621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a bit bummed, but i was willing to pay so it was worth it to me.
I bought megaman x3 with box and all for around 350. No fucks given, o yeah, did it twice cause i sold my first copy to help get a car.
Pic related

>> No.3960067

I like the cups with the Yoshi;s on the bottom.

I think the difference is, some people are mega fans (no pun intended), like you clearly are. Sure, I get it.

But pieces of shit who just want stuff cause it's omg rare wow, can just jump off a cliff.

By the way, is that Legacy collection any good? I kind of wanna get it on PS4.

>> No.3960093

Collectors willing to spend assloads of money without thinking or doing research

I'll give this example of a friend of mine who's one of the worst kinds of collectors

>Got into retro collecting/gaming last year
>Primarily collects SNES and jumps on anything he sees without doing any price research
>Literally bought a shitty sports game for $10 at a flea market because "it's super Nintendo, I have to"
>We saw that same game for $3 at a local shop an hour later.
>I tell him to just get a flash cart since it'll make his life easier.
>"Nah I like feeling like I own the actual game."
> Spends $40 on a bootleg Double Dragon Battle toads without even looking at it to verify if it was real (cheap shitty plastic, shit label, no "Nintendo" on the back of the cart
>I see a real one at our local place a month later.
>"Hey man X-store has a legit DD&BT for $30
>"Nah I have my repro, it's almost like having a real one"

This is the type of shit ruining the hobby

>> No.3960120

I can get behind reggie at least

>> No.3960159

i can see spending big bucks on something you want, i've paid a good chunk of change for a select few games i really wanted
but i have to admit I really hate how it looks when they're displayed on a shelf like that, it looks stupid as fuck

>> No.3960289

Both, but resellers are worse. They jack up their prices so high that one of either two things happens: 1) a single idiot actually pays the price, or 2) it's so ridiculous that nobody buys it until inflation catches up or the reseller goes broke waiting. In the first case, other resellers jack up their prices in unison and shift the market. In the second case, the game is basically frozen outside the market. What's worse is when 2) leads to other resellers playing hot potato until 1) happens and starts a cycle.

>> No.3960294

>Kingdom Hearts right behind all the mega men


>> No.3960305


The bit rot cares not.

>> No.3960310

> the prices will never go down. only up

said every Beanie Baby collector in the 90's.

>> No.3960318

im sure your friend will end up burning out soon enough

i dont feel bad foe him for being a moron but people like that really do create the issues the market has at the moment

>> No.3960387

>What's worse is when 2) leads to other resellers playing hot potato until 1) happens and starts a cycle.

You're giving me vietnam flashbacks to in game economies.

>> No.3960463

Des. No demands means all the shills can cry me a river and eat shit and get kicked out of their mom's basement for not paying for their doritoes.

>> No.3960468

I wanna fug his GF.

>> No.3960512 [DELETED] 

>could beat destroy all humans

>> No.3960517


>MJR couldn't even beat destroy all humans
At least he has good guests.

>> No.3960562


>95 used from $20

whats te problem

>> No.3960635

>It's complete chaos
So then it's awesome!

>> No.3960638

manchild hipsters like that anon want SIB for those price

>> No.3960676 [DELETED] 

nothing if you're a cuck who goes for used goods

>> No.3960740

thank god I'm a cheap motherfucker

>> No.3960745

The worst are those who buy / sell repro at absurd prices days ago I saw a repro just arrived from aliexpress so called "NEW" of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist at 80+ dollars.

>> No.3960759 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3960763

>Who's at fault
The institution of intellectual property.

>> No.3960820

you can still play saturn bomberman on netlink.

also, yeah, these prices are a lot, but its funny that a lot of people here think saturn games just rose in price in like 2 years or something (perhaps that is when they started paying attention to the prices of particular games?). in like 2001 there would be ebay bid wars on saturn games where they would go close to 70-90 dollars for some used games (with box and manual of course) that are now 100+. Not even talking about panzer dragoon saga either. I'd always place bids on stuff like Albert Odyssey but never win because I was a poor high school student. I could get games cheaper at actual game stores (Guardian Heroes for 15 dollars with case/manual, etc), but there were some games that just didn't show up and so they were always expensive online.

>> No.3960838

Better would be to set fire to his house and leave him tied up with only a chin-activated fire extinguisher to save his games.

>> No.3960840

Indifferent. Most of those are shit.

>> No.3960845
File: 90 KB, 387x750, rmyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3960846

>because "it's super Nintendo, I have to"

How does someone get into that mindset? I'd hate to feel like I have some sort of obligation to throw my money at everything that's vaguely related to what I like.

>> No.3960857

I guess so but the ten player layout and gameplay isn't as good as with fewer players. Hi-ten is what you'd need to good 10 player bomberman. 8 players in teams is probably the most enjoyable way to play on the Saturn.

>> No.3960925

Come again?

>> No.3960971

Keeping games hostage leads to these crazy inflated used markets. Why should you have to choose between buying an overpriced old cartridge or emulating? Why not let someone else produce the cartridges after the original publisher has made all the money they can from them? You should be advocating for public domain videogames.

>> No.3960978


You are a special kind of idiot my child.

>> No.3961017
File: 593 KB, 1520x2688, 2014-08-05%2017.18.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place holder, i just moved so waiting for the rest of my shit, what it use to look like
Well i dont have alot of games and i have more megaman stuff. Your recomendation?
Yeah it isnt bad, i like it better than the anniversary collection

>> No.3961025
File: 7 KB, 234x176, 13664347_1038562729532480_1664665306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody donated their copy of Earthbound to him.
Donating Earthbound... Just think about that for a second.

>> No.3961253


>> No.3961279

I modded my saturn to play burned copies. Didnt want to fuck around with soft mod, and I have my action replay to allow me to play imports. Fuck collecting for the Saturn anyway. The quality of the games are nowhere close to the prices these go for.

>> No.3961281

Speaking of those China Ver. flashcarts, how good are they? Are they reliable to last a lifetime with good care or will they set my console on fire?

>> No.3961291

fpbp, as usual.

>> No.3961305

yeah that bothers and confounds me a little how often it happens with youtube dudes

like people just send LGR expensive shit for free
to have and own

I'd get it if it was someone you, for some reason, trust and you're loaning it to them to showcase, but people throw away their shit just to have it on camera in front of 10k+ people

I wonder how big of an income source just selling donated shit is to these people

>> No.3961312

AVGN had a video out a week or two ago where he mentioned his vidya stuff was getting worn out and not working any more, and he said there wasn't much reason to collect the stuff unless you were just into owning plastic, basically. Hopefully all the casuals that watch his shit will start to bail soon.

That said, I doubt the guy knows anything about maintaining electronics. All of my stuff works 99% like new after a good cleaning, and given the state of his stuff, I doubt cleaning is the last thing he'd ever do.

>> No.3961316

He's a casual. He probably played Super Mario World a few times as a kid and loved it, but now that he's older, he's looking to rekindle that magic, and he believes that SNES is just the greatest, and every game on it has to be a complete masterpiece.

>> No.3961321


>> No.3961325

Thats why I like to watch lesser known people liek John Riggs, because anything he gets donated he usually just gives away. To be fair, he hasnt been gifted anything too extreme though.

>> No.3961331

>people throw away their shit just to have it on camera in front of 10k+ people
These sociopaths who have no actual life or friends of their own. Sending an expensive game to some dude they don't actually know is nothing compared to the shallow sense of acceptance they garner by having the dude say their name on camera. It's probably the closest thing to joy they'll ever feel.

>> No.3961340

Let's see if these values hold in 15-20 years when those cartridges need their batteries replacing, and the disc rot starts to set in. The Laserdisc community broke down entirely in the past decade due to disc rot, it will happen to you too. Store your roms on DAT tape, kids!

>> No.3961342

You misread my sarcasm

>> No.3961464

This doesn't work with ebay. The sellers are willing to sit on sales for years.

>> No.3962317

Could be repros?

>> No.3962390
File: 1.49 MB, 640x640, yachty-on-piano-smiling-square-small-1647482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can watch the video, it doesnt seem like a repro...

>> No.3964040

Didnt watch it but i would give it to somebody who eould appreciate it more.

Idk, collecting is fine as lomg as it isnt just to show off.

>> No.3964371
File: 61 KB, 664x311, patandcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pat and his cuckold bf ian

>> No.3964376

buy a everdrive

>> No.3964454

This is just a symptom of copyright law because in free range capitalism, corporations influence law. Game developers have held these games hostage for decades even though they've made zero money off of it for decades when the reality of it is that if copyright law wasn't fucked, these games would've rightfully been public domain decades ago.

>> No.3964787

I don't remember Cinemassacre having uploaded a video where that was suggested. Seems very unlikely as well seeing James isn't the type to tell others to go emulate instead of using physical hardware.

Self sage for off-topic post.

>> No.3964797


You can't tell people this though. They'll just call you a fucking commie and continue masturbating to American Capitalism.

Whoever said people believe only that which they wish to was horribly perceptive.

>> No.3964815

>Little Samson and Atari Pac-Man aren't CIB

>> No.3965082
File: 75 KB, 606x427, 752628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Kelsey? Because she isn't his GF.

Pic related is metal Jesus' wife.

>> No.3965092

Is it just me or does it look super awkward to be pushing 50 and dressing up like your a teenager? I mean I think you should do whatever the fuck you want but it's still cringy as fuck desu.

>> No.3965120

Yeah, this is the face of a total manchild

>> No.3965126

>worse than the baseball card market in the 90s
You do realize the cards that were actually rare are still valuable and the reason the market crashed was oversaturation of new cards being made with the expectation they were going to appreciate in value like the old cards did, right? All of a sudden people were preserving new cards and treating them like gold even though they made millions of them. The same thing happened with comic books. You're still going to pay out the ass for a copy of Amazing Fantasy 15 but nobody gives a shit about Spawn issue 1 because they printed a metric fuckload.

Authentic copies of old games are only going down in numbers. Sure we might be in a bubble right now and prices might level off, but unless there's a mass migration away from people interested in old games for whatever reason, the prices aren't going to crash. We've had emulation for 2 decades now and NES prices have gone nowhere but up.

>> No.3965128

Resellers are just part of a broken system because the system allows it to happen. To kill the rotten fruit, you must kill the rotten tree and that tree is capitalism.

>> No.3965203

haha neato opinions anon. Let me know how wearing your sisters panties and calling yourself metro works out for yourself future cuck
more dumb opinions from children

>> No.3965282

>chaos break

them's some good games

>> No.3965298

Since you know everything and are a master of what other people should do, what should a 50 year old dress like anon? I'd like to know so I can plan for when I'm 50.

>> No.3965314

Autists. Autists are to blame, friend.

>> No.3965336


>> No.3965354

I too would like to know what to wear at 50.

>> No.3965573

I just force my human centipede to play with me.

>> No.3965642

Thinking the market will crash is ignorant.

It's just like the comic market. Anyone who committed to paying out the ass won't want to take a loss, so they'll just hang onto it forever.

>> No.3965657
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>> No.3966882

Reggie is based and seems like he'd be a blast to hang out with, it's too bad all his videos are unboxing and stuff