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File: 6 KB, 320x224, phantasy-star-pic1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
386703 No.386703 [Reply] [Original]

Any love for Phantasy Star?

>> No.386710


>> No.386742

I'm not a huge fan of the original. Its really good for an 8 bit RPG, but I think the series really got going with 2.

If you haven't heard what the game was supposed to sound like, though, check it out. Phantasy Star sounds amazing on the Mark 3.

Best video I could find in 10 seconds

>> No.386743

Where's mah Phantasy Star 5?!

>> No.386775

God I love that music.

>> No.386793

I had three of the Phantasy Star games on the GBA.

I lost the cart on a train in egypt.

>> No.386852

>Tfw I can´t unlock the original in the Ultimate Sega collection, because no friends with PS3
Dammit not even for the easy trophy, O wanna try it out

>> No.386870


>> No.386872

I thought the unlock (at least in the 360) was to beat level 2 in Super Thunderblade.

Which means a) actually playing Super Thunderblade, b) playing it enough to master the game enough to beat the first level in that wreck of a game, and c) Sega considers the game worth including in a "best of" collection.

>> No.386879

I just recently beat 4 and I enjoyed it. Now I have to go play the other 3.

Do you guys think I should play it 1 2 3, or should I do 3 2 1 since I started with 4?

>> No.386886

No, in the PS3 version (or both, I wouldn´t know) is to beat the first boss of Sonic 2 with two players

>> No.386895

I played 4, 2, 3, 1

Same thing, played 4, loved it and wanted more.

Something you should be aware of before jumping in, however. 4 is the only one that plays like a typical 16bit JRPG. The previous game, 3, is older than FF4. 1 and 2 are 80s style. What I'm getting at is, you better like dungeon crawlers and graph paper (for 1 and 2).

In order of how good they are, its 4>2>1>3.

>> No.386906

It isn´t as bad, I thought it was pretty fun, a bit of a wreck yes, but better than Altered Beast. It has the 4 Phantasy Star games, Ristar, Headdy, Decappattack and plenty others to redeem it

>> No.386908

Maybe its Space Harrier that required that then.

For the Sonic one, you can cheat and play 2 player mode with only yourself. Beating the first boss is super easy even with a non-existant player 2.

>> No.386963
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>> No.387240
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Best rpg series of all time (at least for me)

>> No.387515

The thing that gets me is PS2 looks like it has interesting characters, but aside from a one sentence introduction and one more sentence in the ending they never say or do anything. It's such a wasted potential. To get any kind of development for them you have to go play the PS2 text adventures, which aren't even very good anyway.

>> No.387529

Putting aside the fact that PS2 is a way better game, 3 has far more wasted potential in that category. 3 has a branching storyline and you get to choose your character's wife and determine his son/your new character.

Problem: none of the characters have any....character. I don't even remember anyone except Rhys having any lines.

>> No.387536

I tried playing it the other day and then like 2 second in there was some weird pseudo3d shit and I stopped playing.

>> No.387557
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>> No.387585


>> No.387587

I wouldn't mind if PS1/PS2 got a remake. But then again, it'd probably be some dumb shit like the Lufia 2 DS remake.

I still have the phantasy star collection for the GBA

>> No.387605
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1603, ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least with PS2, I was able to use my imagination to give the characters personalities. Plus, its a dungeon crawler, the fact that PS2 even has a story and its actually good is all 100% bonus.

In 3, I really couldn't care enough to put much effort into getting into the story. And the characters were just faces. I don't even remember the generation 2 and 3 names! I guess Rhys and Mieu were kind of cool, at least.

>> No.387608

PS1 and PS2 did get a remake.
Only in Japan

>> No.387616

1 and 2 do have remakes, on the psdouble.

Sega butchered (and I do mean BUTCHERED) the music, and made all the characters look mildly retarded.

>> No.387647

Generation 1 is good, I'm waiting a translation for generation 2.

>> No.387683

It takes a lot of effort to make a game that looks and sounds worse than a 1989 Genesis title, but Generation 2 succeeded.

>> No.389096

Where is that pic from? I've scoured the internet for good Phantasy Star art and that's a new one for me.

>> No.390639
File: 101 KB, 520x891, 934922_79479_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through 1 and Gaiden about two years ago and loved them, which then made me buy this just so I could own 2-4 in some form. But then I badly fucked up the first hour I spent on 2 and still haven't bothered restarting.

>> No.391705


>> No.391735

Yes, in fact, thinking of marathoning them after I finish Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Been so long since I beat 1.

>> No.394129

I played Gaiden a couple weeks ago. Beat it the same day I started. It was okay, but man they made some really stupid design choices with it. You get the one guy into your party and literally 5 minutes later he leaves and replaced by someone else. I feel bad for anyone that spent any time leveling him.

>> No.394484

Slightly off topic but how does Phantasy Star Portable relate to the original series?

>> No.394510

Its part of the Online series. It supposedly takes place in the same universe and has a handful of references.

Other than name, its basically a different series.

>> No.394538

I was really hoping that they would follow up the somewhat tenuous connections PSO had with the main series in PSO2.

ah well.

>> No.394557

I had PS2 as a kid. For most of my life, I thought the game was GRINDY AS ALL HELL and never really got far in it, until I showed it to my roommate last year...

And he equipped his character with two weapons.

I had absolutely no idea you could dual wield. I had just never thought to try it.

>> No.395089

Actually it's part of the Universe series, which i unrelated to both the original and Online series.

It remains to be seen, since PSO2 story is still being updated. Online didn't really have a connection to the original series until Phantasy Star Zero on the DS. It's kind of moot anyway because the ames have had shit storylines since Universe.

>> No.395254

as a massive fan of PSO (including ep3) and even a big fan of PSU (it got a lot better after the expansion)

I've always meant to go back and play these, do they still hold up? I love old school JRPGs and was thinking about picking it up sometime soon.

>> No.395276

They do, assuming you want something more than a facerolling easy linear game.

Play 4 first to get a hang of the setting, its a more typical jrpg. If you like it, and you want a serious dungeon crawler experience, check out 2 next.

>> No.395285

oh does it not matter what order you play them in?

>> No.395310

Care to tell me what that connection is? I've always been curious.

>> No.395312

Personally I'd suggest you'd play them in order, since 4 kind of wraps up the entire plot built in 1 and 2 so it ends up being more meningful if you do it that way. alternatively you could just play a bit of 1 and 2 like I did and then play 4 (I never finished 1 and 2 because I got bored near the end)

>> No.395320

Phantasy Star II and IV are awesome.
PS III is... different. The story is super ambitious, but it has a lot of aesthetic problems.
I've never played PSI though, so I can't comment.

>> No.395329

2 is a sequel to 1
3 is a sidestory after 2
4 is a sequel to 2.

2 takes place 1,000 years after 1
3 and 4 take place 1,000 years after 2

So, while they are sequels, playing them in order is not required.

Plus, playing them in order means playing 1, a first person 80s dungeon crawler, first. And playing 3, a rather tedious failed experiment, before 4, arguably the best in the series.

>> No.395357


tough choices here, I'm a bit of a masochist though so I'll try them in order first and if I get bored with 1 I'll just skip on to 2.

>> No.395368

You can always play PS1's remake.

>> No.395381

are you sure about that? i've unlocked it and never played with another person

>> No.395393

You just beat the first boss with sonic and tails. no one else has to control tails.

>> No.395410
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If you're a masochist, you'll love 2. Play it without using the internets to find maps at all and you'll get the glowing satisfaction of beating some of the hardest mazes in any JRPG ever.

I think 1 is more disorienting just because of the 1st person perspective (everything looks the same, I get lost even WITH making maps), but 2's dungeons are just so complex.

There's nothing wrong with starting with 1. All the games except 3 are top notch, and even 3 isn't THAT bad, its certainly playable. Just know what you're getting into. Only 4 feels like a modern-style jrpg.

>> No.395525

1 question, are they all first person RPGS or just the 1st one? cause honestly I've never played a first person RPG I've liked.

>> No.395532

Only the dungeons are first person.

>> No.395536

All of the combat is always first-person, but 1 is the only one with first person POV dungeons IIRC.

>> No.395546

All of them are 3rd person except the first. The first is only 1st person inside of dungeons, the towns and world are 3rd person.

>> No.395578


hmm, I'm still gonna give them a try, simply because I love the setting

but I just love playing games where I can my guys little battle sprites flail about and the enemies take damage

also I lied, I just remembered I love the Mother series, so maybe this won't be too bad.

>> No.395595

can see*

>> No.395610

The battles are still interesting. Even in PS1 the series had some of the best enemy animation in video games, and in the later entries you are able to see your character's backs as they attack, so it's not totally first person in battles.

>> No.395626

Oh neat

>> No.395660

*from pscave

>> No.395653

I just got the ISO from

Do I need to do anything special with PCSX2 or can I just install, do some basic configurations (controller input) and have at it?

>> No.395797

Well, you need to mount the ISO to a virtual drive via an Alcohol-like program.

>> No.395828

how would beer help?