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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3875824 No.3875824 [Reply] [Original]

What is with the nostalgia for this console now, and why are normies willing to pay $250 for a unit with no expansion pack and a third party controller with no games? When did this happen? Japanese N64 games are cheap but OOT can still fetch $60

>> No.3875846

Its good nigga
And youre exaggerating the prices

>> No.3875853

People who played it as kids are old enough to have disposable income to dump into nostalgia

>> No.3875863
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It's an exaggeration but not by much

>> No.3875869

>2.5x isn't much

>> No.3875871

>$100 for a console with no expansion pack and third party connectors isn't much

>> No.3875878

$100 is pretty standard for a clean guaranteed retro Nintendo console on eBay.

>> No.3876016


thats gotta be just one retarded individual wanting to cash out quickly.

I got my ice blue n64 complete with matching controller for $10 at a flea market, bretty gud condition and ive seen many more for $15-20, is not even that i got lucky.

>> No.3876019

>55 sold

>> No.3876238

>all that licensed crapware
>quest 64
>sports games

I guess we can see now why people who grew up with the N64 as their first console have such shit taste even now.

>> No.3876282
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>> No.3876290

I'm thinking about selling my 64 if the prices have sorta peaked on them. I've got..

The system + 4 controllers
Mario Kart 64 CIB
Super Smash Bros CIB
Goemons Great Adventure CIB
NFL Blitz
Bomberman 64
WCW NWO revenge

Im gonna go for maximum jew and price it at $500. Reasonable?

>> No.3876662

I feel like this is improper usage of the word. Is it really being a hipster if you legitimately enjoy it?

>> No.3876681


I assume he means it in the "person who follows what are perceived to be subculture trends" sense. Whether you call them hipsters or not, there are clearly people who jumped on some sort of bandwagon in recent years and are willing to pay many times what have long been perceived as market value. And besides, in the current year, I find it hard to believe that people who were legitimately interested in the N64 back when it was just an old console haven't been able to get one at this point. If you're replacing a busted unit or something, that makes sense, but still, $80 just seems silly.

>> No.3876693

Nostalgia is hip and the people who are swayed by such things are generally too young to have owned anything before an N64/too American too have ventured far from Nintendo.

Coupled with the nes mini and switch release Nintendo nostalgia is at a high but the fad will pass. It's already peaked.

>> No.3876696
File: 52 KB, 650x370, eb bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying it? Are you sure they buy retro just for that? Most of these people buy these things to show off to peers, and then basically keep them for decoration. It's all done to fit in the current image for beta white millennials of middle income and moderate liberal views. Just like with buying vinyls, coffee, whole foods, you name it. It's just these are the current status symbols for them.
You want a proof? Try to talk about any N64 game with them. You will realize they barely have any idea of what they're talking about.

>> No.3876714

*low to middle income
To not waste a post, I assume that when the life cycle of this trend ends, all these retro consoles will gradually get discarded, like Christmas trees.

>> No.3876719

A box with assorted PS1 shovelware would look even worse.

>> No.3877016

stopped reading right there.

>> No.3877191

>no one is saying this

young adults with disposable income want to play the games they grew up playing.

Why is this a hard concept to grasp?

>> No.3877197 [DELETED] 

why /vr/ sucks SO MUCH at basic economics?

why are you guys just a bunch of retards?


well if you cant afford it, theres at least 100 devices to emulate it, you subhuman piece of shit. Stop crying. Fag.

>> No.3877242

People who were 8-12 during the N64's years are now 20-24 years old.

>> No.3877436 [DELETED] 
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i know you bois hate the n64 but whatever

you boys interested?

>> No.3877463
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>> No.3877687

Why do you think everyone on /vr/ is the same?
Some of us here have owned these systems and games since they came out and don't have to worry about today's prices.

>> No.3877693 [DELETED] 

I was 11-12 during the N64 years and am 31 so kill yourself please.

>> No.3877730

As someones who gets added to plenty of nornie facebook gaming retro trading groups. All i fucking see is n64 circle jerking and with people collecting all tje games with all the different colour controllers and consoles. That and they all think the last of us a 20/10 work of art

>> No.3877761


No but you'll get it.

>> No.3877762
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> everybody is faking except me

>> No.3878025

I was 6 when it came out now im 27

>> No.3878315

Yup. Had an n64 when i was a kid. Now im 25 and can afford to buy all the games i always wanted as a kid

>> No.3878468


Your math is so fucked. I was 8 when the 64 came out, it has been 21 years.

>> No.3878692

The only games worth getting are:
DK 64, Buck Bumble, Mystical Ninja Goemon, Mario 64, and DK 64 again.

>> No.3881268

Rich millenials.

>> No.3881279

Seems like it's your own problem in the first place for using Facebook.

Anyway you kind of missed my point, I wasn't talking about N64 or The Last of Us, I said that not everyone on /vr/ is the same, and that some of us have had these systems and games since they came out, thus not having to worry about today's price inflation.

>> No.3883158

>no Majora's Mask or Banjo Tooie
its like you hate fun or something

>> No.3883242

>some of the most repetitive games ever made

>> No.3883252

>repetitive = not fun
damn i guess every arcade game ever made must be fucking terrible then

>> No.3883273

>blast corps
>mischief makers
>bomberman 64
>doom 64
>gauntlet legends
>episode 1 racer
>perfect dark
>smash bros
>Kirby 64
>star soldier
>Robotron 64
>lode runner 3D
>Mario kart 64
>starfox 64
>either Zelda game

Step it up, senpai

>> No.3883404

Where do you live, son? N64's sell for like $60 with expansion pack here in the Midwestern US. Which is still more than I think it's worth honestly.

>> No.3883447

They're $55 with no expansion pack and one controller at the overpriced retro game store in my area. Pretty reasonable, tbqhfamicom. The games are where they get you. Also the generation that grew up on the N64 already rebought their childhood a few years ago, so the market is stabilizing.

>> No.3883538

It's not until you see someone make a list that you realise how weak the n64s library really was

>> No.3885724

So is the flea market the way to go to find /vr/ at sensible prices? I would guess so since people who sell at them just want to profit from of their storage unit hauls as quickly as possible and hipsters/millenials who buy at the retarded prices are too lazy to wake up at 6:00 A.M. on the weekends to go to flea markets

>> No.3885742


>price lowest first

also have repair skills

>> No.3885756

>ebay lowest prices first listings are always auctions with 4+ days remaning
>Keep an eye on them until they end
>Of course, some fuck always way outbids all bids at the last second and ends up paying these retarded prices

CEN64 playable when?

>> No.3888045
File: 88 KB, 1061x275, zelda-change-languages-code-gameshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$15 for the JAP OOT. Run it with a Gameshark code for English text. Pocket the difference and profit.

>> No.3888057

>muh library
What are u gonna do, play all the games simultaneously

>> No.3888086

My third party controller that I used constantly is honestly the only one still in perfect condition after all this time. Meanwhile the sticks are wobbly as shit in all the first party ones I have. This is the one console where I'd prefer a third party controller.

>> No.3888096

N64 conquered the imagination of kids of the 90's generation in terms of videogames. That's why people really miss it.

>> No.3890627

N64 are like 60€ in France tho. But...you know...