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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 154 KB, 1596x836, steve+from+minecraft[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3958114 No.3958114 [Reply] [Original]

What is the retro-equivalent of Minecraft?

>> No.3958118

Digging a hole in the backyard with some friends.

>> No.3958119

Harvest Moon

>> No.3958120

donkey donkey picnic

>> No.3958121
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Minecraft Classic

>> No.3958126
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Harvest moon is the obvious choice. I wonder if it is the only one tho.

>> No.3958153
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>> No.3958297



>> No.3958310

no its called dookie dookie pregnant its the original super maerio brothers 2 game for the nintnedo entertainment system

>> No.3958409


>> No.3958423

>get greater rewards for venturing deeper into the earth
>getting crushed by falling shit
>monsters attacking you in tight areas
>finding vegetables in caves if you know where to look
Seconding this.

>> No.3958442


This, but for hl1 obviously.

>> No.3958448 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 855x470, 1486840776961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft classic release was 2009.

It's pratically retro by now.

>> No.3958451

doom cause of all the mods

>> No.3958493
File: 10 KB, 640x576, 324789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent way too much time on that one screen.

>> No.3958934
File: 883 KB, 1920x1052, Screenshot 2014-05-01 17.08.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one of the reasons I enjoyed MC and eventually got tired of it. It was great because it was like making a map while playing in it at the same time. I eventually got bored though because there was simply more to do in WorldCraft and if I wanted more detail or textures, I could easily write a pack and stick it in.

If there were a way to simultaniously play Quake and build a level while doing it, MC would've never needed to be a thing.

>> No.3958938

Never heard of that game, but it looks nifty. Tell me more. Is there multiplayer?

>> No.3958945


I'm pretty sure that's just a Quake editor.

Quake is another game I never had much fun with.

>> No.3958954

It's Quake. You know, like the thing that came after Doom. Check the Doom thread for further information on how to play it in modern times.

If you mean WorldCraft, it was the precursor to the Valve Hammer Editor, which was used to make Half-Life 1 and 2's maps. It's a utility that allows you to place brushes (Objects like blocks) to make a map. These brushes can be reshaped however you want to provide a level of detail. If you're trying to learn how to use it, I would recommend Quaddicted, it's got tutorials on how to use modern map design software. WorldCraft 3.1 stopped being updated in '99 and the only reason I still use it is because I've never removed it from my computer since then. I believe Trenchbroom or Radiant is what's preferred now.

>> No.3959000
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>> No.3959036

Sim City?

>> No.3959059


>> No.3959064

3D Lemmings

>> No.3959489
File: 66 KB, 800x500, 2-clonk-3-radikal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this shareware game called "Clonk". First popped up round '94.
Kinda more like a retro ancestor of Terraria, but I guess the similarities to Minecraft aren't too far off.
You could dig out minerals from the ground and build your settlement. Controls were awful.

>> No.3959607
File: 9 KB, 320x200, cubes5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ken could be a millionaire right now.

I am pretty sure notch already knows this thing exists before minecraft.

download : http://advsys.net/ken/cubes5.zip
for more: http://advsys.net/ken/download.htm

>> No.3959614


>> No.3959621


Ken really needs someone to slap the sense back into him. Dude took it hard that voxlap never took off.

>> No.3959716

dwarf fortress

>> No.3959892

What is with this joke? It's what actually happened but shitposters post like it's not true

>> No.3959954

I was going to suggest Cube/Sauerbraten, but it's slightly too young for /vr/.

>> No.3959958


It's common knowledge that people often treat as a mind-blowing fact. The shitposters are making fun of it.

Is there a regular expression that can filter out shit like >>3958310

>> No.3959963

Oh I see. I've just never heard it stated as a mind blowing fact

>> No.3959965

Still interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.3959968

>common knowledge
Hey I didn't know about it.

>> No.3959986

ma nigga
You could count on on hand the number of pixel-based mining/building games there are. Only others that come to mind are worms and Cortex Command.

>> No.3959990

Final Fantasy VII

>> No.3959995
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>> No.3960018
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A voxel-based game that came before Minecraft. 2 teams compete to dig up the most loot, be it gold or the rare but valuable diamonds. The lava in this game was like old-timey Minecraft, where it could expand endlessly if you weren't careful.

The game had 4 classes to choose from; Miner could hold the most ore and loot, Another class(Scout?) had a scanner to detect gold and diamonds. Engineer had more blocks to build with (trampolines, ore banks, beacons, etc), and could deconstruct friendly/enemy blocks. Sapper had remote-detonated TNT for clearing space and trolling the other team.

>> No.3960031

>If there were a way to simultaniously play Quake and build a level while doing it, MC would've never needed to be a thing.
Try the Cube engine games. They are FPS games that have a level editor built into the game itself, which can even be used collaboratively in multiplayer.


>> No.3960068

Wow, I thought I was the only one dumb enough to spend hours there.

>> No.3960074

>Cube engine

Get with the times.


>> No.3960094

I prefer giving people the link to cubeengine.com because not only does it have a link to Sauerbraten at the top, but it also shows Red Eclipse and AssaultCube.

>> No.3960148

harvest moon is actually good though

>> No.3960169

Ultima Online.

>> No.3960490

it could have taken off. He made the engine without even making a great effort and it had the potential to leave minecraft far behind.. but he's a programmer, not a game designer so..

>> No.3960496

maybe someone hasn't tried it yet.
It includes a demo made by ken and all the tools you need to make your own game on it.

and the only two games I know that actually used the engine:
http://buildandshoot.com - this one was actually fun

http://voxelstein3d.sourceforge.net - this one is just some weird tech demo thing but still interesting

>> No.3960513

I love Voxelstein 3D. It's like a 1999 game from an alternative timeline where voxel accelerator cards became a thing.

>> No.3960516

I think most of us did, to be fair.

>> No.3960768

>62 KB
This looks interesting. What is it?

>> No.3961754

Essentially, an adventure game engine. Made by Tim Sweeny of Epic MegaGames, back when both of those were still relevant.

By default you get a couple of adventure games to go through. The shareware one was the Town of ZZT, where you had to solve puzzles to collect the 5 Purple Keys.

However, ZZT also had a built-in level editor that let you not only make maps. but program custom objects to do basically whatever. Things got... kind of absurd by the end.

zzt.org might interest you.

>> No.3963721

All the executables are incompatible, no matter the compatibility settings. Fuck windows 7..

>> No.3963948
File: 12 KB, 640x350, mzx_agswordz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try MZX, it's ZZT but much much more complex. while you can have a fuckton of fun creating your simple minimalistic adventure in ZZT, you can build a whole game engine in MZX! just go to http://vault.digitalmzx.net/index.php and pick the installer corresponding to your OS. You know what? we should do a whole general thread dedicated to ZZT and MZX just because these things are amazing!

>> No.3965894

Zelda Classic for DOS

>> No.3966085

This is a surprisingly good answer.

And you are not alone.

>> No.3966575

In terms of the social phenomenon where a game just basically kidnapped entire nations' children, it was probably Pokemon.

>> No.3966951


>> No.3967782


>> No.3967792
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>> No.3967801

So, in terms of peak popularity in their day
1. Minecraft
2. Pokemon
3. Mascot platformers
4. ???

>> No.3967808


>Mascot platformers

I don't think mascot platformers in general were ever popular. They never did well in the sales charts, and all the best selling SNES and Genesis platformers involve Mario, Sonic and Donkey Kong.

Maybe Mario or Sonic specifically.

>> No.3967815

Those are all mascot platformers u fuggin azzhole

>> No.3967886 [DELETED] 

My dick. Ugly and retards love it.

>> No.3969034
File: 35 KB, 700x700, ackchyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because it isn't. Hipster kids just think that anyone who brings it up is trying to be as condescending as they are when they do, so they assume the worst and make histrionic "memes" out of it. Pic related.

>> No.3969037

Is this post deliberately trying to be ironic, or is this an actual retard?

>> No.3969061

I love to build Bwown Brikcs in Mine Cwaft

>> No.3969094

This screen trained a generation to think farming resources was fun.

>> No.3969107

Surprised nobody has posted Transportation Tycoon.

>> No.3969108

This, though only the first playthrough. All future playthrough rupee farming was done with the crane game one screen south.

>> No.3969116

The crane game always stressed me out too much. I was an anxious kid. Boring, repetitive tasks are actually quite calming.

>> No.3969481

nigga you trying to play a dos game in 64 bit windows?

>> No.3969537
File: 51 KB, 648x391, alice-old-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D Construction Kit (aka Virtual Reality Studio)

>> No.3970371

Dwarf Fortress and Infiniminer. It was inspired by these two.

>> No.3970671

Caverns of Zeux was a fun game. Thank you based Alexis.

>> No.3971704

But harvest moon is actually good.

>> No.3972278

Neither of those are retro though.

>> No.3974658
File: 895 KB, 640x480, 1489974190163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed harder than I should of at this.

>> No.3974676
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 310929-voxelstein-3d-windows-screenshot-you-start-inside-a-prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a loooong time.

I remember spending quite some time dismantling that (actually rather small) level, fascinated by the mechanics.

Will download and play again. Thanks.

>> No.3974691
File: 199 KB, 640x480, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, man, I don't remember this.

>> No.3977185

There's much to discover in that game.

>> No.3978214


>> No.3978718

Sauerbraten is from 2004. Not even the Cube engine it's based on could be considered retro.

>> No.3980908

For me, it was the map editors that came with RTS games. I would fuck around making shitty maps for starcraft and warcraft all day

>> No.3980914

hahaha I remember /v/ playing this back in the day than Notch came along and stole the code/basic premise of the game and started shilling it on /v/