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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 512x448, Star_Fox_-_Gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3938342 No.3938342 [Reply] [Original]

>superfx patents expired
>hobbyists have had superfx games emulated for literal decades
>nintendo still can't manage to put a single superfx game on any of their virtual consoles

Explain this

>> No.3938353

Hobbyists aren't making bank on emulators

>> No.3938359

Nintendo is run by dinosaurs from the Showa era.


>> No.3938360

>superfx patents expired

What, really? When?

>> No.3938361

Out of all SFX games only Yoshi Island was good and that was mostly 2D. Shitty chip.

>> No.3938363

Nevermind I just fucking googled it. That's pretty recent, I wonder if there's any other issues preventing them from releasing the games.

>> No.3938367

Fucking Star Fox runs at single digits fps, it's literally unplayable and the graphical gimmick doesn't even look impressive anymore.

>> No.3938406

100 entire polygons in a single frame? That's too much to ask for the Wii U.

>> No.3938428

Well, there are only four superfx games that are Nintendo IP anyway. One of them got a port, another got remade, the third noone cares about, and the fourth was never released in the first place.
Even assuming the patent is expired, there are still potentially hoops to jump through and since the only two games the majority of people know about about have other options available, why should Nintendo bother?

>> No.3938457


This. While at one time I might have even sympathized with them (modern gaming is an absolute shitshow), that sympathy evaporated as their behavior toward their own customers became more and more dickish (previously Nintendo were content merely to fuck their business partners in the ass).

>> No.3938505

Original Star Fox got remade?

>> No.3938512

64 is a remake.

>> No.3938515


Nintendo themselves classify Starfox64 as a remake of Starfox. Unfortunately, the storyline of Starfox64 heavily implies that the first Starfox game still happened (despite opening up huge plotholes by going that route).

So....I dunno?

>> No.3938518

>Unfortunately, the storyline of Starfox64 heavily implies that the first Starfox game still happened

No, it uses the story of 1 as backstory for 64 with some modifications.

64 is a remake, not a sequel.

>> No.3938616

>there were a few shitty games that used a shitty chip
>only a few spegs give a fuck about them
>so nintendo didn't even even put a single one on their VC

This explained

>> No.3938627

>Nintendo repackages roms they download from the internet and sells them for $10 a pop
>even still they refuse to acknowledge that Star Fox 2 is available to everyone and will not officially release it as a Virtual Console title
>same with Mother 3

I don't get it. They could make a ridiculous amount of money for almost no effort and still appear to be taking an interest in customer input.
It's a literal win-win situation and they refuse to capitalize on it.

>> No.3938636


Because their narrative all along has been one of copyright maximalism, and they've begun to believe their own bullshit.

You can't take the same stance for over 30 years on something like that, then get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. No one will ever believe a word you say again.

>> No.3938661

I've always wondered why they haven't outright redone Star Fox from scratch. The models are so simple that surely it couldn't be that hard.

>> No.3938732

>Nintendo themselves classify Starfox64 as a remake of Starfox.


>> No.3938738

>No, it uses the story of 1 as backstory for 64 with some modifications.

I don't remember playing as James and having Pigma as a wingman.

>> No.3939105

>yoshi's island

You're literally a moron

>> No.3939130


So? Is Nintendo making money by refraining from selling these games?

>> No.3939937


>> No.3939942


>> No.3939943

To be honest, yeah, I don't like it. Gay dinosaur collectathon.

>> No.3940245

Nintendo is run by retards, but they aren't as retarded as the people who actually buy games on VC.

>> No.3940381

You realize you just outed yourself as one of those few spergs who give a fuck, right?

>> No.3940410

And you outed yourself as a moron with no taste

>> No.3940412

Yeah, especially when n64 emulation is such high quali- oh wait

>> No.3940414

none of the superfx games are good

>> No.3940417

>I don't remember playing as James and having Pigma as a wingman.

And I don't remember Greedo shooting first or Han Solo having a chat with Jabba right when he was hired by Luke and Obi-wan, but apparently it still happened.

>> No.3940532

Does anyone know the FX chip patent number by chance?

>> No.3941207

Retcons and saying something happened when it didn't are two different things. It would be like if it was mentioned in Empire Strikes Back that Anakin piloted an X-Wing when he was younger and destroyed an enemy base that was the size of a moon.

>> No.3941215

Just because Star Fox on SNES came before Star Fox 64, doesn't mean the events from 64 happened after SNES. They don't even have to be related at all. SNES had almost no story. To say 64 is a remake of SNES or SNES is essentially the backstory of 64 is ridiculous and downright wrong. 64 just took the universe SNES started and actually added a story and history to it.

>> No.3941451

It didn't really look impressive back then either.

>> No.3941458

I do it out of convenience. I'm glad dumb 8 year Olds can buy megaman on the VC.

>> No.3941459

Have you considered it's because so few games used it and most of them sucked? Why would they invest the resources just to put out a cheap digital release of Starfox?

Not everything in the world revolves around your feelings of entitlement.

>> No.3941485

You're actually an idiot if you think they aren't putting something like Yoshi's Island on VC on purpose

>> No.3941508

So I've kind of noticed how Rare really never took advantage of the Super FX chip in any of their SNES games, it was all on hardware alone. How much would their games improved if they used the Super FX chip? Because I'm legit curious

>> No.3941976
File: 2.95 MB, 256x238, KirbySuperStar-HeartOfNOVA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Is this some kind of meme, or is /vr/ really this gay?

>> No.3941989

Starfox was never good, furryfag. Try replaying it and see. I'd rather play a quality 2D rail shooter like Galaxy Force 2 or Space Harrier.

>> No.3941993

Doesn't have any worthwhile games on it anyway.

>> No.3942000

>Starfox was never good, furryfag.

This man is a gentleman and a scholar who can lead the weak and the ignorant through the valley of darkness.

>> No.3942025

I know this is bait, but here's at least 30 good games:

Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros.
Starfox 64
Star Wars: Rouge Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Pilot Wings 64
BattleTanx: Global Assault
Banjo Kazooie
Perfect Dark
007: Goldeneye
Turok 2
Doom 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Gaunlet: Legends
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Snap
Blast Corps.
Wave Race 64
F-Zero X
Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon
Mischief Makers
WWF: No Mercy
Rayman 2
Vigilante 8
Forsaken 64
Sin and Punishment

>> No.3942058

The CEMU team earns 3 times my salary.

>> No.3942081

It's not even about Starfox, you faggot.

The sfxc wasn't just used for one line of games, it was a family of chips that were revised for multiple games and uses over the course of the snes' life.

A good chunk of the snes games you do like most likely use some form of the sfxc. Without it, the system wouldn't have been nearly as successful.

>> No.3942097

>A good chunk of the snes games you do like most likely use some form of the sfxc
None of them do. SFX was short lived and only used for laggy archaic 3D shit.

>> No.3942106
File: 22 KB, 256x224, Vortex_SNES_ScreenShot4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sfxc wasn't just used for one line of games, it was a family of chips that were revised for multiple games and uses over the course of the snes' life.
None of those games are any good, as has been said in the thread.

>> No.3942118

And they're not exactly hobbyists anymore.

The lead dev quit his job to work on CEMU.

>> No.3942123

I count only 5.

>> No.3942180

they'll be shut down soon enough. no one in the scene respects closed-source emulators, take a look at saturn emulation for example; and Nintendo is likely to be pretty salty about people making money with a product designed for pirating their IP.

>> No.3942196
File: 117 KB, 2048x1025, 432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replayed it and it's good. I can't say the same for Galaxy Force 2, though. Boring as fuck and has no charisma. It's just another generic arcade game with shitty music from Sega.

>> No.3942206
File: 2.89 MB, 480x344, i saw that amiga demo too.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Winter Gold was pretty good, but I don't think it's a real 3D game.

>> No.3942214

Tasteless furfag.

>> No.3942232

Which 5?

>> No.3942236

>Defending a generic game with no identity from a company that created the king of the furfags aka Sanic
I think I'm not the furfag here, champ.

>> No.3942239
File: 91 KB, 633x758, 1490968223763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942247

>falling for obvious bait

>> No.3942253

Seriously though, Starfox is pretty bad. Starfox 64 on the other hand is a classic.

>> No.3942303
File: 7 KB, 250x230, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one talks about Galaxy Force for a reason, pal. It's a very forgettable game.

>> No.3942325

The GBA version makes the SNES version of Yoshi's Island obsolete. Even Nintendo knows it.

>> No.3942334

at least it runs on a double digit framerate unlike Starfucks

>> No.3942352

I'm not your pal, ntsc

>> No.3942409

>talking shit about Star Fox and Yoshi's Island
>no mention of Star Fox 2

Bunch of Sega fanboys, shitposters, and underage fags in this thread.

>> No.3942419

>that resolution
>that poor sound quality
No. No it doesn't.

>> No.3942473

Starfox runs at 12 fps though.

>> No.3942481

Theoretically it does, most of the time it's lagging far below that threshold though.

>> No.3942678

There just happen to be a few adults on /vr/ who never bought into the meme you did kiddo. There were 5 games released that used the sfx. They were all shit.

>the sfxc is some bullshit term I pulled out of my ass when I realized I was retarded

>> No.3942680

>that resolution
If we include overscan they're the same resolution.
>that sound quality
It sounds almost identical, just barely more compressed, and with new samples for some sound effects.

I see you're forgetting all the extra levels and portability that make it the definitive version.That's why it's the version on the VC, not the SNES version.

It's also cheaper and easier to find. And it works on flash carts, unlike the original.

It's just better.

>> No.3942693

>If we include overscan they're the same resolution.
Not really, the gba had plenty of blind jumps they had to accommodate for by placing a trail of coins.

>> No.3942704

i never had a problem, but it sounds like they fixed the issue for anyone who can't handle the jumps

>> No.3942719

Nintendo aims for accuracy with their Virtual Console emulators, unlike hobbyist emulators which have SuperFX games running via speedhacks.

This is the reason why a GBA Virtual Console was never made for 3DS: They couldn't get an accurate emulator running at full speed. This is why the ambassador gba games are running in DSi mode rather than an emulator.

>> No.3942724

LOL how pathetic a hardware do you have to BE to not be able emulate GBA and his shitty ARM processors.

>> No.3942903

But that's fucking wrong.

The whole DS line built upon the GBA.

In the Phat/Lite, the original GBA ARM7 was kept as a audio co-processor.
This is why the systems could also play GBA games.

The DSI replaced simply gave the DS a faster ARM9 processor, however the GBA port was dropped to free up some space in the console.
The GBA ARM7 was still there, still being used as a soundcard, and also to drive the new WiFi hardware.

Then the 3DS came out and now the console has 3 processors. A ARM11 for the 3DS, a ARM9 to work as a coprocessor and run DS games, and, yes, the ARM7 from the GBA is still there.

While the 3DS doesn't have a GBA port, it still has the hardware to run GBA games natively, no emulator required.

>> No.3942924


Trips deceive wise men.

>> No.3944837

You're absolutely retarded. BSNES is accurate to the T, FX included

>> No.3945283

>unlike hobbyist emulators which have SuperFX games running via speedhacks.
ZSNES stopped being the state of the art over a decade ago

>> No.3945754


GBA is clearly a female console, you uncultured shitbag.

>> No.3945759


This is going in my /vr/ classics file.

>> No.3945760


>> No.3945789

Emulators aren't illegal. Nintendo can't shut it down.

>> No.3946073

Only if it's a clean room design.

If any part of Nintendo's property is being used in Cemu, then it's no longer legal.

>> No.3946087


So what are you gonna do with it? The Super FX needs a SNES to run, so yeah, a snes is still patented right? And even heavily Over clocked a Super FX isn't that powerful.

>> No.3946095

Let me break it down for you:

Nintndo makes SNES, Nintendo owns all rights to SNES, Nintedno want more power though, so they contract Argonaut to make a 3D graphics co-processor, which comes to be known as the SFX.
In a rare stroke of kindness, Nintendo lets Argonaut keep the rights to the SFX chip.
Then Argonaut went under, taking the rights to the SFX with it, and Nintendo won't release any SFX games because they're afraud of releasing any games which depend on hardware they don't have the liscensing to use anymore.

>> No.3946115

I think you just agreed with him. I'll rephrase. An emulator would have fit in with the 3DS software library cleanly and allowed for switching to the home screen, Miiverse, etc. same as any 3DS title. But GBA emulated would have required a heap of work that they weren't ready to do so the ambassador games used the backwards compatibility feature to run the GBA code tunnelled through DS compatibility mode natively. This has the drawback of requiring a soft reset to get out of this mode and back to the OS. Nintendo doubtless felt this was too hacky and decided not to sell them in this state and a GBA emulator was never produced.

>> No.3946769

>Only if it's like every emulator in existence today