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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3898410 No.3898410 [Reply] [Original]

I uh, have a problem, /vr/.

I'm a hipster. I have a huge collection of retro games, but I never play them. I always find an excuse.

>God, these graphics are ugly.
>Okay, these controls are shit.
>The framerate is bad.
>This puzzle is ridiculous.
>It's too hard.
>I might as well use a guide. That's what people did back then.

Does anyone else have this problem? I've already invested about $1,000, and if I'm being honest...I don't feel like playing these games anymore. Thoughts?

>> No.3898437

I think you might be retarded anon.

>> No.3898447

1/10, made me reply.
Try harder next time, OP.

>> No.3898449

I am completely serious. It's why I'm up this fucking late. It's seriously distressing.

>> No.3898459

Git gud instead of blaming the game.

>> No.3898492

You belong in /v/ with the rest of the modern so-called "gamers" that "play" glorified movies.

>> No.3898495
File: 473 KB, 640x480, Ojamajo Doremi Motto - 07 (DVD 640x480 WMV3 MP3).avi_snapshot_11.02_[2017.03.27_12.52.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe that you can change, OP. Try and change.

Learn to love.

>> No.3898506

That's OK. The world is full of people like you, don't judge yourself too harshly. The geek chic fad has already peaked though so you're not going to get many cool points with it for long. Sell off now before the value drops.

>> No.3898697


You're preaching to the choir here.

Check out /v/ for more relevant assistance

>> No.3898725
File: 796 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own over 100 games
>still play memeshit on emulators
Hacked wii is the answer
Sell your games

>> No.3898727

But... hipsters don't call themselves hipsters.
You're baiting aren't you?

At any rate, yeah, i hate people like the ones you're pretending to be, OP.

>> No.3899023

i'm not usually a hipster about things...it's just the other day I began to realize that's what i've become.

>> No.3899024
File: 106 KB, 800x800, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm here in my mold

>> No.3899045

That implies you ever played them originally

>> No.3899147

>Huge collection
>Recently acquired
Choose no more than 2

>> No.3900014

>God, these graphics are ugly.
That's the most /v/ complaint ever. Do you ever check the screenshots or emulate beforehand? What system do you collect for, even? How did you get to down the retro road if you care about graphics so much?
>Okay, these controls are shit.
That might be a legit complaint about some games, with things like tank controls and so on. But in most stuff from Nintendo (you've got to give it to them), and also Sega, Konami, etc this usually isn't an issue.
>The framerate is bad.
Welcome to the early days of 3D. Should've emulated instead, you'd get way better FPS and resolution.
>This puzzle is ridiculous.
Water temple lmao
>It's too hard.
While again this might be a case for some games… What the fuck are you even playing?
>I might as well use a guide. That's what people did back then.
Might as well watch letsplays.

All in all, I don't know what are you even playing, or how you buy games. It's 2017, you can try retro games before buying them on PSN/XBL/Steam/what have you. If you can go and burn $1000 without much planning or thought, that's your own fault.

>> No.3900432

U r dum lmao

>> No.3902837

Play them in emulators obviously
>All them filters, xbrz and beyond
>Savestates galore and rewind, infinite training time capsule
>Detailed gamefaqs walkthroughs in a second window or second screen, with impeccable ascii art

Play the games the way you want to play them. Nobody can tell you not to use a guide, none of it matters anyway except having fun and enjoying yourself.

>> No.3902852

Stop buying shit. What is your favorite retro game? Your favorite modern game? I grew up with Genesis, aside from Mario 3 and stuff I never played NES. What helped for me at first was just keeping context in mind, thinking about how games are made, what goes into good level design, art direction etc. Also looking at ads and reviews from the time of release. If you go at it from an educational standpoint you may just end up enjoying those types of games.

Don't give yourself access to a shitload of games. Plug super metroid in, put the rest of your games in another room, turn off your phone and just play it. Keep playing it until you beat it. Invite a friend over and take turns. If you actually want to enjoy this shit then just enjoy it, if not mail me all your shit.

>> No.3904575

You're doing it wrong. Hipsters don't actually play games. They show them off to establish hipster cred.

>> No.3904763
File: 158 KB, 500x478, 1320536801819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider suicide, you nu-male piece of shit.

>> No.3904890

Hold on, are guides not good? I totally pull up guides here and there, I don't have time to be wandering around cluelessly for very long. I try until I'm stumped, come back to it, and if I still can't figure it out, guide it is.

>> No.3904992

No, I mean beating the whole game constantly sticking to the guide. That's just hand-holding yourself and destroying the fun of challenge.

>> No.3905095

>buying a retro game that you haven't already played and like a lot
I own less than 20 games and 2 of them are Panzer Dragoon Zwei (NA and JP)

why did you even buy all that shit in the first place?

>> No.3905110

You don't enjoy video games. I'm not sure why you people try to force yourselves into a hobby that you don't enjoy. What do you hope to gain?

Just sell everything to people who will actually appreciate and enjoy them.

>> No.3905242

I want neo-/vr/ to leave.

>> No.3905862


Agreed. I mainly collect for Genesis because it's the system I grew up with and I'm discovering tons of awesome games I never knew about as a kid.

But every time I spot a game I've never seen at the local used game store I always research it to see if I like it first. Maybe your mistake is buying a bunch of shit games for the sake of them being retro.

>> No.3905865

Stop being cynical and just play some games.

>> No.3905881

>But every time I spot a game I've never seen at the local used game store I always research it to see if I like it first.

Do you find that's reliable? That your tastes line up with the research you did? I always try it out on an emulator to see for myself what the game is like and if it interests me before thinking about buying a physical copy.

>> No.3907505

Condense the collection op. Pick out a few of your favorite titles that are expensive/fun/can't live without/rare etc, then sell the rest and consider investing in a flashcart or emulation for other small time shit or games you wanna try out but don't wanna shell out cash for.

>> No.3907908


Yeah normally. I'll look up a video on my phone to see if the game looks fun. I've definitely left behind games that didn't quite pique my interest even if they were only a few bucks.

My best purchase this way was Wonder Boy in Monster World. Saw it and looked up a vid, only being slightly familiar with the Wonder Boy series. It looked like a fun fantasy platformer, so I picked it up. I started playing it and realized the scope of its depth and adventure. It's now one of my most treasured Sega games.

>> No.3907958

There should be a name for this, like "ROM Torrent Syndrome".
Many people with huge collections of games can't commit to playing any of them. I'm one of them.

>> No.3907976



>> No.3909168

>millennial commitment issues

>> No.3909176

For the record, that is not "what people did back then".

>> No.3909207

Send me all of your stuff for free then go die

>> No.3909234


>> No.3909235

Not OP, but I have some weird conflicts. I pretty much don't belong in /v/ as I don't play any game more recent than 1998, but don't belong here because I loathe SNES games no matter how many times I try to force myself to like them. In fact, I find most games prior to the Windows era to be extremely frustrating and clunky. Even the shooter thread isn't my thing as I don't really like Doom, plus I tend to mod my games only with stuff made around the time of release.

>God, these graphics are ugly.
This triggers me. Some of the best games were those with "horrible" graphics. Honestly, everyone talks about early 3d being ugly, but I can't tell the difference between that and a modern title's graphics. I know this will sound like b8.
>Okay, these controls are shit.
Nintendo has the worst controls of them all! I found it more enjoyable playing horrible Atari games than that. My worst memories are trying to play Nintendo games and making myself miserable as I try to get why everyone else loves them.
>The framerate is bad.
I never understood this argument. I am not a fan of Doom, but playing it in DOSBox did not seem limiting in the slightest even though the framerate was quite limited at the time.
>This puzzle is ridiculous.
That is the anti-thesis I find to the hand-holding of modern titles. Games that give you zero clues on what to do and expect you to just do everything until you blunder across the answer. Like hitting a specific hidden wall, doing the level in a specific way and being stuck permanently with no clue that the exit is locked off, or the games that you need to take out a pen and paper just to navigate the level.
>It's too hard.
I personally play games for challenge, it is why I don't like modern games. The problem is that I like fair challenge, not arbitrary assumptions I am expected to make based on a lack of information. The entire game statues are invulnerable, but now you need to throw a hammer at a specific one...

>> No.3909246

I become quite depressed and miserable every time I resort to a guide, but there have been numerous examples where the guide actually revealed that the exit is actually broken. It has gotten to the point where I can barely trust any game. I loathe puzzles as they don't give obvious routes, making me question if the game is broken because so many levels I have played are indeed broken. I can't win.

>> No.3909271

overchoice is a better description of this phenomenon

>> No.3911112

Sell them for cheap to people who actually enjoy them and buy games you are actually interested in playing.

There, life's simple isn't it?