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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 146 KB, 1280x558, 1490617004761[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3901832 No.3901832 [Reply] [Original]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLoRd6_a1CI [Embed]

>Miyamoto at 1:40: "This was probably the first famicom game I made with blue skies"


>> No.3901841

Every display is slightly different, plus colors can be manually configured even further on most displays. It's meaningless to obsess over as long as they're generally correct.

>> No.3901921



Literally who? That guy likely did not spend decades of studying NES palette like worldwide emulation expert Firebrand.

>> No.3901936


>> No.3901960

who is this miyamoto person and why should i care what he thinks

>> No.3901970

NES can't display colors consistently over composite because it displays NTSC color instead of RGB, and every TV has its own way of decoding NTSC into RGB. It's often called Never Twice the Same Color for a good reason.

If they intended blue, why didn't they use 0x21 instead of 0x22? 0x22 most often appears more purple tinted in NTSC to RGB conversion used in capture card and upscalers, and it also appears purple tinted on their official palettes.

>> No.3901974

>If they intended blue, why didn't they use 0x21 instead of 0x22? 0x22 most often appears more purple tinted in NTSC to RGB conversion used in capture card and upscalers,

I'm going to guess they didnt' know what the hell a "capture card is". They just build the game to test it on a Famicom and called it a day if it looked right.

>> No.3901986

Design game for NTSC hardware; it only looks as intended on NTSC hardware.

>> No.3901989

Then why is the sky purplish later on in the vid at 2:32

>> No.3902008
File: 176 KB, 331x296, CIPX2ADWoAAhz3x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole palette argument is so fucking idiotic because it is made by a bunch of kids who never saw CRTs in their lives.

NTSC sets had a tint control, which you could use the hue. This was necessary because NTSC sucked ass.

You can use that control to make the sky blue.

>> No.3902029
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, the original graph paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a stage layout for what appears on a tv screen

Jesus, Purple sky fags are on suicide watch now.

This is Miyamoto showing off the ORIGINAL planning graph pages for the stages, and clear as day it's blue skies.

I don't think you can get more definitive than this.

>> No.3902040

Is that a mountain of shit in the background of that stage?

>> No.3902052

It could also be as simple as if they were using a set that renders it as blue like the Sony TVs in the office when they were building the game and basing the look off that.

>> No.3902129

have you guys never played on NES?

>> No.3902160

Both are blue just different shades. Deal with it and stop trying to make a statement out of it. Is the real sky blue? No shit so if a game has a sky, it is meant to be blue no matter the tint.

>> No.3902169
File: 21 KB, 1172x960, Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA)-170403-181353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they designed the game on a Playchoice-10?

>> No.3902170
File: 120 KB, 1280x779, 1491258758814[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3902282
File: 2.50 MB, 1146x1035, likethedevelopersintended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, designed on a Trinitron and played on some kind of professional video monitor.

>> No.3902397
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x1080, 20170207_035035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most old games were designed on professional video monitors. They would have been, at their time, the sharpest, clearest displays available. This meme that games were designed to be played on a shitty display is just a meme. Some games did take advantage of low quality displays and connections for dithering and transparency effects, but from an end user perspective the tradeoff isn't worth it. Your best bet is always to use the best quality display and connection that you can afford.

Also, consider the fact that arcade machines always used RGB connections with high-quality monitors. Those monitors are similar in many ways to the production monitors that the games would have been developed on and always displayed each pixel with razer sharp clarity, which is what the developers would have seen when they were making the games. RGB was the gold standard, and just because a lot of people would be playing the games on a poor quality display doesn't mean that that's what the game was supposed to look like.

>> No.3902489

Sony CXA2025AS is the best palette

>> No.3902764

He says blue because there's no word for purple in Japanese.

>> No.3902770


>> No.3902787


So... what palette would those kind of tvs produce? Is there a palette like that yet?

>> No.3902793

His name is Miyamoto

>> No.3902796

And how do you even pronounce that if you're an anglo speaker?
My Yawn Maw Thoe?

>> No.3902845 [DELETED] 

my imouto

>> No.3903102

Aren't both those colours considered blue by Japanese standards? I remember reading that Japan doesn't categorize colors the same way Westerners do (like how we KNOW that pink if light red, but we still consider it a different colour), so that's probably not "lavender" to them, but just some muted blue.

>> No.3903146

Arcade monitors were mostly shadow mask screens which were much softer and better than the aperture grille style professional design monitors.

>> No.3903183
File: 301 KB, 1280x960, photo_2017-04-04_11-08-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's a PAL television in the OP pic.
t. I made the original photo

>> No.3903267


>> No.3903405
File: 2 KB, 160x144, SMBDX_Red_Coin_Challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905036

ah man, I have nothing better to waste my time on, I'll take the bait. Ahem:

Miyamoto is the creator of Mario you idiots. He doesn't need to "study NES palettes" or any of that stupid shit and you should care what he thinks because he made the game. Like they asked "Miyamoto what color should the sky be? and he said "Make it blue" and they used that color which meant that the sky is definitively blue.

>> No.3905364

They had Lavender Town in pokemon tho.

>> No.3905514

Well said friend. I'm superglad we don't use CRT any more, I can't understand those pretentious hipster kids who prefer CRT cancer over OLED for example.

>> No.3905656

I don't remember Mario being in black and white in the final game.

>> No.3905660


He also didn't color in the entire sky too. Is that supposed to mean something? It's just a planning page. They already know what Mario's colors are. They don't need to color him in each time. The sky iso nly partially colored to give an idea on the color.

>> No.3905819

Stop trying to make this a thing, it's not.

>> No.3905971


>> No.3906027

>prefer CRT cancer over OLED for example.
You say that as if there are OLED monitors on the market you twat.

>> No.3906042

OLED monitors are on the market, dipshit.

Most all of those new curved TVs are OLED.
That said, they're useless for retro gaming, since the usually only have HDMI input.
Also, OLEDs start at like $4,000. You can get a fantastic CRT for more like $80.

>> No.3906046

>Most all of those new curved TVs are OLED.
No they aren't you fuckwit.

>> No.3906107

You can get a 55'' 4K OLED television for $2200 USD

>> No.3906124

Are you retarded son?

>> No.3906224 [DELETED] 


>> No.3906226

What if Miyamoto is slightly colorblind

Checkmate, /vr/

>> No.3907716

>not using a NES palette that was mathematically generated


>> No.3907720
File: 26 KB, 1024x520, megaman2-wilystage-yuv-vs-ntsc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please stop talking about these irrelevant nobodies like it matters. Emulation Expert Firebrand-X, has based the most scientifically accurate palettes ever created by man kind. And it shows, clear as day, purple-blue skies. So please, stop with this nonsense about "blue skies".


>> No.3907739
File: 44 KB, 730x524, too_lazy_for_google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no curved/OLED TVs
You fucking underages and your laziness and arrogance.

>> No.3907834


>>In conclusion, FirebrandX's methodology for proving what the "true" NTSC colors are is flawed. He took his colors based on what his TV capture card reports to be the color. All capture card come with certain assumptions on how to interpret the color, probably using the SMPTE C standard. There is no guarantee that the captured colors from the card or device will reflect the colors you actually see from a TV screen. I believe his capture card interpreted the colors using SMPTE C colorimetry.


>> No.3908664


His methodology's flaws should have been obvious forever.

>> No.3908735

dang, cool video. they manually typed in all the mario stages? that's insane. converting colors to 4x4 pallets with pixel values for each sprite. it boggles my mind. but yea, nes colors were shit. there's at least one you can't use because it will destroy the crt. not sure why

>> No.3909091

>they manually typed in all the mario stages?

Graph paper was pretty standard in the day.

>> No.3909191

But that means his colors are close to the true colors for SMPTE C, which is a widely used standard for CRTs after the 1980s. Someone just needs to do a pallete for the older 1953 FCC colorimetry.

>> No.3909249

I'm torn between that and Wavebeam. I like the underground level colors in Wavebeam more.

>> No.3909253

Who the fuck is FirebrandX?

>> No.3909365


A guy who has been working on creating "accurate" NES palettes for a few years.


>> No.3909639
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Super+Mario+Bros+1_003[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The "FCC palette" I used to generate the Nestopia screenshot to the left, above, can be generated by using this site's default setting :



>> No.3909764

>The best fucking CRT displays one can have on hand
>Famicom only has RF output
Fucking japs

>> No.3909773

I wish more game devs would break out their old ancient relic shit to show off. I remember when the design documents for Deus Ex surfaced online and everybody flipped their shit reading it. And then we got Miyamoto over here revealing that SMB1 was designed on graph paper of all things.
Imagine if say, John Carmack, decides to one day drop some never before seen shit for Catacombs 3-D or whatever on the internet. I know we'd all flip for an official prototype DOOM WAD.

>> No.3909851

>purple skies
What pickle kissing aspie even thought this was a thing? Fucking dummies

>> No.3909857


>> No.3909876


It's astonishing how primitive early NES development began and how swiftly it developed afterward.

>> No.3909948

That happened

>> No.3911902
File: 7 KB, 1120x1008, Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe) (Rev B)-170408-165801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The GBC's screen washes out the colors a bit from the raw RGB output. Gambatte's color correction feature makes it look like this.

>> No.3911931

>And then we got Miyamoto over here revealing that SMB1 was designed on graph paper of all things.

Graph paper was the go to method of designing levels in 2D games. What else would they use?

>> No.3911993


>Believe the creator of the fucking game, or some dude who studied colour pallettes

You're an idiot

>> No.3913723
File: 175 KB, 1172x960, 1491762921169[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3914920

How stupid you got to be to be baited this hard? Come the fuck on.

>> No.3914990

He meant blue as "not black", not "not purple".
I like blue much more though.

>> No.3915001

Why is this an argument? I played these games thousands of times on many, many CRT sets growing up, and the sky was always blue.

>> No.3915010


Because in emulators, the "correct" way to render NTSC is purple. But there's varying standards, and most crts lean towards rendering it blue.

Turbo-nerds can't get over how the "incorrect" way is more reasonable, so they enforce purple skies on everyone by default when blue skies makes way more sense.

>> No.3915016
File: 4 KB, 512x480, Super_Mario_Bros_Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP wanting everyone to know that his way of playing Mario is more authentic than everyone else's, raising his social status as a "retro gamer".

>> No.3915027

So this whole debacle is once again proof of the superiority of the PAL standard?

>> No.3915062

Did anyone ever argue with that?

>> No.3915163

But that means that not only NES games but any old video can be in very wrong color.

>> No.3915294

That's why you have the color, tint, and hue controls: to make it so people who don't have jaundice don't look like they do.

>> No.3915306

It's blue on my consumer CRT but all the goddamn VC releases make it purple. It's because the NES didn't have a standard color pallet and left that to the encoder on the TV set itself.

>> No.3915314

Super Mario Maker of course. Nintendo of Japan had WiiUs in 1982 they just kept them to themselves because they cost eleventy billion dollars each.

>> No.3916596

they call green apples blue, green streetlights blue, historically they used the same word for green and blue

>> No.3916908
File: 11 KB, 1168x896, NTSC Hardware (FBX).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm concerned, the NTSC Hardware palette is the closest thing to a "correct" one, since it was calibrated on an actual CRT to behave the same way as the original composite signal. No capture cards or LCDs involved.

Load it up on an RGB-modded NES and it should have the same colors as composite, regardless of your TV's calibration.

>> No.3916917


>In conclusion, FirebrandX's methodology for proving what the "true" NTSC colors are is flawed. He took his colors based on what his TV capture card reports to be the color. All capture card come with certain assumptions on how to interpret the color, probably using the SMPTE C standard. There is no guarantee that the captured colors from the card or device will reflect the colors you actually see from a TV screen. I believe his capture card interpreted the colors using SMPTE C colorimetry.


ie FBX's methodology is flawed as hell.

>> No.3916924

You need to work on your reading comprehension. The NTSC Hardware palette was created directly on a calibrated PVM. No capture card involved.

>> No.3916951


>muh standards
>muh purple skies
>muh purple bricks

>> No.3916972

>muh muh
The whole idea of that palette is that standards and calibrations and such don't matter. Regardless of what the colors look like on your particular TV using component, they should look pretty much the same on your TV using that palette in RGB. If the sky is blue on your TV in composite, it should still look blue in RGB. If the sky is purple on your TV in composite, it should still look purple in RGB. If the sky is fucking orange on your TV in composite, it should still look fucking orange in RGB. Do you get it yet?

>> No.3917079

Did you even read the article? >>3909639
At the time game was released official standard resulted in blue sky.

>> No.3917248
File: 453 KB, 1370x2162, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some languages can be pretty vague when describing colours. and even when the language has the words to describe a colour often people use the wrong words. for example what you referred to as purple is in reality not purple at all but somewhere between blue and persian blue.

>> No.3917264

it's entirely possible SMB was dev'd on uncalibrated/biased monitors/tvs

>> No.3917362

Did YOU read the article? NTSC decoders were all over the place at the time and were for the most part entirely unconcerned with any sort of standard. Without knowing which exact models of TVs the devs were testing on, it's impossible to tell what the color was "intended" to be. You're getting all autistic and bent out of shape over something that is ultimately subjective and arbitrary.

>> No.3917703


Most tvs, most of the time produce blue skies. The intent was clearly blue skies.

The autism is adhering to obviously wrong colors because "muh standard".

>> No.3917714

I got no dog in this fight, but to my eyes it seems closest to the 477 Light brilliant persian blue.

>> No.3917789
File: 77 KB, 474x474, 1490657881870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do none of you remember the last thread we had on this?

>> No.3917808

you don't need to guess, just open up photoshop and check the hue value. it's right between blue and persian blue at 243°.

>> No.3917810
File: 48 KB, 1024x960, 1452461031095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3917826


>> No.3917886


>> No.3917945



>> No.3918784
File: 169 KB, 1168x896, MUH BLUES HE WASNT REALLY BAD IN MM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your god damn blue

>> No.3919187

Wrong. See >>3909835

>> No.3919223

whoa.. just as i rememer it.

>> No.3919471


Oh my god.

/vr/ Is autistic

>> No.3919507


You're just finding out it's a haven of turbo nerds who argue about inane shit?

>> No.3919610

It wasn't always.
/vr/ used to be pretty chill, but around late 2015 the rulefags moved in and shat up any discussion in the /gameboy general/ (before some autist started putting a gba in the OP image just to egg them on)
From there retarded frog posters and N64 console war faggots followed, and now we have purple skies autists.

>> No.3919679
File: 2.57 MB, 3014x3890, The Only Answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commodore 1701 shows a light blue sky, with dark brown bricks. All of the knobs are on the medium setting.
My monitor has slight purple burn-in around the middle and top left of the screen, so I posted a picture of Zelda for comparison. The purple is not intentional.

>> No.3919781

shit like this on vr makes me wish that any nintendo shit here is outlawaed

and the only threads here on /vr/ from now on will be retro PC

really, this type of shit belongs to 8ch or 2ch

>> No.3919801

Link to video please

>> No.3919803

Sony CXA2025AS has gorgeous palette

Oh Sony of the 90's how I miss you.
When are you going to be reborn and put those shitty South Korean manufacturers in their right place????

>> No.3920296
File: 10 KB, 1172x960, Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA)-170411-232045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the REAL colors

>> No.3920303
File: 50 KB, 240x208, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew my eyes were right all along.

>> No.3920397

thanks doc