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File: 34 KB, 256x224, darkhalf-6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3924762 No.3924762 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Dark Half? It looks great but i never see this game discussed here.

>> No.3924784

Might be one of the most underrated games, pretty unique and good too

>> No.3925117

What kind of game is it ?

>> No.3925269

JRPG where you play both the hero and the villain

>> No.3925401

Wow look at those tiny little men


>> No.3925408

Sounds cool, might give it a try

>> No.3925415

I looked this up on Wikipedia and all I got was a Stephen King novel and a movie based on it

>> No.3925426

I want to like it but outside of the novely of playing as both the good and the bad guy there's not much going for it, the gameplay is bland and too easy, the music might as well not exist, but at least you play as a legit asshole for a while which is fine.
It's cool but nothing really extraordinary.

>> No.3925454

I prefer Dark Law

>> No.3925497

It's a grid based tactical JRPG like Shining Force or Final Fantasy Tactics, one of the few on Super.

>> No.3925657
File: 72 KB, 302x459, ryuuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you played it? While isometric, it's not a tactical RPG. You can't even choose how you move your characters within the grid. It's a turn-based RPG with random encounters.

The main gimmick is that you alternate between playing as Rukyu, a god called the "fallen one" whom you awaken in the prologue, and Falco, a man tasked by a mysterious force with prevenitng Rukyu from carrying out the apocalypse.

Rukyu refuses to pick up or use items. He only fights with magic, which gets stronger by absorbing monsters. His max HP increases whenever he wins a battle. He can also turn monsters from random encounters into his followers so that you don't have to fight solo all the time.

Falco's side of the game plays more like a traditional RPG. You can buy items and equipment, find other party members, and also temporarily recruit mercenaries. However, like Rukyu, Falco doesn't gain EXP. His party gets stronger through orbs. which are found on the map or randomly dropped by enemies: chaos orbs increase your stats and magic orbs teach/increase magic levels.

Another important aspect is Soul Power, which you need to cast spells with Rukyu and to WALK. Unless you're in a town, each step you take consumes Soul Power. Slain monsters boost it, and Falco can also buy it. Rukyu however needs to rely on killing monsters and also people. If you want to have a somewhat easy time with Rukyu, you need to talk to all NPCs you find in order to kill them and absorb their souls (that's what's going on in OP's pic).

Killing everyone actually helps Falco because when you explore Rukyu's carnage, dead bodies give him rays of hope. The more you have, the better ending you'll get.

>> No.3925674
File: 978 KB, 2242x1238, darkhalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story unfolds in a very interesting way. You first play as Rukyu and it's almost an in media res experience since he and his followers know everything he needs to do to destroy the world, but you're left wondering why he wants to do it and what it all means. Then as Falco you unravel those mysteries slowly. The final parts of the game drop a TON of plot twists in quick succession. Not in a Chrono Cross wall of text off-screen bullshit way, but in a good way. Only right before the final battle does the whole story (and even the boxart) make sense, and only by seeing different endings is Rukyu's ordeal understandble. It's very memorable and atmospheric.

Graphics are hit and miss. The backgrounds and effects are good and have a gritty, dark quality to them, but the sprites are simplistic and slightly deformed. Monsters are well animated. The art direction is stellar, although actual artwork only appears in a few cutscenes.

Music and sound is awesome. The background music is very foreboding throughout most of the game, and the sound effects for when you kill people, monsters, or get into combat are on point.

It's a short game, divided onto six "days" of gameplay with each character and then the final battle. But I found it extremely memorable. Having to prepare each step in a dungeon or wether it's worth to fight monsters or not makes it very strategic and tense, since running out of soul power = dying and getting a game over. Limiting dungeon exploration like this is the only thing that may turn off people from playing this, but I found it cool rather than just cumbersome.

It certainly is unique. Even if more could have been done with the battle system it does feel like a complete, tight game and I really recommend it. The translation is also really good and a lot of thought was put into it (for the chapter titles especially).

TL;DR: awesome, unique game, go play it if you like RPGs.

>> No.3925753

thanks, that sounds great.
so... is it translated? I have found an article from 2015 which says it isn't and I'm too lazy to look on my own...

>> No.3925757
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Yes, it was released in May 2015. Here's the patch: https://agtp.romhack.net/project.php?id=darkhalf

>> No.3925785

>That was the last game AeonGenesis translated.

>> No.3925832

Damn, this really does sound cool as fuck. I've never heard it talked about. Thanks a lot OP!

>> No.3926078

It's not very good. The premise is interesting but the game itself is dull.

>> No.3926694

Dark Law and Dark Half have nothing to do with each other except having both the word Dark in the title, they're not even made by the same people.

The only game that is connected to Dark Law is Wizap! because it's basically part of the same series and it plays very similarly, though Dark Law being the last entry is naturally more elaborated.

>> No.3926748
File: 67 KB, 256x224, dh4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the snes dark soul