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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 178 KB, 1280x800, megaman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3884268 No.3884268 [Reply] [Original]

>can't slide so less maneuverability during boss fights
>Air Man and Wood Man can be beaten without moving from the left corner
>shitty items you will only use about 3 times
>metal blade is so overpowered that there is almost no reason to use a different weapon
>Good luck fighting Quick Man without Flash Stopper
>Boobeam trap leaving zero margin for error and requiring grinding on making a mistake
>Movement momentum is still present leftover from Mega Man 1
>Undodgeable attack during Wily Machine phase 2

Why is Mega Man 2 often described as the best one in the classic series? All it has going for it is nostalgia, the great music and (some) level design.
The weapons are really good too but Metal Blade outperforms the others 90% of the time so they don't get opportunity to shine.

Mega Man 3, 6, 7, 9 are all better than 2.

>> No.3884272

No, you're wrong. MM2 is the best MM game of all time. Everyone says so, so that makes it fact and you're nothing but a contrarian hipster for starting this thread.

I feel like I'm supposed to call you a "kiddo" now. Or something.

>> No.3884280

MM2 is deeply flawed indeed, but it took the formula and brought it on a whole other level and set the standard pretty high.

Your problem is that you view it from today's perspective, the "no slide" for instance wasn't an issue to anyone back then because they never played an MM game with slide to begin with. Besides MM9 has no slide or charge and it's the best, while MM5 has both and is the worst. A game isn't just good or bad because of its mechanics, it all depend son how you use them.

Besides every MM from 1 to 6 is flawed in different ways. For me 4 is the best because it's the most balanced and polished in every way.

>> No.3884286

So it's just a matter of nostalgia as I thought?

Why aren't people as nostalgic about 3 and 4 if they have less flaws?

>> No.3884340


Because they were largely retread and MM games are judged on levels, bosses, and the overall package. In that respect 2 is very hard to top. I personally like 4 the best because mega buster is the best mechanic they've ever introduced.

>> No.3884343

3 is my favorite since it I love that slide.
4 is ok, but that Charge Shot kinda made it too easy.

>> No.3884374


Quick Man's stage isn't that hard without Flash Stopper. You don't even have to memorize the death lazers; there's just enough time to react if you stick to the center for each new screen. Also, you forgot Metal Man in the list of bosses you can beat without moving from the left corner.

Anyway, I don't give a shit which MM is considered to be the best but I like most of the things you've taken issue with except for the unavoidable hit. Metal blade is just a lot of fun to use, and the lesser upgrades are still fun to mess around with even if they're suboptimal. I always save Wood Man for last because the one-shot with Heat Man's weapon pleases me.

>> No.3884375

It's okay OP I used to suck at video games when I was a child too. When you grow up you'll learn to stop blaming the games for your own shortcomings.

>> No.3884379

The only thing I criticized that could possibly be due to not being good at the game would be beating Quick Man without the Flash Stopper.

Everything else are bad design choices or clunky controls.

>> No.3884767

prove me wrong

>> No.3884959

you can beat boobeam with 5 crash bombs, rather than the full 7. it's not that hard, anon.

>> No.3885065

I'm not him but it's not the "what you can do or not" that's an issue.

The issue is that it's puzzle based boss, you have to find the solution to the puzzle, but you're not allowed to fail. If you don't find the solution right away, you'll be out of crash bomb powers and/or items energy to help, and that's GRANTED you even had enough when you entered the room.
If you don't, or if you fail solving the puzzle right away, even death can't save you because there is no way to refill weapon power. You have to lose all your lives on purpose, get a game over, use a continue and restart the entire level over just to get a new try.

That's either a design flaw, or some serious punishing bullshit from the devs. Either way it's something they learnt from in the sequels, in which when you have to use specific items you'll either find much more energy refills or enemies to potentially 'grind' for.

And yes, once you know the answer to a puzzle, the puzzle is easy.

>> No.3885254

Is megaman some sort of COD of the NES era?

>> No.3885772

I can't

>> No.3885787

Mega Man III was the best, fight me

>> No.3885823
File: 58 KB, 500x500, ps2 megaman anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grew up on the X series
>Finally play Mega Man 1-6 in this collection
>They're all pretty mediocre even by NES standards

Why is this series so hyped again?

>> No.3885824

You have no right to judge when only the first X game is legitimately great.

>> No.3886105
File: 9 KB, 220x165, 220px-MegaManLegendsgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post in here instead of making a 3rd megaman thread

Legends is my favorite game and sometimes I get wasted and speed run it or spend a weekend 100%ing it

Why did cap com kill MML3 and why did mn9 suck

The endings to MML and MML2 make me so sad

>> No.3886146

Because according to them "the audience don't show enough interest." I'm happy to give Mega Man a break, but 7 years?

I feel the fan games (most notably Unlimited, Super Fighting Robot and Rock Force) do a superb job of keeping MM alive.
Easily Unlimited and Super Fighting Robot in particular are better than MM5, 8 and 1.
Just wait until someone does a NES-style remake of Mega Man V with the Stardroids.
Or a NES-style remake of Super Adventure Rockman with Ra Moon, Ra Thor and Ra Devil.

Capcom have clearly indicated they don't give a toss about Mega Man at the moment so there's no point in hoping.

I do believe they'll pick him back up again, but not for a couple years.

However I'll never forgive the Mega Man Archie comic being cancelled. Fucking hell. It was just too good.

>> No.3886697

>MM2 is deeply flawed indeed,

Fucking hell, everything NESfag does and says is stupid.

>> No.3886727

In this case why don't enlighten us all and explain how heavily unbalanced weapons, glitches, and situations in which you have to use specific weapons/items with little to NO way to refill weapon energy is flawless game design.

Because being an insult spouting anonymous while persuading yourself 'WRONG' is easier, that's why.

I started my post by claiming how great MM2 is and how it brought the concept of MM1 to a whole other standard, but claiming it's flawless is ridiculous.

>> No.3886958

Are you referring to zipping?

>> No.3886979

>Undodgeable attack during Wily Machine phase 2
The bouncing energy balls right? I have always just tanked my way through it.

Is it really not possible to dodge?

>> No.3887176

I played it, but couldn't get past the Wily Stage 1 part where you had to create the platforms yourself while jumping from one to other.

>> No.3887512

Honestly, I can't bring myself to finish 1, 2 or 3 anymore. At this point I mostly just play 4 and 6.

>> No.3887736

did you have the music turned off when you played them?

>> No.3888159

That part makes me so fucking mad.

I like the NES megaman games, but they're so full of bullshit. Take the beam mazes for example. You have to die, repeatedly, in order to know where you're not supposed to be. That's just fucking bad game design. The wiley stages are full of bullshit too.

Anyone who says they're good games is just nostalgiafagging. I get nostalgic for them too, but they're NOT good games.

Music is 10/10 though.

>> No.3888312

Resetting falling speed through weapons menu probably wasn't intended either. I use that to clear the gap for the Metal Man e-tank as well as other little shortcuts.

>> No.3888332

>the game doesn't incorporate changes from later games so all praise it receives is driven by nostalgia

This is a bad argument and you belong on /v/.

>> No.3888341

I dunno, Mega Man X is almost entirely trash so I should ask you the same question.

>> No.3888345

I dunno, man.

I've just accepted that NESfag's ass-backwards opinions are part of /vr/ lore.

>> No.3888352

What a backwards way of looking at it. How can a prior game incorporate games from the future.

More like
>Later games improved the controls, movement, cheap tricks and shit boss design

So yes, thinking of Mega Man 2 as the best despite it being a worse game than several others is rose-tinted glasses.

>> No.3889838


Stop using a name, autist. It only makes everything worse. If you want names then go to a different forum.

>> No.3889854


>not filtering all non-Anonymous posters

It's like you enjoy having cancer constantly shoved in your face.

>> No.3890651

Yeah, a lot of the hype is nostalgia, because it was first Mega Man to get really popular, so it was most people's first contact with the series.
Also all installments of Classic past 4 were relatively obscure due to NES aging and being replaced in common conciousness by SNES.

>> No.3890706

2 is pretty alright, its got a fair amount of flaws but i think its just progressing towards refinement. It fixed the problems with 1, but had its own issues as well. I still think 4 is probably my favorite.

>> No.3892309

Ok, i think the anger is getting the best of you, x is pretty fucking good. Though my favorite series is still the zero series.

>> No.3892310

Why did they cancel the comics again? I need to buy the set.

>> No.3892312
File: 211 KB, 600x375, 1489785708767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some art anon.
Try the miss adventures of tronne bonne.

>> No.3894601

Rockman Dash is awful gameplay-wise though, you can beat most bosses by just running in circles. I only like that game because it has two stunning waifus.

>> No.3894645
File: 197 KB, 322x361, 1490877586685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Mega Man 2 often described as the best one in the classic series?
As you stated. Variety. I can be played multiple ways, from basic Nintendo Hard to crushing.

In a time when most games were either crushingly hard or piss-easy with no options, this was pretty neat.

Also, Rock makes for a QT shota.

>> No.3894661

The public's taste in games changes over time.

Back in the day, people valued the whole package. So a game like MM2 was seen as being great because of the whole package. Flaws and all.
Hell, flaws could at times add to a game's appeal or charm.

These days, all anyone cares about is mechanics and gameplay. So the music, level layouys, graphic design and etc all get overlooked or go unappreciated. This, of course, makes the flaws seem infinately worse. And looking at things this way, flaws are never able to be overlooked.

Like how FFVII was seen as onw of the greatest games of all time for like 15 straight years. And now all anyone sees is the turn based combat, so "it sucks" and is "flawed". And of course al the games that ripped it off make it sewm generic now. While at the time, it stood above all the rest, because it inspired them.

Also, this is how games like OoT were originally seen as maybe the best zelda game, but that's all, but is now heralded as the absolute greatest thing ever that literally invented fun in videogames.

Perspectives change, information is lost, experience varies and ultimately different generations will see things differently. And on that note, the older generation will often change their views too.

>> No.3894669

>Also, this is how games like OoT were originally seen as maybe the best zelda game, but that's all, but is now heralded as the absolute greatest thing ever that literally invented fun in videogames.

Nah, it was proclaimed "Greatest Video Game Evar!!!1!" when it came out and has held that title ever since.

>> No.3894681
File: 2.92 MB, 281x187, 1203291572219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall it pretty much is the greatest of all time, as far as 3D games go.

It's not really genuine to compare a 2D game with a 3D once since there's literally a dimension separating them.

In the end it doesn't fucking matter what the best game is, only if a game is enjoyable and properly challenging without being a cheap cunt.

>> No.3894690

Anime posters belongs in /v/
You guys never contribute anything to a thread

>> No.3894717

>can't slide so less maneuverability during boss fights
git gud
>Good luck fighting Quick Man without Flash Stopper
git gud
>Boobeam trap leaving zero margin for error and requiring grinding on making a mistake
gig dud
>Movement momentum is still present leftover from Mega Man 1
get good
>Undodgeable attack during Wily Machine phase 2
gut gid

>> No.3894768

> have to hold charge all the damn time to deal with any minor enemy
> Mega Man is glowing triggering my epilepsy
> ruins the awesome music by taking up an entire channel to

>> No.3894776

>Take the beam mazes for example. You have to die, repeatedly, in order to know where you're not supposed to be.
Game literally gives you a weapon to 100% neutralize them, and it's even the easiest boss to beat to boot.

>> No.3894813

>>git gud

>> No.3894879

>the easiest boss

that's not Metal Man tho

>> No.3894904
File: 101 KB, 256x189, Mega_Man_X_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the better series is MMX.
The story is coherent and the graphics were superb.

>> No.3894995

>even death can't save you because there is no way to refill weapon power
Except that there is.
You start a few screens back if you die and there are a bunch of sniper armors on the way to the boss. Hell, if you get unlucky and they drop no weapon power you can just go back n forth and they will respawn.

>> No.3897128

What's wrong with 4,5?

>> No.3897146
File: 91 KB, 323x323, 1885040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring about story in a non-RPG.

>> No.3897271

>implying sniper armors are a good way to grind drops

They were definitely not put there because they thought "hey, the player might need a refill".