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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 285 KB, 2000x2005, Castlevania_-_Symphony_of_the_Night_(gamebox).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3908298 No.3908298 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.3908302


Fuck that overrated shit.
It's not special.

>> No.3908384


>> No.3908391
File: 66 KB, 484x484, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Cuckjima.

>> No.3908392

>Another "don't you hate these games??" thread

Know that you're part of the reason /vr/ has gone downhill.

>> No.3908393

unfortunately i only hate unpopular games so i have to apologize for not having anything to post in your awesome original thread.

>> No.3908395
File: 51 KB, 640x619, Final_Fantas_Tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game where I learned I hate the entire tactical strategy genre. I just don't have the patience for an entire game of 15-minute battles.

>> No.3908408


Fuck that overrated shit.
It's not special.

>> No.3908863
File: 162 KB, 640x621, TM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted badly to like this game as a kid, but could never bring myself to like it.

>> No.3908870

I don't really hate some popular games, but I do find some popular games just average and underwhelming.

Super Metriod being a prime example.

>> No.3908890

This is me. I found out that Twisted Metal Head On (PSP, PS2) is for me.

>> No.3908949

Redpilled as motherfuck opinion pls upvote: the thread

>> No.3909197

This. These threads add nothing that is interesting.

>> No.3909202

I tried playing the 3D Zelda titles but they never clicked me. They're good titles but not for me

>> No.3909983

>hurr we put the word "shit" and fmv tits in FF to push Playstation sales

>> No.3909998

This is the game that saved me from writing off RPGs entirely after trying several that were all "hit A to win" grind-fests.

>> No.3910463

...I wasn't aware that his wife cuckolded him. Where are you getting this personal information?

>> No.3910510


>> No.3910687
File: 34 KB, 478x264, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't really see what's so great about it, I can't even get the motivation to continue playing it (only played for like 5 hours total) but every other FF from 1-10 (except 2 and 8) hooked me pretty quickly, and I never had a problem needing to build up a desire to play them.

>> No.3911331

Mega Man 2 was just OK to me, it felt sort of empty compared the Super Mario Bros. and the platforming felt kind of clunky

>> No.3911371

2D is better honestly.

>> No.3911739

A Link to the Past

>> No.3912395

his wife's son

>> No.3912435

All we need is a "Anyone else think earthbound is shit?" post and the thread will be complete.

Nothing wrong with not liking any of these games but these threads devolve into nothing but people circlejerkimg the same views.

>> No.3912775


So Castlevania... before i ever played my first castlevania game i was MADE aware that this was supposed to be the pinnacle of 2 D platform gaming, kinda like early nineties.

So i play my first castlevania game, and i dont see it. The game is mediocre at best, Nothing special about it. So i play my second, third and so on and on. I keep playing them because people claim they are something special. And you know what? They arent really bad games, they just arent very good games either. And this crap still goes on and on and will never end.

But anon i am glad you dislike them too!

>> No.3912823

Loved it until I played Ogre Battle and realized that it was literally Ogre Battle for kiddies who would slurp up anything with the promise of playing as Cloud Stife.

They fucking killed the game that would have made Ogre Battle a household name to get some more FFVII bucks.