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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 141 KB, 675x1200, IMG_20170325_215143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3883608 No.3883608 [Reply] [Original]

>haha anon you have a Nintendo 64?? wow we're really into retro games too!
>let's play some goldeneye deathmatch I hear that game is really fun!
>how do you hold this silly controller haha

normie stories thread.
post stories, images, greentexts, cringe etc.

>> No.3883612

>a girl will never use your lap as a table to rest the N64 controller while she incorrectly holds it

>> No.3883616

Unless you have an actual diagnosed mental illness, you too are a "normie," OP.

>> No.3883625

what the fuck are they doing to those sticks

>> No.3883629
File: 49 KB, 299x450, kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid that leans while taking corners in any game

>> No.3883630
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>I sold my super nintendo last weekend, I was so sad. It wasn't working and the guy who bought it sent me a picture, apparently he fixed it in a matter of minutes
>Which one is the super nintendo?
>The gray one, it was the first Nintendo xd

>> No.3883641

what about >that 30 year old that still does it...

>> No.3883649
File: 47 KB, 960x540, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3883653 [DELETED] 

So are any of you fagtard gonna post actual true stories, or is this thread just gonna be 80 threads of made up shit like this?

>> No.3883657

You triggered, girl?

>> No.3883660




>> No.3883665


That might be a new one for me; I don't know if I've ever seen someone hold a joystick as though it were a grape that they were plucking from the stem.

>> No.3883670

Nice meme.

I am now stealing it.

>> No.3883672

How much of a pretentious edgelord do you have to be to get upset about this kind of shit. OP your greentext was of a person interested in your hobby and expressing delight in it, how the fuck is that bad?

Like I kind of get it, it irks me when someone calls a sprite 8-bit when it clearly isn't, but fuck.

Also when the fuck did we switch to normie from normalfag?

>> No.3883673
File: 87 KB, 960x540, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3883714

>I'm interested in retro videogames
>the Nintendo 64 is my favorite console
>doesn't know how to properly hold the controller
this could mean
>1. this person has lied to seem cool
>2. this person has lied and is one of those hipster faggots who have NES belt buckles but never touched a console older than a wii
> 3. this person isn't lying and doesn't know how to hold a fucking controller

>> No.3883717

Why does every mom call all consoles "a Nintendo" or "a Sony"

>> No.3883721

>4. this person lied to make friends

>> No.3883781
File: 3.29 MB, 1726x1212, collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>jesus christ I hate normies who only know about retro consoles from game grumps. they're like "OMG N64 SO RETRO XXXDDD"
>uhhhh... but N64 is retro. you're probably just jealous that you don't have one
>>but I do
>*hardly recognizes anything"
I despise normies

>> No.3883783

The box of disks is the most interesting thing in that picture.

>> No.3883793

mini handjobs for when they get white husbands

>> No.3883795

>5. this person doesn't know much about retro games but actually is interested and sincerely does want to learn
Nah fuck you, Kid. Go buy a fucking N64 and some games and familiarize yourself with them before you fucking DARE talk to anyone about it ever again!

>> No.3883804

probably because they don't know video game consoles that well but know the names of the large corporations that make them

>> No.3883808

wait I'm confused, who's the villain in your story?

>> No.3883830
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We've all been there

>> No.3883894
File: 242 KB, 640x554, Mother-Goose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normie stories
Once upon a time there was a small gook toon image board for discussing old electronic toys. Normies of appropriate ages came there to discuss them. And God saw that this was good. Then the evil /v/itch of the /v/est sent her minions of underage trolls to shit the place up. They wrought great havoc on the place but did not destroy it. Next there was a plague of frogs. Circlejerking shitposters posted frogs everywhere on the board. They all had lice and boils and attracted fliesso it was pretty much like the Egyption plagues. The ModGods fought the latest threat with great thunderbolts of word filters but to no avail. Finally Edgars nintendo/playstation welding gramps showed up and the place descended in to a cesspool of F5 fueled smug narcissistic fart smelling. The entire place went to shit and nobody ever lived happily ever again. The End

>> No.3883923

I lean while taking corners in tetris. I also take big breaths while doing long jumps in platformers.

>> No.3883932
File: 9 KB, 175x217, 1488347956344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, I'm what you would call a retro gamer
>pulls out a Nintendo DS

>> No.3883935
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>pulls out a GBA

>> No.3883937
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>> No.3883938

DS has a better library of retro games than N64.

>> No.3883939

Sometimes a story doesn't need a villain

>> No.3883952
File: 29 KB, 333x333, McDonalds_Table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls out a 9999 in 1 brick game

>> No.3883953
File: 503 KB, 691x338, deer-hunter-christopher-walken[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls out a revolver and one bullet

>> No.3883958
File: 47 KB, 390x329, 1424098728135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a retro gamer but I can also appreciate the complexity and graphical fidelity of modern video games
>I bet you've never met anybody quite like me
>*tips Virtual Boy*

>> No.3883963
File: 452 KB, 772x558, FireShot Screen Capture 875612-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls out a rubik cube

>> No.3883978

>pulls out Zelda's green tunic

>> No.3884059

Or, you know, they could just prefer holding the controller that way.

>> No.3884093

Fuck this thread.

You guys are turning into /v/ and nobody's even calling you out.

Must be sunday /vr/.

>> No.3884247

it's called immersion, ya cunt.

>not leaning while taking a turn in a racing-game

>> No.3884257
File: 38 KB, 637x476, 1395982559729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kid
>bring Gameboy and Tiger handhelds to school
>modern day
>kids are bringing gaming laptops and Nintendo Switches to school

>> No.3884260

I gave up on that after I got banned for reporting an obvious troll thread that turned into a shitstorm within 50 posts

>> No.3884305 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 897x957, Scramby Wraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So deliciously triggered

>> No.3884405

I bet you a trillion dollars the OP pic they're playing some Mario Party minigame and some shiteater took a picture knowing it would trigger /v/.

>> No.3884418

In this day and age probably, when the n64 released it was a common sight though along with holding the left prong and awkwardly stretching the thumb all the way over to the joystick

>> No.3884427 [DELETED] 

My mom actually doesn't do that, it's weird, she has no real interests in games except she has never once gotten the name of a console wrong.

Underage here as well, my dad actually had great taste in games as well and is the reason I got into retro games. I feel very lucky, considering the first game he had me play was Pac-Man world, then also Tekken 3 directly after that.

>> No.3884434

No but wait that would imply they went out of their way to buy that, most of the time if it's not being shove in their faces like nintendo products they won't care.

>> No.3884447

My parents all portable console "game boy" and all home console "Playstation"

>> No.3884451

look at the clothes of the people in the pic and don't tell me they look like they're the type of people to buy nes lamps n shit off Etsy cause le retro xdd cool

>> No.3884504
File: 62 KB, 960x540, dank_nintendo_yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah yo I love retro games bro Nintendo is so epic bro I love collecting it bro I'm a HUGE Nintendo collector bro
>only ever plays modern crap

I've seen this a few times

>> No.3884509

>LED modded controller
>wasn't even done in a way that looks decent
Every time.

>> No.3884524

>be kid
>breath air
>modern day
>kids breath modern air
>mind blown

At least they can distinguish between a handheld and a console. My wife calls everything a gameboy.

>> No.3884557

retro air best air

>> No.3884560

That and he's playing what might be a shitty romhack on some shitty repro cart that he overpaid for

>> No.3884569

Obviously the guy who hates anyone who isn't just like him but still thinks he's in the right. A classic villain.

>> No.3884572

>Invite normie friend over
>we play Turtles in Time together; beat it
>Then play some Lego Marvel's Avengers
>Watch a couple episodes of Batman TAS
>Finish it off with an episode of MST3K while eating pizza
>A good day was had by all

>> No.3884630

Modern air is full of estrogens. It's turning the younger generation into a bunch of literal faggots.

>> No.3884634
File: 96 KB, 640x463, 1444063753760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a party for a co-worker of my wife. Walk in and the guy had a Genesis and SNES hooked up to a projector with a stack of games for each. Started looking like I might actually have a fun time.

Start playing. The guy was terrible. As if he never touched a gen or snes b4. Didn't think about it until after but everything he had were the popular normie meme games.

Became painfully obvious this guy dropped a ton of money on games he found on someone's top ten list. Guess he was looking for some kind of nerd cred? Sad!

Finished my drink and we left early.

>> No.3884639

Probably in the gold shell from a real Zelda cart.

>> No.3884643

He was probably flirting with your wife while you were busy checking his games.

>> No.3884646
File: 138 KB, 500x500, 1449597330083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never played a megaman game in their lives


>"omg Mega Man X is so hard!"
topkek this one always gets me

And let's not forget this gem that you see from time to time
>person wearing a Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon shirt
>hey anon, can you name any songs from that album?
>person wearing Pink Floyd - The Wall shirt
>can you name any songs from the album?
>"haha yeah I love We Don't Need No Education! XD XD XD"

>> No.3884653


This picture fucking angers me so much already. I don't know what they look like but the boots they are wearing, the nail polish, that arm ring thing whatever its called, all of their clothing and of course WTF are they doing with those sticks? Granted the N64 controller is the worst shit in history but still this is just so wrong and painful to watch and calling N64 "retro" triggers the fuck out of me as well. But people get younger and I get older.

>> No.3884663

I bet most of you are just as much normalfags as the people you're trying to mock. Why the need to do that anyway? Feeling so insecure you gotta make fun of other people? Why not simply ignore it or just shrug at it and move on?

And don't come at me saying "it's bait bro, you shouldn't respond to it" because that doesn't change anything about the content of your anti-social shitposting.

>> No.3884665
File: 110 KB, 796x510, 1741358163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess how many of them never ever played any Mario game in their life? Mario and Luigi is a VERY common carnival custom here in Germany and I always see normies wear them. Girls who clearly have no fucking clue but want to see cool trigger me the most.

>> No.3884668

ITT: Made up strawman stories that never actually happened.

>> No.3884669

Nah. I make her sit in the corner staring at the wall during parties. Her burka usually blends in well enough that people forget she's even there. More than once I've whistled indicating that I want to leave and she scares the shit out of people when she moves thinking she was just part of the decor.

Had something similar where I started talking baseball to a guy wearing a White Sox hat. After a couple minutes he finally admitted that he doesn't actually watch, he just really liked the hat kek

>> No.3884674

>OH I know this game. I've watched a STREAM of someone playing it

Wait? What? I never expected to hear this. So people don't PLAY games anymore. They experience games by watching others on Twitch or Youtube PLAY those and then they are like
>OH YEH I think I know this RETRO game. I say XYZ play it live

Games are meant to be fucking PLAYED. It makes me so sad. More sad than angry.

>> No.3884679
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 38zVR5n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you also hold your breath when you are under water / swimming in a game like say a platformer where you are suddenly under water? I do.

>> No.3884686


I've never played it but just looked it up. So what's it like? Any good?

>> No.3884702
File: 34 KB, 253x300, gshirt2-253x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was thinking about that one as well but didn't want to bring it up because it's not vidya. Anyways H&M sells PLENTY of band shirts and I am already glad IF people know Another Brick in the Wall / We don't need no education. In most cases they just bought the band shirt because it looked "pretty". That's the sad part.

Something stupid about me. I once bought a Pearl Jam shirt without knowing about Pearl Jam. I just liked the way the shirt looked but I would instantly educate myself. Get their music and really started to like them a lot so I knew what I was wearing. It also just said "Pearl Jam" really tiny at the top of the back where the neck is so I hadn't even noticed it when buying. I guess that's a bit different than a big ass PINK FLOYD on the front.

>> No.3884707

This post says a lot more about you than it does them.

>> No.3884710

modern air is full of disease and literal cancer.

>> No.3884716


Enlighten me and educate me about myself, please.

>> No.3884743

You have no idea what a strawman actually is or how it's used as a linguistic and argumentative device

>> No.3884746

>OP your greentext was of a person interested in your hobby and expressing delight in it, how the fuck is that bad?

Because the person was clearly not interested in it. It's better for everyone to be sincere instead of pretending you're le retro game fan when you're actually someone who doesn't give a fuck about it and can't even use the pad right.

>> No.3884750

When all those stories are made up and the subjects within are just conjured boogeymen for anon to rant against, them please tell me how I'm applying the term wrong.

>> No.3884772
File: 3 KB, 275x183, BlackHamburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she never thinks of you.

>> No.3884781

He is sour his failed console didn't become the mainstream norm.

>> No.3884869

>ps1 sold more than n64
>ps2 most sold console right before DS
>PS3 moderately popular console
>ps4 most popular this gen
Nintendo: least popular console, least retention rate, only sells by hype but then abandoned after a few months

>> No.3884973

I think that's only true about wii. At least the other consoles had decent games constantly coming out

>> No.3884982

You've got it backwards. Wii had the best games support of any Nintendo console since the SNES.

>b-b-but every wii game is casual trash meme
Look more closely at the library and stop listening to memes.

>> No.3885038

Had a friend who held the controller like that, despite the 64 being his first console

He beat whiz pig tho, so I can't judge

>> No.3885050

>Look more closely at the library and stop listening to memes.

Yeah, look at the SNES library for example. It's full of casual games once you remove the first party titles, Squaresoft games, and Street Fighter 2.

>> No.3885068

Take a breath spergboi

Nostalgiagoggles for Wii. You're too young to even fuck off back to /v/

>> No.3885073

>Nostalgiagoggles for Wii
Bugger off. Only people who were old enough to fully remember the NES's zeitgeist know that the Wii was the console's second, albeit slightly inferior, coming.

>> No.3885079

I stopped doing this for everything except for f zero and snes mario kart

>> No.3885083

>N64 and Gamecube have better libraries than Wii
You're the one who needs to fuck off.

>> No.3885087
File: 343 KB, 397x545, 147593856930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normie friend learns about n64 from game grumps which him and his other normie friends love
>spends over $150 for a n64 w third party accessories and no games
>spends another $50 on super smash bros
>impresses his normie friends
>now whenever we talk about scheduling a party he's the guy who screams "I'LL BRING THE N64!"
come to think of it, I have never seen him playing a single game besides smash bros, on 3ds, on n64, on gamecube.

>> No.3885124

To be fair, that's pretty much how it was with the N64 back in the day too. It was either smash bros. or Goldeneye played at gatherings.

>> No.3885159

mario partyyyy circle jerks were the worst but glad I did them I guess.

>> No.3885178


>normie gets a normie console to play a normie party game with other normies

That tells you more about the N64 than it does him.

>> No.3885224

>learns about n64
How young do you need to be to need to "learn about" the n64? How young do you need to be to be friends with this person?

>> No.3885393

Anyone who is young enough to legitimately just now learn about the N64 would also outright dismiss it because of its primitive graphics.

>> No.3885419

>4 lines of text
>take a breath spergboi
lol dude is that your rebuttal? at least you don't bullshit the numbers on consoles and just choose to ignore them.

>> No.3885447

is zeitgeist really the word you want to use there?


>> No.3885457

Hit a nerve there kiddo?

said no one ever
>b-b-but implying
Take the /v/ advice

>> No.3885467

>Pulls out two rocks and starts playing Uggugg

>> No.3886079

>nostalgia goggles for Wii
Hardly. I was 18 when the Wii came out and knew exactly the sort of games I wanted from it. If you sift through all the shovelware, the good third party games on the Wii were amazing. It was like another dreamcast.

>> No.3886103

Yes, but they were sadly few and far between. Face it, the Wii's biggest selling point was also its biggest downfall. The best things about the Wii are most first-party titles and the homebrew community. The third-party titles are mostly a landmine of shovelware and crap.

Holy shit, man, glad to know I'm not the only one who still plays that game, though I still think Uggaraah is the best game for the system

>> No.3886137

So because it has lots of shovelware the good games on it are somehow invalidated? The Wii library is huge, and despite the ratio of good games to crap ones there's still a huge chunk of those that were made for people who play games and not casual soccer moms. Especially when you add wiiware to the mix, there are a time of games worth playing.

>> No.3886139

>calls greentext stories strawman arguments
>uses a strawman argument to justify it

>> No.3886342

Christ, bud, reddit is thataway.

>> No.3886370

>at restraunt with girl
>"Oh yeah I love video games XD."
>comes time to order
>"I'll have the sasuage zeldas please."
>have to explain to their sasuage links
Fucking hate these people.

>> No.3886392 [DELETED] 


>> No.3886397

>talking to people
You guys are doing it wrong.

>> No.3886401
File: 93 KB, 420x420, 1399086040746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when /vr/ was announced I was kind of stoked and browsed 4chan regularly again after years of absence. the recent tripfagging is the icing on the cake of shit this board has become.

>> No.3887043

fuck Babbage's gramps like what fucking need do you have to be one of the only ones with a name here?

>> No.3887052

Hey, wanna hear a joke? How do you know if a poster is a tripfag?

Don't worry, someone will say "FUCK YOU TRIPFAG" in response to them

>> No.3887053
File: 21 KB, 479x328, FB_IMG_1456778327487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving a Guinea pig a name like that
That's just cruel.

>> No.3887063

Why the fuck have two FDS?

>> No.3887086

We'll to be fair, the ds has a large library of retro on the Virtual Console. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.3887104



you gigantic faggot, that is popcorn, not scrambled eggs.

>> No.3887117

Because at least one of them will always be broken. You should see my pile of Sega CDs

>> No.3887178

I swear /vr/ used to be full of cool chill people 2-3+ years ago who just wanted to talk about old video games


>> No.3887191

Just today when doing critical jumps in Turok 2 I noticed that I tense my legs during that. I also lean. I also press the buttons harder in order to make them react faster.

>> No.3887198

I still don't consider the N64 retro. Retro is the generation before that, everything from N64 to GC/PS2 is regular stuff and everything newer is newfangled kid stuff.

>> No.3887214
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to replace a fuse

>> No.3887223

Oh wow, someone wants me to go to reddit. What a compelling argument. That sure explained to me why most people in this thread are acting like angsty teenagers who think only they can thoroughly enjoy a hobby.

Maybe you should back off to Reddit yourself with your circlejerking attention seeking douchebags who want to have others sympathize with them.

>> No.3887235

>invite friends over for vidya
>bust out the dreamcast and pop in my burned copy of Power Stone 2
>they start comparing it to smash
>decide to play smash 64
>bust out n64 and everdrive
>they flip their shit and now everyone wants to play conker's
>it's only been three hours so far
>someone points out my PS2
>bust out my HDD modded PS2
>we spend the rest of the evening playing TimeSplitters 2
could have gone worse, imo

>> No.3887269

Shit, I still do that. Who doesn't?

>> No.3887298
File: 107 KB, 320x287, 1358108286932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, i love X series
>Oh yeah, what's your favorite one?
>I don't never finished any of them

>> No.3887334

In all honesty I'm the casual in my friend group but I am catching up by playing all the games I have missed out on.

>> No.3887348

Normies just need a guiding hand

>> No.3887437

They are probably playing Mario party

>> No.3888173 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 534x548, 933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Muh Analog

>> No.3888630
File: 735 KB, 850x1200, 1458821774615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt is palpable. Don't have an aneurysm, pal.

>> No.3889607

Are you going to give an argument for that behavior or is "lol, u mad?" the only thing you guys can come up with?

>> No.3889863

My mom calls everything a wii or a ds, she's a mexican immigrant and they only other console she knew about was an atari something.

>> No.3889870

You're not in /v/kansas anymore, Dorthy.

>> No.3889928

What's wrong with African games?

>> No.3889937

I have an actual diagnosed mental illness and the people from /r9k/ who invented the meme would still call me a normie. All that separates me from them is the fact that I can get laid.

>> No.3889939

This is not to board to post smug anime.

>> No.3890017
File: 602 KB, 565x720, 1404293786412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every board is a smug girls board
Freddy Kruger showing some trigger discipline and Sasquatch gripping bbc in the corner, classic normies

>> No.3890019

>sonic 2 is the only good genesis game

>> No.3890020

it's not even a good sonic game.

>> No.3890618

I agree with you aside the 2-3years part. As far as i remember, /vr/ has always been trash. In fact 4chan has always been full of nostalgic "oldfags" who think 4chan was better some time ago. This sitz has always been shit. And /vr/ has always been shit desu besides some interesting threads from time to time but I agree with you, 60% of time it's about placebo-tier shit on which CRT is the best for my modded saturn import. Do people even discuss about games themselves? I don't think so, it's just a pissing contest for the highest number of (you)s.

>> No.3890628

An argument against what exactly? That anon's autistic screeching? You're in a shitpost thread.

>> No.3890681

Most people into retro games are into 8bit or 16bit games, usually NES, Genesis or SNES. AND even THEN, people into retro 32bit games are usually into Playstation because it was the most popular and also because it has good emulators (I mean, fuck, Bleem made many people discover emulation) and believe it or not, with nostalgia glasses off, Playstation WAS the most popular fifth gen console, and N64 was what weird kids or Nintendo fanboys had.
Also N64 has a really weird fucking controller and shit, I'd definitely call myself into retro games, but I also definitely would have no idea how to hold this fucking controller because, shocker, I NEVER OWNED A PHYSICAL N64.
Not everyone who had different childhood is a normie, and the only cringe is at your fucking autism, OP.

>> No.3890689

The n64 controller has what is clearly handles meant to be gripped. Would you fire a gun by gingerly pinching the trigger with your thumb & index finger?

>> No.3890693

I wish gaming was as popular as it is now when I was a kid.

I used to talk about Diablo 1, and Final Fantasy, and everyone just thought I was weird.

>tfw used to compete in amateur pro leagues as a kid on Counter-Strike, but parents thought it was a dumb hobby and made me quit.

>> No.3890698

Your parents were wise.

>> No.3890735

>now there's weekly tournaments for thousands of dollars, but I haven't played CS since 1.6

I don't think it was that wise, seeing as how now I just work a retail job and dream about playing video games for money.

>> No.3890739
File: 62 KB, 320x266, 70586_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amateur professional leagues
de_dust called, they want to give your career back.

>> No.3890745

please, best times of my life

nothing beats the opening pistol round.

>> No.3890753

I feel exactly the same, sadly.

>> No.3890775

>Friend comes over and says he is really into retro games 'n stuff.
>Play some Pocky 'n Rocky with him, takes pictures of us playing, sends them to other people with snapchat.
>After playing 20 minutes "This game is dum, let's play something else".
>I gotcha bro let's play some Streets of Rage.
>Pictures again
>moments later "This game is boring and reppetetive".
>Play some Golden axe, but naturally same complaints.
>Play Jedi Power battles on PSX.
>"Hurrr to hard".
>Friend really likes pokémon so we start playing minigames on pokemon stadium.
>Friend starts taking pictures of the screen like a madman.
>He can't win.
>"This is made for toddlers".

We ended up just watching tv.

>> No.3890780

Your friend is far from a "normie."
He's a self-absorbed twit.

>> No.3890802

>not playing Oggnok.
>not playing the superior stick port of Uggugg.

It's like you hate games

>> No.3890805

Oggnok was just a soulless cash-in sequel and you know it.

>> No.3890808

that didn't happen but. uh, hmm. AH I HATE NORMIES AHH

>> No.3890842

A lot of normie chicks played mariokart on wii when it was a thing

>> No.3890843

pulls out a 40 minute wedding scene

>> No.3890852

>no one else played the broken mess that was army men sarge's heroes multiplayer

>> No.3890880

I fucking hate normies but what I hate more is faggots who think I am lying about playing a game. I fucking played Xenogears on the PS1 back when I was like 14 or something (rented it) and I can hardly remember shit about it besides mechs and some of the first level. Yet I get shit from tards who act like I should remember every single fucking game I played from birth. You autistic fucks have to remember I'm not as autistic as you are.

>> No.3890974

idk anon that sounds pretty realistic IMO, especially when you see dumb hipster faggots buying 20-30$ sugar milk at Starbucks just to take picture of the drink and then throwing it out because they don't drink caffeine or something. I have a poorfag normie friend who asks people of he can have their empty Starbucks cup to take pics of it and upload to normiegram

>> No.3890985

>he uses social media outside of Facebook

>> No.3890993

>waaaahhhh people who get laid regularly like what I like

so much autism and projection contained in one thread.

>> No.3891004
File: 156 KB, 536x440, 1488946682460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard you play those old Final Fantasy right ? What's your favorite Anon ?
>Man those graphic so lame pick better one , like 10

>> No.3891021

At least 10 was still good.

That's the last acceptable answer for a Final Fantasy fan, if you go beyond that, I will diver the conversation elsewhere, as your opinion has been discarded on the subject.

>> No.3891078

>using Facebook

Good goy.

>> No.3891082

XI was fantastic, though. Solo'd the entire main story last year. Lonely, but fun.

>> No.3891092


Don't give me that Mario Party bullshit. No one plays the Mario Party joystick rotating minigames like that. Everyone uses their palm.

>> No.3891098

> pulls out his dick

>> No.3891112
File: 628 KB, 516x402, 1456933899420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "haaaard cooooooorrrr gamur" normie who refuses to play any game that is older than 10 years
>X-COM, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate, classic Fallout games, Douk Nouk 3D, fucking Doom etc.


I wouldn't mind someone not liking these games, but to not even try them? What the fuck!

>> No.3891119
File: 102 KB, 210x305, 6949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passing some time in school library
>playing some Ultima VII from flashdrive for the heck of it
>ultra alpha Chad walks by
>"AYO HOL UP, is dat sum mothafucking ULTIMA? Sweet dawg!"

>> No.3891196

>> You are still playing this kiddie Nintendo shit? LOL

>> Wow Nintendo is so cool, i played it all time back in the 90's

Real story from normies.

>> No.3891221

N64 was 90s and 50 % of all kids had it. Schools had it too... literally everyone I know played on it in the 90s at home, at friends' or at school after classes.. even the popular girl in my class had it, and her step-sister (my current gf) also had it. When I was on uni, people still played on it - even student organizations had one in the office. Used daily.

>> No.3891241

>weird kids had n64

>> No.3891570

At least you have your dreams. You could have tried and failed and lost those as well.

>> No.3891592

This. Once upon a time I used to think I was hot shit at smash bros, but I am unto an ameba compared to tourneyfags.

>> No.3891609
File: 269 KB, 650x1268, XtD41dM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if the change is cultural or you're just talking to more nostalgic young adults.

>> No.3891613

>be me, last night, playing an fps on PC for the first time in a long while
"guys how do I buy a gun is it R?"
>laughing ensues

>> No.3891634

>those fresh,out-of-the-box looking cords on the gamepads
have some attention to detail pls

>> No.3892127
File: 1.49 MB, 320x180, fhHTdp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the ones with the giant, obvious buckles
>the ones not wearing moustaches
>that asshile just wearing a red hoodie

>> No.3892137

>one time I played a game and had fun

lamo, what a normie

>> No.3892153

Pretending to wank your little dick

>> No.3892157

Is that a boy or a girl? 90s fashion was very grunge-angrodynous.

>> No.3892158

Where is this Nintendo sponsored wholesome land? The US?

>> No.3892201

>'90s fashion
>Xbox 360 controller

Not him, but in my small ass hometown, I had an N64 as well as at least 2 other guys in my grade. Our class was 25 kids.

>> No.3892247

>let's play some goldeneye deathmatch I hear that game is really fun!
>how do you hold this silly controller haha

This will be me first time I get to play it. I've played games since 1993 but never had a nintendo console other than a GBA.

I have all TimeSplitters games though and I hear they're similar to GoldenEye.

>> No.3892250
File: 36 KB, 576x432, Lawrence-Limburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're misunderstanding what a strawman is. the person you're replying to is criticizing actual posts made on here whereas the other guys were just making up people to be angry with.

Out of interest. What do you think strawman means?

>> No.3892289

my nigga, that's one game that I loved so much as a kid but would literally kill someone for a better version of. Sarge's heroes is dope, great music, great concept, terrible controls

>> No.3892540

Denmark. A place where Nintendo doesn't even care to do commercials anymore.