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/vr/ - Retro Games

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392972 No.392972 [Reply] [Original]

Yay or Nay?

>> No.392985

Do it. It's a good dea

>> No.392979

I don't know shit about DC games, but I'd take it

>> No.392983
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Bump with random retro related shit.

>> No.393004

Yea on the basis of Dreamcast. Find some other games though. Sonic Adventure, Project Justice, Skies of Arcadia, Power Stone, Shenmue, House of the Dead 2, Jet Grind Radio. Those are a good start

>> No.392997

For 15 Bongbucks? GO for it

>> No.393010


>Two Controllers
>Two VMUs
>Six games

I'm American, but this is like $25~, right? I'd say this is a pretty decent deal, though none of the games are anything extraordinary.

>> No.393006

£27.00 altogether or $42

>> No.393023

The soul reaver port is the best version of Soul Reaver.

>> No.393027

ask the guy if it's a version 0 or 1 DC. If it's a V2, still get it, but be advised that it cannot play burned discs without modification

>> No.393046

It's ok guys, I'm gonna give this one a miss. Setting aside some money for a brand new PS1 with some fucking awesome games. Thanks anyway, I'll bear your advice in mind in the future.

>> No.393060

>Choosing a ps1 over a dreamcast

Emulate the PSX and buy the dreamcast, believe me. With an Emulator you can make PSX games look even better than they would normally.

The Dreamcast is a fucking gem

>> No.393057

>not getting this and Bleem so that he can play his PS1 games on his DC with AA and upgraded textures

>> No.393065

Get it and bleem.
DC can play PS1 games

>> No.393104

It can play PS1 games?! Anyone else confirm this?

>> No.393117


>> No.393118

Segafag here confirming.

>> No.393132

Isn't dreamcast piracy as easy as just burning games to cds and playing them?

>> No.393130
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>"though none of the games are anything extraordinary."
>One of the game is Soul Reaver
I want this man found. And I want him dead.
His whole family. Dead.

>> No.393138

Only certain models

>> No.393140

is it that good? New DC owner here, I'm picking up games according to the /v/ recommends wiki, as well as shit that interests me

>> No.393150
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Mui you're a faget

fucking get it

>> No.393147


>> No.393157


>> No.393154

Best version

>> No.393173

>tfw only having the inferior ps1 version

>> No.393165

Calling it the best version isn't saying how good the game is.

And the game is incredible.

>> No.393178

I'm sorry, I expected everyone to know that the game was fucking amazing.

I'm simply stating this is the peak of amazing.

>> No.393182

yes although a lot of games are too big to fit on a normal CD
Just so you know, the light gun doesn't work with modern TVs, you need a CRT for it

>> No.393189

...What games? You realize a GDRom is just a CDRom drive with flashed firmware, right?

>> No.393219

>this nigga
GD-ROM's =/= CD-ROM's
GD's hold up to 1.2 gigabytes per disc
CD's can only hold up to 700 megabytes

>> No.393240

also forgot to mention that GD-ROM drives work somewhat differently than a regular CD-ROM drive

>> No.393252

Most (I'd guess 99%) of games play just fine on regular CD's. There are a few games, like Shenmue II, which have scene releases where some audio might be cut to fit CD format.

>> No.393263

Nay because Dreamcast is off-topic on this board.

Take it somewhere else.

>> No.393260

There's no reason to not buy a dreamcast

Especially since you can burn games.

Just get the DC and a spindle of blanks and go to fucking town.

>> No.393259

are you telling me I DON'T need 99 min CD-R's for Skies of Arcadia?

>> No.393270

1999 Faggot

>> No.393278


>> No.393283


I have SoA on 2 80min CD's.

>> No.393289

Read the sticky you fucking retarded trip faggot
>sixth generation is not considered retro

>> No.393284

1998 in Japan
1998 everywhere else

>> No.393298

>Games on consoles released circa 1999
Dreamcast was 98/99

>> No.393301

So report the thread and go about your business.

>> No.393292

>6th gen

>> No.393294

I don't know, I have the retail version. And I never mentioned Skies of Arcadia in my post, where did you get that from?

>> No.393316

I didn't get it from you, merely implying that SoA doesn't work on regular 80min/700mb CD-R's. As >>393283 points out, SoA does work on regular CD-R's. I guess I've either botched up the burn job in DiscJuggler, or I've got a bad release.

>> No.393328

did someone steal it?

>> No.393327

ya blew it

>> No.393323
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OP here
>mfw I didn't buy it in the end, and realised after that I really, really should have.

>> No.393338

Use alcohol with overburn.

>> No.393330

I blew it.

>> No.393342

there won't be any missing data if I use overburn right?

>> No.393346


For some reason I recall it not working when I used DiscJuggler to put it on 80min CD's, but it did work when I used Alcohol 120%, even though as far as I knew I used identical settings on both. There were a couple other games that worked when I made them with A120% that didn't work when I made them with DJ as well.

Of course, people have pointed out on /vr/ that I seem to have an oddball dreamcast because I can play imports without any mods or a boot disc, so YMMV

>> No.393368

Nope, you'll be fine.

>> No.393393

Dreamcast's are not expensive.
That whole bundle at 15 is pretty normal, with the exception of the light gun which costs around 10-20.

>> No.393413

>mfw I paid 60 for mine from a retro vidya store
>mfw I realized how badly I got ripped off later
>mfw Sonic Adventure didn't even work

>> No.393418

>15 faggoty Ls
What's that in money?

>> No.393431


pretty damn cheap, like $20

A lot less than what most places would charge for that bundle. Most places I see want ~30 just for the console, cords, 1 controller and vmu

>> No.393437

Can someone give me a guideline of average prices for old consoles. (I'm talking 5th and 6th gen, maybe 4th)

>> No.393428

Around 23 dollars.

>> No.393442

Including handhelds.

>> No.393456

Check out several auction sites.
See if there's any actual auctions that have sold and not just fixed-price stores.
There's your average.
Dreamcast for instance has stores asking for $40 and $60 but sells fairly often for much cheaper.

>> No.393473

I love you /vr/. Here I am, trying to post something potentially lulsy or for attention, you guys just answer the question rationally. Godbless you, /vr/. And your autism, too!

>> No.393471


just check what they cost on ebay since that's what most people look at to set their prices when they're selling something they don't know much about.

>> No.393891

Can't you emulate DC yet?

>> No.393926
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Sorry for interrupting the thread, but,

I've been offered a VGA modded DC that is able to play burned games for ~$120. Deal or no deal?

>> No.393932

That's a massive ripoff.

>> No.394018
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>> No.394282


It's a good game, but also multiplat, isn't it? And not that hard to find.

>> No.394724

How can anyone be this stupid