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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 640x447, 647281-wcwnworevenge_na[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
388203 No.388203 [Reply] [Original]

WrestleMania was shit, so let's reminisce about classic pro wrestling games.

I used to play this at a friend's house all the time. I always gave Scott Hall nWo Red colors for some reason.

Also WWE totally needs to make a new WrestleMania: The Arcade Game with current personalities.

>> No.388262

i used to play wwf warzone on the ps1 but remembering all the moves was like playing tekken or something

i bought a strategy guide for it but i could never memorize every attack for every wrestler

>> No.388301

Loved that game. Always played tornado with my brother. Loved playing as Turok doing those karate kicks lol.

>> No.388305

Although it's a 2000 game, I was playing WM2000 earlier. Gets pretty repetitive.

>> No.388307
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Best wrestler right here

>> No.388312

I liked that more than Revenge, though.

No Mercy just improved on it, however.


WCW Mayhem and Backstage Brawl hijack.

>> No.388480

No one played any as a kid? What about WWF SmackDown?

>> No.388537
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This is the only wrestling game I've played.

>> No.388558
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>pick secret Disco ring
>throw opponent outside
>force him to dance over and over until he gets counted out
>put on cool face

>> No.388574

I played Wrestlemania on SNES, one of them on Sega (can't remember, but I think it was Randy Savage), and WCW vs nWo World Tour.

Dat Rey Mysterio

>> No.388583
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>Asmik Ace will never make another wrestling game
>Asmike Ace will never make another video game at all
>Asmik Ace is now a movie distributor

>> No.388584

>WWE All Stars was a glorious throwback to arcadey wrestling games
>Tfw no sequel

>> No.388604

>not playing Smackdown! with glorious music and decent resolution entrance videos

>> No.388591

I loved playing Revenge. It always bugged me how no one actually had their real intro music though.

>> No.388592
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Funny story my GF at the time would watch me play No Mercy sometimes (Matches, story mode, etc) but I wouldn't usually watch the shows with her

Then one day she saw the show and she was like WTF THESE CHARACTERS EXIST?

She thought they were all made up for the purpose of the game

>> No.388630
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No love for Smackdown!?

>dem hilarious commercials


>> No.388659

To this day I still play WCW vs nWo World Tour

Although I've only kept playing for the past two years mainly due to cartridge tilting madness

>> No.388672

Oh god, the NWO. I remember every redneck in my school wearing those shirts.

>> No.388702

Don't remember which one it was, but it was one of the first games with a create your own wrestler feature.
>creating fighter
>fucking with all the features
>end up with a 6'4 Transvestite
>the laughter never stopped

>> No.388767

He lost the WWE Title tonight ;_;

>> No.388797

>Playing WCW vs NWO afterschool with bros
>I play as Big Bossman, teammate plays as Ivy
>Playing 2v2 for a while
>Suddenly, game freezes
>Ivy's entire body is stretched across the screen, twitching
I wish I had a camera back then, it was the greatest thing ever

>> No.388823
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that's pretty damn funny.

>> No.389154
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>> No.389185

No Mercy has a thriving community full of modders. So many cool mods but alot of work to install.

The WWF arcade games were always fun too.

>> No.389225

No jack, you don't get to cry. Everyone, everywhere, knew that Twice in a Lifetime was going to be LOL CENA WINS the second the WWE Belt was on the line.

Not really, he was only back to beat Cena last year and to beat CM Punk for the belt this year and to lose to Cena.

>> No.389232

>dat battle royal
>the specials replays, watching Giant with a sad look on his face getting powerbombed by god tier Nash

>> No.390326
File: 123 KB, 640x890, 1196060427-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I played the fuck out of that game with my friends. 4 player was insane. Shit would make everybody buttfurious, goddamn there would be so many fights. Jeckel was an absolute beast, and that ninja dude Han-Zo-Mon was fun. We had also changed all the costumes (it had that minor costume editor) and names of the wrestlers to retarded ones which was rather lol.

That was also my favourite Wrestling game, OP. I got Wrestlemania later for N64 but it just wasn't the same. Second favourite wrestling game ever was probably Wrestlemania for the Genesis, pic related. This game was baller as fuck.

>> No.390360

>that huge chokeslam by the undertaker

>> No.390393

Fuck, I feel like playing through it again now.


Too bad this fucker was using infinite health. But yeah, all of /vr/ needs to play this game.

>> No.390410


I still enjoy that game. Also OP, All Stars basically was like the WrestleMania arcade game.


I made Lil B in No Mercy.

>> No.390423

Doesn't seem to know any moves and shit either... he just keeps spamming punch/kick.

This guy's better

Goddamn I miss midway. ;_;

>> No.390441


You ever play WWF In Your House? It was essentially an update of WWF WrestleMania. Just with guys like Owen Hart, Goldust, Triple H and stuff.

>> No.390452

Kevin Nash was so much fun in that game. My bro and I would always do tag team and we'd just timeout DQ the computer by keeping him on the outside with the non-legal player. Pretty sure they didn't let that work in the sequels because it was stupidly broken.

>> No.390454

No I didn't, but I just might download it now. Wanna play these old gems.

>> No.390460

Yeah this game was amazing.

Only problem is that my cartridge would randomly delete all my progress every so often (Characters, story mode progress, unlockables). It was quite a common problem.

I always remember the feeling of disappointment when my custom character would come down to the ring but 'Custom Theme 1' started playing. It meant it had deleted itself and I'd have to create my character again :(

>> No.390465

How are wrestling games these days? The last ones I played were the N64, PSX and a few PS2 ones (No Mercy, Smackdown etc). How's WWE '13?

Somehow I feel like the golden age of wrestling games has past (like all games, actually).

>> No.390472

>How's WWE '13?
Buggy as fuck.

>> No.390479


The roster is pretty solid.


WWE 12 is boring as fuck. SVR '11 wasn't all that great. SVR 10 was ok. Not sure about '13. The best wrestling games today are the spin offs (All Stars, Legends of WrestleMania)

>> No.390484
File: 5 KB, 74x81, ScorpionAnimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you made in create-a-wrestler mode could ever lay on the cheese like this motherfucker

>> No.390485

Glitchy as all getout.

>> No.390489


Hasn't been a decent one since Here Comes The Pain on PS2.

>> No.390493


I hate that fucking faggot so god damned much holy fucking shit there are no words to describe the amount of quarters he ate.


>> No.390502
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>> No.390506
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>> No.390520
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>> No.390561


I currently have the N64 hooked up and that game plugged in. It has one of the greatest rosters of all time. Even some of the fictional wrestlers are cool. They have a ninja, a sumo wrestler who looks like E. Honda from Street Fighter, a Frankenstein monster, and a stand-in for the late Dr. Death Steve Williams.

When I play this game though, it often makes me think of all of the wasted potential in WCW. Look at Raven there on the cover.

- Goldberg
- Diamond Dallas Page
- Chris Jericho
- Saturn
- Chris Benoit
- Kanyon

I feel like those are the only guys he ever wrestled in WCW. It's not a bad lineup, but Raven was there for something like two years. He was promoted like he was one of their big guys, the leader of the Flock and all of that, but those are pretty much the only six guys he fought during that time.

British Bulldog was in WCW. Who did he ever face besides Steve McMichael. Jim Neidhart was there, but we never saw the Hart Foundation in action.

Everything was about Goldberg or the nWo. Nothing wrong with them, but they had so many guys who never got pushed.

Anyway, back on topic, the game itself is one of my all-time favorites. I love the battle royal mode. You never know who's going to come out next.

>> No.390792



>> No.391138
File: 78 KB, 640x480, burla2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that in that game no matter how hurt you are, when the opponent pins you if you move the analog stick left then right your opponent has to let you go from a pin or submission no matter how hurt you are

It's cheap as fuck and it was funny while my buddies didn't figure it out, but of course after a while they started noticing that I could kick out of pins and submissions no matter how hurt I was

>> No.391384

Last really good one was SmackDown vs. RAW 2009, which is weird.

>> No.391421

>WrestleMania was shit
WWE is on a death defying downward spiral into the trash bin. The storylines are boring, the wrestling is dull, the talent pool is stagnant, and the amount of shows they're airing is nerve wracking. You'd would have thought they would have learned from Turner and Bischoff's mistakes, but NOPE!

The last time I found myself legitimately jazzed about the company was during TLC 2011. The match betwen Nash & Triple H was epic.

>> No.391587

I wish there were more wrestling games like this

>> No.392048

>TLC 2011
>liking quad tear on a ladder match

>> No.392065

That game was one of a kind... nothing else like it.

It's Smash Brothers quality fighting fun.

>> No.392109
File: 144 KB, 500x605, 5436254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is way off /vr/ related but I can see wrestling love going on in here.

I got out of wrestling once WCW was bought out. I remember when Macho Man died a couple years ago I was majorly bummed for like a week and it still gets me down. When I was a kid I really liked watching the cruiser weights go at it because of their high flying stuff, I was even a big fan of Rey Mysterio before he got huge for awhile there.

You guys ever meet real wrestlers? A guy I know is real good friends with Bruno Sammartino and I got to meet with him. Super cool guy and really friendly.

>> No.392194
File: 139 KB, 943x943, IMG_0931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only rasslin' game I ever owned, and I loved it.
My brother who didnt watch wrestling gave it to some guys who actually watched wrestling and they never gave it back.

>> No.392351

not really wrestlers, but i met paul bearer last year...

he said this year was gonna be a good one =(

>> No.394886

There was a problem with the internal batteries (for memory) going bad and juking the data if I can recall correctly.

I had the same issues, so I always backed my wrestlers up on a memory card.

>> No.394890

THQ man was my main.

>> No.394956

I met Paul White one night as a guest appearance at a local Barn brawl event. He's one of the nicest fucking huge guys I ever met.

I also saw Hacksaw Jim Dugan at a supermarket once and chatted with him since I was the only person who recognized him.

>> No.395018

>I love the battle royal mode. You never know who's going to come out next.

>get thrown out by brother
>Eric Bischoff comes out
>purposely get eliminated
>end up standing around outside because he was last entrant

I hated when that would happen.