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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3905808 No.3905808 [Reply] [Original]

In 1996 the big hit in Japan was the emergence of a Tomagochi - a simple video game with three buttons, the purpose of which is to educate and care for an electronic pet. The name in Japanese was "demanding love egg", and the author is a 31-year-old Japanese woman, Aki Maita, who sold his concept for an electronic animal of Japan's largest toy manufacturer Bandai Corporation. Release tomagochi was held on November 23, 1996, sales in Asia and the United States brought the company more than $ 240 million.

Chris pallante

>> No.3905812

Are you a dinkychink or street-shitting paid poster who copy/pastes shit from the internet?

>> No.3905816


>> No.3905851

Even when I was 8, I knew this fad was a shitty waste of money

>> No.3905870

>Intentionally buying something that annoys you.


- sent from my iPhone

>> No.3905887

I remember feeling so alienated by this fad. It seemed like you'd have to be an idiot to think it was "cool."

Now that it's behind a curtain of 90s nostalgia and people think it's cool again, I find I don't feel so strongly against it anymore. It's just a weird cultural moment in time, like Furbies and the macarena.

>> No.3905923

I can appreciate their novelty today, but I still think paying twenty bucks back then for a glorified keychain is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.3905937

I just remember the kids who had them were always either fiddling with them or talking about how they had to go fiddle with them. Maybe I was jealous, but I'm sure I would've hated it. I guess it's a more complicated kind of jealousy, like I was jealous that they seemed to enjoy something I knew I never would.

>> No.3905939
File: 33 KB, 309x350, pikachow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the pocket pikachu, shit was great, you'd clip him on your belt like a faggot and putz around the mall doing shit, then on the ride home spend all your clicks on shit for the little yellow bastard.
I miss Scannerz too.

>> No.3905969
File: 90 KB, 400x623, 4034955077_24ef3bfd29_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the GB games.
They are as bad as the real thing.

>> No.3905980


Digimon were so much cooler.

>> No.3905997
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I like mine

>> No.3906021

Yeah man I am so hyped for the 20th anniversary digital monster rerelease this july.

>> No.3906050


They're coming out with new ones? Awesome.

>> No.3906060

It was a fad but it was fun to be apart of it

>> No.3906069

I was freakin' obsessed with virtual pets.

Neighborhood kids were always giving me theirs once they got bored of it, so I ended up with like a dozen of them. Let me see if I can remember which ones I had:

-Tamagotchi (generation 2 with a leopard print shell)
-Gigapet frog
-Gigapet cat from KFC
-more Digimon than I can possibly count
-like three or four Nano Fighters (these things sucked)
-Pocket Pikachu
-the game Monster Rancher, if that counts

What can I say, I have a strong maternal instinct.

Of course I wanted Pokemon when it came out, and I was a little disappointed that it didn't have any virtual pet elements.

And, thanks for reminding me that I need to check my Neopet.

>> No.3906118

How do these games work? Are they just Tamagotchis on a GB?

>> No.3906174

Cool blog faggot. The name in Japanese was not "demanding love egg"

I only have that one. As a game it's shit but as a novelty it's pretty weird looking.

>> No.3906184

I had one back in the day but the damn thing would be dead and id have to hatch another egg when id get home from school

>> No.3906201

You mean as good

>> No.3906204

Should have trained it to sleep during the day - but then I guess it just would have died while you were asleep. Were you not even allowed to have them hooked to your backpacks with the sound turned off?

>> No.3906206
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>not taking it to school with you

>> No.3906265

>The name in Japanese is "Egg Watch"


>> No.3906271

>cool again
They haven't stopped releasing Tamagotchi since they were first made; we even got some of the mid 2000s models that had online support in America.

>> No.3906285

Those things were so popular in my class for half a year. I don't remember how we got away with playing with them. I wish there was a phone app one I could play with.

>> No.3906290

Fun Fact: Scannerz failed in American thanks to being released in the internet age and Americans being cheapskates.

The first kind of toy like Scannerz was released in Japan in the early 90s as "Barcode Battler" and kids would actually BUY the thing that had the code they wanted. There was some no-name brand of ramen whose barcode gave an incredibly powerful monster that started flying off the shelves. The whole appeal of it was scanning everything in your town to see what kind of monster you'd get.

When Scannerz came out in America, kids just looked online for which ones were the strongest and took their Scannerz into stores to scan barcodes right then and there. Add to the fact that it was introduced into the "monster battling" craze of the late 90s/early 00s, and it was doomed to be called just a fad anyway.

>> No.3906295

It's called Tamagochi Classic, and its been on both Android and Apple for a while now.

>> No.3906306

Is it a problem that it doesn't come with a widget?

>> No.3906325

I think they added the pause feature from the new models into the phone app ones.

>> No.3906371

Well that's sort of missing the point of the thing.

>> No.3906516
File: 32 KB, 650x487, tamagoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one. Still have it but it doesn't work anymore or is out of battery.

It had different metamorphosis each time started and it always ended with death. It then became a grave and resurfaced as a bat devilish thing.
I managed to turn mine into an angel, so good I took care of. My sister was in awe, she didn't even know they could become something other than a bat.

>> No.3906523

Pokémon GO was the best fad ever I knew it wasn't going to last that long but I went hard at it in the summer time it really brought me that sense of wonder and excitement that I had when being into pokemon as a little kid.

>> No.3906525

I wanted one of these so bad as a kid because everyone else in my class had one and my mom took me to a store an hour away to get one. Good times.

In retrospect they were worthless garbage but at the time the idea was mindblowing to a child.

>> No.3906613


Wasn't it a pun on "egg" and "friend"?

>> No.3906816

Yep it's going to have 120+ monsters, even new ones like a new Omegamon, you can raise 2 at once and there are offline 1 player battles, online tourneys and faster evolution times.

>> No.3906839

I had one of these at the time and I basically realized that I didn't like the virtual pet concept in general. Probably why I didn't like the Chao gardens in SA1 and 2.

>> No.3907072
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It's a mix of a pun, honestly.

Tamago = Egg
Watchi = Watch
Tomodachi = Friend

So you can either see Tamagotchi as Egg Friend or Egg Watch. It's the emphasis on the "t" that makes the "Egg Watch" ring as equal to "Egg Friend"

>> No.3907121

>Meme Family
I've been too long on the Internet.

>> No.3907760

I have the yellow and red one.
I remember 2004 when they made a comeback and for some months everyone were playing them.
Sometimes I think about using it as a key-ring, since I find funny having a piece of retro tech hardware as your usual wear-thing.
Then I think about how retarted that might be, and how easy the keys gonna fuck up the screen

>> No.3909135

But still too young to legally post here

>> No.3909147


Japanese children also get large allowances or are sent alone to do the family shopping/run errands. They're not as broke as American kids and they're allowed to go screw around at stores alone all day

>> No.3909389

I had a Pocket Pikachu and it was boring as fuck. I ended up getting the Pocket Pikachu GS anyway and that thing was fuckin great since there were actual minigames.

>> No.3909469

Why is this cartridge so big?

>> No.3909653

If anyone is interested on this...

It has a battery and a speaker.

Unlike the other 2 GameBoy Tamagotchi games, this still works when the GB is OFF.

>> No.3910185

got in trouble in class cause i didn't mute the fucker

>> No.3910196

Woman, his?
>the author is a 31-year-old Japanese woman, Aki Maita, who sold his concept

>> No.3910246

I still remember when they had to be banned at my school all together because kids would have the sound off and always be pulling them out to play in class. They quickly made the rule that if you even had one at school, it was confiscated and your teacher would hold onto it until a parent came to claim it. One kid was so distraught with his dying due to it being stuck in the teacher's desk, that he tried to coordinate an Oceans Eleven heist with like 6 of us involved to try to recover it from her desk. Suffice to say, children are not as smart or sneaky as they think they are and we got caught immediately

>> No.3910827
File: 15 KB, 256x224, dragon03[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you also have this

>> No.3910941

I should get one of these dudes again.

>> No.3910948

It was not just in Japan. In Brazil it was a big hit too. The GB game did not make so many sucess.
This happened in my school too.

>> No.3910954

I had a Gigapet t-rex. Motherfucker died of old age pretty quickly, I was so disappointed.

>> No.3911096
File: 328 KB, 800x530, tamagotchi-growthchart-00[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ is filled with Tamateurs who could only get the duck-lips one

>> No.3911436

Today, I still don't know how the fuck obtain the secret final form...

In 2nd generation, I obtained 1 of the 2 secret evolutions, but I can't remember how

>> No.3911448

My oldest niece had one of those. They were prohibited in her school -- kids kept futzing with them instead of paying attention.

>> No.3911545

underrated post

>> No.3912803
File: 13 KB, 580x248, p1chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get Masktchi
>Treat it like a fucking king

>> No.3912815
File: 449 KB, 767x904, newgrowthchartV4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ is filled with Tamatoddlers who would last a fucking minute in the fast paced world of modern Tamagotchi

You've got to take them to school
Send them online to have them socialize
Find them a job based on how well they did in school
Get a friend with a Tamagotchi so they can fuck or put it in a love-less arranged marriage
Take care of their kid once it becomes a teenager and your original Tamagotchi leaves forever so you can repeat the cycle


Watch your Tamagotchi grown old and die childless

>> No.3912839

>In 1996 the big hit in Japan was the emergence of a Tomagochi - a simple video game with three buttons, the purpose of which is to educate and care for an electronic pet. The name in Japanese was "demanding love egg", and the author is a 31-year-old Japanese woman, Aki Maita, who sold his concept for an electronic animal of Japan's largest toy manufacturer Bandai Corporation.

>Two years later, as suddenly as she left, Aki returned. She never told anyone where she had been or what she had done. But, she began an odd study, all by herself.
As for her Tomagochi...
It never returned.

>Charles barkley


>> No.3912840

i had a dinosaur one, took it to school, it started beeping because it needed medicine and the teacher snatched it out of my hands and put it on a high shelf out of reach. i was sobbing and begging her to let me give it some medicine and she ignored me and carried on with the class.

i got it back at the end of the day, it was dead.
and that's my experience with tamagotchis.

>> No.3913975

I went through 2 or 3 before getting the pre-digivice digimon one

>> No.3913985

Hell yeah man, I had a fucking dinokun too. Badass terror-dactyl.

>> No.3913994

I remember Tamagotchi being really popular in the mid 00s too, it was a revival really since they went out of style after having been popular in the 90s.

>> No.3914037
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Still kinda pisses me off that people MY OWN AGE didn't remember the original Digimon toy.

>> No.3914075

I'm surprised similar things don't exist anymore, especially in the waifu age. if there was a program where you could feed your waifu and have her do a variety of things like waking you up in the morning, id buy it

>> No.3914079


Via Aquamail

>> No.3914091

does anyone speedrun this

>> No.3914468


>> No.3914598

I did back in the day but we thought the objective was to get the rocket ship thing to happen since all our Tamas were stolen from Walmart and none of the shoplifters ever stole the instructions.