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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 46 KB, 320x298, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3930386 No.3930386 [Reply] [Original]

How come this always gets a free pass for style over substance?

>> No.3930391

smash bros

>> No.3930393

Who fucking cares?
Play what you want and stop worrying about what other people feel.

Go find something interesting in the hundreds of thousands of retro games out there, and tell us about it.

It'd involve getting off of YouTube for a fucking minute, but-- gotta bust a few eggs

>> No.3930440

>free pass

>> No.3930464

There is tons of substance just not in your face and specially when you consider the other 2 games.
Treat the series as a whole.

>> No.3930507

>Treat the series as a whole.
Most of us didn't know Japanese back when the original game was relevant, and most of us didn't get a Wii U when it was officially licensed.
The third game hasn't been localized in any official capacity. To most westerners, there has only been EarthBound. And if it doesn't "click" with you, you're not likely to go seeking the other two out.

>> No.3930508

Considering the fact that people who want to 'try' getting into the series won't be able to get a hold of an original copy of EB much easier as any of the other ones considering the price and emulation and chink copies of all three of the games exist I'd say your argument doesn't really hold up.

>> No.3930517
File: 106 KB, 762x432, gameplayers6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we're not just discussing people that are trying to get into these games, we're discussing people who've played Earthbound and didn't like it.
OP is literally:
>How come this always gets a free pass for style over substance?
A claim someone who played earthbound back in the day on an original cart (way before scalpers made it into the unicorn it certainly isn't) might very well make.

>> No.3930521

Well I don't know how autistic some of these people might be but there's always the option to just move on.
If one didn't like it they might as well just play something different that they enjoy more but what do i know.
I honestly don't see why anyone would want to criticize this game for it's substance when it's literally one of the only few SNES RPGs that defers from the same old fantasy cliche story but to each their own i guess.

>> No.3930540

But thats the thing if you only play the second game in a trilogy there is a lot of stuff that is going over your head and is not that surprising that you find no substance in it.

>> No.3930541


>to most westeners, there has been only earthbound
Most westerners played smash broes where Lucas is playable.

Hell, in one of their E3's nintendo refrenced mother 3 itself and had the guy set on fire.

>> No.3930554
File: 448 KB, 500x500, mom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really need "a pass"?; policing a single valid approach to game design is only important for those who have little else going beyond their opinions and preferences, and feel the need get the notion validated that anything that diverges from theirs is "wrong"

Unless you actually think the project WAS trying to do more than capturing a particular mood and simply failed to deliver anything beyond basic jrpg gameplay; if so, why not try to actually argue your case instead of simply using a buzzword as a pre-packaged argument?

>> No.3930562

What is substance? Do you mean narrative depth? Because no jrpg has that. Even xenogears is just a pastiche of various Almost-Profundities. But it's fun and interesting. So are the Mother games, at least to me. I enjoy DQ a lot, those games are fun to me, Earthbound is similar but entirely different in tone, and is still fun to me. Fun is the main component to a game's substance.

The way nerds NEED to assign some kind of meaning to their juvenile interests is the reason why the mother community is so obnoxious. The inferiority complex makes them incapable of enjyoung any of this stuff at face value

>> No.3930567

Earthbound was the first hipster game.

>> No.3930569

OP probably means 'substance' in terms of gameplay. The Mother games are pretty basic jrpgs

>> No.3930571

>Most westerners played smash broes where Lucas is playable.
Which is not a part of the series.

>> No.3930583

They still obviously realize "guess there is more of them". Its just that anyone who wanted to play it played the fan translation already.

>> No.3930603

western obsession with the game. It's not exactly popular in Japan due to the mediocre game play, but Western nintendo fans have a bizarre sort of obsession with everything nintendo has done. An oddity like the earthbound/mother games which are a nintendo RPG not starring mario and is awash with quirky and unique moments for an RPG has made it garner a lot of attention despite its poor game play and it being pretty questionable whether those quirky moments are a good thing or are put to good use.

You can see the kinda person I'm talking about earlier in the thread. You can't question the quality of the game. You get a swarm of fanatics who refuse to even have the discussion take place who can't even take their own advice of "just leave it alone! Don't talk about it!" instead of thinking to themselves - "I'd rather not talk about it, so I'm not going to contribute." Very bizarre mindset, but fanatics aren't exactly reliable or reasonable people.

>> No.3930639

Uhhhh anon, The first Earthbound got a western release like 2 years ago

>> No.3930645

Nice projection my man. This post is so retarded I think I need to go over it.

>it's not exactly popular in japan
The game has quite a decent reputation in Japan, it's no DQ or FF but it has a fanbase. Itoi is a pretty big celebrity there, people know it by his name alone.
>western nintendo has a bizarre sort of obsession with everything nintendo does
Wow, a large company has a dedicated fanbase, who would've thought that. Even then even the most normal of normalfags shit on stuff like other m, it has its criticism.
>you can see the kinda people I'm talking about earlier in the thread
No, they were saying OP is a dumbass baiting, which he was, since EB gets shit on all the time here because its the cool thing to do.

Maybe, just maybe, consider people actually like it for what it is. For some a goofy DQ clone is good.

>> No.3930951
File: 19 KB, 505x382, DAIKAIJU MONOGATARI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fags and filename related is the best game ever made.

>> No.3930967
File: 817 KB, 1057x1920, mother2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is OP so based?
Starting a Mother thread with EB hate shitposting is the best way to let shitposters discharge on the first few posts and then we have a Mother thread, not a bad deal.
The guy who used to make daily anti-EB threads is probably still around and shitpost here, nobody cares anymore. The collectors will also come to shitpost about how it's a bad game because it's a shitty DQ ripoff that costs an arm and a leg (despite being able to learn japanese and play the original uncensored game for $20 or less).
Then there's not too many other people who cares about hating (or loving, for that matter, at least not like in 2008 when M3 eng patch released) anymore.

>> No.3931023
File: 45 KB, 468x334, Sansara Naga 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today fucker.
This false-flag thread was clearly made to talk about pic related.

>> No.3931028
File: 189 KB, 755x1057, link_to_ness_s_adventure_memoirs_translation_by_kenisu3000-d96r7xj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to read that, its like some kind of storybook with some pictures of events from the game.

Speaking of, here is a download of an official earthbound manga by benimaru itoh and translated into english. He made the metroid and star fox comics in nintendo power. Its obviously VERY abridged but very charming.


My dream is one day both the mother novels get translations, they sound insane.

>> No.3931032

I think I remember playing the game at school in the late 90s on an emulator called Nesticle.
Didn't have a home PC at the time.

>> No.3931147

It's a comedy game. Earthbound has the same amount of substance as the Bill and Ted movies. I like the rolling HP meter though.

>> No.3931239


What EB hate? OP is just asking why one style over substance game gets pedestalized while a bunch of other style over substance games don't.

>> No.3932706
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the only EB related thread right now so I might ask here.
Some months ago, there were some threads dedicated to an EB hack with sprites made by /vr/ users. A repainted version, if you want.
I searched online but I didn't find anything concrete except this: https://forum.starmen.net/forum/Community/PKHack/EarthBound-Repainted/page/1/
But honestly I can't tell if it is the same project posted here on /vr/.

Does anyone of you know what happened to that project?

>> No.3932837

This is a game. Gameplay is the substance of the game. Visuals, music, audio, all of that shit is just style.

>> No.3932858

Is this another case of "I skipped all dialogues, explain me what is going on" ?
Those guys from Eagleland...