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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 147 KB, 250x244, 250px-Rascal_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3945142 No.3945142 [Reply] [Original]

Who here was suckered into playing this piece of shit as a dumb kid?

>> No.3945197
File: 50 KB, 510x512, Rascal JP Bubblegun Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't.

Played this for the very first time only about 1 month ago and it's awful.

>> No.3945214
File: 335 KB, 1455x640, rascal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rascal character designed by Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Aaaand he sucks. Shit character design. Rascal is very similar to Heart of Darkness Andy, but Andy looks good while Rascal is shit.

>> No.3945250

It's like a knock-off of Kid Vid from the old Burger King kids club. Now that cat was cool

>> No.3945254
File: 546 KB, 472x515, andy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both characters were designed in the "radical 90s boy" vein of thinking, but right from the getgo this aspect of Andy's design was more reserved, muted, and bearable. Not sure why as red + blue and purple + yellow are both contrasting colors. But I suppose it's got a lot to do with how Rascal pushes the "this stinks like 90s" too much with his plastic shades, hat being backwards, etc. It's too much. Andy's clothes look a lot less like a caricature and more like some sort of flamboyant French boyscout or some shit. I know next to nothing about Callum Clockwork(I think that's Rascal's 'real name' but developers what the fuck?) personality as I never got far in the game, but whilst Andy is motivated by being a phobic loner with selfesteem issues and a desire to save his best friend whilst still being a believable dorky kid, I vaguely remember Rascal either being a grating brat or having literally no personality other than his flashy appearance.

As for the game itself, Rascal is a shit 3D platformer from the 90s. There were a lot of these damn things, and even the good ones from that era have a difficult time holding up by today's standard. I had this game when little and liked Rascal's design and still have a soft spot for the character's design as a result. (I am a sucker for the radial 90s child protagonist trope. sorry) but playing it a couple years ago I wanted to kill myself and didn't get past the first level.

>> No.3945420

Yep, bought this instead of Driver 2, regretted it forever

>> No.3945427

I could tell it was a Psygnosis game before I even saw the logo. The character design reeks of Amiga.

>> No.3945430

>Design Studio
>most generic "backwards 90s hat kid" ever
what the hell

>> No.3945450

So what are people seriously okay with blog posts on /vr/

>> No.3945461

>two paragraphs
>blog posts
I assume you'd prefer sentence-long shitposts like in /v/?

>> No.3945471

I think I ended up getting a copy of this as some sort of punishment from forces beyond my comprehension for lying to my mom that the neighbor got pissed at me for no reason to trick her into getting me something to feel better.

>> No.3945536

Rented it because I was a dumb 90s kid who liked tude. Main character also looked like a Burger King mascot at the time, so it was a double whammy for a chubby six year old. Probably one of the worst games I've ever actually played. Controls barely functioned.

>> No.3946357

I remember seeing this promoted in gaming mags but I only had a N64 at the time. That bad, huh?

>> No.3946570

I believe they used the same engine on Kingsley Adventure.

Callum Clockwise

>> No.3946580

I remember the concept was okay.

>> No.3946897

This thread is making me want to look up the cutscenes of this game so I at least know how it ends.

>> No.3946993


>That fucking villain

Also, having to jump and hold the down button to stomp. What the fuck.

>> No.3947057

Well I definitely don't remember our protagonist looking... like... that... in the cutscenes. Um... okay.
That villain is pretty damn cool though. Why does he have more polygons than literally anything else?

>> No.3949334

I remember having a level on a demo disc. I ended up liking it too and had forgotten how frustrating it was until I found a rom of the full game many years later. One level is enough.

>> No.3950323

What is so bad about it?

>> No.3950327

primarily the controls.

>> No.3950417

I bought it used in a shop under the boss's advice because it was like crash.
I played very little 1 hour at best terrible, fortunately shortly after I managed to swap it for GT2 with a schoolmate.

>> No.3950819

Am I the only person here who actually likes reading blogposts? I mean come on, this is a retrogaming board, people are going to talk about their past experiences, and I think they're interesting to read.

>> No.3950825

certainly not me dumbass

>> No.3953759

I had a pirated copy and still felt ripped off. It's seriously one of the worst games I've ever played.