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/vr/ - Retro Games

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388831 No.388831 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of your games ever been destroyed, /vr/?

Somebody stepped on my Oracle of Ages cartridge after I accidentally dropped it some time back.

>> No.388841

My copy of Super Mario All-stars just stopped working one day for some reason.

That felt awful.

>> No.388854
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I accidentally spilled milk on my Sega Genesis when I was a kid. It was like 98 and it was still in heavy rotation with my Playstation.

>> No.388890

I broke demon souls in half because it took way too long to do anything, and i knew i had to break it and get free

>> No.388916

I can't believe that someone took the time to take a photo of this, i would rush to get them out of here and try to dry and clean them...

>> No.388926

That image made me feel, briefly, real physical pain in my stomach

>> No.388927

I spilled Spirte on my master system in 96... In my defense, I was like 5.

I miss that thing. I have so many games for it and nothing to play it on

>> No.388942


Just a copy of Earthbound lying in the fucking diarrhea pile?

>> No.388947

Insurance purposes.
They've already been that way for 3 days.
Your entire life, house, everything has been ruined.
You've been living in a homeless shelter.

They're fucked, man. And not only them, but you. I wasn't hit by Sandy, but a different natural disaster a while back and the whole experience just kinda leaves you with a depression.gif attitude. In perspective, a super nintendo is not really the great loss there.

>> No.388971

They're gone, man. They're gone.....

>> No.388983

Hurricane Sandy would

>> No.388998

My father refused to waterproof our roof last year because he didn't want to invest in purchasing and reapplying a tar coating on a yearly basis, and wanted instead to cover the roof with ceramic tiles.

However, he kept procrastinated a little bit too long, at least long enough for the rain season to hit our region. Unfortunately, the roof started leaking, and for God knows what reason, one of the fucking leaks sprung directly above a shoebox filled with all my vidya boxes.

None of my cartridges got wet, but several of my boxes did get wet, with varying degrees of humidity ranging from slightly damp to dripping wet.

It pissed me off that a "Keith Courage in Alpha Zones" comic book I kept there was one of the most fucked things by that fucking water leak. Also, my near-mint condition copy of Path of Radiance also got wet.

I had also stored away some vintage bank notes in there, whcih I layed out to dry and "mysteriously" disappeared shortly after. Dear god, that was one horrifying night.

>> No.389015

In his defense just adding layer upon layer of tar isn't good either, that's just adding more and more weight

>> No.389053


I know. Which is why he decided to cover it with ceramic tiles. But he took way too long.

I'm a bit more pissed at having my vidya so damn fucking close to the rooftop, though. It wasn't his nor my decision. I actually used to store these very close to me on the floor, but my mother decided she didn't like watching a couple of relatively small and unobtrusive shoe boxes every day and moved them up there herself claiming "they'll be just as safe there".

But, oh well.

>> No.389217

>American SNES

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.389251


Sandy pls go

>> No.389583

>Donkey Kong screaming in horror, flailing his arms as he sinks into the pile of shit

>> No.390546

Worms Armageddon on PS1

Disc fell on floor, didn't realise, ran over with it with my chair, disc snapped in half, so did my heart

>> No.390603

My friend dropped a screwdriver onto my Megaman X4 disc. It landed at a 90 degree angle, and punched a hole straight through the disc.

I was mad for five minutes or something, but then I realized that I beat the game a bunch of times, and didn't even own the original case because I bought it pre-owned. I was lucky enough to find another copy with the real case years later.

>> No.390620

My aunt smashed my model 1 genesis on the floor because I had unplugged the TV.

She also stole a near complete collection of NES games and system, my SNES collection, and my PS1 collection.

My '64 made it out of there only because I had lent it out at the time. My genesis collection wound up going to a friend as a goodbye gift.

>> No.390629

I had a broken Pokemon Red cartridge as a kid, only the title screen would work, trying to play the game would freeze it.

I spent so many hours just watching the Pokemon sprites change and listening to the music.

>> No.390642

you aunt sounds like a dick.

>> No.390664

My cane corso sat on my playstation

>> No.390665

She was some slut drug addict hooker bitch.

According to her daughter years later, she sold all that stuff for a sandwich bag not even half full of weed.

>> No.391063
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This gave me a laugh the other day.


>> No.391489

Back when I was a kid, I got forced by my parents to swap my PS1 for her friends kids SNES for a little while. This family was poor as fuck so I was apparently "being nice for once". I was cool with it at the time, because I'd never played a SNES before, and I'd beated all the games on my PS1.

A month or so passes and I get my PS1 back. I open my Crash Bandicoot case to find the game with a bite taken out of it. Not even kidding, the toddler of the family had been given my copy of Crash Bandicoot to "play with" and it bit a chunk out of it.

Not only that but the AV cable had been chewed by rodents or something. The power buttons and controllers were sticky and caked in gunk.

I never let anyone borrow anything from me anymore.