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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3921345 No.3921345 [Reply] [Original]

>SHe uses Save States in classic video games

>> No.3921358

Yeah, any usage of save states is a dangerous slippery slope. I stopped using them completely a few years ago, and it has increased my enjoyment of games a lot. Even if I'm playing a game without passwords, when I shut off the emulator it effectively means shutting down the console. Without straight-up collecting it's a decent way to get immersed into "authentic" gameplay.

>> No.3921371
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>frog posting

>> No.3921413

If she enjoys it. Why do you care? As long as people play and enjoy the games. Im a consoledude btw... I don't want to be in an exclusive club. I want people to enjoy these amazing games

>> No.3921420

dumb fucking frogposter. this isn't /v/

>> No.3921443
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So long as she doesn't claim to legitimately have beaten the games, who cares how she enjoys them?

>> No.3921447

I only use save states to hold my place when I stop playing. I don't typically have lots of time to sit and play, so save states make it nice for that reason.

Using them to savescum, though, I think completely ruins the experience. Consequences are part of the game. Built-in save states are part of what's wrong with a lot of modern games, in my opinion.

>> No.3921452

How old are we?? Who cares about beating games? Enjoy games. If that involves 1ccing dodånpach by all means. If it means savescumming through whatever... Who cares. Games are for enjoyment.

>> No.3921457

>I don't typically have lots of time to sit and play, so save states make it nice for that reason.
Damn straight. I get maybe an hour's worth of free time a day to game, I don't have 2-4 hours to sit through a platformer and I don't wanna play the first 7 levels over and over again.

I also use them as a substitute for actually saving the game. I can either save-state and come back tomorrow exactly where I left off, or I can spend 5-20 minutes finding a save point, save the game, then come back tomorrow and spend another 5-20 minutes getting back to where I was. Take a wild guess which option I'll go with.

>> No.3921463
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>I also use them as a substitute for actually saving the game.

Yup, this too. That time adds up.

>> No.3921464

This is always the excuse. It was your decision to marry that nagging bitch, never forget. In all seriousness, only an hour? That blows, dude. I work 60 hours a week, an hour a day for /fit/ness, DM for my friends on weekends and I still get 6-8 hours of gaming in a night. You got a long commute or something?

>> No.3921470

Personally I've only allowed myself the use of save states in overly long classic JRPG dungeons. I don't have time anymore to waste an entire hour of gameplay because the only save point was before the boss and you didn't want to backtrack 20 floors to get to the minimap to save and rest

>> No.3921474

>60 hours a week work
>if 5 days a week, 12 hours a day
>6-8 hours of gaming a night
>6-4 hours left for sleeping, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc
Seems legit.

>> No.3921479

I work 7 days. 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I get a two hour lunch break, which is when I go home or go shopping. Having a 5 minute commute is nice.

>> No.3921483

>I work 7 days.
>4-5 hours of sleep a night
>2 hours in the middle of the day
What the fuck sort of crap job do you have that you need to work every day, and spend 2 hours in the middle burning time?

>> No.3921484

Why are you being so rude to this guy? This isn't, /v/, friend.

>> No.3921489

Those are two different people.

>> No.3921491

>I can save anywhere at anytime?

You're damn right I did. It was too much power for kid me and I abused the shit out it.

>> No.3921496

Using save states just feels dirty and wrong. I honestly feel like a bad person if i use them

>> No.3921516

I work at a private university as an electrician. I don't really have a supervisor so if there's no work to do, which is often, I'll just fuck off for a couple hours midday. It's actually great and pays very well because these for profit institutions are 4-year cruise ships robbing kids blind. I get so little sleep because of the alcoholism. Gonna cut back on the gaming to get a master's degree soon, which is also free if I get it here.

It's fine dude, I've been here forever.

>> No.3921519
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>which is also free if I get it here
Beautiful thing.

>> No.3921585

I use save states, however i only use them in save points and only when i'm about to leave the pc so i can continue from where i left later.

I never use save-states as a "get out of jail" card or to avoid the consequences of my mistakes, if i die, then i died, if i get a game over, then it's game over and i'll start all over again.

>> No.3921587

quick Save states, the feature developers wish they had back in the day

>> No.3921598

Autism Speaks: the thread

>> No.3921623

I'd rather play 4 hours and get more sleep, considering the fitness part

>> No.3921646

Why not claim I can run a 4 minute mile? Or that I have climbed Mount Everest? I mean, who cares about personal integrity anyway?

>Who cares. Games are for enjoyment
That's precisely what I was arguing in my original post you trog.

>> No.3923403

It's a different context now. Back then you could rent a game and you would spend the whole weekend trying to beat it. The difficulty would just add to the value since you wanted to maximize your time with it. Now that I'm older I just want to play the game and enjoy it, I don't want to deal with doing the same segment in game just for bragging rights, because who the hell am I going to brag to? /vr/? If a game has a bullshit difficulty I'm going to play with savesates because I don't have unlimited freetime to grind out a game.

>> No.3923847

>I get maybe an hour's worth of free time a day to game

So this.....is the power of wageslavery

Unless you're a parent, there is simply no excuse for having 1 hour of freetime a day. How do you not kill yourself?

>> No.3923856

No, no read it again, he said he has 1 hour a day to game.

He has 7 hours to talk shit to random people on the internet.

>> No.3923864

>game has strong monsters in certain areas to discourage going there
>save state until you beat them

replace save state with difficult jumps in platformers, puzzle solutions, or any other thing that is supposed to have consequences. Play the game by it's rules.

>> No.3923876


I will however, use them to practice certain levels in shmups that I have a hard time with. For example, I'll make a save state right when I start a level in a game like R-Type. If I'm having a tough time in it, the next time I play the game I might just load that save to practice the stage. I don't let myself continue from or beat the game after the level, it's only for single stage practice.

I feel a little guilty about it since it is making the game as a whole a lot easier for me to get good at, but I think the ability to practice tough levels without having to play up to them has been a godsend for the shmup genre, and I don't think it's necessarily cheating to use save states to get good. Even if it is something the game wasn't designed in mind with.

On a real playthrough, I'll start the game from the very beginning.

>> No.3923892

>implying you don't save scum

>> No.3923906

I savescummed first Ecco to hell and back.
Literally savestate every half a minute, even more often if things got intense.
Do I regret it? Kinda. I mean, It was cheap and I dont feel any accomplishment, but at least I got to play through the game, see it all and stuff.
It wasn't genuine experience by any means, one level above watching an extensive play-through if I had to specify.
If not for savescumming tho, I would drop it after the caves. It was just too hard for me. Repeating one level over and over just to die after making a slight bit of progress is not my definition of fun.
Im glad I could play the game and see what it had to offer even though I had to use such cheap tricks as save states.

>> No.3923975

>he uses memefrog in his posts

I really wish sage did something.

>> No.3924586

Whatever helps you sleep at night anon.

>> No.3924649
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In a game that allows you to create saves at any moment, how often do you save? After every successful battle/attack? Only in towns?

When I did the latter in SaGa Frontier the game got more exciting to play.

>> No.3924798
File: 89 KB, 387x260, 1373042375866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go over to my cousin
>he's emulating Pokemon Emerald
>has autosaves enabled
>every savestate slot is filled
>he reloads after missing an attack
>lose a battle, reload
>miss a catch, reload

>> No.3925320

How is this even fun?

>> No.3925321

fuck off

>> No.3925325

You think that's bad?!

>friend likes Final Fantasy so I recommend him Chrono Trigger
>he plays it emulated
>with keyboard
>windowed, smallest size possible
>HQ2X filter on
>sound turned off, listens to random music at the same time
>during battle abuses the fast forward key while spamming attack
>abuses savestates and loads every minute when his fast forward gets him killed
>he constantly switches to another game at the same time, some shitty korean MMORPG in which a bot grinds for him
>While also constantly chatting on a messenger

At least the TV wasn't on.

>> No.3927143

Doesn't sound fun at all.