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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 560x254, megadrive-vs-supernintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3936450 No.3936450 [Reply] [Original]

So, after all this years..

who has the best hardware and why?

>> No.3936453

The SI like both.

>> No.3936457

Why do you think after all these years it's still necessary to argue on which ones better?
They're both pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.

>> No.3936460

Mega Drive, I'd say. But you used the Jap version in your picture.

>> No.3936462

>But you used the Jap version in your picture
So what..

>> No.3936467

>European SNES vs Japanese Mega Drive
>People with OCD + autism

>> No.3936468

>after all this years
You'd be able to answer the question yourself if you were old enough to grammar.

>> No.3936476

At first I loved the snes, but as time went by, I started appreciating the mega drive's library a lot more.

>> No.3936503


>> No.3936506

Well shit was supposed to be a joke but the spoiler tags didn't work, what the fuck

>> No.3936520

If you like colours and graphics snes but if you like better performance and more sprites with less slowdown go megadrive. Both have great gammes, i tend to play genny more however.

>> No.3936524

SNES games typically have better controls. I play a whole lot of shit, but most of the shit is on NES and Genesis, SNES is fairly safe.

>> No.3936537

I was born in 1994 in Russia and only in 2002-2003 i get my fucking Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) because my fucking parents were act like a fucking jews but you know what? I fucking love this nigger and he is the best one in all of these fuckign retroshit. Of course it's not containt all of this fucked up overhyped and overrated franchizes like Megaman, Zelda, Mario and stuff but it's not a bout the cult it's about the games and gameplay and fucking Sega is a winner for all time.

>> No.3936553

Hirohito's smartarse filter is up and running I see...

This cunt is not russian

>> No.3936559
File: 1.79 MB, 4020x2020, PC-Engine-Duo-R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3936590

Who's the autist that keeps making these hardware versus threads? It's getting old.

>> No.3936597

Across the board if you average everything both consoles are remarkably similar in overall capability. It's like the 360 vs PS3 of the 90s.

Only thing that really needs to be said is considering the Mega Drive's two year earlier release date, the SNES should have been better than it was. Putting something as old as a 6502-family CPU (8-bit bus and all) into a 90s console was a very questionable decision.

>> No.3936639 [DELETED] 
File: 557 KB, 1800x1200, sonic_and_rainbow_dash___working_at_starbucks_by_trungtranhaitrung-daysj4i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you're so right why is this not the most epic console war thread ever?

For me, back in the day it was Genesis mainly because it was much cheaper even then. I had an SNES too but not until at least a year later and always had 5x as many Genesis games.

Then for quite some time it was the SNES. The JRPGs had longer legs for me and there were more on SNES and they were easier then the weeb-wave hit pop culture and everyone was into them so they got me more cred with "omg I love FF7 I'm such a nerd ^_^" girls.

By the early 2000s when I stopped riding that so hard and started really digging into collecting (esp. by undercutting my psycho coke-head boss who I knew would go nuts and fire me sooner or later - good stories there) I was swinging back to Genesis

>> No.3936679


>> No.3936713

Genesis because it used off the shelf parts that developers where comfortable with

>> No.3936723

Bottom line, in the beginning I prefered Genesis hardware because it was cheaper then I swung to NES because it was prettier with more narrative type games but in the end I am back to preferring Genesis because it's faster

Now that i play on an X'Eye it's not even close.

>> No.3936736

Both consoles used off-the-shelf CPUs (well the SNES CPU had changes but they were minor) and customized graphic chips.

It's true that the Genesis FM sound chip was off-the-shelf while the SNES PCM sound chip is custom, but that's offset with FM being more difficult to deal with than PCM.

>> No.3936760

TurboGrafx = Dreamcast
Genesis = PS2
SNES = GameCube
NeoGeo = XBOX

You know it in your heart to be true.

>> No.3936763

>The SI like both.
snes = better audio, better graphics, better games, jrpgs, mode 7, sfx chip...
genesis: shit games, shit audio, shit colors, i guess the only thing going for it is the cpu

>> No.3936779

>i guess the only thing going for it is the cpu
and faster ram
and higher practical resolution
and more sound channels
and backwards compatibility

>> No.3936784


>NeoGeo = Gamecube

Except gamecube was relatively cheaply priced

>> No.3936791

Are you high? NeoGeo smoked the SNES in terms of hardware. Even the Genesis had a better CPU, and TurboGrafx sported more colors on screen.

>> No.3936801

>muh blast processing

>> No.3936803

more like

SNES = PS2 (crappiest hardware with some strong points that need to be exploited, most and best games)
MD = Gamecube (hardware has less functions, but can do way more with it due to higher speeds)

agree with Neogeo = Xbox and PCE = Dreamcast.

>> No.3936807
File: 290 KB, 1366x624, 1447422682792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardware has less functions, but can do way more with it due to higher speeds

>> No.3936812

>and more sound channels
doesn't matter when you're using an early 1980s tier FM synth.

If they had gone with the YM3812, the Genesis would have had OPL2 sound and been better than the SNES.

>> No.3936826

8 channel PCM doesn't matter when you have only 64 KB to shove all of your samples into

>> No.3936828

The PS2 was CPU heavy, but GPU literally rough around the edges. The GameCube was everything the N64 should have been. It's well balanced all around like the SNES.

>> No.3936830

>doesn't matter when you're using an early 1980s tier FM synth.
Which was still around in late 90s, fm is great get fucked

>> No.3936831

They're both excellent and unique. Why pick?

>> No.3936837

>The PS2 was CPU heavy, but GPU literally rough around the edges
Heavily off-topic, but qualifiers like this are meaningless. The PS2's GPU has like 3.5x the pixel throughput of the Gamecube's GPU. It's just that its pixel pipelines are very lacking in features. Depending on what you're trying to do, both GPUs have their strengths and weaknesses.

Much like Genesis vs SNES.

>> No.3936857

Speaking of useless qualifiers, what good is pixel throughput when your game has low res textures and no antialiasing?

>> No.3936872

The PS2 also has higher texture throughput than the Gamecube (about 2x). Though the lack of hardware texture compression hurt it until a VQ software technique was developed in 2004 or so.

Higher pixel throughput makes things like supersampling anti-aliasing possible. The GameCube supported MSAA but I don't think many (if any) games used it. PS2 tended to have more jaggies since earlier games didn't do flicker filtering, also a large number of games ran at a lower resolution due to VRAM size restrictions.

>> No.3936993

>snes vs md threads

please just let it go

>> No.3937049

Because some people had jewish parents who didn't want to buy their kids both systems to have a full, complete childhood.
This results in haldf-childhood traumas and it develops into /vr/ 30 year old console war shitposting.
I stopped being angry at the shitposters, I understand it's not inherently their fault, but their parents'

>> No.3937453
File: 31 KB, 512x448, Orang-UtanGang-SNES-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4x the sub-palettes
>64x the Master Palette
>an extra background layer
>"Mode 7" / scaling and rotation (background layer only)
>additive / subtractive color gradients (apart from the main palette)

>sprite versatility
>320x224 resolution
>slightly better at rendering basic "3D" graphics
>shadow and highlight mode (unfortunately, not very good for shading)

SNES, better at the the most important things at the time (mostly color freedom), it was 2 years younger, anyway.

>> No.3937476

One can like a thing more than some other thing. Shocking, I know.

>> No.3937563

Super Nintendo has better Blast Processing than the slow-as-fuck Sega Genesis since the SA-1 chip gives it two Ricoh CPUs, one at the normal 3.x MHz and the other at 10.x MHz. Both able to interrupt each other. Sega Genesis = slow as fuck.

>> No.3937570

If he was then he'd realize that he and his parents are already Jewish and don't need to be depicted as metaphorical Jews.

>> No.3937582

How many games used the SA-1? Three? Two?

>> No.3937589

Shit nigga if we're bringing chips into the equation then the Mega Drive still wins because Virtua Racing had a built-in SVP chip and it's more powerful than SA-1.

>> No.3937615


>> No.3937617

Whaaaaaaaat. Need sources
I only know of Mario Kart, Pilotwings and I think Mario RPG

>> No.3937623

Nevermind Mario Kart and Pilotwings were SD-1

>> No.3937627

Mario Kart and Pilotwings are DSP-1.

>> No.3937647
File: 76 KB, 1047x858, sa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see there really are 30 games with SA1, most of them being japanese turn based titles though.
Most interesting here are the two Kirby games, Mario RPG and Oshaberi Parodius

>> No.3937671

>not interested

>> No.3937716

We'll still be arguing about this in 2077, in our retirement homes. Get used to it.

>> No.3937729

SNES enhancement chips are great. Love reading about them, looking at them, and utilizing them to play quality SNES games.

Nintendo should start producing SuFami / SNES systems again and developers should develop for them. More chips, more games, more asbestos.

>> No.3937741

What would be the point? It would just end up being a Raspberry Pi game using an SNES as a clunky form of video output.

>> No.3937745

Nope, since SVP was designed to be yet another console add-on to the Genesis to go with the 32x and Sega CD. Enjoy your $100 retail cart LOL.

>> No.3937746

Clunky? While the Raspberry Pi is so perfect and elite and outputs flawless 256×224 signals to my aperture grille monitor…

>> No.3937757

You missed my point completely (that any modern enhancement chip you would use would completely outclass the SNES itself to the point that it wouldn't really be an SNES game anymore). But here:

>> No.3937760

Oh I didn't notice that one. Cool.

>> No.3937783

insecure teenagers that can't decide which systems to buy and collect for because they have no clue about the console wars.

>> No.3937790

Snes because fuck Sega.

>> No.3937848

The fuck are you talking about? The SVP has nothing to do with those add-ons, moron.

>> No.3937850

>SNES games needed extra chips in the cart or it would be slapped with crippling slowdown
Not a high point.

>> No.3937869

Except that third parodius game has a shitton of slowdowns you fucktard

>> No.3937884

And if I don't like shmups?

>> No.3937889


>> No.3937910

Enjoy your Bomberman.

>> No.3937950

It was designed to be one. I'd say you're the same guy who was ignorant enough to insult people above due to not bothering to look things up, but all /vr/ is like that because you fags.

>> No.3938189

The Genesis was not "slightly better" at rendering 3D graphics in software. It was SHITLOADS better.

A 6502 cannot into fast matrix operations. It just doesn't have the registers for it. Meanwhile the 68000 has plenty of 32-bit registers and a healthy serving of 32-bit instructions. For software 3D it's pretty damn solid. The 68000 was designed for workstations, it had to have that versatility.

Also SNES having an extra background layer is moot because the Genesis gives its tiles greater row scrolling independency than SNES does.

>> No.3938202

>NeoGeo = DC2

Then you're fucked because your brain is obviously defective. Too slow to play SHMUPs. Too small to comprehend there were plenty of other types of games. And too retarded to learn moon.

>> No.3938221

yet we never saw any 3D genesis games besides that bonus level in lawmower man

>> No.3938227


>> No.3938230

Oh that's pretty good framerate for the time. Cool.

>> No.3938232

SNES version for comparison. It had to be drastically redesigned for the substantially less powerful CPU, so it looks more like Super Hang-On instead of a polygonal game.


>> No.3938258

The Genesis' CPU is good, but it's not a miracle worker. It's about on par with the original Mac and Atari ST, or the low-end Amiga 500. It can't brute force its way into doing whatever the SNES can do.

>>3938227 is definitely better on the Genesis, but its port of Super Hang On doesn't look any better than >>3938232

>> No.3938269

>It can't brute force its way into doing whatever the SNES can do.
On the flipside, anything that the SNES can't support in hardware totally fucks it. For example, SNES has no support for sprite scaling or rotation, which can't really happen on the console without additional chips. Genesis can get away with its main CPU alone.

>its port of Super Hang On doesn't look any better than >>3938232
Well that's cause was released in 1989.

>> No.3938272

Afterburner 2 on Genesis is pretty impressive and heaps better than Hang On though.

>> No.3938273


Damn, Genesis really did do what Nintendon't

>> No.3938290

Another good one of SNES vs Genesis at software 3D is the FPS level in Toy Story.



Basically the SNES version has smaller levels, slower movement, the texture mapping is less accurate (warps more) and is missing some minor lighting effects.

They also had to remove the third-person driving level from the SNES version which is present in the Genesis version.


>> No.3938293


What you're describing is like the Spectrum vs. the C64. The Spectrum had no hardware backgrounds or sprites, but that (and its faster CPU) meant it could do things the C64 couldn't, like giant sprites in R-type, parallax scrolling in Cobra and Chronos, or sprite scaling in Enduro Racer.

Still, most games were better off on the C64 because it specialized in 2D sidescrollers and that happened to be the vast majority of games back then. The Spectrum's strengths, while undeniable, turned out to be irrelevant. The point I'm trying to make about the Genesis is, how relevant was its better CPU to the average game?

>> No.3938294

You sure they didn't just remove that level out of time constraints? The Snes could easily do that shit with mode 7.

>> No.3938324
File: 195 KB, 1210x440, toy story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This being an example. "Really Inside The Claw Machine" looks better on the Genesis, but that's one level out of 16. The rest of the game, you're looking at this.

The game also has an example of the Genesis trying and failing to match the SNES through software: the main theme. On the Genesis, it's a MOD file mixed and played entirely through the Genesis' PCM channel. While impressive, it doesn't sound as clean as the SNES.



>> No.3938559

>The Snes could easily do that shit with mode 7.
No it could not. SNES can only rotate a background. That's useful if you're doing a circuit to drive around. That's not useful if you're simulating driving down a highway (like Road Rash).

>The rest of the game, you're looking at this.
Nice to see you've done the usual SNES fanboy trick by scaling the SNES image to the same size as the Genesis image to hide its lower resolution.

It's true the Genesis version has fewer colors, but certain levels have increased parallax on Genesis. Also there's a lot more animation in the Genesis version (very obvious when comparing Woody's dance on the level complete screen in both versions).

>> No.3938567

>That's useful if you're doing a circuit to drive around. That's not useful if you're simulating driving down a highway (like Road Rash).
You could simulate either with mode 7, it worked for Mario Kart.

>> No.3938570

Back in the nineties i used to like them both. Right now i say mega drive is the superior hardware. Reason being i hate the sluggish ricoh and i love the motorola.

>> No.3938578

>You could simulate either with mode 7, it worked for Mario Kart.
Mario Kart involves the rotation of a single background, which is the circuit track as you drive around it.

You cannot have none-deterministic tracks that scale down for kilometers like Road Rash. The scaling is not sufficiently dynamic.

>> No.3938779

>worked for Mario Kart.
Which is a circuit-based game.

>> No.3939004

My computer, it runs both :^)

>> No.3939006

Now, if you’re playing a game on an emulator , you will never in a trillion years experience the game. You’ll think you have experienced it, but you’ll be cheated. It’s such a sadness that you think you’ve played a game on your fucking emulator. Get real.

>> No.3939008

I don't play games

>> No.3939027

Not even close, the PC Engine had a really powerful CPÙ.

Genesis = PS2
PC Engine = PS2
SNES = Xbox

>> No.3939030

This. It's artificial fun.

>> No.3939054

>comparing 3rd and 4th gen to 6th gen

That's retarded.
Truth is, there's no real "better" one, both SNES and MD had its own advantages that made them stand out in different ways, and most important of all: on-spec papers don't mean shit when it comes to real game development, devs exploiting each system's full potentials made the best games, that's why it's not even remotely close to compare something like Alien Soldier or Chrono Trigger being made by developers who were already very experienced in both making games and working with these systems, your amateur hardware and software knowledge means shit when it comes to these guys.
Now, comparing average games made to cash in without actually.
During 6th gen consoles became to come closer to PC standards when it came to hardware, not saying this is bad, it's just what happened. In result, PS2, GC and Xbox all look really the same except PS2 is the worst, GC is great but has the problem of small discs and Xbox is the technical best, but the differences are similar to the problems you might find on PC: framerate, bigger textures.
It's not like in the older days when systems had their own distinct hardware combination which often resulted in very different systems, each with their own pros and cons. 6th gem made consoles follow a standard and in result a more homogeneous hardware.

>> No.3939059

PC Engine CPU was 8-bit. PC Engine was the greatest 8-bit gaming machine known to man. It had the slowest CPU compared to 16-bit consoles.

>> No.3939534

>people are still debating over the super nintendo and sega genesis

why is 4th gen the only console war that still gets talked about?

>> No.3939536 [DELETED] 


Genesis had better arcade and adult themed games. SNES has overrated Nintendo shit and JRPGS.

>> No.3939543
File: 141 KB, 1533x1392, retrogen_snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously asking which console has better hardware. LOL. All it takes to play Genesis games on the SNES is a cheap adapter. No such adapter is possible on the Genesis

>Pic definitely related

>> No.3939558


Isn't that just a hardware clone of the Genesis shoved into a cartridge?

>> No.3939568

It's basically only using the SNES as a dock for power and controller output. That cheap adapter is doing all the work, basically serving as an emulation station. This is entirely possible on a Genesis, or a Master System for that matter. Cool though.

>> No.3939571

Not true, NES vs. Master System and PSX vs. Saturn get brought up frequently.

>> No.3939579

That pic is something that would apply the exact same way to the Genesis (ps2) and SNES (gamecube).

PS2 had a gpu with tons and tons of fillrate, but few features. It could do normal mapping if you bothered to code it. The Gamecube was less flexible, it was just not fast enough to do things it wasn't planned to do. But for most games that was enough, because what it COULD do, was something that most PS2 games didn't bother to do.

>> No.3939580

>Super Nintendo has better Blast Processing than the slow-as-fuck Sega Genesis since the SA-1 chip gives it two Ricoh CPUs, one at the normal 3.x MHz and the other at 10.x MHz. Both able to interrupt each other.

And the Genesis had the 32x which gave it two SH2 chips running at 23MHz and a bitmap framebuffer.

>> No.3939691

10/10 I read that in his voice.

>> No.3939727

Wow, this delusional much, quit drinkin the "genny has shit turd colors and ear rape fart music cause mah emurriders waaaahhh".

Also a lot of times, genesis ports tend to have poor color spectrum NOT due to the limited palette, but because of half the time being incompetent and abusing the mustard malaria colors, case in point, Vanilla SF2SCE vs the Pyron color hack.

>> No.3939805

LOL indeed

>> No.3939820


If Toy Story isn't competent of a port enough for you, what is? No amount of trickery is going to give the Genesis more than 4 palettes.

>> No.3939824


The PS2's fillrate was so good that Gran Turismo 5 had to remove objects from GT4's tracks.

>> No.3939825

>It had the slowest CPU compared to 16-bit consoles.
Not true. The PC Engine blows away the SNES and is nearly on par with the Mega Drive in raw computational power. It was just lacking in features that the later consoles had, such as multiple background layers and dedicated sound hardware. The HuCard format was also pretty limiting, which is why it was the first console to switch to CDs.

>> No.3940407
File: 118 KB, 469x700, POWER UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who has the best hardware

Super Nintendo

>and why?

Because it came three years later.

>> No.3940679

PC Engine
SNES (not the same game, but still)

I'm not trying to knock the PC Engine. In fact, I like using it to knock the SNES and Genesis because the GPU was so good. If you look at the frames of animation and number of sprites on screen, the CPU had trouble keeping up. NEC did what Nintendo and Sega probably should have done and spent their budget towards the GPU. If you look at PCs today, the idea is the same. Buy a basic CPU and blow your money on the best GPU you can afford. NEC knew what they were doing. That said, on the CPU side it just doesn't pan out. Look at the best PCE has to offer and compare whats happening on screen to what the SNES and Genesis had. It fucking hilarious that an 8-bit machine could display two to seven times as many colors on screen as the competing 16-bit consoles. If it weren't for the AES, the entire 16-bit console era would have been an embarrassment.

>> No.3940780

>comes out 3 years later
>yet manages to have a cpu half as powerful
What went wrong?

>> No.3940796

SNES has some neat tricks though.

>> No.3943334

Also add the PC Engine to that and you have the Holy Trinity.

>> No.3943367

They realized that superior audio and video chips areis more useful than a microcomputer grade CPU.

>> No.3943608

Just need to clarify your post. The TG16'a CPU isn't nearly on par with the Genesis. No 6502 can hope to compare with the computational power of a 68000.

What the 6502 has going for it is great interrupt latency and a range of simple instructions low cycle, which is good enough for many 2D games. The TG16's performance in those departments is better than the SNES because its CPU is similar but clocked faster.

>> No.3944971

>superior audio
i sure do love muffled music

>video chips
mode 7 can only be used in very specific cases, so it's not a great selling point. i'd trade the pseudo-3D shit for games that didn't lag

>> No.3944989

>If Toy Story isn't competent of a port enough for you, what is?

Toy Story was Genesis originally and then ported to SNES, iirc.

>> No.3944994
File: 12 KB, 320x224, labyrinthzoneact1_shot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No amount of trickery is going to give the Genesis more than 4 palettes.

Mid-raster palette change can give it way more than 4 palettes.

And don't tell me it's a gimmick that is hard to use: games used it since 1991.

>> No.3944996

Genesis farts is a meme for a reason. Sure, a few composers got great sound out of the Yamaha chip, but the majority of it was really, really bad. And a bad Genesis soundtrack is far more offensive than a bad SNES soundtrack. I love the Genesis, but Nintendo made the right decision with the sound hardware.

>> No.3944998

I meant the more colours and freeform blending effects.

>> No.3945018

The only bad choice there is whoever came up with the default FM patches that got included in the devkits.

Yeah, a YM2608 would've been better, but it would've cost way more. Remember, the Genesis was already 3 years old by the time it got popular in Murica.

>> No.3945027

>Genesis farts is a meme for a reason
because retards have shit tastes and only play american games?
> Sure, a few composers got great sound out of the Yamaha chip
By a few you mean dozens and dozens of games right retard

>> No.3945084

thats not the regular pc engine but the supergrafx, it only got 5 games or something

>> No.3945109

I like the Shogi game that has a 32bit 21mhz processor in it for AI moves

>> No.3945179
File: 29 KB, 640x448, Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>color freedom > color counts

Mid-screen palette swaps are limited due to a VDP bug on the Genesis (flickering sprites are used to cover the artifacts) and you can't really use them for shading, they're just good for similating water and things like that.

The only way to increase shading is by using Shadow mode, but since it only works per tile basis, it's necessary to be very careful with the artwork and color picks, otherwise the contrast would be way too big. Lost World and Ecco 2 both try this.

>> No.3945195

Desperate damage control

>> No.3945225

just telling the truth, only faggots don't like FM synth period

>> No.3945239

But you can agree PCM > FM, correct?

>> No.3945246

If the PCM is shit in low storage like in the SNES, nope, not at all.

>> No.3945257

I like FM synth. I like it a lot, in fact. It's just that it sounds absolutely horrible if you don't know how to use it, which, let's face it, most Genesis devs (even Japanese ones!) didn't. The SNES is far easier to get decent-sounding audio from.

>> No.3945264

>It's just that it sounds absolutely horrible if you don't know how to use it, which, let's face it, most Genesis devs (even Japanese ones!) didn't.
Nah that's false, most japanese and european games have OST that vary from good to awesome, just american games sound like shit as a whole.

>> No.3945278

This was the very best in competition. Two titans putting out the very best they had to offer. No DLC, no unfinished games. Sure there was shovelware, but these two systems had some of the greatest games well ever get.
An experience we'll never see again.

>> No.3945289

If we're talking purely hardware, SNES wins in nearly every aspect.
It runs at a slightly lower horizontal resolution, and is slower (not as much as the MHz number gap indicates, but it's still a fair bit slower), but it delivers way more colors (most important bit), has blending effects, the stock controller has more buttons, has hardware background scaling, and has hardware sampled audio (which is much easier to use than FM, 64kB limit is the only issue because you can barely fit any decent quality samples in that small a space).

The advantages of the Genesis are display resolution and performance. Higher resolution (and square pixels) helps offset some of the issues with multiplats, often allowing you to see a bit more on screen, and the higher performance makes it a better system for basically anything with large enemy counts or any non-tile based graphics (eg, polygonal games).

for me, the only problem the Genesis really has is how awful 512 addressable colors is -- none of the SNES's other shit would matter too much if the Genesis could access more colors
like, even with the basic 4 16 color palettes, just being able to address more colors would have drastically helped

>> No.3945423

>(not as much as the MHz number gap indicates
Not quite true. Depending on the operation, it's anywhere from 25% slower to ~500% slower. The 6502 can handle simple ops just fine, but throw anything that requires manipulation of values across many registers or large amounts of memory and it's completely fucked.

Combine that with the SNES having half the memory bandwidth of the Genesis, and you have a literal snail console.

>> No.3945431

the stupidity of this actually makes my head hurt trying to comprehend

>> No.3945432

Take a Genesis and SNES and smash them together until one breaks. It's the only objective way to compare them.

>> No.3945437

cause you know more than a lead programmer at one of the most technically proficient gaming companies right?

>> No.3945713
File: 580 KB, 1920x1440, the golden age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we all be friends?

>> No.3945891

Because most people were only able to get one of them when they were kids.

>> No.3945902

Point made even further when that poorfag couldn't include neogeo or any pc-like platforms in his picture.

>> No.3946935

Did anyone else go Sega after the NES days because the games on SNES just weren't all that impressive? Even the Mario game for it sucked compared to the ones for the NES.

>> No.3946997

Nope, I got both MD and SNES.

>> No.3947069
File: 50 KB, 550x550, tumblr_mavh2b1xIi1r28k5co1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know guys. The Super Nintendo had Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.3947080

That's a cute art.

>> No.3947220

Which one did you end up playing more though?

>> No.3947235

Hard to say, I don't track my playtime, but I can say I played on MD and SNES more than on the PC (had a 486 which in the early 90s could run the hottest new games)

>> No.3947285




Winner: Arcade.

>> No.3947327
File: 296 KB, 640x800, super-sonic4-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I never thought there would ever be a perfect time to post this.

>> No.3947447

It Cant be that powerful since mario rpg has some slowdown and the other games that use it are nothing special

>> No.3947482

SNES had better color, a sound chip that was easier to work with, but games that had motherfucking load times on them. Load times. On a cartridge. Think about that, not just slow downs, actual fucking load times.
If, say, NEC would have published this system instead of Nintendo still high on that Famicom/NES publisher exclusivity, it wouldn't have been nearly as successful. That Ricoh 5A22 really was trash.

>> No.3947489

Only SNES with load times I know of is Street Fighter Alpha 2, and still its "load times" on that game are much shorter than on the CD versions.

>> No.3947514

Mickey Mania, Batman Forever, Fatal Fury, Out of this World, Toy Story and Robocop versus The Terminator spring to mind. Though there were most definitely others.

>> No.3947524

I played Fatal Fury 2 and I'm sure it doesn't have loading times. It was the first one?
Now I remember Mickey Mania, yeah, that was weird. Still not as long as CD games though.

>> No.3947550

Yeah, the first

>> No.3947565

Never played that one, but FF2 and FF Special had no loading screens.
I think only a handful out of the hundreds of SNES games had loadings, and they all happen to be ports/multiplats, probably the devs just being bad at oprimizing (although in SFA2's case is understandable)

>> No.3948984

The best hardware in terms of specs would probably be the SNES.

But I think both are probably the best two consoles ever made, and definitely on par with each other

>> No.3948996

When it comes to system power, SNES better in all ways Exept of course speed. As for each of the systems' libraries, it all depends on preference. If you like sports games, you'll like the Genesis's library more. If you prefer JRPGs, Definetly SNES. Other genres also apply. It all comes down to preference.

>> No.3949006

>FM being more difficult to deal with than PCM
Yeah man, I feel you, I find it a lot easier to compose when I'm limited by space to exactly 3 instruments. Man, I hate having choices.

>> No.3949025

>throughput of microcode
>[PS2 CPU] running in macro mode
The only components that were directly usable with microcode on the PS2 were the VUs, and at the time Burnout 3 was released, Sony's SDK didn't actually support anything but microcode on the VUs. The PS2's Emotion Engine wasn't microcodeable because MIPS didn't work like that at the time. This is either fake or an extremely mangled interview.

>> No.3949036

SNES audio chip used ADPCM samples, and the Genesis could play PCM samples, albeit at a major hit to ROM size. The best sounding arcade games used a combination of FM and PCM. Genesis FM sounds great, but SNES audio was the best trade off. You guys are retarded fighting over this shit almost 30 years later.

>> No.3949338

>Let me copy some stuff I just found off wikipedia and insult you so I can make my ego feel superior
Kill yourself.

>> No.3949349

It's common knowledge, but I'll take this as a complement.

>> No.3950004

>The PS2's Emotion Engine wasn't microcodeable
The VUs are part of the greater composite that is the CPU known as Emotion Engine. I think it's you who doesn't understand.

>> No.3950015

>It's common knowledge
Gonna holla at someone outside and see what they say.

>> No.3950032


The Genesis had only one PCM channel. Almost every game used it, but few used it for anything other than drums. It's not terribly relevant to the Genesis' sound.

>> No.3950034

It was also 8-bit mono and sounded even worse than SNES samples.

>> No.3950048


There's a reason why almost every 80s pop song used the same DX7 presets.

>> No.3950072

>It was also 8-bit mono and sounded even worse than SNES samples.
it's a good thing the Genesis had another 9 channels that weren't PCM to fall back on then

>> No.3950084

also I'll leave this here


>> No.3950141

SNES and NEOGEO don't really share many games

>> No.3950173

yeah, too bad they're shitty fm synth though

>> No.3950193

spot the undeage