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3932419 No.3932419 [Reply] [Original]

You are now manually aware that Ramza Beolve and his team killed like 1,000 people.

>> No.3932429

Motherfucker it was not called Bakesale of the Lions

>> No.3932461


Seriously though, storywise, he should have manned the fuck up after his first kill.

>> No.3932548

No shit.

>> No.3932558


What did you expect out of a war?

>> No.3932561

l i t t l e m o n e y...

>> No.3932585
File: 48 KB, 600x586, 1995_556996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this soundtrack is god tier.


>> No.3932636

Does that mean Delita is a good guy?

>> No.3932658

>manually aware

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3932668

>You are now breathing manually
>You are now aware of your tongue

>> No.3932671

I swear, keeping up with memes is a full time job. Half of what people write these days is pure gibberish if you don't know the secret alternate meanings they use for things.

>> No.3932672

No, more like 100-120 people.
They killed more chocobos, goblins, bombs, and other monsters.

Also, some of them were REALLY bad people and deserved it.

>> No.3932686


There's 60-ish story battles. They have 5-10 enemies per battle typically.

A lowball estimate is 300 people killed. If someone were to go through the list properly they could get an exact number. I guess 250-350. That's not including random battles.

That's a LOT of people.

>> No.3932701

war... war never changes

>> No.3932719


he also wore a weird diaper

>> No.3932723

ur mum wears a weird diaper

after i fuck her butt

>> No.3933170
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That's really up to you. There is no need to kill almost anyone - you can invite them, or at least turn them to stone.

>> No.3933263

There are 53 required battles.
For fun, I did a body count:

11 squire
14 thief
7 chemist
58 knight
22 wizard
41 archer
9 monk
3 priest
10 time mage
14 Summoner
3 mediator
7 lancer
3 ninja
2 oracle
2 geomancer
2 samurai

That's 208 mooks.


14 named characters.

2 knight
1 Oracle
1 summoner
2 archer

6 people that were already dead.

222 confirmed human kills.
6 corpse disposals.

Simo Hayha had 259 confirmed kills.

>> No.3933272

>You are now manually aware that Ramza Beolve and his team killed like 1,000 people.



>> No.3933273

>All those fucking knights
We could've had more samurai, geomancers, ninjas, bards, and even mimes but nooooooooooo

>> No.3933280

solid bro

>> No.3933281

They made knights too strong, too useful.

They're the perfect fodder enemy late game, and the perfect threat early game.

They get shields and skills that block arrows and magic, they do decent damage, have high HP and health, and their offensive skills are so simple you don't require complex AI for them to be effective NPCs.

Meanwhile, there are 3 priests in the game that could have been used to make samurais threatening as hell.

>> No.3933282

>started playing like two weeks ago
>playing off and on
>stuck at Zalmo fight
>can't get him knocked out without entire team getting bogged down
How to proceed

>> No.3933294

Make ramza squire, run around the arena yelling and sacrificing your dudes until Ramza gets 3-4 turns for every 1 of the enemies.

>> No.3933295

i don't recall the fight off the top of my head.. but the majority monk strategy seems to be my go to winner.

>Earth Slash
>Wave Fist

Yeah, they're badass.

>> No.3933316

>until Ramza gets 3-4 turns for every 1 of the enemies
I was not aware of this strategy, my Ramza's got all the Monk commands right now and I've been abusing Chakra like
anon suggested, because that and Earth Slash makes for a confident fight usually. My only problem in fighting Zalmo so far is doing enough consecutive damage to wear him down before Ramza's the only character left and gets gangbanged while the old man sits in the corner healing himself.

>> No.3933317

if your other characters were all monks too, they'd be standing at the end of the fight like Ramza.

>> No.3933321

So just make everyone monk for that fight? Doesn't appear that I can train up anybody as trying to leave where I am triggers the fight I'm stuck on.

>> No.3933326

that might not be your best option then.

just keep critiquing your builds and try and design them around a strategy you intend on working.

I think we've all saved ourselves into a corner before while playing this game.

>> No.3933331

Learn Yell/Tailwind ASAP.
It is super useful in several situations later in the game where you will need to basically have Ramza face an enemy solo.

>> No.3933338

Thanks anon, I'll take another crack at it and just try to blitzkrieg the shit out of the old man faster than he can heal.

I'll try this as well, still learning what everything does in tactics, was only ever a FFTA kiddie so there's been some learning curve but I'm glad I picked this game up. I'd forgotten how much I loved games like tactics and advance wars as a kid, despite not being that great at them. Watching an enemy go down on your tenth time attempting a battle is so goddamned satisfying.

>> No.3933437

Do the Lucavi still count as human kills once they transform?

>> No.3933440

Also, wasn't Zalbag turned into an undead with no free will and begging for Ramza to kill him?

>> No.3933512

That meme is so fucking old that it can legally post on 4chan next year.

>> No.3933657

Get a Samurai with two katanas or simply a ninja and use move-teleport directly to Zalmo's ass.
He should frag him in one turn.

>> No.3933670

>58 knight
>22 wizard
>41 archer


>> No.3933671

If this is the fight with zalmo on top of the tower, just shove summons up his asshole. You have Delita who should be able to slaughter all of the knights leading up to him.

I always kill him through Ramza with geomancery, Another ninja with Geomancery, and a summoner just chuck shit up at him

>> No.3935678


Damn, nigga totally genocided those bitches.

>> No.3935768

>Armor for all parts of the body except for most vulnerable area

>> No.3935963
File: 234 KB, 500x745, Agrias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would you rather fug, Agrias or Meliadoul?

>> No.3935978

Celia and Lede

>> No.3936049 [DELETED] 

>manually aware

What does that even mean

You're either aware or not aware.

Jesus H. Christ. End yourself.


>> No.3936051


I would take Agrias and her Lightning Stab up my ass any day.

>> No.3936052

>you are now semi-automatically breathing

>> No.3936113
File: 230 KB, 580x800, 1386825096582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just take Melia home and prepare a nice, hot meal for her?

>> No.3936413


That meme is like 10 years old.

>> No.3936425

>11 squire
>14 thief
>7 chemist
>58 knight
>22 wizard
>41 archer
>9 monk
>3 priest
>10 time mage
>14 Summoner
>3 mediator
>7 lancer
>3 ninja
>2 oracle
>2 geomancer
>2 samurai





Turned into a zombie, kinda already dead

>2 knight
>1 Oracle
>1 summoner
>2 archer

Already dead



>> No.3936431

Advice for the future: anytime the game prompts you to save, do it in a second file. There are a few sets of back-to-back fights that can suck to be stuck in.

>> No.3936473

Kind of hard to do that for a corpse

>> No.3936940

Delita could and probley did kill Zalmo and wasn't Izlude killed by Vormav?

>> No.3937975


didn't psp version fix that?

>> No.3938137

Dont think so.

>> No.3938171

You don't exactly start the game with charm+release. You would have to kill a fair portion of mooks from the first group to level up a character with those skills.

>> No.3938241

>you will never put on a Chameleon Robe and cast CT 4 Holy

why live

>> No.3938260

Actually there's just a hard-coded limit for the number of distinct character spritesets in any given battle, which IIRC was something like 13?

If you go over the limit it causes a set of hilarious glitches that break the graphics like turning Rad into a chocobo with broken palette trying to interpret the data for human actions using a chocobo sprite set

>> No.3938351


>manually aware

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3938371


>not thinking with your hands

Gosh anon, it's like you don't even want to use your cognitive faculties to their fullest potential!

>> No.3939113
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>> No.3939424

>they're all wearing vests with no undershirt
>zero females

Grog Hill is basically a gay nightclub.

>> No.3939429

Zalbag did literally nothing wrong. I always felt bad for that guy.

>> No.3939631

Even so that gives you 7 enemy types.

>> No.3940587


Supposedly, humans in random battles are brigands right?


Zalbag gave the order to Algus to kill Teta and Golagros. He's known Teta for like 10 years at least. He never apologized for that or even explained it. That's some cold ass shit.

>> No.3940637

I fucking hate this game because theres no autosave and I've accidentally lost hours and hours of my life for nothing.

>> No.3940918

>be in Clockworl City of Goug
>think Mustadio will need a few days to be captured
>let my black mage, knight and time mage go find ore or something
>do a reflect save for the case something goes awry
>go out to pass days

I'm retarded

>> No.3941024

>assuming auto save in a ps1 game
lol son what

>> No.3941107

Grind after the first fight.

>> No.3941135

Even without grinding, clever play can land you a ninja by Sand Rat Cellar.

>> No.3941154
File: 51 KB, 512x480, 10-capture_03012011_170458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3941167


What's Ice Cold is that, it's not some random bitch. Balbanes adopted Delita and Teta after their parents died of the plague. Balbanes is just that kind of a charitable guy. Zalbag would have known Teta and Delita since they were like 6. Then she gets kidnapped, and Zalbag just opts to kill all of them? That's ice cold man. Zalbag would probably say you can't mess around in a battle, but I'm sure that he wouldn't have done the same if Alma had been kidnapped.

Just imagine if Teta didn't get kidnapped. She would have kept working in the Beolve residence as a maid. Delita would have followed Ramza and the two would probably be officers. Ramza being an officer, and Delita his assistant. They would have fought in the Lion war, and all would have gone well. The lucavi would have probably been unopposed as well, meaning they might have gotten an apocalypse out of it.

>> No.3941216

Oh right... oops.

>> No.3942485
File: 272 KB, 760x707, Traitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game tells you outright she was involved in the attempt on Dycedarg's life. She was "kidnapped" to get her out safely after it failed & would likely have been a leak or source for the Beoulve's enemies if she'd been allowed to live. Zalbag ordered the death of that spy who helped his families' enemies nearly succeed in murdering his elder brother. Literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.3942650
File: 298 KB, 750x750, zodiac-final-fantasy-tactics-remixed-album-cover8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tribute album made of FFT's soundtrack
>can't find it anywhere

>> No.3943146


>conducting fan fiction based on poor translation

>> No.3943150

Except Teta was actually trying to get vengeance for Balbanes' murder.

>> No.3943159

Mistranslated utterly.

Totally and utterly wrong.

>Abducted for her involvement in the assassination of Duke Dycedarg
is more like
>Taken as a hostage as she was mistaken for a beoulve family member during the Death Corps assassination attempt on Duke Dycedarg.

>> No.3943165

Isnt it 9? And always 5 for your teams. So that leaves 4 for enemy's

>> No.3944196

Golagros outright contradicts that. She's kidnapped because he thought she's a Beoulve.

>> No.3944231
File: 295 KB, 960x640, photoj3sfu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile version will never get a PC port
>you can see the details on Gafgarian's belt buckle

>> No.3945230


No. He is an Ass and a terrible character.

Fuck that guy.

>> No.3945245

You guys tried beating the game with only job type for your entire party?

I used to do this back in the end. Nothing like a party full of Geomancers abusing the tiles and praying for the activation of certain ones. No support jobs allowed.

>> No.3945251
File: 69 KB, 571x462, B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
