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File: 117 KB, 800x600, Ultima-IX-Ascension-screenshot-video-games-34096524-800-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3943728 No.3943728 [Reply] [Original]

Alternatively, what did EA mean by it?

>> No.3943792

By what? I'm not seeing any text.

>> No.3943794

The "game"

>> No.3943797

it was a good game

>> No.3943798

I'm not entirely sure

>> No.3943801

He meant to make another Ultima title that pushed the boundaries of what was technically possible and wrapped up remaining plots while remaining accessible for newcomers.

>> No.3943803
File: 18 KB, 480x360, whats_a_paladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we got though was something else.

Only if you never played any of the preceding Ultimas.

>> No.3943806

Fuck off spoony you degenerate

>> No.3943807

I played all the Ultimas in order and I enjoyed IX. The plot is dull but otherwise it's great.

>> No.3943814

Literally what.

>> No.3943825

I played Ultima in the order of:
Ultima 1: First Age of Darkness
Ultima 2: Revenge of the Enchantress
Ultima 3: Exodus
Ultima 4: Quest for the Avatar
Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny
Ultima 6: The False Prophet
Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire
Ultima Worlds of Adventure: Martian Dreams
Ultima Underworld: The Syggian Abyss
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds
Ultima 7 Part 2: The Serpent Isle
Ultima 8: Pagan
Ultima 9: Ascension

Later I also played Akalabeth and Escape from Mount Drash.

And I enjoyed Ascension.
Was that really so hard to understand?

>> No.3943831

>And I enjoyed Ascension.
This does not follow from the anterior events and the general lucidity of your posts.

>> No.3943845

They meant to rape the corpse of the greatest gaming franchise ever.

Still better than Pagan though.

>> No.3943850

Why shouldn't I enjoy it? The graphics are great, sound is solid, the controls are well done, the gameplay works pretty well, the dungeons aren't bad, exploring is fun and so on.
The plot may be poorly done to quickly string the game together but that doesn't stop me from liking the rest.

>> No.3943852

>sound is solid
Okay, the sound wasn't bad, but if I want great sound then I'll listen to actual music.

>> No.3943862

Sound is more than music. The game has surround sound for the environment which adds to the immersion.
Voice acting isn't that bad for its time either.

>> No.3943869

The way the Avatar delivers the "What's a paladin?" line is great.

>> No.3943896

> gameplay is great

enjoy having no magic for most of the game if you pick a magic using class

>> No.3943915


Spony please

go kill yourself, rat poison is cheap

>> No.3943920

I played as mage since that was my class in 4 and had no troubles of that sort.
I'd say I used a lot more magic than in the other post-5 games.

>> No.3944793

How were you able to finish the first three Ultima games? Which versions?

>> No.3945368

I played the fan patched IBM/DOS versions but you may get more out of the FM Towns ports for 1 and 2.

>> No.3945380

> what did Garriott mean
Reach for the brass ring. You aren't going to get it every time, but if you don't reach you'll get it none of the times.
> what did EA mean
The Ultima brand sold well, let's keep trying to move merchandise. And speed it up, we got a quartery report we want to pump up with this.

>> No.3945381
File: 12 KB, 512x512, u9_in_ultima-iii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I just reached over and....

>> No.3945481

I find it funny how now if you don't like IX means Spoony told you it is bad. When this game was widely disliked long before Spoony even started his YT career.
And yes, IX is fucking horrible as an Ultima game. But you may still like it. There are far worse things out there. Like Ultima Online.

>> No.3945486

Development was a huge mess. I don't remember all the details, sadly, but one I remember was that the plot was completely rewritten AFTER all the expensive pre-rendered FMVs had been made, so the new story had to sort of write "around" the FMVs so that they could still be used, incorporating elements from them that were originally for deleted story arcs.

>> No.3945497
File: 124 KB, 968x628, ultima 8 sucks starter kit 2-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ultima 8 was literally the only good Ultima entry

>> No.3945510

It can't be helped when most criticism is accompanied by parroted phrases and complete ignorance of the game.

>> No.3945519

Clearly you weren't there for the release of 8, if you think criticism of the platforming is memeing.

And I own 9 and let me tell you, when this game came out it came out next to Baldur's Gate 2. It was never good for its time. The story makes no sense and jumps (you teleport to an underwater gargoyle dome with no warning on your way to Hythloth?!) and shit design that punishes you for exploring by chucking powerful monsters at you.

>> No.3945524

8 was not a sandbox though. It was linear as fuck with only one hidden side quest. Unless you mean exploring that shitty underworld

>> No.3945529

>punishes you for exploring by chucking powerful monsters at you.
If you mean things like the crystal golem they are challenges you can overcome.
BG2 came out nearly a year later and you can hardly compare them.

>> No.3945550

It was the first game of its type to let you fully explore a 3D esque world which wasn't just a flat plain like previous Ultima entries

You can scree and scree all you want about muh SIDE QUESTS, but Ultima 8 is a good game that pushed boundaries and also has a killer art direction.

>> No.3945556

I wouldn't have minded the platforming so much if:
1. The controls weren't completely fucked
2. You didn't automatically die upon touching water
3. It wasn't everything you get to do
I can only imagine the horror when the platforms moved and you had no quickload button.

>> No.3945564

It's not a world, it's a series of tubes.
Underworld did it before and a lot better. 8 could have been made with the Underworld engine.

>also has a killer art direction.
The animations in 8 are nice but the game is too focused on them and you grow tired of them after a while.

>> No.3945583

>It's not a world, it's a series of tubes.

durrr vice city isn't a world, it's an island!

>Underworld did it before and a lot better. 8 could have been made with the Underworld engine.

If wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean - but it isn't and I'm happy with the Ultima 8 we got.

>> No.3945629

>What did Richard Garriott mean by this?
"I've lost control of my life." - Richard Garriott

>> No.3945634

>Like Ultima Online
Greatest mmorpg that actually innovated the genre.

>> No.3945637

>pushed the boundaries of what was technically possible

>> No.3945660

U9 is actually one of the very first games with object physics.

>> No.3945662

And buried Ultima franchise. I could've lived without mmorpg altogether, but with one or two more actually good Ultima games.

>> No.3945698

That would be Ultima Underworld.

You've got a practically seamless, large 3D environment. Once you get control of the ship you can steer wherever you want, jump on and off at any spot.
It was way too much for computers of the time to properly handle.