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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3923619 No.3923619 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3923620
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>> No.3923704
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>mfw you need seatbelts to buckle you in for a radical game

>> No.3923770

Thank you for understanding, anon. ;^}

>> No.3923772
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>> No.3923782
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It's pretty much all one-sided here.

>> No.3923784

After turning my head 90 degrees i realized youre playing bushido blade. FUCKING NICE, Anon!

>> No.3923840

So, you have your air conditioner and a massive CRT TV plugged into the same socket, and the AC is no doubt blasting condensation into the back of the TV set. Good going.

>> No.3923865 [DELETED] 

I dont live in Arizona or Florida like you poor fag. The a/c is almost never on.

>> No.3923893

That etherlink card actually works in your Amiga? I have one that I tried to use with a very old laptop, but it never worked.

>> No.3923918

It's Soul of the Samurai.[/spoilers]

>> No.3924143
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>> No.3924274
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>> No.3924276

>if you have small working television, on top of a large non-working televsion, you might be a Redneck

>> No.3924308

Near infinite preoccupation.

>> No.3924382

I love the stand man, I've been looking for one just like that. The raised part would be great to set a turntable on, and the glass doors to show off all the cool stereo equipment.

>> No.3924383

This is good

I'm scared for you anon, please smoke outside, I don't want you to die

>> No.3924384

I still see these at Goodwills near me, nearly identical. no joke. I'm always tempted but I don't have the space.

>> No.3924392

this station is pretty dope, but i feel like it hasn't reached its final form yet. swapping that big wega with a pvm would really feng shui that whole nook

>> No.3924419

I check all the time, and they definitely have old stands, but not like those. Wish they had them here

>> No.3924494
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>> No.3924516
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>> No.3924532

I love wood-grain walls. Close up of PS1 games?

>> No.3924538
File: 3.40 MB, 4128x2322, 20170415_002852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly Final Fantasy games.
>Final Fantasy Origins
>Final Fantasy Anthology
>Final Fantasy Chronicles
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy VIII
>Final Fantasy IX
>Chrono Cross
>Spyro: Year of the Dragon
>Ogre Battle
>Metal Gear: Solid
>Breath of Fire III

>> No.3924545
File: 638 KB, 768x768, 1491313267327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice m8

>> No.3924595 [DELETED] 

>Phony Memetron
>Memehabetical order
>Meme of War
>MemeC mixed with Memesis
>Memetendo N6meme

5/10 you can do better.

>> No.3924626
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>> No.3924634
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Old pic as current room is a mess 1/?

>> No.3924638
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>> No.3924647

Yeah a 20 inch pvm would be what i would prefer.

>> No.3924743
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i know its not a crt but I had to make a choice

>> No.3924750
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I'd go with a 27" Profeel tbqh. Bonus points for rosewood side trim like the one Anonymous of Jacksonville has in storage.

>> No.3924753
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it's softmodded if it matters

>> No.3924756

>clocking in to play your games

Parents must have you on a pretty short leash anon

>> No.3924790

Where did you get those Lemmings dolls? They look cute.

>> No.3924792

>Heineken beer
That's disgusting, anon. If you're gonna drink then at least have a little more taste.

>> No.3924795

Were you that anon who left some games in his childhood home and got them taken away by his sister? If so, is that your whole collection or do you also have some games on a flashcart?

>> No.3924804

I put my alarm clock on my TV when I'm playing on my CRT just to get an idea of how long I'm playing a game. It happens often that I want to play a PSX or SNES game for 5 minutes but it ends up taking almost an hour.

>> No.3924842


It has to be a 16bit one though as the PCMCIA slot is only 16.

>> No.3924846


my mate's wife made them.

>> No.3924850


>> No.3924910

Yes, and that's the whole collection I've rebuilt. I'm not big into flashcarts, I get why people love them, but it's not my thing.

>> No.3925668

I wish i could find a profeel here

>> No.3925680
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>> No.3925930

So did I anon

Then I lucked into one for £5 and now it's my favourite display for retro gaming (over a BVM-20F1E I might add)

>> No.3925941

Im in california. From my understanding amerifats never got profeels :(
Sonindont think i will ever be so lucky as to come up on a profeel:(

>> No.3925945

Just what are we trying to do here?

>> No.3925952


If you're gonna collect your own piss, shouldn't you at least cap it? Just askin'.

>> No.3926026
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i usually post on /v/ to mixed results, generally positive but sometimes hard hate.

>> No.3926029
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the small couch faces this setup. though i swapped the small pvm for my amdek color-I as i found it handles shitty composite slightly better.

>> No.3926116
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Excuse the cords. My AV switch box stopped working a few days ago.

>> No.3926168

Where do you live? I wanna be best friends with you.

>> No.3926176

Mmm, love those old keyboards, aesthetic/10

>> No.3926178

Married and over 30 or very single?

>> No.3926181

/v/ only likes Ikeacore and fucking comfy childhood bedrooms.

>> No.3926182

If that CRT has component or S-video that's really a top-teir comfy set.

>> No.3926185
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>That bottom left shelf
>The boxes
>The cable organization
Pretty lame, Milhouse

>> No.3926192

Decent set up, love the laserdisc, hate what you put on the wall. Those NES frames are tacky IMO

>> No.3926204
File: 440 KB, 1224x918, DSCN1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle of fucking nowhere Nebraska

also enjoy this joke setup i made the other day, not entirely sure what i will do with this 8 inch pvm since i have since upgraded. (mostly used it to test the waters to see if i really wanted to drop the money for a full blown RGB setup.)

>> No.3926205

Omaha styleeeee

>> No.3926206

i'm about 3 hours west of Omaha

>> No.3926215

I like the picture frames, but dislike the controllers on the wall. I had controllers on display like that once, but over time the plastic-y aesthetic started wearing on me.

>> No.3926220
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Gotten hate in the past because I'm messy and leave controllers out, plus it's Saturday, and I drink. Maybe I'll clean Sunday.

>> No.3926224

Never noticed the Halo Reach legendary edition statue in the bottom left before. This photo tells such a fascinating story

>> No.3926226
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I am working on organizing tho, my Sega shelf looks nice I think. Wish I had a better way to display Genesis carts though.

>> No.3926249

>Zillion II
You did it
You pissed me off

>> No.3926251

I'm gonna need you to redistribute all of that

>> No.3926263

Gimme some advice bud, I play something everyday, I keep my aesthetics elsewhere. But Id like some input

>> No.3926287

Maudite is delicious

>> No.3926291


>> No.3926302

Thats the nicest thing ive gotten on this board, ill take it.

>> No.3926346

>He never listened to 311

>> No.3926352

your tv still looks ridiculous on that stand

>> No.3926361 [DELETED] 

How does your tv look on its stand, poorfag.
Post pic

>> No.3926364


>> No.3926443
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the Commodore monitor in that mysterious little cabinet and put the hdtv directly in between on top. Also you should get a much bigger hdtv.

>> No.3926476

How exactly does having the foresight of not having your TV block the cool breeze of your AC make you a poorfag?

>> No.3926485

I dont understand this photo

>> No.3926486


>> No.3926561

Its never on. For tue few times that it is on the vents that the cold air comes from is on top of the a/c with a directional adjustment.
Also this isnt really the final resting position for the battle station.
I have plans of getting a room dedicated to all my video game stuff.

>> No.3926697

These are my favorite threads on /vr/. Maximum comfort-tier.

>> No.3926698

that pvmeme supposed to be ironic? pls tell me thats not your main display.

>> No.3926716

That's a great little custom metal stand. If you ever feel ambitious I'm sure it'd look great polished up and painted. The wife and I are doing something similar for a patio table.

>> No.3926725
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted my setup here once before. I guess it's alright to post it again.

>> No.3926794
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Looks like you could do with a few of these ;-)

>> No.3926802
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>> No.3926850

did you read the post? he literally said it was a joke.

>> No.3926875

good lad

>> No.3926892

This isn't the gore thread

>> No.3926893

I'll give you some hate for the commie flag and the sheet of paper with a utorrent logo taped to your wall you silly bastard

>> No.3926909

is that some sort of thumbhole stock or is the picture deceiving me?

because if that is a thumbhole stock then that's pretty lame

I'd post my setup but it's a bunch of non-retro consoles hooked up to a plasma TV that I struggle with every day because I'm too much of a cheap-ass to buy an actual good TV

I really love the final fantasy battle menu being burnt into my TV instantly whenever I play

>> No.3926939
File: 179 KB, 800x1440, 17973830_10212803416424270_6737908198991294758_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some consoles not pictured, like my NTSC SNES or Dreamcast.

plz no h8

>> No.3926958
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Quite luckily, it's got S-Video.

It's from 1988 and S-VHS (by extension S-Video) was introduced in 1987 so it's gotta be one of the first consumer sets with that input.

It was my late Grandma's set. I imagine it was high-end at the time and she paid a lot for it.

>> No.3926963

Thanks famalam I am definately gonna do that

>> No.3927023

Fuck yeah Nebraska

>> No.3927307

NP. Also since I see a Wiimote and no Wii I'll assume it's already in that cabinet. I'd hook it straight to that Commodore (via RGB if possible) and have a little dedicated emustation someone else could play. From the beer, casual decor and apparently non-bedroom I'm assuming you have at least one friend.

>> No.3927319
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Literally my family for a while.

>have a Curtis Mathes that came with the house
>color gets screwed up, probably gaussing
>HDTV's were still really expensive so we just put a typical black box CRT on top of it

>> No.3927323

Are you retarded? Please tell me you're being ironic

>> No.3927326

You cozy bastard/10

>> No.3927462

Great stuff, would you mind answering a few questions?

1- why so many monitors? Do you use all of them, or keep extras for different reasons?

2- Are those professional switchers or something, under the desk? I've seen 'em used along with pvm's, but never found out the reason why.

3- Ever had any ventilation problems with this setup? I'm always thinking wether i'd go for something similar to your setup, or a bunch of metal shelves like some people use (they usually seem so flimsy, though).

>> No.3927532

Not him but those are bnc matrix switches. I've been meaning to pick up one or at most two myself for the whole house. With that many he could theoretically have it hooked up to where he could send any of those consoles to any or all of the monitors but my gut tells me he's too tidy to tolerate the cabling nightmare even if he felt like shelling out the not-insignificant cost of all that copper.

>> No.3927559

What TV?

>> No.3927871
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>> No.3927889

looking comfy. that TV is sweet

>> No.3928220
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, guy from the 5 monitor setup.


1. Pretty much only one main reason for having all of those monitors: because I can. Well, not entirely true. The PVM-2950QM is for when friends come over and want to play on a big ass screen. The PVM-20L5 is mainly for multiformat stuff, 480p etc. The BVM 20F1 is for ridiculiously sharp 240p content. I guess I don't really need the two 14" BVMs but they just fit so well in the 19" rack haha.

2. Yep. Extron Crosspoint matrix switchers. I have two eights and a twelve hooked up for 28 inputs (26 if you exclude the two used for daisy chaining). The best thing about them is they allow you to route any combination of inputs with outputs. So for example I could have one console running on all six screens, or six different consoles running on each of the six different screens, one console running on two screens and another on the other four screens. You get the idea. The worst part about them is they require csync to operate which can cause problems with consoles like the Playstaion line that dont natively output csync.

3. No ventilation problems that I have encountered so far. I would definitely recommend a setup like this.


I have them all hooked up with SCART to BNC adapters (which I made myself) and have routed the outputs to the 5 monitors. I plan to use the other 3 for stuff like an Extron RGB interface which I'll look back to the switcher, and maybe a Framemeister to the LCD when I can get my hands on one of them.

>> No.3928223

Some of the consoles in the setup were not hooked up at the time of this picture to be fair. Case in point the AV Famicom

>> No.3928250

nanidato disco lady? he hasnt done anything recently has he? tfw no more aloe island posse

>> No.3928419
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>I imagine it was high-end at the time and she paid a lot for it.
1989 CK35308 was $1799, I bet that set was pretty spendy too.

>> No.3928421
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>> No.3928474

fellow CRT- and extron-collector here. Question: what's your point for having this setup? I mean ... it may be nice to switch between tubes, ok, but it's hardly a multiplayer-setup, is it? And what are you doing with the 14" and the floor? Let my guess: these are all tubes and consoles you have and you just want to utilize them? If i'd build a setup with all my CRTs ... dang, i have 36. It would be kinda overkill.

>> No.3928519

Shit, Man I only have 24 including the 5 inchers, the Vectrex and three each in my Ninjawarriors cabinet and both of my projectors

>> No.3928556

Comfiest station I've seen.

>> No.3928569
File: 407 KB, 526x500, homecade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have all of my retro consoles and still love them, but since I got this I just fell in love, it's such an amazing feeling to play on this

>> No.3928694

>rasberry pi

are the buttoms and sticks good at least?

>> No.3928706

not him but it looks like a KV-27FV300 the "310" fixes the problems with this model with better audio quality and better high voltage regulator for less white bowing.

>> No.3928821

I've got more CRTS out the back as well. Like maybe another 4 or 5. I just do it because I can, because it looks cool and yeah to get some use out of them all. Better to have them in a setup and get occasional use then have them out in the shed where they dont get used at all.

>> No.3928841
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>> No.3928903

I'm about to move everything out to redo the floor, while I have it out I'll be able to grind the welds and paint it. Not sure what color yet.

>> No.3929693
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>> No.3929696
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>> No.3929701
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>> No.3929714


>> No.3929716


How many levels of irony are you behind? 0?

>> No.3929720
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All the retro consoles are connected to the CRT just don't have room under it

>> No.3929724


Hi moosefriend. Thank you for posting.

>> No.3929796

are those magazines nintendo power?

>> No.3929817

most of them, theres a bunch of ultra game players there, old nes guides, books

>> No.3929987
File: 413 KB, 1560x2080, IMG_20170417_204138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, I have a bunch from the paper mario issue and up, their condition kinda sucks since I had them as a kid tough.

>> No.3930032

I love that stuff, it's pretty trippy going through books and magizines that I poured over as a kid. Before the internet there was 2 ways you got information: Nintendo Power and the playground

>> No.3930738


you meme motherfucker

>> No.3930741

>walker sprite.
I played the hell out of the Walker demo as a kid. Wasn't until years later I realised I was working at the company who made it (DMA > R*N). Cool as fuck.

Really lovely Amiga stuff in general. Super jelly.

>> No.3930752

Lol I stole the commie flag from a house party when I was in college and my little brother made me that little drawing bahaha I can see how you'd think it was autism though

>> No.3930758

Yeah it's a thumb hole stock, and I'm left handed, and it's going to go. Just bought it a few weeks back from a coworker for 300 bucks.

>> No.3930763

>tfw want to post my battlestation but I'm at work
>moving house and nothing is on display so it'd look like shit anyway

When it's all set up I'll def post it. My previous setup was laden with posters and figures and shit, so I'm slimming down and making it more simplistic.

>> No.3930787

>Heineken beer

>> No.3931565

Tell me the story behind that Keith Apicary signed Neo Geo, plz!

Also, i think it's time for some good vacuuming, man, there's some serious dust action on your stuff... great setup, otherwise.

>> No.3931586


Thanks for the answers. I kinda feel jelly over your availability, goddamn... you got 2 pvm's just for the sake of aesthetics, whilst i'm stuck in a country where most of the pvm's available online (locally, that is, not considering international shipping because, c'mon $$$) are at most 8"- 14", and expensive as fffffuck.

I wouldn't mind a good crt with component and s-video, but i'd kill for the likes of Ikegami, NEC and Band & Olufsen Crt's/monitors around here. Thankfully Trinitrons and Wegas are common find...

>> No.3931621



>> No.3932146

It's literally one of the worst. What is wrong with you?

>> No.3932218

welcome /g/

>> No.3932401

Bumping for story. Also interested

>> No.3932404

No problem. Yeah I got super lucky with some of my pickups.

>> No.3933371

bretty gud

>> No.3933380

Nice moose.

>> No.3933389

I like the use of an old van seat. Kids these days will never know the feel of dad bringing in one of the bench seats to make room to haul shit and having a cool spot to sit until there was a big enough obligation to justify hauling those heavy bastards back out to the van

>> No.3933396

It's sad that console tvs will never make a come back.

>> No.3933405


>> No.3933419

Stop defending its placement and answer the question

>> No.3933430

Jeeeesus. Congrats. You've done it. You have convinced someone who has lived in Minnesota their entire life and now hates the snow that it can make for a very comfy atmosphere. I'd love to play retro games next to a wood burning stove. Maybe even go off the grid entirely and retrofit a genny to use wood.

>> No.3933463

i'm on the 62nd parallel, where is that?

>> No.3935415

That was an aswer . Damn your reading comprehension.

>> No.3935839
File: 2.84 MB, 4160x2340, 20170420_225610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the phoneposting it's all I have.
I still live with my mom and I have a tiny room to keep all my stuff so I have to make do.

>> No.3935842
File: 2.93 MB, 4160x2340, 20170420_225635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get a nice CRT if I had room but oh well. They don't look too bad on this.

>> No.3935847
File: 2.53 MB, 4160x2340, 20170420_230349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3935852

This looks like a guy I know from NY that got a divorce in his late 20''s and moved back in with mom. Now all he does is buy steam games he will never play and his physical collection sits stagnant. Living with mom for the past 6 years, his brother lives there too lol.

>> No.3936164
File: 276 KB, 700x700, 1459188120803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so nice and comfy. It reminds me of a cabin I use to go to and play N64. Also nice Nickelodeon clock.

>> No.3936185
File: 36 KB, 245x245, 1482552228556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The name written on the Neo Geo.

>> No.3936195

what are those sub-shelves in the ikea cubes, I need something like that so much

>> No.3936324

They're called the Variera series from Ikea. They're the shelf inserts. They're actually supposed to be for bathrooms/kitchens but amazingly enough they perfectly fit inside the Kallax/Expedit shelving units. ALMOST perfect fit, there is a bit of space on the sides so when you play the console actually moves around a little bit if you tug on the cords but not too much. Probably a better option would be to cut some wood to size and build your own shelves that fit flush in the squares. If you look at my setup the xbox on the very far left is sitting on a wood one I made myself. Fits far better in the unit but of course you actually need to go to the effort of building it yourself. When I get around to it I'll probably try and build wood ones for all the consoles so I can have them at varying heights just to maximise space and fit in as many consoles as I can.

Variera link for reference:


>> No.3936504


>> No.3936643

That's some arcade record holder's name, not just some faggy kid who didn't want his scummy friends to steal it or whatever.

>> No.3936649
File: 841 KB, 3024x2914, desk old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old rig, new one is more functional for regular computer tasks, but not nearly as fun for retro games

>> No.3937083
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