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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 106 KB, 1440x810, shiningforce3found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3946779 No.3946779 [Reply] [Original]

I was doing some tech support for a friend and he offered to let me browse through an old spindle of CDs he had and take anything I wanted.

Found a loose copy of Shining Force III for the Sega Saturn and decided to take it, it's in pretty good shape and I tested it on an emulator and it seems to be working just fine.

Where should I sell this thing? Do any of you want it? 99.99 seems to be the average for a caseless copy, I'm looking for around $75 shipped.

>> No.3946782

I'll give you a dollar for it.

>> No.3946805

I prefer Amazon because it's the fastest way to list. Don't need to add photos or anything, just say it's CD only and describe the condition accurately (assuming you already have a seller account)

Fees are about the same as eBay with the shipping credit.

You could also try some forums like cheapassgamer or neogaf.

>> No.3946870

Listed it on Amazon, didn't have a seller account but wasn't hard to register.

Can live with the fees and walk away with 72.99 and still significantly undercut similar sellers. Thanks!

>> No.3947468

>not just taking the whole spindle

>> No.3947870

>tested it on an emulator

>> No.3947884

You should tell your friend that something in the spindle was valuable. This is the right thing to do even if he said "take anything you want".

>> No.3947895

>Congratulations! Your ANON has evolved into RESELLERSCUM

>> No.3947896

Yeah, I feel the same. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking scumbag who is probably poor.

>> No.3947907

>friend using him for free tech support
>got a game actually worth something so anon gets recompense for his tech support time

Oh shit, that might have been more cash equivalent value than he meant to give you, even though he was exploiting you to begin with!

>> No.3947960

Friends help each other out. That's not using others, that's being friends. What's not being friends is recognizing your friend is unknowingly offering you something valuable and silently taking it. Survival of the fittest, whatever, its scummy.

>> No.3947964

Put it into the CD drive of your computer, run the image via emulator. Best way to test it if you don't have an actual console to try it on.

>> No.3948284

Can you not read? Dude did some work for his friend and got paid a Shining Force 3 disc.

>> No.3948349

>newly spawned reseller scum
>justifies himself with newly acquired super power of jewlogic

>> No.3948418

you should keep it you spud

>> No.3948527

>I can only view human relationships as one party exploiting another

You seem like a horrible person.

>> No.3948685

>Attempting to determine the value of someones character from a few lines of dialogue with them on a mongolian scuba-diving board

You seem like a judgmental person

and I seem like an ironic one

>> No.3949717

That's not how it's spelled moron.

>> No.3950010

I was sad when no one mentioned selling it for McNuggets TM

>> No.3950041

reseller trash. Sell it on ebay or something for 20 bucks and make someone's day.

>> No.3950808

It would just be another reseller.

>> No.3953895

People like OP are ruining the retro community.

>> No.3953930

I used the word "seem" for a reason, there's no need to be so defensive.

>> No.3954016

>OP locates a copy of rare game that was on the verge of being trashed
>Sells it at a significantly lower price point than competing sellers thus slightly lowering its aggregate value
>Still gets shit all over by /vr/
It's like you all think he should have just given it to someone (you) who would "appreciate it" which tells me that you don't have the kind of friends who actually DO give you video game shit.

>> No.3954584

>faggot implies
>faggot implies
>faggot gets told to fuck of back to whatever shithole it came from

>> No.3954708

Sell it for whatever price is acceptable to you. I'd photograph it in a case instead of holding it though.

>> No.3954752

How much time did it actually take you to help him? That will determine how much of an asshole you may or may not be.

>> No.3954761

He should sell it for a deflated price instead, to another reseller. Good goy.

>> No.3954782

There's nothing wrong with reselling if you put you put it up on auction, the buyers determine the items worth and at that point the moral dilemma is out of the sellers hands.

I've never listed a game on auction for more or less than $10, it incidentally makes me look like a dumb exploitable seller and it makes people go insane with the bid wars.

op should give his friend half of whatever income he turns in from the disc, if he really feels like he ripped his friend off. I think that's fair.

>> No.3954790

Grats on a sweet find and helping your friend out!

take all this bm to /v/ or /pol/ jesus

>> No.3954921

Simple solution - tell your friend you sold it and what you sold it for. If he's cool with that well and good. Not telling him though, who rips off their own friend lol.

>> No.3955218
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad faggot

This. Bring him some pizza and beers and I'm sure he'll be cool with it.

>> No.3956168

>moral dilemma

Come the fuck on. This is fucking video games, not food or medicine. You sell it for as much as you can possibly get for it and not a cent less. Someone wants it but doesn't have the cash? Tough fucking luck, I guess they'll have to live without this particular piece of plastic adorning their bookshelf.

>> No.3956569
File: 243 KB, 709x709, 54466-Shining_Force_3_1st_Scenario_(J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play it
it is one of the best rpg's ever

>> No.3956579

>it's 1/3 of one of the best rpgs ever

>> No.3956672
File: 138 KB, 587x494, 69930fe7-47a4-4362-9280-b59832261a35_zps83cc0753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you burn the translate the other 2 parts and use pic related or emulator