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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3930817 No.3930817 [Reply] [Original]

>The game was purposely balanced so that, while the sidequests are optional to making the story progress, characters who did not improve their skills and experience by completing sidequests would be too weak to finish the game.[7]

Great "freedom" the game gives you. They sell it as a "you can do anything" game that if you don't like a quest just ignore it and quests have so many possible outcomes so you don't have to do them a certain way but it all boils down to the same thing, you're railroaded into doing them or you don't finish the game, simple as that. And while you're at it keep in mind the peaceful or stealthy solution gives you less exp than just going in and shooting everyone so that leaves you weaker too. For being such a great "role playing game" you sure are forced to play it how the devs wanted you to.

>> No.3930823

You could always just grind.

>> No.3931319


yeah it's got problems for sure but it's still one of the greatest RPGs. its just a shame there aren't more viable builds

>> No.3931321

meanwhile people finish the game in 9 minutes

>> No.3931447

Invest in the "git gud" perk.

>> No.3932268


>great "freedom" I give myself. I take claims from a came campaign 20 years ago and hyperliteralize a slogan or two and I have to pick between shitposting about successful devs or admitting to myself that I'm a tool. if I dont play the game I dont have to get buttfrustrated at the immutable and popular opinions or get to shitpost about it, simple as that. And while I'm at it keep in mind that refraining from dumping my own half-formed ideas or simply lurking doesn't make this board a smarter place so I might as well just post this because my rhetorological fallacies prove to me that I have no choice. I'm jaded, play to many games, and have no idea what the market was like two decades ago. For being such an "adult male" i sure am a little bitch.

>> No.3932305
File: 120 KB, 1012x712, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. butthurt interplay dev

>> No.3932330

I know this isn't retro, but I had the opposite problem with Nier Automata. I obsessively completed every single sub-quest and explored all the secret areas and grinding spots I could find before doing the main quest. It got to the point where I was killing the main area bosses so quickly, they couldn't even show their other forms. Sort of spoiled things half way desu.

>> No.3932646

I still don't understand how a melee character is supposed to survive

>random battle at start of game
>it's raiders, all with guns
>they shoot you from halfway across the map before you can even get close enough to kill them or even run away
>game over

Every time I try a melee build on this or FO2 it always ends up the same way.

>> No.3932648

Do you know what they say about bringing a sword to a gunfight? It's a dumb idea even in video games, unless they're Japanese and the sword is a thrice folded nippon steel katana.

>> No.3932651

Also unless it's KOTOR.

>> No.3932656

So basically melee builds are just off limits? I have no idea how you would take out the Master with your fists.

>> No.3932697

I got this game for free on GOG some years ago. What do I need to get it running on a modern machine? I know there's some HD and widescreen mod that is necessary, anything else?

>> No.3932702

Stealth and using terrain to your advantage. High mobility and taking the initiative is also important.

>> No.3932847

>I still don't understand how a melee character is supposed to survive
10 END for e-z 200+ hitpoints
Kamikadze for highest possible Sequence, you attack sooner than most enemies
10 AGI and +2 squares per AP perk for moving fast
High STR for obvious reasons
Finesse for hitting people in the eyes with your fist and making them explode
When you get power armor you obviously become death the destroyer of deathclaws

And dpn't be affraid to experiment, Fallout is baout re-rolling your char 20 times in a row

>> No.3932854

And to adress OP's complaint. You only have to do BoS sidequest if you want to talk the Master into sudoku.

Or you can go full adventure games fan and figure out a complicated way to blow up mariposa nad the cathedral without firing a shot. You'll need: high INT char, science skill ~80% and cultist robes.

>> No.3933050

The problem with quests is you're not given much of an option. In the first town the guy is complaining about scorpions and never asks for your help but the only choices you have are "I want to help you" or "Bye". What on Earth makes my character want to risk his life to go kill some giant bugs for no reward for some guy that not only has he never met, but doesn't even like him? It's bad role playing. So you either break immersion and do his dumb quest or just not get experience.

>> No.3933130

Fallout 1 is for roleplayinmg a lawful good vault dweller type who looks and talks like JFK. Fallout 2 is for roleplaying an edgy tribal faggot who's more of a Dick Nixon type.

>> No.3933135

>Great "freedom" the game gives you. They sell it as a "you can do anything" game that if you don't like a quest just ignore it and quests have so many possible outcomes so you don't have to do them a certain way but it all boils down to the same thing, you're railroaded into doing them or you don't finish the game, simple as that. And while you're at it keep in mind the peaceful or stealthy solution gives you less exp than just going in and shooting everyone so that leaves you weaker too. For being such a great "role playing game" you sure are forced to play it how the devs wanted you to.

what is your point?
oh you just want to shit on a game that others enjoy, you couldn't, so now you shit post.

stfu. gtfo. and kys.

>> No.3933158

>I still don't understand how a melee character is supposed to survive

invest in endurance, strength, and agility. pick the heavy hitter and or the bruiser trait. tag melee or unarmed with a supplement tag of throwing, small g., big.g, energy weapons, or sneak. pick perks that supplement your particular melee playstyle. knowing how the mechanics of the game helps as well as knowing how to use the environment to your advantage.

i mean it's like you don't know how to play rpg games or something.

>> No.3933171

everything you need should be with the gog version. check the game folders.

>> No.3933175



>> No.3933379

>Not good at something
>Its harder by extension
I don't see the problem