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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 512x512, cartridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3906987 No.3906987 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you interested, here is the new ROM depot link. Sorry for the downtime. Never renewed the domain and was busy with life stuff y'know. Enjoy


>> No.3906998

I'd totally forgotten about this.

>> No.3907001


>> No.3907005
File: 174 KB, 413x387, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3907008
File: 125 KB, 387x283, thumbs up chaizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than my old go-to, that's for sure.

It's always nice to have an alternative for times when GoG fails me.

>> No.3907018 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1491454929589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bullied you years ago
Now you come back to my turf thinking I wont do shit famalam? well guess what you thought right

>> No.3907028


Well honestly I was hoping we could come to like a peace treaty or something. I'm not gonna be a doucher

>> No.3907030
File: 24 KB, 135x111, fergferfin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when the rom depot is back

>> No.3907031
File: 56 KB, 540x391, Console-War-Text-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for continuing the site.
Its good. Typically I just download entire rampacks, but if I need a specific thing I will try and remember to use yours.

>> No.3907035


I have a few rom packs on there if you're interested but it may not be as complete as others. If you see something missing I have an upload form too. Or you can just let me know and I'll get it up for you

>> No.3907136

I had hoped this was dead a buried after you stopped your regular shilling
>check link
I feel much better now.

>> No.3907147

Protip: he actually didnt shill it much, there was one guy just falseflagging threads to make him look bad.

>> No.3907154


I mean, you can call it shilling all you want, but I'm not asking for money. It's completely free. It only cost me $15 a year for the domain. I made the site out of sheer boredom a couple years ago so I'd rather it just be used than anything.

>> No.3907229

Why is the website down already?

>> No.3907273
File: 312 KB, 530x320, yare yare daze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP In Pepperoni

>> No.3907278


Whoops sorry, should be back up in a bit. Updating a few things.

>> No.3907284
File: 80 KB, 618x800, She-is-sooooo-sexy-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't work

so I'm hijacking this thread for some MAME advice

I can't use a joypad with Mame, and many of the games don't work.

when I use Mame32 frontend I can use the usb joypad but many of the games don't work.

so, if I don't use a frontend and just use the Mame window to load games, I can't get the joypad to work. I enable the joypad option in the properties and click Apply, but then when I load the game the joypad still doesn't work

>yes I have uploaded the joypad drivers and as I said it does work with the Mame32 frontend it's just that 80% of the games don't load on that frontend

>> No.3907285

Site should be back now.

>> No.3907294

It's up! I'll have to remember this page.

>> No.3907315

If all else fails, use a keyboard mapper.
It maps joypad presses to keyboard input.

>> No.3907582


>shilling without profit

I don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.3907583


Works fine for me

Btw OP I love the Silence of the Lambs reference

>> No.3907605

A) If games don't work, you either don't have the right version of the rom, or you are missing BIOS files, or it requires a .CHD and you don't have it. Easiest fix, download specific version roms and whatever version of MAME that goes with it. Or figure out which .CHD file it's looking for.

How to find out? Try running the game from command line. "Yourpathhere\mame64.exe gamename.zip" If it won't load, it will tell you exactly which files it was expecting you to have, as well as the .zip names the files expected to be in.

B) As for the joypad problem, try configuring the game and joypad AFTER the game is loaded. I use a PS3 controller, it works fine. If it doesn't recognize a button, I fix it after the game is loaded.

>> No.3907703

Thank you man.

>> No.3907706

Where did you get these PS1 isos? Are they the official [redump]s?

>> No.3907736
File: 58 KB, 460x215, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a gentleman and a scholar and I can't believe that people are even complaining.

The ScummVM collection is great! There are a number of new games it supports since the last time romdepot was up, could you perhaps add these? (see recent news on scummvm, or the current compatibility list).

>> No.3907764

Why isn't there HTTPS?

You don't have to pay for it anymore.



>> No.3907784
File: 487 KB, 640x4000, Exhumedmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking your DOS folder.

Your versions of Powerslave/Exhumed are wrong.

The "Powerslave" rar is a crappy beta version.

Your "Exhumed" isn't Exhumed either and it's yet another Powerslave Beta.

That's on top of being rips which don't have the CD, therefore no music..

Please remedy this. These beta versions of Powerslave have been crippling the game ever since release and it STILL goes on everywhere on the internet. They're beta versions with glitches and fucked up visibility.

To make sure that you have the retail version, check the date of the exe. It should be:
Powerslave: December 04 1996
Exhumed: March 19 1997

>> No.3907804

Is there not a proper copy of DOS Powerslave online anywhere? I have a retail copy.

>> No.3907815

Upload away. Last time around you could do that with romdepot, not sure if you still can. I made sure it had the Maniac Mansion uncensored NES prototype last time.

>> No.3907856


Haha, thanks, that's my favorite one

I do believe most of them came from pleasure dome. Maybe a few other places but mostly there.

Sure I'll check them out and get em up.

I didn't think it was really necessary as I'm not sending or receiving any private information. But considering it has other benefits and there's no reason not to, I'll go ahead and do it. There might be a bit of downtime while I get everything configured properly.

Thanks, I'll be sure to get that fixed.

Yes uploading should still work.

>> No.3907909


Well, SSL appears to be working. Can anybody verify the sites speed is still acceptable compared to the unsecured version?


>> No.3907913

Seems to be working fine.

Thank you very much.

>> No.3907916


Yup, thank you. I am having a little problem with it retaining SSL on all pages but I'm working on it.

>> No.3907941

Yeah I see the SNES page isnt working right.

>> No.3907957

Use an HSTS response-header. It'll tell browsers to always use aand assume HTTPS

>> No.3907965


Wow thank you, that was incredibly easy. I'd been trying to get the redirect to work this entire time and that worked instantly.

>> No.3907978


Now that https is up, please let me know if there are any problems. I will not be home the next few hours but when I'm back I'll get the other things done that i said if get done.

If any pages load as http, let me know about that too. Thanks.

>> No.3907979

Whats with the hype around this?

>> No.3907991

open da site LOL

>> No.3908101

Thanks actually I was looking for this a while again.

Got me a N64 and a PC-Engine Flashcart and didn't have roms.

>> No.3908178


Could you let me know if this appears to be the right version? It has sound and is dated for 96. If so I'll replace the other version.


>> No.3908191

If you've got Everdrives, check out this thread:


Also of interest for anyone after complete ROM sets:


>> No.3908587

ScummVM has been updated.

>> No.3908618

are there any ROM sets that dom't have 40 'revisions' of each game? every set I get need hours of pruning to be even remotely usable.

>> No.3908727
File: 10 KB, 396x217, 1489529818245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't downloaded anything yet, but thank you for uploading all of this.

>> No.3908740

I'd wondered what happened, glad you're still around and helping anons out.

>> No.3908913

I'm not sure, since the dates on the files say 2009.

I could make a rar for each version for you but honestly I'd feel bad being responsible for sharing rips with no CD, since the game is supposed to have CD music.

Do you not take iso because of the size?

>> No.3908938

where is msx? pc98?

>> No.3908942

You know what really needs hosting? Japanese Windows games.
Trying to find them is a wild goose chase through dead links.
Tokugawa Corps for instance has new uploads once in a while but they die after a few months

>> No.3908986

Outstanding, thank you very much! I've been waiting for ROMDepot to reappear for exactly this reason. NB: The filesize of the ScummVM full romset is incorrect (it says 1.34 GB on the website, but it's actually 17.3 GB), and it needs updating with the recently added content? (shows a 2015 date)

>> No.3909001

Oh, just noticed that the ScummVM list doesn't include the two Sherlock Holmes games "The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel" & "The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo"

>> No.3909028

Sorry, third reply -- there's more missing from ScummVM, so I did a complete check; these are the missing games:
> 3 Skulls of the Toltecs
> Amazon: Guardians of Eden
> Backyard Baseball 2001 + 2003?
> Backyard Football 2002?
> Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity
> Blue's Reading Time Activities
> Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars
> Chivalry is Not Dead
> Codename: ICEMAN
> Hi-Res Adventure #2: Wizard and the Princess
> Hoyle Classic Card Games
> Little Monster at School
> Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story
> Mortville Manor
> Myst
> Myst: Masterpiece Edition
> Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
> Sfinx
> Soltys
> The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime
> The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo
> The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
> The Neverhood
> The Princess and the Crab
> U.F.O.s / Gnap: Der Schurke aus dem All
and lastly :)
> Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

>> No.3909029

Also I know ScummVM definitely supports Riven, but didn't see that in the list.

>> No.3909116

Protip: whiteknighting before the answer make you look even more retarded than you are.

Shilling is retarded no matter how young, retarded and poor you are.

>I don't think
At least you got that part right

>> No.3909131

>whiteknighting before the answer
Protip: I have no idea what you're even speaking about you retard


>> No.3909136 [DELETED] 


shill (plural shills)

A person paid to endorse a product favourably, while pretending to be impartial.
26 June 2014, A.A Dowd, AV Club Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler spoof rom-com clichés in They Came Together[1]

You’ve Got Mail is certainly the basic model for the plot, which finds corporate candy shill Joel (Rudd) and indie-sweetshop owner Molly (Poehler) regaling their dinner companions with the very long, digressive story of how they met and fell in love.

1983, Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising,

Witnesses have testified that Jim Jones (like a few other professional faith-healers) used shills part of the time....

An accomplice at a confidence trick during an auction or gambling game.
1994, Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing,

The pitchman swept his cane in a slow acceleration over the heads of the crowd and then suddenly pointed the silver cap toward Billy and the shill.

(gambling) A house player in a casino.
2000, Dennis R. Harrison, Casino Gambling: Your Absolute, Quintessential, All You Wanted to Know ...

There may even be a casino shill sitting adjacent to you. Normally, the casino shills are gorgeous women, and sometimes men, so enjoy the scenery.

>> No.3909148 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 610x339, turkey-kano[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw romdepot hired 30 people to shill for him on the slowest board on 4chan


>> No.3909150

Msx is on there, no pc yet but I can add it

>> No.3909152

Ah thank you. I added many more yesterday and I'll need to update the set. I'll have that done later today

>> No.3909156

Whoops, I must've missed that. I went down the compatibility list and checked each one manually and I think I had a Sherlock game or 2 so I must've assumed I had them all. I'll grab them later and throw them up

>> No.3909159

Wow, thanks for doing that. There are a few games on there I had real trouble finding. Sfinx, salty, and journeyman namely. I'll run back through and try to find them though. I ignored the untested games too but I suppose I could add them anyway.

>> No.3909185

Sfinx & Soltys is available free from ScummVM themselves: http://scummvm.org/games

>> No.3909195

I've got the GoG copy of Journeyman:Pegasus Prime if you folks need it.

>> No.3909317

Thank op. Even though I've cultivated most what's here it's nice to have a go-to set

>> No.3909321

Don't forget the neverhood

>> No.3909327

The Everdrive sets have all the ROMs separated by region plus stuff like romhacks and prototypes in their own separate folders. Just delete the folders you don't need.

>> No.3909337
File: 2.22 MB, 640x480, USO USO USO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check playstation JP ISOs
>My face when no quiz naniro dreams iso


Add it!

>> No.3909373

>OP giving us free games
>fuck this guy he's so selfish

thanks op. I love your site. great to see it back.

>> No.3909436

Why? You'll never play it. It'll just sit on your hd and give you the autism, because
>muh complete set.

>> No.3909442
File: 47 KB, 960x720, [PSX] Quiz Nanairo Dreams - Nijiiro Machi no Kiseki [SLPS-00875]-0037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sharing it because I have played it, silly.

>> No.3909447

fuckin silly boys... every time

>> No.3909968

Ah, that would make sense. I guess I've only ended up with no-intro sets thus far. thanks, anon.

>> No.3909989

>never used that way ITT

>> No.3909997

I would really appreciate PC-98 roms on this site.

>> No.3910172


Sure I'll get them on there soon

>> No.3910410

Getting the rest of the scummvm games now as well as pc 98. Will be up in about 3 hours

>> No.3910421

This. I've been searching for Harvest games (Psikyo port for PC) for years.

>> No.3910473


Ok make that 4 or 5 hours or possibly tomorrow this is taking a while to download.

>> No.3910565

For PC-98, try to use the Neo Kobe collection preferably. It's not complete yet, but they will be generally guaranteed to be working dumps of the games.


>> No.3910572

>Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
My sides have evaporated.

>> No.3910703

No rush dude. Take it easy.

>> No.3910835

That link is great. Thanks a bunch!

>> No.3910851

Have you won without cheating?
Even if you can fluidly and quickly read Japanese you still get confronted with tons of obscure questions.

>> No.3910887


Atari 2600: Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park is missing.

NES: No Battle Kid.

>> No.3912885

Bump up the jam

>> No.3912908

Thanks mate, I needed this shit too now that I'm getting some everdrives.

>> No.3913872

Oh pee here haven't left I'm just out of town right now I have everything read for upload just need to get home and get it done.

>> No.3913883
File: 1.04 MB, 640x480, QND Pixy just chillin without wings.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've TRIED but the questions really truly suck.

Someday I'm gonna translate the shit out of that game, and make it the most IDEAL version of it with all the uncensored arcade content, revise the questions, and maybe make another version for 4channers.

>> No.3913885
File: 110 KB, 400x307, 1345816782802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based OP!

>> No.3914034

Do it Anon.

>> No.3914090

Damn. This is the first I've seen of this. Thanks, lads. This just made my week.

>> No.3914868

live on

>> No.3915243

Thank you anon. Downloading the Amiga & C64 sets. Been looking for a working C64 Alien Syndrome since my Cassette got chewed. Hope it's on there, but thanks either way, Legend!

>> No.3915264

Thanks for your service! Wanted that DS set for a while.

>> No.3915337
File: 3 KB, 956x34, chrome_2017-04-10_12-00-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is right or it's some kind of super compression?

>> No.3915440

Yeah. It's compressed by excluding a bunch of games OP didn't feel like wasting time on. lel

>> No.3915509


>projecting this hard

You are objectively a very stupid person. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.3915936
File: 108 KB, 300x400, The_Neverhood_-_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get The Neverhood from archive.org
Just a tip for people looking to play it, I didn't even need to use ScummVM. I installed by using an installer from the Sierra forums. They have one for Blade Runner too. Both work on my end.

>> No.3915949

Forgot about Blade Runner

>> No.3916176

Actually the stupid person is the one who doesn't know the meaning of the word projecting.

>> No.3916575

ScummVM has been updated again. May still be missing a few so if you see something let me know or feel free to upload it directly to the depot. PC98 coming next

>> No.3917075

Hey OP, can confirm Alien Syndrome working for me, can't thank you enough.
Thanks for going to the trouble.

>> No.3917201

>Harmful Park nowhere to be found
Glad to see you back

>> No.3917843

Based OP thanks. These two are missing:
> The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime
> The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo

>> No.3917861

Apparently in the complete N64 romset the checksum for Hotwheel is fucked up.

Not that I really care, just letting ya kniow.

>tfw SD cards are on the way
>tfw flashcarts will be up in order shortly.

>> No.3917992

Does this include hacks or fan-translations?

>> No.3918000

In most cases, yes. The full ROM sets are organised by folder and have special sections for translations, hacks and homebrew.

>> No.3918010

Does it have the fan-translation of the first King's Field game? I've looked for it else where but the only place Google gave me requires signing up to download anything.

>> No.3918258

Wow OP. It looks like an FTP listing, clean as fuck
Domo Arigato

>> No.3918563

Dumb question, but will these roms work with retropie?

>> No.3918589

Just want to say I'm glad you brought this back OP. It's the nicest, quickest, and easiest to browse ROM domain that I know of. Better than fucking emuparadise, that's for sure. Anyone complaining or saying you did a bad job is a faggot desperate for attention.

>> No.3918616

Game roms are universal for all emulators I believe

>> No.3918621

Or will be until Byuu goes ultra-autisimo with BSNES/Higgan.

>> No.3918635


You're welcome. It's the Internet I know how it goes. I pissed somebody off last time and apparently he ddosd me so I basically had to shut it down. For some reason I thought cloud flare cost money and I couldn't find a way to mass block a country (China of course) so I didn't think there was anything I could do. I wasn't about to pay for a domain that would basically be useless and I lost interest so I just shelved it for a while. But it's back now and I have no intentions of removing it. I lost the original domain because I waited too long but it's fine. This domain saves me money and actually helps keep it off google which I prefer. I'd rather share it with you guys than a bunch of Chinese bots. And to everyone else whose been in the thread, thank you for using the site and contributing. I'm glad I can I make things easier for you and I'll continue to add to the archive for years to come. Updates kind of come in waves as I work full time as a mechanic and I'm always at the shop but if you make a suggestion I promise I read and do my best to fulfill every one of them.

>> No.3918649

I know it takes a lot of space, but is there any chance you might also include Wii ISOs?

It's hard to find a good source for them.

>> No.3918890


Probably not, I feel that will get me into copyright troubles real quick if it caught on.

>> No.3918939

there was alot of trolling about this awhile ago. thanks for the site -- more redundancy is always helpful.

a good decision. generally older ROMs are much safer.

>> No.3920701


NEC PC-98 has been added. I was unable to use that link because downloading the entire thing was not agreeing with my browser. For now I've added a romset from another source so hopefully it's not too bad.

>> No.3921712

Oh hey, thanks. I've been meaning to pick up the Blaster Master instruction manual for a few days, so this is handy.

>down + B for the special weapons
So that is how that works.

>> No.3921775 [DELETED] 


Glad to see somebody's actually using the manuals. It's a lot harder than you think to get a hold of them.