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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.64 MB, 4656x2620, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3898234 No.3898234 [Reply] [Original]

got this haul today for $32. how did i do, /vr/?

>> No.3898237

could have got a happy meal
return it

>> No.3898284

Is this what /vr/ has come to? A few beat up old cart at ebay reseller prices is a haul? Why even post? You could have checked ebay sold listings and see that you paid exactly what dozens of others have paid.
tl;dr you did exactly like every other eBayby

>> No.3898287

FFA is nice to see the origin of the Mana series, and because they reused the redmage overworld sprite.

FFL1 is kinda detached, but has nice sound.

FFL2 has a much better story theme that worked well.

$10 for used original carts, hope their bats work...

>> No.3898293

I validate your haul.
I validate your existence.

>> No.3898307

I appreciate the idea of collecting, but why even bother to buy actual games if you're just going to get loose carts?

>> No.3898385

Not OP and not into buying games but retro games isn't about getting good deals, it's about playing games.

Some people value their time and would rather just pay market value than sit around for and wait for a good price to come up.

I just download the rom though.

>> No.3898443

>why only buy the part that's functional and not the pretty cardboard that sits on a shelf?

>> No.3898480

>it's about playing games
Wong. See >>3898293

>> No.3898586
File: 40 KB, 500x375, f3b0e52f0cb3ecbf0ee58978238b6563_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just made a thread to try and get some good advice and maybe spark up a conversation about the Final Fantasy gameboy games (which I don't know much about.) I'm not showing off and I don't need anyone to validate my existence. I don't have a trip and no one knows who I am, so why would it even mean that? If you don't like the thread, don't reply, unless you're the ones that need the validation.

>> No.3898649
File: 4 KB, 320x288, secretive bananas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are good games.

>> No.3898650

ya did shit, homo

>> No.3898668

You did fine

>> No.3898680

I disagree, why not just emulate it if youre not going to get the box?

>> No.3898687


No, you didn't. You showed a picture of 3 games and stated the price, then asked if you "did good". You're looking for validation.

How the fuck you could think this would generate a discussion about the actual games is beyond me. You're an idiot.

>> No.3898696

>got this haul today for $32. how did i do, /vr/?

You got ripped. I got all of those games for under $10 total.

Protip: Stop giving your money to greedy eBay resellers. Try flea markets and yard sales instead. Pawn shops and gaming stores are hit-or-miss. Some are pretty fair about their pricing, but others match eBay.

>> No.3899148

This desu. Actually I picked these exact games up at a "retro shop" for $5 a piece a few years ago. Paying $32 is unbelievable

>> No.3899173

I paid $30 each for those games

>> No.3899174


Also, OP bought sub-par versions of these games. They're all censored (both text and graphics) to comply with NoA's licensing policies, and the third SaGa game arbitrarily renames the entire cast while removing several features. (Although OP doesn't appear to have that one... yet)

>> No.3899364
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x750, 20130412_014516[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coulda done better

>> No.3899604


Any known romhacks or mods for the final fantasy legend games on game boy? I played the shit out of them and want more

>> No.3899606


Mostly just text cleanup. Although there is neoFFL2. I'm not sure exactly what's supposed to be improved upon.

>> No.3899623

Not OP but the sticky says this board is for the discussion of retrogames?

>> No.3899839

>asks for validation
>I don't need anyone to validate
You didn't even make it a pickup thread or pretend later that it was meant as a pickup thread. Such a sad little child.

>> No.3900081
File: 348 KB, 1675x1080, DSC_3101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'd they remove in 3?

>> No.3900086
File: 187 KB, 902x976, DSC_3106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mean to post that photo but oh well

>> No.3900098

>What'd they remove in 3?

Most of the characters had really exotic French names, but the English translation seemed to go for some sort of Arthurian theme instead. (e.g. Arthur was actually called Dune in the original game)

Some enemy graphics were replaced with seemingly arbitrary redesigns, not all of which is censorship. e.g. There's an evil nurse cyborg in the Japanese version, but she gets turned into a woman with overly large lips in in the English version.

The magic system was similar to FF1, with spell levels and a limited number of slots per level. The entire concept was done away with and replaced with a generic inventory that you can drop any spell in. There are no more levels restricting the number of unique spells per level that can be kept in a character's inventory.

The main item inventory used to consist of two columns, and it was possible to carry a greater number of items at once. The English version changed it to a single column and provided less capacity.

And it goes without saying that the translation just sucks.

>> No.3900107


Interestingly, that sort of got retrofitted into the DS remake. Instead of explicitly mentioning heroin, it's just generic "black market goods" that are being smuggled.

>> No.3900543

Because some people prefer playing games on original hardware and aren't concerned with the packaging they came in.

>> No.3900560

really bad you can find these roms for free

>> No.3900638

I can download hacked improved versions of all of these games for free onto everdrive. You got some nice $32 paperweights I guess.

>> No.3900646

so then mod? GB has easy carts and even the 3ds (and usual ds) can play the digital versions with a better form factor

>> No.3900719
File: 64 KB, 357x386, shino cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I do good is not a discussion,

>I just got these games, any advice for a first time player

Is a discussion

>Any fans of the GB FF's here?

Is a discussion

>Look at thing and tell me Im special

Is not a discussion, it's a pathetic attempt for attention

>> No.3900827

if he paid the price and now owns them, then obviously money wasn't an issue for him like it is for (You). trim your neck.

>> No.3901134
File: 63 KB, 600x450, b5909a4806e6424fbdb9a127e45db617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of related to pickups, does anyone have a clue to what game this is?

>> No.3901149


How many times are you guys gonna use that as an excuse? By that logic you might as well waste your money on drugs, hookers or alcohol or whatever people like to waste their money with.

Even if it were true, that doesn't invalidate >>3900719

's arguments about OP and resellers abusing people like him.

>> No.3901204

Why do you care so much about how other people play games? Does someone getting an original cartridge really make you that upset? If it doesn't affect you I don't understand why you're trying so hard to champion emulation/modding.

>> No.3901229
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1440, 20170402_140104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop laughing!! I started this "big mac- mc donalds" troll a few posts ago. No its turning into a meme. Wtf, very funny. Btw, im not op but i did find These at a goodwill yesterday. Not a very good haul but they were all complete.

>> No.3901241

should have skipped the sports games but other then that not bad.
especially for goodwill.

>> No.3901252

>By that logic you might as well waste your money on drugs, hookers or alcohol or whatever people like to waste their money with

considering wasting money on shit to make yourself happy is exactly what a hobby is, yeah, i guess you could. why obsess over how someone else chooses to spend their money? you're just seething because you don't have any. seek sunlight, dweeb.

>> No.3901346

>why obsess over how someone else chooses to spend their money?

Huh? OP asked /vr/ if he did good. As soon as everyone told him he overpaid, suddenly the thread derailed into a series of defensive replies like yours. Seems to me you're the one obsessing.

If OP didn't want our opinion, he shouldn't have asked for it in the first place. I don't frankly care what he wants to pay for retro games. He asked me a question and I answered.

>> No.3901383

>considering wasting money on shit to make yourself happy is exactly what a hobby is, yeah, i guess you could.

Wasting money is not the key point of a hobby. It's spending your free time on it because you love doing it. Where the hell did you get the idea it's all about money?

>>why obsess over how someone else chooses to spend their money?

You sure love assuming stuff people never actually wrote. I'm not "obsessed" with people how they spend their money. I just find it ridiculous how people wanna brag with retro vidya nowadays because it's so cooool to do so and making retro games even more expensive than they were before even when they're not really interested. Besides, that still doesn't excuse OP for acting like a social media attention whore.

>>you're just seething because you don't have any. seek sunlight, dweeb.

I actually go outside daily and like doing that, thanks for another assumption again anon.

>> No.3901490
File: 290 KB, 358x500, wwf-raw-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3901595

ah lame
thanks though

>> No.3901713

Spending your money on drugs, hookers and alcohol is one of the best ways to use it. Do you have any idea how much that $32 will get you in places where you can get a lobster dinner for a dollar?

>> No.3901834
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, Space Dandy 07 A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby (DUB) (1920x1080) [Phr0stY].mkv_snapshot_13.41_[2014.03.02_00.56.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why obsess over how someone else chooses to spend their money?

HE BROUGHT IT UP! Don't give us shit because some person decided to draw attention to the fact he did something stupid. He could have left all that information out and said "Hey here's some games I bought" and if we bitched then yeah it's us being assholes but we're not the ones who brought up price and cost.

>> No.3901939

>cart damage
>label damage
>reseller prices

You goofed.

>> No.3901951
File: 118 KB, 1440x810, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While in the US they were called Final Fantasy Legend in actuality in Japan they were named Doki Doki Panic, but adopted the Final Fantasy moniker to hopefully ride the wave of Final Fantasy I.

>> No.3902393

Every time I see stuff like this, I feel like just buying the Japanese edition
Maybe I should buy American games if they were made by americans

>> No.3902740

no you didn't