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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 511x428, pajamafeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3866749 No.3866749 [Reply] [Original]

can you guys recommend me a comfy ps1 game while writing a sentence or two about what makes it fun instead of just dumping lists and lists?

im feeling blue and just want to spend an afternoon in a pleasant way while drinking whisky and playing vidya


>> No.3866750

Jackie Chan Stuntmaster

Also go fuck yourself. The reason people dump lists and lists is because these threads happen multiple times daily.

>> No.3866753 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 632x318, hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a shit game and nobody is pointing a gun to your head to post in this thread you cunt

>> No.3866756

>hating on Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Sure is a good way to start your thread.

>> No.3866758

its a clunky game with shit visuals and shit floaty controls. you cant dispute that.
first Fighting Force is a vastly superior and far more competent fighter/beat em up

>> No.3866760

spyro 1
If you complain about that one then I hope you drink enough to die

>> No.3866761


>> No.3866767
File: 433 KB, 1058x829, Arc_the_Lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arc The Lad

it's good and it's like a cross between SMRPG, FFT and isn't overlong or boring at all.

>> No.3866791

literally kys

>> No.3866793
File: 409 KB, 1451x1015, IMG_20170318_122145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit visuals

You might be slightly retarded, brother.

>> No.3866794
File: 28 KB, 319x312, ApeEscapeNACover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only completed the PSP port. You run around trying to catch monkeys in a net. It's a very calm game, you can't go wrong.


I've been meaning to play this because it looks chill and I like the OST. Too many RPGs are laden with melodrama, this one looks like it doesn't take itself too seriously. If it's anything like SMRPG or FFT then it's up my alley, the latter of which I recommend without question.

>> No.3866796

I have heard that the PS1 version is objectively better because of the original, unique control scheme.

>> No.3866797

Even fucking FFVII has better looking face models, and im talking about the shitty lego looking ones

>> No.3866798

Go GameFAQs, look for several playstation games, check out user reviews of it if it seems interesting to you.

>> No.3866801


Been meaning to play Arc The Lad, in case I wasn't clear.

>> No.3866804
File: 132 KB, 1024x1152, IMG-20150322-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me for wanting to discuss fucking games on a video game board you autismal shitlord

>> No.3866805

What the fuck is wrong with you you anime posting retard? Bring your aggressive garbage to /v/. The guy was just trying to help you, dumbass.

>> No.3866809

You don't want to discuss shit, you want people to spoonfeed you.

When did you guys get so much cancer on this board?

>> No.3866810

Because a person who is on /vr/ is not aware of GameFAQs in 2017

are you for real mate

do you also show people starbucks when they want to discuss great coffee?

>> No.3866812

Why is OP ruining his own thread?

Why would he do this?

>> No.3866815

When we ran out of shit to discuss.

>> No.3866816

I gave you exactly what you asked for in your OP and that's still not enough? Man you sure are an ungrateful bastard.

>> No.3866959

>start a thread
>its a "spoon feed me" thread
>it's a "spoon feed me" thread with fucking demands

How not to start a thread 101.

>> No.3866973

give threads of fate a try, it's a really cool action game where you can play as two different characters in their own story line in the same town. Mint is an offensive don't give a fuck mage princess who got kicked out of her kingdom by her younger sister and your goal as her is to get revenge. There's Rue if you want a more serious story about a boy with a mysterious past, but I found his game play to be simpler and the story less impactful.

You'll probably find it really comfy if you like the small seaside town style the game has going for it.

>> No.3866998

If you liked the anime, play the Vampire Hunter D PSX game. It's based on the second movie and it's p good.
If you're looking for mystery/horror, check out the Clock Tower or Echo Night series. Both are comfier than you might expect a horror survival game to be with emphasis on problem solving rather than combat.
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature can't be topped for comfy, relaxing game play. It's a long haul, but it's a game you'll want to live inside of as you progress.
Brave Fencer Musashi is a fun steam-blower. I haven't beaten it yet, but from what I've played I'd recommend it if you're looking for action with a fun story.
Tenchu: Stealth Assassin is frustrating but relatively comfy to explore and fuck around in.

>> No.3867005


You get to enjoy comfy ass Balamb garden while engaging in politics as a third party mercenary

>> No.3867008

>not fun

This guy.

>> No.3867074

a fun, comfy pee ess wan game?
sounds like brave fencer musashi

>> No.3867114
File: 54 KB, 616x613, Boku_no_Natsuyasumi_Cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boko no natsuyasumi
>0 results

OP this is the game you want though it's probably late afternoon for you now and you're already drunk.

"My Summer Holidays: 20th Century" is a game in which you're a young boy in the late 70s spending his Summer with family in rural Japan.

You can just wander around the landscape your first playthrough discovering things at your own pace then on your second playthrough consider actually buckling down and collecting bugs which is the main "game" element (you can find other boys with bugs for your bugs to fight)

>> No.3867117

Spyro and Crash games are garbage, brain dead collectathons.

>> No.3867126

He wanted a comfy game, how is a basic and easy collectathon not that? Should we recommend more difficult games that will be stressful and therefore not comfy?

>> No.3867141

this is why comfy is a horrible adjective to describe games, it means something different to everyone else.

>> No.3867162

Well let's just let OP be the judge on what he thinks is comfy instead of railing on each others' recommendations because they don't coincide with on another.

>> No.3867256

>boko no natsuyasumi
this sounds fucking nice, will check it out
I played all of those except Brave Fencer Musashi.
Threads of fate is comfy/10, nice taste bud.

>> No.3867783
File: 97 KB, 500x500, Critical_Depth_computer_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was top comfy

>> No.3868558

What a fucking dick. You should not ask for help if you will whine about it

>> No.3868560

SaGa Frontier

Epic music, hard, epic storytelling.

one of the few Square games where status effects actually work

>> No.3868571

RPG Maker

Instead of a progressive RPG, you can make a comfy town with comfy neighbors. Really wish I could do the same in Garry's Mod but the RPG tools in that game don't let me give the NPCs diolague.

>> No.3868579

>a third party mercenary
Seems like you didn't play discs 2-4.

Anyway, for comfy, I suggest Tomba! (Tombi in the EU)

>> No.3868907

seriously this is one hell of a comfy way to spend an afternoon.

i found a memory card with some game my friends and i made back in middle school for fun and played them and it was a blast.

>> No.3868930

He's a weeaboo so he has severe developmental problems.

>> No.3868937

OP, I am also depressed today and playing some Zelda to keep my mind off this shit. I just can't get past the feeling that I'm isolated in everything - in my community, in my culture, in my family, etc. I just don't know how to get rid of this lingering state of perpetual free-fall.

I was at a party last night, and I just felt so dizzy and spastic mentally, I was sitting there, taking it all in, and I eventually just had to tell the host that I had to head out and do some stuff. Later I attempted to tell her I was dealing with depression, and why, and she just acted like I was a burden. Even the expression of my own thoughts is reflected only upon one set of ears - mine.

I'm hoping she texts me back and has some sort of understanding about my point of view, but at this point in my life I'm not even sure if I should have the expectation that other people will be able to empathize with me.

Things didn't use to be like this, even a couple years ago I could hang out with my friends, and even relative strangers and have a good time. Now, I just feel like my world is a Hoberman sphere and it's being stretched to its breaking point, with me just sort of hovering in the center.

I love you guys.