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393084 No.393084 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played a Legend of Zelda game. Well, I tried the first one for an hour or two and it seemed like the kind of game I'd have to play with a walkthrough by my side because it doesn't explain shit, so I gave up on that.

Since this series seems to have huge hype around it, which one of these should I start with?

>> No.393094

Link's Awakening

>> No.393124

Ocarina of Time

>> No.393134

A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time, depending on your preferences for 2D or 3D

Personally, I think ALttP runs at a way better pace.

>> No.393129

Adventure of Link. It gets a bad rap, but it's quite good. Also, it's pretty linear so you won't have to actually do any of that icky exploring or thinking you can't seem to handle.

>> No.393146

When I want to explore, I play a western rpg with cool characters and environments.
What's the purpose of exploring here? There's no actual payoff for it.
>inb4 someone arguing that LoZ is perfectly clear and gives you plenty of hints

>> No.393160
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>Zelda 2 as someone's first Zelda

Shit nigger what

>> No.393164

>Cloud as Judas
>Dragon Quest 4 protag being relevant
>98% Capcom & Nintendo

>> No.393186

Just dive in man. Sure, sometimes they can get difficult, but never hair-pullingly so, and once you get into the flow of it they're hella fun.

As for which one to start with, any of them, you can't miss. Any of the above suggestions are fine.

Well, it was mine. I didn't really understand what was going on and RETURN OF GANON terrified the shit out of me. LttP was the first I made any actual progress on.

>> No.393175


Zelda 1 DOES have hints, brother. The old men drop that knowledge on you 24/7.

As for incentive, you get entire new items and equipment, not to mention all sorts of character upgrades.

Are you high right now?

>> No.393248

I started with the DS ones. Then I got Skyward Sword and enjoyed it

>> No.393269
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Skyward Sword is almost like an old-school (albeit pretty linear) video game for a modern generation.

It goes overboard with hints, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

>> No.393325

Hey, I enjoyed it too, but I have to ask: I've heard people say similar things so that, such as that it's an antidote to all the ills of "modern gaming". What do you actually mean by it being old-school or anti-modern gaming? Is it just because of the Zelda formula which has remained unchanged, or is it something else.

>> No.393409

Minish cap is the best Zelda

>> No.393474

>>inb4 someone arguing that LoZ is perfectly clear and gives you plenty of hints

You just need to find the dungeons. it's not that hard. I beat Zelda 1 when I was about 10

>> No.393478

This was my first Zelda. Really like that game. Give it a spin, OP.

>> No.393482

Even the dungeons are linear.

If you like no challenge and tons of hand-holding then go for skyward sword op

>> No.393481


To be honest, the game is pretty clear. The instruction manual, that came with the original game, gives you step by step directions to the first dungeon and tells you where the second dungeon is. As for finding all the other dungeons, there are always hints

>> No.393485


are there hints for EVERYTHING? even how to make it through the forest maze?

>> No.393494

It was mine also. I got to experience that game at ten years old when it was new. Probably the reason why I'm so bald right now.

>> No.393508

Yes. The maze, there's a woman in a cave southwest of the maze that gives you directions if you pay her.

>> No.393517

ALttP if you're interested in the 2D games, OoT if you're interested in the 3D games.

They're basically the purest forms of the series. Pretty much every Zelda afterwards was based off of them.

>> No.393536

I can recommend any modern Zelda game, really.

Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Seasons/Ages
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening

seriously, go ahead and tackle anything you like or find interesting. any start is good enough. but skip the GC and Wii games for now.

>> No.393608
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That's creepy & awesome at the same time?

>> No.393620

OOT, LTTP, or SS are all good first Zeldas.

>> No.393642

I didn't like the aesthetics.
it looked too much like the smurfs or Super Mario World atmosphere-wise. Hated that.

I still don't know why the devs merge Zelda universe with Mario together. a Zelda castle is no fucking Princess Peach castle and there shouldn't be Bow-Wows, goombas and those fish you see in Yoshi's Story. a little cameo is fine but sometimes it ruins the atmosphere for me.

>> No.395156

Fine I didn't want to know the answer anyway.

>> No.396278


It's not really anti-modern. It's the most linear and hand-holding zelda out there. Not even mentioning the obvious filler they put into the game.

>> No.398449

Christianism and japanese culture. NO FUCKING WANT. Asia isn't christian bullshit. GTFO gaijin pretending bullshiting japanese culture with their god.

>> No.399064
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Wind Waker godhead reporting in. The only people who hate on it are redneck hipster faggots stuck in the past, people afraid of change, and those who haven't played it.

>> No.399095
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Go back and play LoZ with either the manual or a scan of the manual.

>there will never be a LoZ successor because everyone's obsessed with being spoonfed the ending credits to every game they play nowadays

>> No.400975
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Was gonna make a thread but i'm in the same situation as OP so i'll ask it here:

Are the "remakes" of a link to the past and link's awakening better or any different than the original nes and snes versions? by remakes i mean the gba (the one with the 4 swords) and gbc (dx). also, which one should be played firts for a 1st timer (the relevance being fun and not canon history etc.)?

>> No.401006

Mah nigga.

>> No.401008

Got a problem?

>> No.401031

Link's Awakening DX is honestly better, but some people hate it because it fixes a few entertaining glitches and because of a new bonus dungeon that gives you a powerup that's a bit broken considering the game isn't exactly hard. Other than that, it's in color and has less glitches.

As for Link to the Past, the GBA remake added OOT screams, so if you can't stand those play the original.

>> No.401039

Or who had a problem with the pacing caused by the sailing sections. Usually I don't run from enemies in a Zelda game, even in the field, yet with WW combat on the boat was awful.

>> No.401042

LTTP: do the SNES version, the GBA suffers in sound quality and screen space.
LA: doesn't matter that much, really- DX adds color and a 'color puzzles' dungeon along with minor bugfixes. I prefer the nonDX but that's because I nostalgia for the GBp.

>> No.401045

ALTTP has worse sound because GBA and some people are annoyed by the fact that Link now screams with every attack he makes. It does offer more content overall though. It at least has a new bonus dungeon with new boss fights.

Unless you want to mess around and have some fun with glitches, i see no reason to choose Link's Awakening over DX.

>> No.401046

I always found sailing in WW to be relaxing, and never had any problems with enemy encounters.

>> No.401061

I enjoy the sailing quite a bit, personally, and treasure hunting and the like.
That said, the cannon and grapple could have used some.. polish? tightening the graphics on level 2? The whole game wasn't done, so I understand, but doing anything other than Sail on the boat was subpar.

>> No.401076

I had problems with Seahats once. Fuckers kept knocking me off the boat as soon as I climbed back on it. But other than that, sailing was effectively relaxing, if somewhat empty (that's the sea for you). Just floating on the wind, looking at seagulls and having fun with the jump button. It actually felt like a real sea, it was great.

And it has my favorite overworld BGM in the series.

>> No.401073

Its not like any other zelda game. I would be like wanting to get into metroid by playing other:m

it wasnt a bad game by itself its just that all the other game of the serie are completely different.

>> No.401082

One thing that's bothered me about WW, just a nitpicky thing, is that the Sail and the Deku Leaf really could have been combined into one item. Ala the Leaf replaces the Sail, once you get it, as an upgrade.

You never use the sail or the leaf at the same time. Then again, you never use your sword on the boat so it just as easily could have been Sail assigned to B. Or Cannon assigned to B. The waste of available design space bothers me but it's incredibly fun, just nitpicking.

>> No.401087

It would be like getting into Metroid by playing MP:Pinball. or metroid prime itself Or getting into Rockman through Mega Man Soccer.

>> No.401101

.. or getting into Earthbound via Smash Bros.
Zelda II's a fine game but I wouldn't recommend it to start with in the same way I wouldn't recommend Majora or FF6 as anyone's first in the series.

>> No.401114

>Its not like any other zelda game.

That's not really a bad thing. It was only the second game, and most entries after the first two follow a very strict formula. I'm glad Zelda II is unique. Lets not mention the CD-i games

Honestly, I would applaud someone for wanting to get into the older Metoid games after playing Prime.

>> No.401128


I'm doing this, I've never played through it until now and I wanted to. I'm only using the manual and in-game hints. I found a lot of shit on my own already, I got the white sword and I found the next sword upgrade already (but can't pick it up) just by listening to what npcs have to say.

Once I beat this I will beat Zelda 2 the same way. I already beat LttP years ago.

>> No.401134

>That's not really a bad thing.
Being different isn't bad. The thing is, OP asked for an entry point in the series; giving him the one game that's nothing like the rest is a terrible idea.

>> No.401162

i did this as well

i got hella stuck on the 2 rooms of blue darknuts in the 4th/5th dungeon

I'm partly blaming it being hard as hell and also the fact that I'm playing on GC controller using the d-pad.

>> No.401178

AoL was actually my first Zelda game, and one of my earliest gaming experiences in general, but you have a point.

>> No.401186

>I'd have to play with a walkthrough by my side because it doesn't explain shit, so I gave up on that.

You should really work on exercising your brain.

>> No.401224

I see. So it looks like they are the same thing with minor not-really-relevant details right? I guess i'll try snes and dx then, thanks.

Also, are the stories related in any direct way? Or it doesn't matter which one i play 1st?

>> No.401237

>excercising your brain

This shit is for fun nigga, dont gimme that. It CAN be done like that if you want, but I think doing that cannot be an argument, just a choice.

>> No.401251

>Also, are the stories related in any direct way? Or it doesn't matter which one i play 1st?

Technically, Link's Awakening comes after ALttP, but it doesn't matter since the stories aren't connected. You'll understand once you beat LA.


>> No.401259

All of the games are standalone, with the exception of the Oracle games if you decide to link them. Some are obvious sequels to others (Ocarina of Time>Majora's Mask, for instance) but it doesn't impact anything major.

>> No.401304

>You'll understand once you beat LA

>tfw someone spoiled that for me yesterday in some thread...

>> No.401343

Personally, I would say (if you have a 3ds) to start with 3ds ocarina of time. It plays really well on the 3ds and looks amazing, not to mention the helpful hint system they added to it.

If you don't have a 3ds, I would say start with Wind Waker. Great story, and not to hard to figure out.

>> No.401348

Just beat level 3, found level 4 and got partway through it. I found level 6 but haven't ventured to far in. I did whatever level the tree dungeon and the end of the long path through the water was, so I haven't found level 1 or 2 yet (assuming the tree was one of them)

I'm playing with a wireless 360 pad, analog stick makes link kinda slippery.

>> No.401351

I think your a little off there.

There is a timeline.

Along with 3 timeline splits, the games are not all standalone.

Google Legend of Zelda Timeline

>> No.401359

You reached your hand through the monitor and strangled them, right?

>> No.401364


And here we go...

>> No.401382

I know about that timeline, but the fact that they had to release it years after the facts and it has no influence on the games. It's just fluff for fluff's sake, no need to know it and play the games chronologically to understand them or anything.

And that "Link loses" timeline pisses me off.

>> No.401393

Fair enough of an argument.

Also, I agree, Link losing is bullshit

>> No.401430

Dude. The game is almost 20 years old. You can't cry spoilers.

>> No.401438


Ok I found level 2 and beat it. I'm cruising right through this game, I think it's difficulty is pretty overstated.

>> No.401512 [SPOILER] 
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Here's scans of the map that came with the game if anyone wants it.

>> No.401516 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.404134

why the hell is there not a version of this map where you can actually see the detail put into it? this is frustrating as fuck.

>> No.405525

After you beat it try Second Quest. Shit hits the fan with stalfos that throw swords, invisible walls, skull bubbles that permanently disable your sword, and the dungeons being placed in very cryptic locations.